
Chapter 257 - Sayas Decision

Chapter 257 - Saya\'s Decision

With the increase of 100 points to all of his attributes, Souta’s strength rose to the next level. This time he was sure that he would pass the advancement exam of the Adventurers Guild.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

Souta was slashing his sword in a refined manner just like Yujin. He was training his sword skill so that when he evolved the level of his mastery would reach a higher level.

After half an hour of practicing, Souta stopped as he sat down on the ground. "It’s not enough... I felt that my sword skill become stagnant these days." He muttered while looking at his hand. It seems that he really needed to look for a teacher to teach him sword mastery.

He rubbed his chin as he tried to recall how many points he had in the institute. He used his points for Bargan before and Bargan teaches him about tamer.

"Should I use my points to hire some private tutor?" Souta whispered as he glanced in the sky while rubbing his chin. There were dozens of sword teachers in the institute and Souta had someone in his mind. Jess Blueleaf, Bargan’s good friend and the teacher of the sword class.

’Do you want me to teach you?’ Saya’s voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Huh? You, teaching me?" Souta looked at the sword with a confused expression.

’Yes, I will teach you.’ Saya replied to him.


Souta turned his head as someone called him. He saw Lumilia walking towards him with a towel and bottle of water in her hands.

"Oh, thanks." He thanked Lumilia as he used the towel to wipe the sweat on his face.

"No problem, practicing sword skill again?" Lumilia shook her head and asked.

"Yeah, I need to grow stronger," Souta replied to her as he looked down at his hands. He then looked at her and changed the topic. "What’s the situation?"

"Ahem..." Lumilia forcefully coughed and her tone changed into a serious one. "We managed to sell some of the weapons and armors that we got in clearing dungeons. We earned five hundred forty five silver coins by selling the blue grade equipment and below."

"Hmm... That’s good." Souta nodded as he rubbed his chin. He then turned at her and said, "The Lanny corp promise me to buy the White Jade Spider for one thousand and two hundred platinum coins. So I want you to divide the rewards to the people who participated in the raid. After that, you can give the lanny group’s part to them. They are your priorities. The matter of Dark Oculus we could handle it later."

"Understood." Lumilia nodded and she gazed at Souta in the eyes before asking. "Do you have a plan to break your contract with the Lanny corp?"

"Nope," Souta simply answered her question without saying his reason.

They could probably earn more if they put the White Jade Spider in an auction house but Souta didn’t do so because he had a contract with Lanny corp. Most of their spoils were sold to the Lanny corp because of their contract. From the outsider’s standpoint, they could only guess that Lanny corp deployed Souta here to hunt this monster. They didn’t have any idea that Souta and Lanny corp didn’t have a master and subordinate relationship.

They were just using each other. The Lanny corp was using his name and fame while Souta was using their people and properties for his own use. If the Lanny corp wanted Souta to do something for them, they couldn’t force him if he declined their request. Souta was free to move according to his will. The contract didn’t bound him to work for Lanny corp.

"I see." Lumilia nodded and she didn’t ask any more questions about the Lanny corp.

"I was thinking that I should take the advancement exam in this country so that when we returned we could focus ourselves on establishing the legion," Souta suggested as he glanced at her. He opened the bottle and drunk the water inside it before giving it back to Lumilia.

"That’s a good idea but..." Lumilia sat down beside him before she continued, "the exam is different to each branch of the guild. We didn’t have any idea what’s the advancement exam in this country."

"Don’t worry about it. I’m confident that I have a power of B-rank so I will pass the advancement exam." Souta answered her confidently. All it matters was his strength. If he didn’t have the strength of a B-rank Souta wouldn’t pass the exam even if he took the exam from different countries.

"I see, our party is getting larger." Lumilia nodded and said. If Souta said that then she could only believe in him.

"Yeah, so I think you should try to upgrade your power too. Build up your magic capacity so that you can cast dozens of tier 2 spells. It’s important, you know?" Souta looked at her face.

"Yeah, I’m working on it but I think that it will take a few months, unlike Bryan who is about to reach B-rank," Lumilia said with a sigh.

"Don’t compare yourself to him. Bryan is a freak with four elemental affinities. His tier 1 spell could even rival some of the weak tier 2 spells." Souta said as he closed his eyes.

"The same thing could be said to you. You said it yourself that you’re a B-rank." Lumilia said with a sneer.

"Tsk!" Souta clicked his tongue as the wind blew past his face making his hair flutter. "We’ve come a long way."

"Yeah, I didn’t even imagine that we would form a party when first saw you in the class. I thought that this year would become a normal school for me but thanks to you I’ve experienced a lot of things that I haven’t experienced before." Lumilia said as a beautiful smile flashed on her face. "I’m bound by my family. I thought that I would never be able to escape from it but I’ve gained my freedom. In truth, I was hopeless at that time when my father called me."

"Haha, I can see it in your face. You’re quite hopeless." Souta said with a laughed.

"Don’t laugh at me. Mmmm, I’m being serious here." Lumilia puffed her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, I won’t laugh at you. When I first saw you, I thought that you’re just a cheeky noble brat." Souta said to her.

"Huh? I’m not a cheeky brat!" Lumilia looked at him with wide eyes.

"I mean, you’re always stopping Bryan from sleeping. Calling teacher as if you’re a leech." Souta said as he opened his arms while shaking his head.

Lumilia’s face turned red and she lowered her head. She slowly opened her mouth and said in a tiny voice, "So that’s what you’re impression of me, huh? I’m just trying to fulfill my role as a class rep so you can’t blame me for that. I’ve been learning to follow the rules and be a disciplined person since I was a child."

"Hahaha, what can I say? I’m only saying the truth." Souta said as he stood up and patted his clothes. "I’ll continue my training so I won’t go back with you."

"Okay, I’ll tell them that you’re training. I will be back to bring your lunch." Lumilia said as she stood up.

"Thanks." Souta thanked her as he held the vajra sword in his hand tightly.

"No problem. Don’t push yourself too hard." Lumilia shook her head and left after leaving these words.

Souta gazed at her back while thinking about the things that happened before. All of them grew stronger. At their current strength, they would be able to defeat him if he had the same strength when he first arrived in the Ladros city. At that time, their power was just D-rank.

But now, in just a few months, they grew up close to B-rank.

Well, it was also thanks to them that he was able to earn a lot of skill points. If he stayed in the Undead Sanctuary he wouldn’t be able to become a battle mage in just a short amount of time.

’You’re worried about her.’ Saya said suddenly.

"Nope, I trust them. I don’t need to worry about them. Oh, right? You said that you’re going to teach me, right?" Souta recalled what Saya said before.

’Yeah, I confirmed that you’re worthy of becoming my partner. Do you know the past wielder of the vajra sword?’ Saya asked him.

"Nope," Souta shook his head.

’Then, do you know the Zomus country?’

"Yeah, it’s the large country below the Hebrei kingdom. Why you ask?" Souta nodded.

’The founder of that country is one of my past wielders, the Black Edge Zomus.’

"What?!" Souta was shocked when he heard her words.

’All the people that wield the vajra sword are great people that either become a king of a country or become a hero. And I’m the one who taught them their skills. So I’ve decided that your worthy of becoming my partner. I will impart you some skills that will help you in your journey.’

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