
Chapter 136 - Chain Quest: Ice Dome

Chapter 136 - Chain Quest: Ice Dome

"I changed my mind..." Gregory said in a cold tone while looking at Randolf. Then, he looked at Lumilia and added, "I’m going to crush your hope. You think these people are enough to save you from me. You’re wrong, I’ll personally take care of you!"

"Hoho~ someone’s talking highly." Randolf laughed as he looked at Gregory.

"My Knights!!" Gregory said in a loud voice.

"My Lord!!" All the knights replied in unison.

"Capture all of them!" Gregory commanded his knights.

"Yes, My Lord!!" The knights replied when they heard the order of their lord. They bent their knees and jumped on the roofs of the houses around them.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

All of them pulled out their swords and looked at Lumilia and the rest. They were ready to attack them at any time.

"Why are you here, guys?" Lumilia asked as she turned her head and saw Nayo, Bryan, Randolf, Lynn, George, and Cl.u.s.ter.

"We’re here to take you back, class rep? You know we couldn’t properly plan the cultural festival without you." Bryan replied to her with a smile on his face.

"That’s right, Mila. We’re here to help you." Nayo and Lynn said to Lumilia with concern in their voice.

"How did you-" Lumilia didn’t manage to finish her sentence as Bryan interrupted her.

"Cl.u.s.ter told me that you will never come back. So I asked why and she showed me a letter from your father." Bryan said with a proud expression.

"Oi! Why are you proud of that?" Nayo said as she looked at Bryan on the corner of her eyes.

"I see..." Lumilia nodded as she glanced at Cl.u.s.ter. It seems that Cl.u.s.ter picked up the letter that she threw in the trash can. Still, she’s glad that they came here because they were worried about her. "But... Why did you bring Cl.u.s.ter?"

"She said she wanted to come so I let her," Bryan said as he shrugged his shoulder.

Lynn and Nayo didn’t think that they would found their friend being cornered by the knights. They didn’t know what happened but they knew that they have to save Mila from the knights.

They came here to talk to Lumilia. They didn’t expect any fight at all. Only Bryan expected that to happen. In the end, Bryan was right, battles were everywhere in the city when they arrived here.

All the students of the Mage Class 1-B were here. When they arrived in the city, battles were already happening. They asked some people and found that Lumilia got kidnapped and the knights were trying to find her. But what they found here was the opposite. The knights were the real enemies and the rumors going around the city were all fakes.

The students of the Mage Class 1-B split up. The other students went to the other battlefields while Bryan and the rest went here luckily they found Lumilia.

"You have the guts to talk in front of me, Gregory Vidrato! My knights attack them!" Gregory said in an arrogant tone while looking at them as if they were trash.

"Yes, my lord!" The knights replied to Gregory before five knights stepped forward and charged towards Bryan’s group.

"Hmph! Quit talking big!" Randolf snorted and he waved his hand towards the five knights.

[White Flash]!!

A white light flashed brightly and it caused everyone in the vicinity to cover their eyes including Gregory. It was so bright that they couldn’t see what’s happening around them.

Randolf then appeared in front of the defenseless five knights. These knights were covering their eyes from the white light.

He opened his palm and a blueish energy blade appeared.

[Mana Blade]!

Randolf grabbed the blade and swung it towards the five knights but something happened.

A wall of rock rose up from the ground and blocked his blade.


"Tsk! As expected of that fat man. This skill isn’t enough to stop him." Randolf clicked his tongue when he saw that his attack failed.

"Hais... Why did I come here?" Randolf sighed and said to himself. He recalled that Bryan asked him to come with him because they needed manpower. He came along because he was curious and he also has nothing to do.

The wall cracked and it turned into tiny pieces of rocks. It then shot towards Randolf with high speed.

’Why didn’t that Bryan ask Souta? I thought they are friends.’ Randolf thought as he moved his body swiftly and avoided all the rocks that were thrown at him.

Suddenly, spikes burst out of the ground. It went straight at Randolf.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

’I thought that something interesting would happen here but it just these dumb knights and noble. Well, it’s true that this fat man is strong but I wouldn’t enjoy fighting him if he’s this weak at his age.’ Randolf thought as he sliced all the spikes with his blade.

He then jumped and saw two fireballs on his left and right side.

[Water Blade]!!

Randolf simply shot two blades made of water to his left and right side.

Boom! Boom!

The water and fire collided and mist spread in the whole area.


’I can’t be helped. I’ll let them owe this time around.’ Randolf thought as two knights appeared from both of his sides and one in the front.

He slowly opened his mouth and said, "Actually, I’m not a full-fledged mage. I’m an all-rounder." Randolf clenched his fist and shot a punch to the knight in front of him.

[Hundred Impact Punch]!

His fist looks slow and it didn’t even reach the knight. It hit the air but it caused ripples in the air and it distorted the space.


A loud booming sound echoed in the whole area and it shook the ground heavily. The three knights that were about to attack Randolf flew towards Gregory along with the force of the punch. Their bones were all broken and it would need a high-level healing spell to completely heal them.

"This..." Gregory was surprised when he saw this. But he quickly regained his composure and casted a defensive spell.

[Ground Barrier]!

[Armor Reinforcement]!

A barrier made of rocks formed around Gregory and it protected him from Randolf’s attack. It covered him like a cocoon to protect him in all directions.


The earth shook heavily as the attack landed on the barrier. The barrier crashed on the roof and the floors below it until it landed on the ground.


The inn started to crack and it slowly fell burying the Gregory on the ground floor of the inn.


Inside the barrier, Gregory had a deep frown on his face. The barrier was too hard as Randolf’s attack only made a dent on it. Even that powerful skill couldn’t shatter Gregory’s barrier.

’That man is stronger than I expected. The skill that he used is a high-level combat arts called [Hundred Impact Punch]. To think I would see this kind of arts from a mere nobody like him.’ Gregory thought as he gritted his teeth.

"What’s wrong? Did you have some problems there? Don’t worry I will come there and your problem will increase." A voice sounded through his talisman. The talisman was still connected to the other so he still could hear Souta’s voice from the other side.

"Problem? There’s no problem here." Gregory snorted and he cut the connection of the talisman so that he couldn’t hear Souta’s annoying voice.


Randolf observed it and he opened his mouth. He said, "Get ready, he’s coming."

Lynn and Nayo took Lumilia while George and Bryan were going to protect them from any knights that attack them.

"Continue moving forward. We’re going to stall them." George said.

"What stall? We’re going to defeat them." Bryan corrected George’s words.

"Quit talking like that, you can’t defeat him anyway," Randolf said with a smirk while looking at the two.


A powerful magical energy burst out beneath the debris of rocks. The rocks were thrown away and shot off in a distance.

Randolf waved his hand and a barrier around him that protected him from the rocks. He squinted his eyes and saw Gregory was releasing a very large amount of mana which was visible to n.a.k.e.d eyes.

"Ho~ it looks like he’s finally taking this seriously. Well, if it’s me you can’t fight me without getting serious, or else you would suffer the consequences." Randolf looked at Gregory with an amused expression. ’I don’t want to fight this man. I only fight those geniuses. I’m an artificial genius, after all.’ He thought.


Lynn, Nayo, Cl.u.s.ter, and Lumilia were moving forward but something appeared before them.


A wall of ice rose up from the ground blocking their way. The wall continued to rise until it became a dome that covered the whole area. The place that it covered wasn’t a small area but a large one that has five hundred meters diameter.

It covered the whole battlefield and it means that everyone wouldn’t be able to leave this place as long as the barrier was still there.

Randolf, Bryan, and George looked up at the ice that was covering the sky.

Gregory and the knights also looked up at the dome.

"This spell... Father..." Lumilia muttered while looking at the barrier.

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