
Chapter 635  Cuban Begins His Domination

Chapter 635  Cuban Begins His Domination

In an unexpected turn, the seemingly innocuous butterflies erupted in a series of explosions that engulfed both Lenny and Athena. The concussive force of the blasts disoriented Lenny, momentarily blackening his consciousness. As he gradually regained his senses, a faint symphony of whistles resonated in his ears, interwoven with Athena\'s urgent calls for him to rise.

Struggling against the lingering disorientation, Lenny attempted to push himself up, only to find his body weakened and fatigued. The explosive onslaught had drained not only his physical strength but also his resolve to engage in battle. Slowly raising his head, Lenny witnessed the retreating horde of nether beasts, fleeing in fear from the chaos unleashed upon them.

Arrows, akin to the one that had devoured the nether beast before, rained down with precision, consuming many of the fleeing creatures. Amidst the tumult, humanoid figures materialized beside Lenny and Athena. Athena\'s defiant screams echoed through the Nether, a futile resistance against the mysterious assailants. The figures swiftly bound Lenny\'s hands and feet with ropes, lifting him onto their shoulders.

As they carried him toward a waiting nether beast, Lenny felt the grip of fatigue overwhelming him. The chaotic events, combined with the lingering disorientation from the explosive assault, caused him to lose consciousness once again. The world around him blurred as he succumbed to the embrace of unconsciousness, leaving behind a realm filled with enigmatic threats and the lingering echoes of Athena\'s futile defiance.

<Wake up Host! WAKE UP!!" Lenny heard the voice of a screaming toddler in his head that prompted him to open his eyes as he actively looked around him. Quickly, Lenny figured out the situation that he was now in. His hands and legs were tied together. His mouth was also sealed.

Lenny tried to struggle out of his restraints. After all, he was still a Great demon existence. Ropes were not the kind of things that should bind him in place. However, no matter how much he tried, it just would not budge. In fact, it was as if the harder he tried, the weaker he became. <Don\'t worry, Host, it won\'t work. The ropes that bind you are not normal ones. They had been bathed in the dust of the nether and were made to special eat the power of those from reality. The more you struggle, the more weakened you will become.>

Lenny frowned at this. "So you are finally awake!" Lenny addressed the Embryonic soul in his head. <Well, I had no choice> As it said this, The embryonic soul brought up Lenny\'s stats to his face. Lenny\'s stats all read <0>

<Your stats are all in the red. This brought about an emergency response that immediately woke me up from my sleep>

Lenny nodded. "I see!" "Tell me, what did they hit me with?" The embryonic soul was silent a bit as if it was analyzing the components and then it answered, <Unknown!>

"Unknown? Aren\'t you supposed to like know everything there is in the world?" Lenny heard the embryonic soul sigh <exactly, everything in the world. I don\'t think you have noticed, but this is not the world. Its a place that is not a place outside known reality. Also, I don\'t know everything in the world. Only as much as I can analyze from the Cosmic Law in the air. This place does not have cosmic law. It is practically nothingness.>

Lenny frowned, "is it all hopeless?"

<Analyzing... Yes! Yes it is.> The answer Lenny got was not one that he was expecting at all. However, the embryonic soul explained further.

<All energy levels are at Zero. If not for the unique nature of the Nether, host should be dead. Even weaving of runes is impossible. If Host wants to climb his energy levels, he needs a source of energy. I have taken the liberty to scan the nether creatures and even the bodies of the Agents of the Nether for any food sustenance that host may partake off to replenish lost energy.>

"And what did you find?" <All the creatures of the nether are as Host would expect. They are, inedible, made up of pure nether.>

Lenny sighed at the bad news. But the embryonic soul was not done.

<However, the Agents of the Nether are rather very unique in nature>

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Lenny asked. <They are living> The embryonic soul responded.

"Oh really!" Lenny suddenly had a glee in his eyes as abominable thoughts weaved in his head.


As Lenny was captured along side Athena, and taken to a faraway place. something else was happening in the eighth earth.

In the ominous skies above, Cuban, the blood demon of the Asmodeus family, loomed with an imposing presence. Having emerged from his cocoon, he now possessed a colossal form, several times larger than before, with protruding horns on the sides of his head. His entire being radiated a deep, blood-red hue, a visual manifestation of the immense power that now coursed through him. Though lacking wings, Cuban defied gravity, suspended in mid-air as a testament to his newfound status as a Great Demon.

As he gazed down upon a town nestled below, a sinister grin adorned Cuban\'s visage. The town belonged to the witches, a territory protected by the dictates of Cosmic law that prevented him from entering directly. However, such restrictions did not hinder him from inflicting terror upon the land and its inhabitants. The witches, once under the influence of Mr. Augustus, now faced the malevolent force of Cuban.

"Surrender and submit to me!" boomed Cuban\'s authoritative voice, echoing through the air with an undeniable aura of dominance. The mere utterance carried a weight that compelled attention, instilling fear in the hearts of those below. Cuban\'s menacing presence heralded a massacre of unprecedented proportions, a dark chapter unfolding in the once-peaceful town. The witches, caught in the crossfire of demonic authority, found themselves at the mercy of Cuban\'s insatiable thirst for dominion.

Amidst the chaos and impending doom, the chief Magi of the besieged town stepped forward. Despite his stature, he emanated an aura of strength and determination, marked by a charismatic expression that rallied the men and women behind him. Witches and magi alike stood united, their collective support evident as they prepared to face the looming threat.

"We were once slaves to Mr. Augustus. Finally, he is dead, and now we have regained our freedom. We are not as weak as we used to be. According to cosmic law, you cannot enter our abode. This means that we have the home advantage. We will fight for our freedom, and if need be, we will die trying," declared the chief magi, his words resonating with unwavering confidence. His unwavering gaze remained fixed on Cuban, defiance etched in every line of his face.

Cuban, amused by the audacity of the chief magi, chuckled ominously. His voice reverberated across the desolate wasteland, echoing the impending clash. "If you have chosen to die, then die!" he declared, slowly raising a hand as cosmic energy crackled within his grasp. The very earth trembled in response to the unleashed power, setting the stage for a cataclysmic confrontation between the resilient townspeople and the malevolent force that threatened their newfound freedom.

As the chief Magi\'s defiant words hung in the air, the assembled witches and magi, determined to defend their freedom, swiftly took action. In a ritualistic display of blood and magic, they made deep cuts on their hands, channeling their essence into the earth. In response, a sinister gateway to the Nether emerged from the ground, a portal between worlds crackling with eldritch energy.

From the depths of the Nether, grotesque creatures began to emerge, their forms twisted and contorted by the malevolent energies of the Nether realm. The horde that spilled forth seemed like a nightmare given life, a nightmarish amalgamation of demonic entities. Skeletal figures with elongated limbs and multiple joints slithered out, their bones clinking together with an eerie rhythm.

Amidst them, amorphous masses of pulsating flesh oozed forward, each step leaving a trail of ichor and otherworldly residue. Eyes, numerous and unblinking, adorned their grotesque forms, giving them a ghastly and unsettling appearance. The air resonated with guttural growls, hisses, and other indescribable sounds as the nether beasts responded to the summons.

This unholy legion, born from the depths of the Nether, now stood between the townspeople and the looming threat of Cuban. The battleground was set, and the clash between cosmic powers and eldritch abominations promised a spectacle of otherworldly proportions.

Cuban, suspended in the air with an air of disdain, observed the emergence of the nether creatures summoned by the witches and magi. The defiant confidence of the townspeople seemed to amuse him, and a sardonic smile played on his blood-red lips. As the unsettling sounds of the nether beasts filled the air, he allowed a moment of apparent pause.

With a tone dripping with contempt, he muttered, "Trash will forever remain trash!" The words echoed ominously, carrying an implicit threat that lingered in the air. Cuban\'s eyes glowed with an intensity that betrayed his deep-seated arrogance, and his posture exuded the aura of a demonic authority ready to assert itself over the lesser beings before him.

The townspeople, bolstered by the presence of the nether creatures, were momentarily emboldened. Little did they know that Cuban, the blood demon of the Asmodeus family, was a force to be reckoned with...

(Author\'s note: its the end of the month fam. I want to say a thank you to all of you. we finally made our first 200 golden tickets last month. it was all combined efforts of you all. I hope to continue feeding you all with a beautifully twisted sadistic book you all love. I love you all. And please enjoy your christmas, and new year)

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