
Chapter 519 The Hell beast is...

Chapter 519 The Hell beast is...

Lenny was moved by the sudden shake and stormy vibrations, and he came out of his hiding spot in order to see what was going on.

In this dystopian twilight where shadows danced like malevolent spirits, there was suddenly a behemoth, a titan wrought from the nightmares of the world.

Its colossal form, a meld of sinew and scale, rippled with muscles that shifted beneath its obsidian skin like molten rivers of anguish. Each step it took reverberated through the very bones of the Earth, a seismic symphony that shook the ground and rattled the heavens, sending tremors in all directions.

Its eyes, twin orbs of smoldering fury, glowed like dying embers, casting an eerie, blood-red light that sliced through the dense darkness. Fangs, longer than scimitars, jutted from its gaping maw, jagged and sharp as the cruel hands of fate. With every exhalation, its breath billowed out in sulfurous clouds, choking the air with the stench of decay and despair.

Its hide was a tapestry of ancient scars, etched with the marks of battles won and lives snuffed out. Veins of molten lava pulsed beneath its surface, casting an unholy glow that seeped through its monstrous form.

The ground quaked beneath its sheer mass, a cacophony of destruction that heralded its malevolent presence.

As this hellish leviathan moved, the very earth wept. Grass withered and turned to ash, trees bowed in submission, and rivers fled, their waters trembling in fear. Other mutated beasts, once fearsome in their own right, cowered and fled at its approach, their roars reduced to pitiful whimpers. The air crackled with an electric tension, a primal instinct that screamed of the beast\'s insatiable hunger and unrelenting wrath.

This was no ordinary creature; it was a living cataclysm, a nightmarish embodiment of the apocalypse.

In its wake, the world trembled, and even the bravest creatures flee its presence, for to get too close was to invite the very essence of terror into their hearts.

The hell beast had arrived, and in its wake, the world quivered, its very foundation shaken by the monstrous horror that had been unleashed upon it.

Lenny was hundreds of kilometers away, but from the trail of fire still falling from the sky, he could tell where the creature had come from and the very reason he had not seen it all this time.

This creature had come from the sky. To be precise, it had come from the trajectory of one star.

Lenny stared in amazement at the dying ball of fire in the sky that had spat this creature unto the earth.

Yes, the reason he had not seen nor sensed this hell beast all the while was because it had been inside the dying sun that shone light to this world.

"What in the fucking hell?" Lenny was absolutely speechless.

All the while, he had thought that the creature that he was supposed to hunt and take the whistle horn from would be an easy target. After all, the last time he had seen a hell beast, it was the paraglider.

Of course, it was big and scary, but it did not have literal magma from the sun flowing on its body.

lenny was about a Hundred kilometers from the beast but even he could feel the intense heat from the sun that seemed to burn the hair follicles on his skin.

this was not at all a normal creature.

Even creatures that lenny would normally stay away from were afraid of this Behemoth of a creature.

All of them running for cover at the arrival of this \'King\' creature.

A few kilometers around the body of the hell beast could be seen to have been burnt to nothingness.

In this subplane that had been both mutated and almost destroyed by the chaotic battles of foreign worlds, this Hell beast was its true pinnacle.

Aside the wave of extreme heat and the bright light hitting lenny\'s face from such a distance, Lenny could instantly read the stats of the Hell beast.

The things he saw made him speechless.

This hell beast was a rank 2 Hell beast. This meant that it had the strength of a peak Deep demon level.

However, according to the Satan system, it was suppressing its power.

The reason, it was Pregnant. Another astonishing discovery, thanks to the Satan System.

As the hellish beast advanced, the world around it succumbed to cataclysmic chaos. The ground, once stable, convulsed beneath its weight, splitting open like a festering wound. Cracks snaked through the earth, swallowing trees and fawner whole, their foundations torn asunder by the beast\'s seismic footsteps.

The air vibrated with a tangible sense of dread, as if the very atmosphere had grown heavy with the burden of impending disaster. The strange mutated Birds, their songs silenced by fear, took flight in a frenzy, abandoning their nests.

The dying sun, shrouded in a haze of ash and despair, casting an eerie crimson glow upon the landscape, painting the scene in apocalyptic hues.

The loud sound like the screams of a whale rushed in all directions from Hell beast. A mix of that sound and the light of the sun, made it seem like the perfect theme for the end of the world.

Rivers, once lifelines of the land, boiled and hissed as the monster\'s scalding breath washed over them. The water turned to steam, rising in ghostly tendrils that twisted and writhed before dissipating into the ether. Trees, their leaves shriveling in the intense heat, burst into flames, their branches cracking like bones in the inferno.

In the distance, a volcano loomed, its peak wreathed in ominous smoke and molten fury. As the hell beast drew nearer, the very heart of the mountain seemed to pulse in synchrony with its malevolence. With each step the beast took, the ground quaked, sending tremors deep into the volcano\'s core.

The heavens themselves wept, as rain poured from charcoal clouds like tears shed for a world on the brink of devastation. Thunder rumbled, a mournful dirge that echoed the anguish of the earth. Lightning lashed out, illuminating the beast\'s grotesque silhouette against the backdrop of a darkened sky.

As the hellish creature approached the volcano, it seemed to commune with the very forces of nature, merging its malevolence with the primal power of the earth. A deafening roar, a symphony of agony and wrath, reverberated through the air, drowning out the cries of fleeing creatures.

The cataclysmic chaos reached its crescendo as the beast, a living embodiment of destruction, made contact with the volcano. The ground heaved, and with an explosive force, the volcano erupted, spewing forth rivers of molten lava that consumed everything in their path. The very land seemed to scream in agony as fire and ash rained down, engulfing the world in a maelstrom of elemental fury.

In that moment, nature itself seemed to rebel against the presence of the hell beast, unleashing a tempest of unparalleled wrath. The cataclysmic chaos, wrought by the convergence of the beast\'s malevolence and the volcanic fury, painted a harrowing tableau of destruction—a vivid reminder of the unstoppable force that had been unleashed upon the world.

However, The creature still moved, unshaken by nothing. Its goal was to birth in this volcano.

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