
Chapter 114 On The Road To Sure Death.

<Consume to unlock a special ability

This alert came as a surprise to Lenny. However, at the same time, he also knew that if he stepped out of line, he was going to be dead meat.

At the moment, he only had a lesser demon strength of rank 2.

Even the Magistri of rank 5 dealt with him using just his Darkline energy.

Lenny was not a fool. As crazy and full of surprises as he was, even he knew that a deep-level demon would shred him to bits.

Cuban was accompanied by the Magistri on one side and a frog-headed demon on the other side.

As he arrived, the Magistri gave the order, "All kneel before the Cuban descendent of Asmodeus and touch nine of the First Fallen."

Immediately after the order was given, they all kneeled before Cuban.

Cuban walked steadily, and then he stopped right in front of Lenny.

At the same time, Lenny got an old but familiar Alert. It was one he had nearly forgotten about.

<Red Alert: You have bowed before a demon. All Stats will be Halved for one hour.

The first time Lenny bowed to a demon was back when he had just entered the E class in the Arena.

Back then, he had been punished for bowing to a demon by having his powers halved by 5 minutes.

However, it is currently totally different.

Maybe it was his increase in strength, but an hour\'s punishment was what he had been served.

"Fuck it!" Lenny cursed in his head. However, just like the others, he remained bowed.

Cuban stopped right in front of Lenny, and then he turned to the Magistri and nodded.

The Magistri, understanding his master\'s intentions, gave the order.

"Raise your heads!"

With their knees still on the ground, they raised their heads.

Cuban, however, only had his eyes on Lenny.

He leaned in and stared at him for a good few seconds, pulling Lenny\'s eyes to his own.

After a while, he cracked a smile.

He left Lenny and turned away.

"This town is called the Town of Spring." It is a subspace in a very big world," Cuban addressed them. His voice was deep and sounded a bit as if he were barely talking through water.

As he talked, Lenny had his eyes on him.

Lenny wanted to use his ability as a surveyor on him, but his instincts advised otherwise.

Cuban looked different up close.

Of course he still looked big and broad, but a closer look revealed that the Magistris were modeled after him.

However, unlike their own, his skin was reddish, and the hair that grew on it was very black.

Just like the Magistri, he had Hooves. His presence was filled with confidence and control. It was like he had the world at his fingertips.

If this was the former world. Many women would find such traits rare and sexy in a man. But in the demon world, such was the norm.

"It is the Governor\'s daughter\'s birthday, and in her honor, he has thought it necessary to organize this tournament. This arena will represent the Town of Spring. The Arena of Carnage! You all have been selected to partake in this glorious opportunity. Take it as a...," his voice lingered for a bit, "SHORTCUT! Regardless of your class, if you come out Victorious, I promise you, as Master of this Arena, that you will be granted your freedom."

Immediately after he said those words, Lenny could feel it as the breathing of the Gladiators around him accelerated.

Without a doubt, they were excited by this.

Regardless of Class, Cuba was promising freedom. However, Lenny had seen the freedom granted to those who had conquered the Arena. This was a scam.

Aside from Lenny, the only other person who was not excited by this was A222. This was something that Lenny noticed through the side of his eyes.

"However, if you bring me dishonor," Cuban brought his claws before their eyes, and Red darkline energy like a little tonardo appeared in his palm.

As it did, all the gladiators, including Lenny, could feel a deep-seated pain in their chests that made them frown tightly.

If Lenny were to describe it, then he would say that he felt as if his heart, for a few seconds, felt like a foreigner begging to leave his body.

It was a strong pull towards the tonardo in Cuba\'s palm.

Cuban\'s eyes suddenly became lower, deeper, and definitely creepier. "I will eat your hearts before your very eyes."

This was a serious moment, and even though the sun was high up in the sky, the threat was still chilling.

However, Lenny had to seriously beg himself not to burst out in a laugh.

These guys might not know, but he did. Whether it was winning this tournament or losing it, hearts were still going to be eaten.

After all, one of the criteria for becoming a Magistri was for Cubans to eat the heart.

Freedom was but an illusion, like a carrot dangled just out of reach in front of a donkey. No matter how much it stretched, it would definitely never reach it.

"In a few minutes, we will leave and meet up with the other Arena masters, who will also arrive with their half-born scum. Do not bring me DISGRACE."

Almost as soon as he had finished talking, there was suddenly a ship hovering above their heads.

For the first time since coming to this world, Lenny was impressed by what he was seeing.

It was like he had suddenly jumped into a sci-fi movie from the Stone Age.

After all, he never knew that these demons had come this far.

His idea of them had always been savages. With no moral respect for life whatsoever.

The craft was wide, and unlike in those sci-fi movies, it was not a flying saucer.

Rather, it was more of a box-shaped, artistically designed vehicle for going through the air.

Simply put, it was a mordified plane. This plane did not need a runway but hovered slowly until it touched the ground.

Lenny had to admit that it was nice seeing familiar technology.

He really appreciated the sight of it.

However, the moment the plane landed, some of the gladiators around it started bowing towards it.

He could even hear the B-class Gladiator by his side say a prayer to it.

Lenny could not believe it, but to these ignorant day-and-night fighting bafoons, this plane was akin to the descent of a god.

This time around, he could not hold it in and chuckled a little.

Cuban noticed the reactions of all the gladiators. He couldn\'t help but be surprised by Lenny\'s attempts to hide his laugh.

He signaled with his fingers for the Magistri and whispered something into his ear.

The buttocks of the plane opened up, and the Gladiators were all led in.

Soon, the plane was in the air.

This was a refreshing sight.

Lenny and the others looked through the window to the Big Coliseum below, which they had always known their entire lives.

Even at this time, they could see Gladiators fighting incredible beasts below, struggling for their lives.

Such an opportunity to leave the Arena was as rare as the eclipse.

After all, most Gladiators lived and died in the Arena.

For a few miles around the Coliseum, it was simply open space.

After which there were buildings.

Unlike what Lenny had thought, since demons were savages, these houses were quite normal.

His eyes were sharp, and even though most could not see what they looked like, Like down there, he definitely could.

He could see the demons living their lives. There was even a market.

Just as Cuban had said, this was truly just a town.

However, the plane moved further in the sky and left the high town walls.

After which there was barren land. There were old, broken, abandoned buildings from before the apocalypse, and even from the plane, Lenny could tell that the land below was dry and dusty.

The plane flew further, and then Lenny felt as if he had once again been pulled through a portal as the plane moved through a forcefield.

Outside the Forcefield, Lenny and the others saw a sight that made the Arena seem like a very peaceful place.

The plane was high in the sky. But this height made it easier to see the multitudes below.

They looked so horrible that Leonard could not even identify the looks and faces of the creatures below.


Lenny turned back to the sound of the voice.

It was the Magistri.

"Creatures of pure unbridled chaos Stories about them fancy the lips of anyone who has been unfortunate enough to have ever faced their wrath. Demons pale like the light of the moon to the sun when compared with their violence and madness. Their Chaos magic is so concentrated that it even corrupts the demons themselves."

He took a deep look at Lenny and said, "Pray to never meet with them."



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