
Chapter 730 - Bad Timing, Good Timing?

Chapter 730 - Bad Timing, Good Timing?

Back on the platform of the Sky Palace, Zouren made it clear that he did not accept Izroth as the team's captain for the upcoming Lustrum Imperial Bout. Not to mention, as they were choosing their rewards inside the treasure room, Zouren spoke about "unusual accidents" that could happen before the date of the Lustrum Imperial Bout.

While Izroth did not have any absolute proof, his attacker's response about offending someone he shouldn't have, along with the eerily similar markings on their body made it difficult to overlook the likely connection.

Izroth looked at the attacker's system information; however, the system revealed no information regarding his true identity. Fortunately, Izroth had another method at his disposal.


〈System Alert: Your mastery level is too low to fully appraise this target and only a partial appraisal will be revealed.〉

'As I thought, it's still not much to go on. Nevertheless, at the very least, I managed to find out a few things. I have to say though, he must be looking down on me if he sent someone like this to claim my life.'

NPC Name: ???(???) -> Haazan(Rare Elite) [Appraised]

NPC Level: ??? -> 55 [Appraised]

NPC HP: ??? (100%)


Physical Condition: Peak

Affinity: ???


〈System Alert: Your mastery with the skill «Appraisal» has risen by 0.01%!〉

After Izroth quickly glanced over the system information, he swiftly closed out the interface as his gaze locked onto Haazan.

Naturally, Izroth had faced tougher opponents than Haazan. However, that was when he still had his full strength.

Now that his stats were reduced by 50% since he had yet to completely recover from his battle inside the crusade, Izroth could not afford to take Haazan lightly. Of course, he had no intention of handing over his life freely.

"Now that we've gotten basic introductions out of the way, I'll give you a chance. Relinquish your position as captain of the second team and cut off one of your arms. Only then can your wrongs be corrected. Otherwise, hmph, don't say I never gave you a fair chance." Haazan stated with a cold and distant gaze filled with killing intent.

From the look in his eyes, Izroth could tell that no matter what he said to Haazan, he would never let him go peacefully. But, there was no need for further provocation. After all, the moment he deduced Haazan's identity, Izroth had no plans on letting him leave this place alive!

Izroth unsheathed his Sword of The Storm as a strong gale erupted from his blade.

"Enough barking. If you want my life, it's right here. All you have to do is take it. That is—if you have the ability to do so." Izroth said calmly.

Haazan's facial expression darkened when he heard Izroth's words.

"It's good to see that you have some confidence. It will make it all the more satisfying when you grovel on the ground at my feet." Haazan said as he held his hand forward.

The next moment, a fearsome sword with serrated edges materialized in his right hand that released an aura of chilling bloodlust.

Izroth and Haazan stood still for a few seconds, each waiting for the other to make the first move. And, after ten seconds passed, Haazan was about to take action as he shifted his left foot back.

However, just as the battle was about to commence, the temperature in the surroundings dropped significantly as a bone-piercing chill spread throughout the atmosphere. It was soon accompanied by an aura of death that seemed to linger in the air.

'Hm? This is...'

Izroth inwardly furrowed his brows when he noticed Haazan's expression briefly shift to one of caution. He appeared to be just as caught off guard by the sudden chill as Izroth, which meant that he was not the one behind it.

In addition, Izroth had felt this specific type of deathly aura more than once and was familiar with its origins.

'What bad timing. Considering they were able to hide from my detection... How troublesome.'

"Human, you have offended someone who could not be offended. This day shall be your last as I will drag your soul to the depths of the Netherworld." An eerie voice echoed.

At the same time, ice crystals started to form on the grass and trees in the vicinity. However, these were not typical ice crystals. They were obsidian in color and made one feel a sensation of death.

Not too long after, a man appeared a few meters away from Izroth and Haazan on their left side. Though instead of a man, he more resembled a creature with his white hair, gray skin, and glowing red eyes. Embedded into his forehead was an obsidian orb that was small enough to fit into the palm of one's hand.

And, unlike Haazan, this individual did not try to hide their identity in the slightest.

Name: Obsidian Death Neksiazon(Rare Elite)

Level: 55

HP: ??? (100%)

〈System Alert: Due to the passive «Curse of the Netherworld», you have received the quest «Hunted By A Creature of the Netherworld(2)»! This quest cannot be declined and has been automatically accepted!〉

Izroth swiftly skimmed over his new quest details as he activated his Energy Vision Sense to keep track of his assailants movements. Fortunately, whatever Neksiazon used to hide from Izroth's detection seemed to have vanished once he revealed himself as Izroth's Energy Vision Sense was able to pick up his presence without issue.

Izroth expected the quest to be the same as last time when he eliminated Dark Bones Nekynigos, the first creature from the Netherworld to hunt him as a result of the curse. However, there were some glaring differences.

Quest Name: Hunted By A Creature of the Netherworld(2)

Recommended Level: 55

Recommended Party Size: N/A

Quest Rank: ???

Quest Objective: Due to the passive «Curse of the Netherworld», you are currently being hunted by a creature of the Netherworld named Obsidian Death Neksiazon. Eliminate Obsidian Death Neksiazon or face the consequences.

Time Limit: 1 Hour

0/1 Eliminate Obsidian Death Neksiazon.


-x10 «Spirit Voucher»


-Lose -5 levels.

-Lose -500 world fame.

-50% Chance for an Existence Wipe to occur.

*Bonus Objective(s):

[Difficulty: Easy] 0/1 Defeat Obsidian Death Neksiazon without losing more than 50% of your maximum HP [6,020]. [+5 «Spirit Vouchers»]

[Difficulty: Medium] 0/1 Defeat Obsidian Death Neksiazon in under 30 minutes. [+10 «Spirit Vouchers»]

[Difficulty: Hard] Defeat Obsidian Death Neksiazon in under 10 minutes without losing more than 25% of your maximum HP [3,010]. 0/1 [+25 «Spirit Vouchers»]

[Difficulty: Impossible] 0/1 Defeat Obsidian Death Neksiazon in under 5 minutes without taking any damage. [+1 «Restricted Supreme Spirit Voucher»]

Special Note: This quest may be shared with any number of players as long as they are affected by the passive «Curse of the Netherworld». Failing to complete bonus objective(s) will not affect the main quest objective.

The first thing Izroth noticed was that the chances for an existence wipe to occur doubled from 25% to 50%! This meant that if he failed to defeat Neksiazon or complete the quest within the time limit, his entire existence would be erased from RML!

Another element that was not present in the first Hunted By A Creature of the Netherworld quest Izroth received was bonus objectives. While not completing the bonus objectives would not change the main results of the quest, it did give him a chance to earn more Spirit Vouchers for the Netherworld Exchange. There was even a Restricted Supreme Spirit Voucher that would allow him to buy an item from the Netherworld Exchange with a rating of five moons or lower!

Unfortunately, in his current state and situation, Izroth could not concern himself with the bonus objectives, let alone clearing the impossible difficulty condition. Right now, his primary focus was to survive.

"You are the second person today to say that to me. I will tell you now, there is no person in this world or the next that I cannot afford to offend." Izroth declared.

"Hmph, the words of a deadman carry no weight," Neksiazon stated as he narrowed his eyes.

He then set his sights on Haazan and continued, "You, other human. Leave this place at once and I shall permit you to keep your life. This human is my prey."

"What is a being from the Netherworld doing in a place like this? Why is he after this guy? No, none of that matters. I just have to follow the young master's orders. The young master is bound to soar to the skies and beyond with his talents. I must solidify my place at his side while I still have a chance." Haazan internalized.

"Your prey? Are you blind? I was clearly here first! If you think you can threaten me with just your strength alone, you're dreaming! Or, did you forget where you are? This is the Mortal Realm, not your Nether Realm! Do you think you can just do as you please?" Haazan spoke in a sharp tone.

"Do not test my patience, human trash!" Neksiazon scowled.

"Who the hell are you calling human trash, Netherworld scum?!" Haazan snapped back as he pointed his blade at Neksiazon.

"Enough! Since you're so eager to die, I will grant your wish!" Neksiazon roared as obsidian ice crystals started to form on various spots of his body.

Izroth silently observed Haazan and Neksiazon going at each other's throats as the two diverted their attention away from him.

A carefree smile formed on Izroth's face. It seemed that he was wrong.

Bad timing? It turned out Neksiazon's arrival could not have come at a better time!

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