
Chapter 652 - The Commanders Introduction

Chapter 652 - The Commander\'s Introduction

"The Mad Dogs...?! Boss, are you sure? There’s no telling what-" Doctor Dark tried to speak but was swiftly interrupted by Vault.

"Hey—are you going to start questioning me now, too?" Vault asked as his facial expression darkened. If looks could kill, Doctor Dark would have died many times over by now!

"N-No, I’ll contact them and deliver your message." Doctor Dark assured as he swallowed his words.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take care of it!" Vault lashed out.

"Yes, boss!" Doctor Dark responded as he left the room with hastened steps.

Doctor Dark inwardly frowned the moment he made his exit.

"The boss is actually willing to use those uncontrollable Mad Dogs. Damn, this is all that guy’s fault that I have to go see those crazy bastards..!" Doctor Dark muttered to himself as he grit his teeth.

The Mad Dogs were a vicious street gang led by a man people called Bloodhound. That’s because when it came to tracking people down and getting his hands dirty, he did not hesitate.

But, the reason Doctor Dark was so stunned by Vault’s request had to do with one simple fact—Bloodhound was crazy!

He knew how to get the job done; however, small things were enough to set him off at any given time. Once that happened, there was no limit to how far that guy would go. There were even rumors about how he cut out a messenger’s tongue just because he didn’t like the sound of their voice! How could Doctor Dark want to visit a place with those kinds of rumors circulating around it?

Doctor Dark sighed, "But, since the boss gave me an order, I can’t not go. I’ll just say what I need to and leave as fast as possible."

Several moments later...

After eliminating the Headhunter Syndicate, Meng Jiang and Sacred Beasts decided to hunt monsters and gather materials in the Hollow Soul Grove.

With one of the outposts being eradicated and the other two lacking the personnel to pose a threat, Meng Jiang believed it was best to take advantage of the circ.u.mstances. After all, there was an abundance of rare materials and strong monsters in the Hollow Soul Grove. But, more importantly, she knew that they might not get the chance to hunt there again in the near future.

Once Tempest realized what happened to their outposts, they would send reinforcements, likely led by a First File—the equivalent of an Amaharpe General!

Meng Jiang offered Izroth to join their hunt; however, he declined as there were some things he had to settle first. Therefore, the two parted ways as Izroth and Menerva headed back to the Rosentarus border.

But, seeing that Menerva was still technically a part of the Tempest allied forces, she could not exactly stroll into the camp on the Rosentarus border.

Fortunately, Aurie was still within the camp and allowed Menerva to pass as long as she remained strictly under Izroth’s guard. He would also have to take full responsibility for her actions while inside the camp.

Izroth did not find Aurie’s conditions unreasonable. Since he was the one who chose to bring Menerva to this place, he would naturally take responsibility for her.

Izroth was positive that Aurie would have a lot of questions—of which he was prepared to answer.

Yet, to Izroth’s surprise, those questions never came. Instead, he learned that Aurie had been searching for him for the past couple of hours.

"There is someone that I must introduce you to. It may benefit you greatly." Aurie said as she led the way with quickened steps.


Izroth was unsure why Aurie seemed to be in such a rush. Even when introducing him to General Solomon, Aurie did not display this level of enthusiasm. Just who was she taking him to meet?


’This is certainly unexpected.’

At the moment, Izroth and Menerva were inside a command tent with Aurie and one other individual—a woman.

"So this is the Captain you’ve been speaking so highly of. As expected of my daughter, you have a keen eye for talent! However, after seeing him in person, I’m afraid I can’t grant your request. Or rather, I should say that I don’t think it would be appropriate of me to do so." The woman next to Aurie stated with an air of maturity about her.

She wore a gorgeous cloak with the hood down and had long pink hair that reached her ankles. This was accompanied by a pair of sparkling eyes that lacked irises, but looking right into them was like gazing into the starry night sky.

However, this was not Izroth’s first time meeting this woman. While their last encounter was not direct, she was in the palace the day Izroth entered the Chaotic Dogma Realm. One of the seven heroes, Nova!

NPC Name: Nova(???)

NPC Level: ???

Of course, what surprised Izroth more than Nova’s presence was that she was the adoptive mother Aurie spoke of back in the Netherly Swathe!

’To think her adoptive mother would be one of the seven heroes. It certainly explains a lot.’

Aurie never mentioned her adoptive mother’s name in the Netherly Swathe; however, whenever she brought her up, Aurie’s eyes lit up like a child talking about their hero. It was no wonder—her adoptive mother was one of the most well-renowned heroes in the Mortal Realm!

Along with Gear and the other seven heroes, Nova fought against the eternal darkness. She also played a massive role in reducing the number of potential casualties during the catastrophe.

Aurie appeared taken aback by Nova’s words as she spoke, "Why? Didn’t you say that as long as he shows promise, you would consider it?"

Aurie knew that Nova was not the type of person to go back on her word, which is why she was shocked by her statement.

’What are they talking about?’

From the sound of things, it seemed that Aurie asked Nova for a favor on his behalf. But, for some reason, after seeing him, she determined that it was improper.

"Hmmm, you’re not wrong, but..." Nova raised her finger to her chin as a brief, thoughtful expression formed on her face.

"But?" Aurie inquired.

Nova deeply sighed as she shrugged, shook her head, and replied, "He’s already under someone’s watch. If they haven’t taken him there yet, it must be for a good reason—since that person is even closer to the old man than I am. If it’s like that, my interference may do more harm than good."

Aurie furrowed her brows. A few seconds later, she released a small sigh.

"If you say so, then there is nothing that can be done about it. I apologize if my request caused you any discomfort." Aurie said politely.

"Ha? Why’re you apologizing? I see you still haven’t fixed that timid personality of yours." Nova teased.

Aurie? Timid? Izroth did not know whether to laugh or cry.

The same Aurie that stood up to Satoras, a legendary figure, when he bad-mouthed Solomon? The one who threatened to drag anyone who died under her command back from the dead and kill them herself? That was considered timid?

"You’re right. I still have much to learn." Aurie replied calmly.

She then faced Izroth and said, "My manners are a bit lacking. But, Captain Izroth, I’d like for you to meet my adoptive mother, Lady Nova."

"I have heard much about you. It’s not every day that someone gets the chance to speak with one of the seven heroes." Izroth said in a carefree manner.

"I never thought the Izroth Aurie spoke of was the same one who conquered the Chaotic Dogma Realm. It explains why she suddenly requested a favor upon my visit when she rarely asks me for anything." Nova responded with a slight chuckle.

"It’s reassuring to know that Commander Aurie thinks so highly of me," Izroth commented.

As time went by and Izroth spoke with Aurie and Nova, Menerva quietly observed in awe.

"A player who is capable of carrying out a casual conversation with one of the seven heroes... Additionally, judging from the earlier exchange, there exists a great possibility that Palace Master Izroth is personally connected to one of the other seven heroes. This sort of advantage—players would be compelled to battle to the death to secure such an opportunity." Menerva internalized.

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