
Chapter 421

Chapter 421: United Nations General Assembly

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“A satellite? Hitting Earth?”

Hearing the Secretary of Defense’s words, the president was stunned and then felt disbelief.

Hearing that it was a satellite falling from space, the president did not think of it as a big deal. Leaving aside landing on the North American continent, even if it landed on the White House, there would be no problems.

But after thinking so, the president wanted to slap himself. It was fine if it landed on the White House, but his family now lived there. If something happened, it would be his whole family would be affected.

Suddenly, he felt that something was amiss, if it was just an artificial satellite falling from space, this shouldn’t be a matter of human crisis. Even if all satellites were gone, there would be considerable changes in the human way of life, but not to the point of extinction.

“What satellite… are you talking about?” The president asked cautiously.

Seeing that the president finally asked a proper question, the Secretary of Defense took a deep breath and continued with a heavy expression, “… Jupiter LXVI, Mr.President.”

“Jupiter LXVI?”

Hearing this code name, the president wanted to jump up and yell angrily at the Secretary of Defense, ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’

Even if the president did not know much about astronomy, he knew that Jupiter LXVI was a moon of Jupiter.

Jupiter as the largest planet in the Solar System was more than hundreds of millions of kilometers away from Earth. If someone were to say that Jupiter’s satellite escaped its orbit and was heading towards Earth and towards the North American continent, they would be laughed out of conference rooms.

‘Wait… unscientific? Yes, it’s unscientific, but it could be magical.’

Thinking about this, the president broke out in a cold sweat. He licked his somewhat dry lips and said in a hoarse voice, “Tell me in detail why this is happening. Is it merely approaching our general direction or is it really headed directly for us?”

The Secretary of Defense gestured with his eyes to an old man behind him, who hurriedly stepped forward. With undisguised panic in his eyes, he took a deep breath and spoke in a smoother voice, “Mr. President, I am the director of the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Iowa. Not long ago our observatory discovered an asteroid that defied common sense and is currently located in the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter.”

“This asteroid… seems to be artificially controlled. It doesn’t follow the laws of physics at all. Even gravitational pulls from planets don’t seem to affect it… It constantly changes its velocity and direction to maintain course for Earth!”

This director felt muddled. Although his worldview had been shattered since the appearance of the supernatural forces, those agents had only been limited to Earth and did not involve the infinite universe.

But now, this extremely bizarre situation that science could not explain indicated that those superna…

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