
Chapter 345: Your Mother Is An Idiot!

Chapter 345: Your Mother Is An Idiot!

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In the palace hall of the Silver Moon Kingdom’s palace, the Silver Moon Goddess sat on top of the throne, only this time, she did not appear as the elf queen, but in the true divine form of a goddess.

At the top of the Silver Moon Church, the top of the Silver Moon Kingdom’s council, many legendary rank mages, warriors, druids, and rangers were all present, bowing their heads to the goddess.

Many elves looked up and saw that the one on top of their throne was not the queen that they were familiar with, but the true moon above. The moonlight admitted terrifying divine might, which shook the elves’ hearts. Even legendary rank powerhouses felt infinitely small in the face of God. It was as if the god could end their lives at the drop of a hat.

There were no demigods in the Silver Moon Kingdom, and when the Goddess Selune ruled as the queen and as a demigod, she secretly killed them before they became demigods in order to conceal her identity and improve her safety.

Otherwise, if an elf became a demigod, it was very likely that they would recognize her true form. In case the other person was also a demigod, there was no guarantee that she could kill them, and if she was killed, the other person who killed her would be able to replace her as the new Silver Moon Goddess.

Any kingdom had its own dark past, and the Silver Moon Kingdom was no exception. For the Silver Moon Goddess, this was a secret that could never be exposed, otherwise, it could cause domestic unrest and especially anger the legendary rank powerhouses who had lived for thousands of years in the elven race.

This had increased the security of her position, but it also contained a huge hidden danger. In terms of warfare, the Silver Moon Kingdom had weakened and had no experience.

In the halls, Louie had hidden his figure to watch the scene.

‘It’s no wonder why Selune would give Alexia so much power. The strongest person in the Silver Moon Kingdom is the newly born Alexia, who is also more trustworthy than other elves.’

Louie thought so as he continued to watch. It was better for an outsider like him to not show his face.

The elves kneeling in the main hall and the church people were all excited. Their eyes were frenzied as anyone who could hold an official position in the church definitely wielded significant power.

The elven military also had a hierarchy. They were all loyal to their queen. Now that their queen was actually the Silver Moon Goddess, there was no difference. She was also an object of their faith. In the past, the church and military might have had disputes, but now that their rulers and objects of worship were one and the same, the internal affairs of the Silver Moon Kingdom had settled down.

Only the members of the Silver Moon Council had different thoughts. These council members were all legendary rank powerhouses and representatives of great nobility. They were the kingdom’s last line of defense as well as the queen’s assistant in political affairs. This gave the council enormous power within the country.

These people were quite sharp-minded and extremely intelligent. Their faith wasn’t as firm as others but they still swore allegiance to the Silver Moon Goddess. Their minds were filled with complex thoughts. Some were indifferent thinking that the political environment would not change, some were anxious, and some did not know whether the queen would take back their power after becoming a goddess.

When they thought about it, there weren’t any demigods born within the past 8,000 years. Today they did not suspect anything was impossible. After knowing their queen’s identity, they had their own guesses, but they were too horrible to be said out loud. They could only feel fear and anxiety.

The queen’s guard did not think much about this. For him, whether it was a queen or a goddess, she was his object of allegiance. But after knowing that his queen was their goddess, the last bits of desire in his heart had disappeared. As a mortal that was not even legendary rank, he clearly knew the gap between them. He also knew that the Silver Moon Goddess was a narcissistic goddess that no mortal nor god could covet, but—

When his gaze fell on the little elf beside the goddess who also emitted the light of the Silver Moon, he felt that she was very beautiful even when young to the point that he had fallen in love.

Compared to the high and mighty queen and goddess, perhaps this little princess, the future queen of the elves would be easier to touch. This was especially since she was still young, so it was the right time to win her favor.

“Come and meet your princess, your new liege, the future ruler of the Silver Moon Kingdom! I will exalt a throne in heaven, and all the kingship and glory in this mortal plane will go to your new king, Alexia!”

The Silver Moon Goddess Selune did not like appearing in front of mortals as it would undermine her majesty, but there was nothing she could do now. She had ruled over the Silver Moon Kingdom for so long, that before returning to heaven, she naturally had to come in contact with mortals. She could only try to compress the time she used to come in contact with them.

“You are the light of the night, the herald who illuminates the darkness, and all places where the moonlight shines are your holy places!”

The priests of the Church of the Silver Moon Goddess saluted and praised with excitement and hot tears.

“Our God, your faithful followers and servants will reverently treat Your only daughter as if we are treating You.”

The vast majority of Selune’s clergy, especially the church higher-ups, were women, which was exactly the same as Shae’s church. As the leader of the church, the Priestess of the Moon led the church personnel and saluted while other senior members also knelt down.

If the Goddess returned to heaven, she would not pay much attention to the Silver Moon Kingdom, and the power structure of the entire Silver Moon Kingdom would change.

The great nobles of the Silver Moon Council did not dare fling the kingdom’s power, but they could hollow out the power of the new queen through the council. In their view, Alexia was only a child and even if she was the child of gods and possessed great power and knowledge, it did not mean that she had enough political skills.

The Silver Moon Kingdom had its own unique set of laws. Even if the new queen was a demigod, she would need to comply with the rules of this game of politics if she did not want chaos.

The queen who had ruled the Silver Moon Kingdom for 8,000 years was finally stepping down from power, and this was a rare opportunity for all the elven upper class.

Naturally, even if they were greedy for power, they were still facing the child of a god. Facing their ruler, they still needed to dedicate their loyalty and absolute respect. Otherwise, if they died committing lèse-majesté, no one would weep for them.

“We offer our loyalty to you, future king of the Silver Moon Kingdom, Your Highness Alexia!”

The elves knelt down and said in unison.

When they looked up at Alexia closer, they noticed dragon horns on Alexia’s head, and instantly knew who Alexia’s father was. It was the only dragon who was close to the Silver Moon Goddess and was about to become a god as well, His Highness Louie Galakrond.

Alexia was the same as her mother. Her face was cold and beautiful without a trace of expression. Her inverted dark golden pupils gazed at the elves at her feet. As a demigod, she had enough power to oppress these elves to make them not raise their heads, but if she wanted to be a qualified king, having only power was not enough.

Alexia could see the selfish thoughts of the elves, especially those at the top of the Silver Moon Council, but she considered things carefully and noticed that she did not really know how to face these people in this kind of situation. The only solution she could think of was to kill those elves that possessed dissent.

The elf dragon’s face remained expressionless. Her slender body had a cruel power, but it was already inwardly connected to Louie with divinity. This allowed her to speak to him through the soul.

“Father God, I can perceive that these elves have a different intent than what they are saying, how should I face them?”

Although Alexia was a proud dragon, she was just a newborn dragon. The first thing that she wants to do is to seek help from her parents.

“How do you want to face it, O my moon Alexia?”

“Father God, I want to kill them all.”

The little dragon replied to Louie with the coldest words possible.

“Violence does not solve all problems. Violence is not a necessary means… Alexia, you have to use wisdom and leverage to solve problems, and violence is only a last resort, especially in the governance of a country. Tyrants only bring momentary peace, but will bring irreversible consequences.”

“You have to understand the characteristics of the elven race. You have to know the goals of the rangers and druids. You have to recognize the forces behind the kingdom’s politics. You have to learn a ruler’s checks and balances, learn to appease, and learn to use. You have a lot of things to learn.”

Louie’s warm voice echoed in Alexia’s soul, making the hatchling, who was a bit nervous, calm down. Her thoughts were soothed and she felt the security from her father’s words

“Mother Goddess should also be able to see these people’s desire for power, but why isn’t she warning them? Could this be a test left to me by Mother Goddess?”

Alexia thought a lot. As a demigod, she could see past these people’s minds, and she did not believe that her mother, the great Goddess of the Silver Moon, could not see them.

“No, my daughter. You think too much of your mother. Your mother is a god, so her thoughts are different from yours. For your mother, she doesn’t care how much power and ambition mortals have, all she cares about is her faith. It is enough that these elven nobles can rule the country for her and believe in her. For a god, a country is not important, believers and faith are the most important.”

“If you can’t show abilities far beyond theirs, then to your mother, you are only a figurehead, Alexia.”

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Louie’s calm words contained no lie, making Alexia feel the coldness and fear. She felt that the love her mother gives her was different from that of mortals. For mortals, such a mother is absolutely horrible, but for gods, this was taken for granted.

“Father God, are you the same?”

Alexia cautiously asked in her soul.

“Naturally, you must remember this, Alexia. For me, believers are the most important thing. You can have no talent or ability, but you must never cause the loss of believers, otherwise, even if you are our daughter, you would still face punishment.”

Just as Alexia felt wronged and bit her lips in fear, Louie playful spoke out again, “But you do not have to worry. You are the bright moon in my palms. As your father, I will teach you how to deal with mortals. You must never consult your mother about this, in fact, your mother is a great god, but when it comes to managing the kingdom, she is actually an idiot!”

“If your father was given 8000 years, even if the birth rate of elves is low, I would have been able to control the entire continent.”

Louie relentlessly taunted. Alexia was originally aggrieved and wanted to cry, but she suddenly laughed. As she laughed, her delicate body swayed and her cherry lips almost opened to laugh out loud. She sneaked a look at the Silver Moon Goddess, wondering if her mother goddess knew that her father god was laughing at her.

The Silver Moon Goddess seemed to have sensed something and looked at Alexia. She noticed that her child hastily collected herself and became an ice sculpture again. Selune could see that Alexia spoke with Louie through divine connection and withdrew her gaze.

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