
Chapter 388: There Are Many Schemes in The City

Chapter 388: There Are Many Schemes in The City

For instance, she might smile and say, “I didn’t mean it that way. Isn’t there an old saying? Behind every successful man, there’s a woman silently supporting him. But I believe, regardless of gender or special relationships, behind every success, there are many people who support us…”

But Mo Fei surprised her by not refuting it. Instead, she chose to smile and acknowledged it, saving her from having to forcefully cover up.

How could she know that Mo Fei and “Mu Li’ang,” or rather Yang Yi behind the alias, were actually a couple. Mo Fei also had a bit of mental lapse at this time, perhaps it was because she had a relatively happy Spring Festival at Yang Yi’s home, she forgot to conceal it.

Mo Fei paused for a moment, then smiled and said, “Yes, Mr. Mu Li’ang is indeed the person I should thank the most for my success this time. Thank you for his support.”

Mo Fei didn’t elaborate on the support. Some audience might think she was thanking Mu Li’ang for his support in writing songs, but Mo Fei knew his support extended beyond that.

Luo Xin was incredibly perceptive. Although Mo Fei hadn’t shown anything particularly obvious, she still saw some clues from Mo Fei’s subtle changes in expression.

Aunt Luo’s beautiful eyes twinkled as she smiled and asked, “Mo Fei, Mu Li’ang wrote twelve such classic songs for you, but what I want to ask is, will you continue to collaborate on your next album? I’m really looking forward to it!”

Mo Fei hesitated for a moment, first nodded, then felt it might be a bit inappropriate, so she changed her tone to a less certain one, “We should continue to collaborate, right? I really like the song written by Mr. Mu Li’ang and I hope we have more opportunities to work together.”

Luo Xin laughed secretly in her heart, as she had gotten the information she wanted.

If there wasn’t something going on behind the scenes, Luo Xin would eat her microphone! During the last show recording, Luo Xin felt there was something off about Mo Fei’s expression. It was unlikely that a stranger would write twelve songs for her just because they liked her voice. Such an explanation wouldn’t fool someone as experienced as her.

However, Luo Xin didn’t rush to press further. She held back and continued discussing the original topics in the script. Then, it was time for Mo Fei’s performance.

Mo Fei sang “Listen to the Sea” as promised, a live version, without lip-syncing, accompanied only by the instrumental and her real voice. Once again, Mo Fei showcased her exceptional vocal skills and impressive range to the audience.

“Listen, to the sound of the sea crying… This sea is too emotional, weeping until dawn…”

The audience couldn’t help but sway along to the song. Mo Fei’s control over the heavy and high notes, along with her long breath, was truly mesmerizing.

After the song ended, the applause was thunderous. Luo Xin was the same. She kept clapping her hands. Even after she and Mo Fei sat down again on stage, she couldn’t help but applaud and exclaim, “Mo Fei, you sang this song so well. I remember a music critic once said this about you and this song. Let me read it to you!”

She picked up a card and read it word for word, “The song ‘Listen to the Sea’ is a perfect match for Mo Fei. Mo Fei’s voice and singing skills are top-notch in the industry. From her previous songs ‘Feel Like Strangers’ and ‘Crossing the Ocean to See You,’ it’s clear that her ability to convey emotion in love songs is extraordinary. She can move people with just a few notes. However, the industry has never given Mo Fei a truly fair evaluation because she never encountered a song like ‘Listen to the Sea’ that could fully showcase her excellent voice and singing skills! So we can say, Mo Fei made the song ‘Listen to the Sea,’ and the song ‘Listen to the Sea’ also made Mo Fei!”

“Now, we can finally see a perfect Mo Fei!” Luo Xin’s last sentence was made as she raised her head, smiled, pointed at Mo Fei, and said to the audience, “And I want to tell everyone, even though the new song period has passed, ‘Listen to the Sea’ is still at the top of various charts, including KTV request charts, radio request charts, daily song sales charts, and more!”

The audience applauded enthusiastically. Luo Xin’s words had left them feeling thrilled and proud, as if they were sharing in the success!

“Thank you!” Mo Fei didn’t feel much about these honors. She calmly thanked the audience for their applause and then smiled at Luo Xin, saying, “Indeed, I am very grateful to Mr. Mu Li’ang for writing me the song ‘Listen to the Sea’.”

“So, when I say he is the man who understands you the best, it’s not an exaggeration, right? He can write a song that fits you so perfectly,” Luo Xin suddenly said with a smile.

This setup was quite obvious, and Mo Fei wasn’t na?ve enough to miss such an obvious pit dug by Sister Luo Xin. Luo Xin intentionally made it so obvious because she was worried that the pit she dug for the sake of the show’s effect might affect her personal relationship with Mo Fei.

Since it was so obvious, if there wasn’t any ambiguity as Luo Xin thought, Mo Fei could simply deny it straightforwardly.

But Mo Fei hesitated. She wanted to deny it but felt it was against her will.

Luo Xin was right! Yang Yi was indeed the man who understood her the best! Although she couldn’t openly admit or publicly declare him as her man, hinting at it a little wouldn’t hurt, right?

Thinking about her relationship with Yang Yi would soon be completely public in a few months, Mo Fei bit her lip and, with a calm expression, smiled at Luo Xin, saying, “That’s right. Mr. Mu Li’ang is indeed familiar with my characteristics. The song ‘Listen to the Sea’ he wrote really brought out all my potential!”

“Then I guess that the song ‘Listen to the Sea’, although placed at the end of the album, should be your favorite among the twelve songs, right? Let me say first, this song is my favorite on this album!” Luo Xin gave Mo Fei a meaningful look but didn’t continue to dwell on the original topic.

Revealing just enough is good. Digging out everything would be a bit disrespectful to the guest. Leaving some mystery is just right and creates good topics.

Mo Fei shook her head and smiled, “Sister Luo Xin, if you have seen my Weibo, you would know that I answered the same question from fans there. My favorite song is not ‘Listen to the Sea,’ but ‘Xiao Yao Sighs.’ This song is not difficult, but it has a strong Chinese style!”

“Weibo? That recently popular social media app? I know it. My assistant registered an account for me. Let’s follow each other later. It seems I, an old-timer, need to keep up with the times!” Luo Xin smiled and said, “But Mo Fei, you said ‘Xiao Yao Sighs’ is your favorite song. That surprises me a bit. What do you mean by Chinese style?”

“Chinese style refers to using the precious heritage of our traditional culture, such as classical Chinese prose or ancient poetry, as the main style of lyrics. Of course, the musical style also leans towards traditional Eastern compositions, incorporating our traditional instruments as accompaniment.” As she spoke, Mo Fei seemed to become cheerful, enthusiastically explaining to Luo Xin.

“It seems our Mo Fei really likes this type of Chinese-style song! But I also know that ‘Xiao Yao Sighs’ has received very good reviews among music critics. Some even believe that the song has created a new genre in modern pop music. Mr. Mu Li’ang is indeed very talented. His creative style is diverse. He can not only produce masterpieces but also founding new genres, which is truly rare!” Luo Xin remarked.

While Luo Xin was praising “Mu Li’ang,” Mo Fei proudly straightened her chest, seemingly feeling proud of “Mu Li’ang” as well.

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