
Chapter 594 594 Rail

Chapter 594 594 Rail

594 594 Rail

The Justice led Wolfe down a series of black stone corridors, deep into the depths of the Castle\'s lower levels, toward what he assumed would be a Dungeon of some sort, unless the Castle had a subterranean city similar to the ones that were favoured by the residents of the Frozen Wastes.

"Here we are. This is my office, nobody will bother us in here. Would you like some tea? I recall that the Magi used to enjoy a good cup of tea." The Justice announced.

"Tea would be wonderful. I take it that you have met with a number of Magi before? It\'s been a while since we were wandering around in large numbers." Wolfe replied as he took a seat across the desk from the Justice.

"I wouldn\'t say that there were ever large numbers of you about. The city around our Castle holds more Demons than there were Magi in your world before the war with the Witches. But tell me, how did you end up in Faerie? That\'s generally not advisable for any species, and if they threw you out, then you didn\'t come with an escort." Wolfe launched into a spirited retelling of the situation in his home world, with the Witch Saints attacking them by proxy, and how he had managed to help the few remaining men with Magi blood to begin to activate their Mana Cores.

"Fascinating. So the purge of the Magi wasn\'t entirely successful because they didn\'t have a way to trace them other than by their use of magic. I should have suspected that there were some with the bloodline left in Morgana Coven, given their history within the Coven. Are you aware of it?" The Justice asked.

"Some of it. Most of the historical records have been hidden from the public, but I have managed to obtain a few prewar memory crystals that survived through the years. One of them gave a retelling of the history of the Morgana Coven, and certain events that transpired surrounding them."

The aging Demon nodded in understanding. Then he slowly slid open a drawer and placed a picture on the desk.

"That is the only known picture of the Magi known as the Eternal Saint during his childhood. He managed to open a portal here, and repeatedly asked the previous king for permission to enter. In fact, he asked so many times that the King finally gave in and let the inquisitive young man enter the castle.

All that he cared about was knowledge. At that time I was a member of the travelling judiciary, the Demons that move about our realm to enforce the King\'s law.

He travelled with me for a number of years, trying to learn as much as he could about Unholy Magic. He had a real aptitude for it, you see, even beyond what one would call Adept. Even though he was only in his early twenties when he arrived, he didn\'t seem to be interested in anything but more knowledge, a very strange sort if you ask me. We\'ve got a billion Succubi and Incubi in this world, how could any man not be interested in any of them?

But he was entertaining, and powerful. That\'s why I intervened on your behalf. If you\'re half as entertaining as the last Noxus man that I met, I am certain that it will be worth the headache of dealing with the advisors."

Wolfe stayed silent through his rant, but burst into laughter at the last comment.

"I am afraid that I\'m a very different sort than my predecessor. For one, I have a particular fondness for attractive Witches, and I\'m no chaste Saint. I am adept with Unholy Magic, and Lightning, but I\'m not sure that I could be called outstanding. Too much of the knowledge that we once had has been destroyed, and all I\'m left with is an incomplete inheritance spell, and no guidance." Wolfe explained.

"The witches wiped out your species, and you what? Want to get back at them?" The Demon asked, confused by Wolfe\'s words.

"No, I don\'t bear any particular grudge against witches as a whole. In fact, they\'re often pleasant and soft, plus they smell good when they\'re not casting curses." The old Demon laughed so hard that a single tear ran down his cheek. "I should call in my good friend Rail. She would say to me [Justice, you\'ve found a strange one here. An Incubus that wasn\'t born a Demon]."

The Demon tapped a device sitting on his desk, which glowed green with magic, and then smirked at Wolfe. "I hope you don\'t mind, but I\'m certain that you two will get along very well. You see, she also has a fondness for nubile young witches."

The rapid changes during this day were beginning to give Wolfe a sense of vertigo, but if the old man thought that he would get along with this Demon, Wolfe wasn\'t going to disagree. Sitting and meeting new people was better than being locked in some cell for trespassing, and the tea was outstanding.

The sound of running feet in the hallway alerted them that someone was approaching, but the old man wasn\'t concerned, and Wolfe soon recognized the footsteps as belonging to someone very small, and wearing hard soles, not the softer soles of a military boot.

His guess was very close. Rail was no larger than Mary, roughly 145 cm tall and very slender, but unlike Mary\'s love for all things fluffy, Rail was wearing a very professional white skirt suit, with stiletto heels. Well, very professional if you ignored the fact that she wasn\'t wearing anything under her coat, and had to use an armour spell to keep her chest in place as she ran.

"Justice, you found a Magi? A real, living Magi?" She gasped as she skidded to a stop in front of her much older friend.

"He\'s right there. The current Patriarch of the Noxus Family, Wolfe Noxus. He was arrested for trespassing after being tossed out of Faerie." He agreed.

The succubus turned to Wolfe with her version of a polite curtsy that lifted her skirt high enough to show that she was wearing stockings and nothing else underneath.

"Are all Succubi as openly flirtatious as this? We have received a few of them recently in Forest Grove, but I never really got to meet them." Wolfe asked.

"Tell him Justice. He needs to know before he meets more people." Rail demanded.

"Son, you are young and used to a much different culture. The fact that she\'s wearing shoes is the part you need to pay attention to. The rest of a Succubus\'s outfit is entirely decoration, but bare feet are only for the bedroom. If she was flirting with you, she would have taken her shoes off when she entered, or at least suggested she would like to." The older Demon explained.

Rail raised her hand to cut him off. "Wait, you have Succubi in your town? Do you perhaps have a Chimera as well, and did they come from a Casino?" Wolfe laughed. "Oh, so you\'re familiar with them. I didn\'t know that they were from somewhere nearby."

The look on their faces told Wolfe that there was much more to this line of questions, and he really wanted to know what the real story of the Leprechaun and his bookie entailed.

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