
Chapter 494 494 Wolfe Studies?

Chapter 494 494 Wolfe Studies?

After lunch, Khalifa had enlisted the Fae in the area to start distributing armour amulets to the villages in the Forest, using mostly trolls and Dryads, who could both pass between trees to do the deliveries.

They would return to the edge of the trees that ringed the village and walk to the spire, then use those same trees to take themselves onward to the villages that still needed a bag full of armour amulets.

The underground roadway was being expedited now, with a pair of Rank Two witches encouraging their expert and driving him in a cart while they worked. By the end of the day, all the villages should be linked, so they could get their munitions through the underground roadways, and then the plan was to extend it out to a few of the villages outside the Forest, but still under the effects of the Fae spell\'s influence.

That would give them an escape route if the worst happened, and it would do the same for the villagers outside the Forest.

After that, the tunnel workers would link as many villages as were willing to receive them in a combined highway network, and the munitions could be moved without detection, along with food supplies and everything else.

The only real issue was that they still didn\'t know how or where the United World Military was going to attack.

"That\'s it for the first round. We will send out the munitions at first light, and then we will split our efforts between regular ammo and the heavy machine gun rounds tomorrow." Ella had informed Wolfe right at midnight.

"Good work tonight. Head off and get some sleep. I\'m going to meditate and try to learn a bit more about the Inheritance. There is a lot for me to learn." Wolfe agreed.

If he was in bed with the Witches, he knew full well that he would not be focused on meditation, so Wolfe decided to use one of the empty lodging rooms for tonight\'s mental soul-searching.

He got himself settled into a comfortable position and reinforced the spells on the recliner he had chosen to hold him in this most comfortable position, and then Stephanie climbed into his lap and promptly fell asleep.

He considered chasing her back to nap with Sophie, but if she was here, Sophie was long since in bed for the night.

"Alright, you can stay. I\'m going to be focused on learning some new magics." Wolfe whispered and gently petted her head as she slept.

Diving into the Inheritance spell\'s wealth of information in his mind, Wolfe ignored the recommended list for his next year\'s studies, which were focused on the creature comforts of a home, and searched for the more dangerous spells.

The first one that caught his attention was [Necrosis] the Noxus Family\'s personal specialty. But along with it were a few other spells that he had neglected out of ethical concerns. The first was [Nether Lightning], the technique to blend Unholy and Lightning magic by a user who was [Adept] or higher at both.

That form of lightning fried both the body and the soul, and it would be incredibly deadly against an invading human or Witch army.

But there was also [Interference], the method that the Magi had used to block portals, spells, and other magic from being used around their homes. It was basically just a layer of static electricity imbued with magic that distorted and broke any spell that tried to pass over it.

That technique was responsible for a large part of the broken spells that affected the Frozen Wastes, but in this case, Wolfe might need to use it again. Having the United World Army simply portal troops into their home village would be a catastrophe, and he needed a way to stop that other than attacking the portal.

[Interference] was the way, regardless of the risks.

So, Wolfe started looking for the Array to properly place the spell. The idea he had was to set as large of a radius as he could and make that a safe spot where no Portals could enter. If it wasn\'t too difficult, he would provide the Array to the villages as well, and they could create a network of safe havens all over the Frozen Wastes.

That wouldn\'t be practical for the Coven territories, who needed to use magic all the time and couldn\'t really stop it from entering and exiting the village, but it would work for the Forest.

What he really needed was something that would counter larger groups of powerful Witches. Something that could even the scales if they were attacked in force, that wasn\'t just lobbing more bullets at them.

Wolfe spent some time with Gravity spells, but he couldn\'t find a way to specifically target Witches that weren\'t from his own territory. The search provided all sorts of interesting spells that he intended to learn later. But tonight, he was focused on defence.

What he found was the Forbidden section of the Inheritance, a portion warning him of spells that should never be permanently placed and used only in the most dire of emergencies. This seemed like it would be the time for that, so Wolfe focused on opening that section of the Inheritance and nearly slammed it back shut when he saw the first hints of what was inside.

[Soul Lock] was a combination of [Nether Lightning], [Necrosis] and [Interference] that would tear the Soul from a living target and lock it into a gem.

[Soul Lock] binds a portion of the soul from a living being of the soul-bearing species into a control gem. The body may be controlled by the bearer of the stone for as long as it is prevented from decomposing.

That was a bit too far, and the images of the known usages that came with it were particularly horrifying. It was [Mind Control] but infinitely worse and permanent.

Wolfe steeled his resolve and looked in again to see if there was something at all that he could use.

If he could just use Spatial Magic, he would be fine, and he would be able to block portals or send his own attack to the other continents, but that was outside his abilities.

[Lightning Transmission] turns an object into pure energy and moves it with a bolt of lightning.

It sounded so simple that Wolfe wondered why it was in the Forbidden section. Then, he saw the downsides. If you aimed down, the object or person would hit the ground at supersonic speed, or you could throw them kilometres in the air, and even if the spell was properly aimed, there was no guarantee that the lightning wouldn\'t be attracted by an object and lead to disaster.

It wasn\'t forbidden because of some cruel use. It was just insanely dangerous for whatever was being transported. Moving a rock would be pointless but relatively safe. Using it on living things had no guarantee that they would be alive again when they solidified.

Skip that.

Wolfe sighed and closed the Forbidden section, but as he did, a group of runes near where it was kept caught his eye.

The spells were in the advanced section of the home improvement spells, intended for after the first three years of basic training were complete, but this one was particularly right for their purposes.

It was an Unholy Magic contributed by the Eternal Saint himself.

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