
Chapter 243 Slave coller

Chapter 243 Slave coller

Rose felt a surge of revulsion at the bandits\' behavior towards the women. She nodded in agreement with Lily\'s observation. "Look at how they\'re leering at the women as if they\'ve never seen a woman before."

"It\'s likely because they need to hide for an extended period to evade the kingdom\'s soldiers," Grace remarked in a nonchalant tone, though her eyes burned with fury as she regarded the two disoriented bandits.

Yuan focused on the captives within the cages, noting that there were two cages holding a significant number of women and children. Some were in decent condition, but others had suffered serious injuries.

"There are over 70 captives, mostly young women and children," Yuan reported, using his divine sense to assess the situation. "Some of them are in critical condition, with severe internal injuries."

"What?!" His wives were visibly shocked by the grim revelation.

Anna turned to Yuan, her expression anxious. "Let\'s take out the two guards and free the captives. If they remain caged like this, some of them will surely lose their lives."

"Indeed, we must act quickly to save them from further harm. They\'ve already suffered enough at the hands of those vile scum," Lily declared with determination, her grip on her sword tightening.

Yuan observed Anna and Lily for a moment, touched by their kindness in such a cruel world.

"In that case, I\'ll handle the two guards. You all go free the captives," Yuan instructed his wives.

"Very well."

"I\'ll make it as swift as possible." With these words, Yuan tightly grasped his sword and moved towards the unsuspecting guards with astonishing speed.

The two bandits remained oblivious to Yuan\'s approach, engrossed in their lecherous pursuits. Yuan\'s lips curved into a wry smile as he swung his sword towards one of the bandits\' necks.


Yuan\'s sword sliced through the air, swiftly ending the bandit\'s life before he could comprehend his demise.


The severed head thudded onto the ground, jolting the remaining bandit out of his stupor. His gaze dropped to the lifeless head at his feet.

"Huh?!" He muttered in disbelief, staring at the headless body of his comrade, blood pooling around it.

His eyes shot upward, meeting Yuan\'s cold, unyielding stare. Panic welled within him.

\'When did he arrive? I didn\'t even sense his presence until now, and he\'s already killed Billy before I realized!\' The bandit seethed inwardly, consumed by fury over his comrade\'s sudden death.

\'Whoever he is... he\'ll pay for this. I\'ll make him suffer for killing Billy.\' The bandit\'s determination hardened.

He fixed Yuan with a venomous glare, his voice laced with anger. "I don\'t know who you are or why you killed Billy, but you\'ll pay for it. Don\'t think you\'ll leave this place alive."

"Haha, you\'re quite confident for a lowly bandit. You don\'t even understand your own predicament," Yuan chuckled, finding amusement in the bandit\'s bravado.

"Enough of your games, kid. They won\'t work on me," the bandit retorted in frustration, brandishing his dagger with a steady hand.

"Billy may have been simple and foolish, but he was my closest friend. We had our share of fun at the brothel with the ladies, and we always shared our drinks. He was even favored by our leader for lightening the mood with his jokes."

"Even if I can\'t avenge his death against you, our boss won\'t let you live for killing Billy." The bandit\'s voice dripped with rage.

"Hahahah!" Yuan\'s laughter rang out, perplexing the bandit.

"Why are you laughing?" The bandit\'s brows knitted in irritation. He couldn\'t fathom why Yuan suddenly found humor in the situation.

"Haha, I\'m laughing at your ignorance," Yuan replied.

"Ignorance?" The bandit\'s anger flared. "You dare call me ignorant? I\'ll make you regret that, brat!"

"Sigh, it seems you\'re not even aware that I\'ve slaughtered your whole gang, including your so-called boss," Yuan stated, his tone casual, as if the act were no great feat.

"Lies! Don\'t jest about killing our boss, let alone our entire gang. You don\'t have the strength for it. You\'re nothing but a snotty brat... I don\'t believe you, kid." The bandit dismissed Yuan\'s words, convinced it was a mere attempt to intimidate him.

"It\'s not my concern if you believe me or not. In any case, you\'re going to meet the same end as your comrades," Yuan shrugged indifferently.

The bandit seethed with anger. How dare this child look down on him? He had taken the lives of hundreds, and now a mere boy dared to lecture him? It was unacceptable!

"Enough talking, Kid! Prepare to die for killing Billy!" The bandit gripped his dagger tightly and lunged at Yuan, aiming for his throat.

Yuan remained composed, waiting for the opportune moment. As the bandit\'s dagger drew nearer, Yuan raised his hand and caught the tip of the blade with two fingers.

"Huh?!" The bandit was dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes. 

\'How is this possible? How can he stop my blade with just two fingers? I even used magical reinforcement to ensure a clean cut. Not even our boss possesses this kind of skill!\' The bandit\'s thoughts raced in disbelief.

"Do you really think you can take me down with an attack like this? You\'ll need more than this to even scratch my skin. It\'s too feeble!" Yuan tightened his grip on the dagger\'s tip, refusing to release it.

\'Why can\'t I retrieve my dagger?\' The bandit struggled, but the weapon remained firmly held by Yuan.

"You\'ve had your chance. Now it\'s my turn." Yuan\'s grin widened as he raised his massive sword with his free hand. The bandit strained to free his dagger.

\'Damn it! Come out already!\' The bandit\'s frustration mounted as he struggled in vain.

"Now, meet your end!" Yuan swung his sword down at the struggling bandit, who was still trapped by Yuan\'s unyielding grip.


\'Shit! Is this how I\'m going to die?! I couldn\'t even avenge Billy\'s death... Damn it!\' The bandit\'s final thoughts raced through his mind as Yuan\'s sword sliced through his shoulder, severing his body in two.


His divided form fell to the ground, blood gushing like a macabre fountain, drenching the earth in crimson.

"For a lowly bandit like you, I have no sympathy. You\'ve taken countless lives for your own greed and inflicted pain on many for your sick satisfaction," Yuan stated, his gaze fixed on the lifeless corpse, his expression cold and devoid of emotion.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Yuan cleaned his sword, returning it to its place within his storage system.

He then approached his wives and saw that they had successfully freed the women and children captured and caged by the bandits.

"Is everyone alright?" Yuan inquired, directing his question to his mother, Anna.

"Well, we\'ve at least freed them from the cages. However, their condition is dire. I asked if there was a healing mage among them, but the slave collars around their necks prevent her from casting any healing magic to treat the injured," Anna informed him quickly, concern etched on her face.

"Is that so?" Yuan remarked, examining the strange metal collars adorning each captive\'s neck.

\'These collars seem to restrict their movements and absorb their mana, rendering them unable to use magic,\' Yuan noted, studying the slave collars with his divine sense.

Suddenly, Yuan approached one of the women, her neck encircled by a slave collar. He retrieved his sword from his storage system.

\'Is he going to kill me with that massive sword?\' Fear gripped the woman as she observed the formidable weapon in Yuan\'s hand.

"Calm down. I\'m not going to harm you. I\'m just going to remove that strange collar from your neck," Yuan reassured her, a gentle smile gracing his face.

\'So handsome!\' The woman\'s initial fright subsided, replaced by a flush of admiration upon seeing Yuan\'s smile.

"Don\'t make any sudden movements, just relax."

The woman nodded, placing her trust in Yuan\'s capable hands.

Yuan gently held the slave collar, using his sword with precision to cut through the metal. The collar yielded effortlessly, as though it were butter being sliced by a hot knife.


The slave collar fell from the woman\'s neck, leaving her staring at Yuan with astonishment.

"Thank you, thank you for freeing me from a fate worse than death! Thank you..." Tears streamed down the woman\'s face, overwhelmed by the sudden taste of freedom. When the bandits had locked that collar around her neck, she had resigned herself to a grim future.

"There\'s no need to thank me," Yuan reassured her with a warm smile. "You\'re a healing mage, aren\'t you? Attend to the injured now, they\'re in dire need of your help."

"Of course, I\'ll go and start treating them right away." The woman hurried to the aid of the wounded.

With the same care and precision, Yuan proceeded to remove the slave collars one by one from those who had been captured by the bandits.

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