
Chapter 126 Any Parent Would've Done The Same

A few moments later, after Yuan had defeated the Wyvern, a notification appeared in front of him.

<You have completed the Mission: Defend the Pinebrook village.>

<You have been rewarded with: A drop of Phoenix Blood.>

[Congratulations, host! You managed to defeat a monster stronger than the Orc Lord with ease,] Nora exclaimed cheerfully.

Yuan shook his head and responded to Nora, "You\'re giving me too much credit, Nora. If it weren\'t for Xi Meili restraining the Wyvern\'s movements, I wouldn\'t have been able to defeat him so easily. Most of the credit goes to Xi Meili."

[Well, if that\'s what you think, host.] Nora replied a moment later. 

The Wyvern had been much stronger than the Orc Lord, and Yuan knew that he would have struggled to defeat it on his own at this moment. He owed a great deal of his success to his capable and supportive wife, Xi Meili.

"H-He... He really killed the Wyvern..." Rose mumbled in disbelief, her eyes wide as she stared at the massive crater just a few meters away.

Despite knowing that Yuan possessed strength beyond the ordinary, Rose had doubted whether he would be able to truly kill the Wyvern. She couldn\'t help but gaze at the crater in astonishment, struggling to comprehend the unimaginable power Yuan had displayed.

"What kind of being are you, Yuan? How can you possess such incomprehensible god-like power? Are you truly not a... God?" Rose\'s thoughts drifted into a daze as she continued to stare at Yuan\'s figure a few meters away.

A moment later, Xi Meili approached Yuan and spoke to him, "Hubby, you managed to kill the DISGRACE more quickly than I anticipated. I\'m impressed!"

"If it weren\'t for your help, it would have taken me much longer than expected. Thank you for assisting me, Meili," Yuan expressed his gratitude to Xi Meili with a smile.

"I only provided a little assistance; you were the one who killed it," Xi Meili responded, her face slightly flushed.

Soon after, Rose joined them and inquired, "Yuan... Xi Meili... Are you both okay? Are you injured? We should go and treat your injuries..."

"We\'re perfectly fine, Rose. You don\'t need to worry about us. How about you? Are you okay? You were blown away by the Wyvern\'s roar," Yuan recalled the moment when Rose had been sent flying.

In truth, Yuan was unscathed because Xi Meili had expertly restricted the Wyvern\'s movements, preventing it from reaching him or causing any harm.

"I-I\'m fine too," Rose replied promptly, her face slightly blushing.

\'Only my butt is sore from the crash earlier, though...\' Rose thought to herself silently, not showing any hint of pain on her face. 

Unbeknownst to Yuan, Rose felt a bit embarrassed to admit that she was experiencing some soreness in her buttocks from being blown away. She chose to keep that information to herself.

"I\'m glad to hear that you\'re fine, Rose," Yuan said with a smile on his handsome face, causing Rose to blush even more, feeling a warmth spread through her entire being.

Meanwhile, after the golden pillar of light dissipated, a stunning sight greeted the mages and hunters - a colossal crater where the Wyvern\'s body should have been. The sheer force of the attack left them in awe, their voices hushed with astonishment.

"Look! The golden pillar of light has vanished, but... what\'s this? A massive crater in its place instead of the wyvern\'s body? How powerful was that attack?"

"Unbelievable! It completely obliterated the wyvern. Is it... defeated?"

"Thank God that the Lord of the Mountain was defeated; I am completely exhausted and can no longer fight."

"Me too! I\'m hardly moving my body!"

"This isn\'t the first time such devastation has occurred. However, it appears slightly less destructive compared to the previous encounter."

"Who possesses such immense power? It must be a deity! No ordinary mortal could wield such overwhelming force."

"We must tread cautiously. If there is someone capable of harnessing this level of power, they could be a formidable ally or a fearsome adversary."

"Indeed, the sheer magnitude of this display leaves little doubt. Our understanding of power must expand beyond our previous notions."

"Whatever, the important thing is that the Wyvern was defeated, and we can finally take a rest now."

Meanwhile, Yuan\'s two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his beloved Emma continued to fight the mobs near the entrance of the village.I think you should take a look at

"This is the last one..." Lily declared triumphantly as she swiftly dispatched the final monster with a flicker of her sword.

Having fought alongside Yuan while he faced the Wyvern, they had collectively eliminated over two thousand monsters. Those who bore witness to their display of skill and power were left astounded. Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that these women could be so formidable in battle.

As they saw the golden pillar of light vanish in the distance, Grace wore a smile on her face and said, "It appears that our darling has completed his task. Let us go and see if he is alright."

"It seems to be the case, and I believe he defeated the wyvern quite easily; after all, we are talking about Yuan! And we all know how powerful he is!" Lily nodded with a smile. 

"Agreed. But I sensed the aura of the Wyvern earlier, and from its intensity, I can tell that it was many times stronger than the Orc Lord Yuan defeated in Clover Town," Emma remarked, her voice tinged with a mixture of seriousness and concern.

"Let\'s go. I\'m quite anxious to see how he fared." Anna nodded in agreement, her motherly instincts prompting her worry for her child. 

"You\'re worrying over nothing, Anna," Grace said to Anna.They than made their way towards the location where Yuan had faced off against the Wyvern.

A few moments later, Yuan\'s two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his beloved, Emma, arrived before a massive crater created by the Empyreal Severing Sword Strike.

"Goodness!" They gasped nervously as they took in the sight of the enormous crater. 

They had witnessed Yuan use this technique once before in Clover Town, but it was nothing compared to what lay before them now. The crater was many times larger than they had anticipated.

"Is this... Is this caused by Yuan?" Emma mumbled, in a voice filled with disbelief. 

"The destructive force of the technique was so powerful that not even a drop of blood from the wyvern remained... I am speechless." Lily added, her voice filled with surprise. 

Anna, scanning the surroundings, asked, "But where are Yuan and Xi Meili?"

"Over there. It seems that Rose is with them too... Somehow, I\'m not surprised by this." Emma, responded pointing in their direction. 

A moment later, they reached the spot where Yuan and Xi Meili stood, and Anna addressed Yuan, her voice filled with concern, "Yuan, are the two of you alright?"

Suddenly, Anna\'s voice resounded from behind, causing them to turn around. Yuan smiled and reassured Anna, "We\'re perfectly fine, Anna. How about you? Did any of you sustain injuries?"

Anna, relieved to hear that his family was unharmed, asked them with genuine concern, "We\'re also perfectly fine, Yuan. Thank you for asking. How about you, Rose? Are you alright?"

"Thanks for asking, but I\'m fine." Rose replied with a smile. 

A little later, Lily remarked to Yuan, "You truly defeated the Wyvern, Yuan. I had complete faith that you would do it effortlessly, and as expected, you did."

Yuan shook his head modestly and corrected her, "You\'re mistaken, Lily. The wyvern was a formidable opponent, far stronger than the Orc Lord. It was on the verge of advancing to the S-rank. If not for Xi Meili\'s help, I would not have been able to defeat it so easily. Xi Meili played a crucial role, and I consider myself fortunate to have her by my side."

"Oh, Hubby, you\'re making me blush!" Xi Meili said, blushing bright red, and covered her face with her hands. 

A few minutes later, Yuan stood before the massive crater, his heart heavy with guilt for having killed the Wyvern. He understood the pain a parent would feel if their child was forcefully taken away, whether they be human or monster.

Unbeknownst to him, Rose quietly approached from behind and, as she gazed at the crater, spoke softly, "I cannot thank you enough for protecting the Pinebrook village and its innocent residents, Yuan."

Yuan turned to face her, his expression somber. "There\'s no need to thank me. While the Wyvern had a valid reason for seeking revenge, he chose the wrong path and targeted innocent lives. I couldn\'t allow him to massacre an entire village that had done nothing wrong. If I hadn\'t stopped him, hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people would have perished due to his madness."

"I see..." Rose nodded, her eyes filled with contemplation. 

Yuan\'s attention was then drawn to the guard who had accompanied them to the manor when they first arrived. 

"Thank you for defending the Pinebrook village, Senior Yuan." The guard bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude. 

"Yuan, the guards will take care of things here. Let\'s return to the manor and tend to ourselves. After hours of fighting, you all must be exhausted and in need of rest." Rose said to him sometimes later. 

Yuan glanced at his wives, realizing their fatigue. He nodded in agreement. "You\'re right, Rose. Let\'s head back to the manor and recuperate. We\'ve all fought valiantly, and we deserve some rest."

With that, they turned away from the crater, leaving the scene of their hard-fought battle. 

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