
Chapter 100 Adrien's Pursuit

As the group savored their meal, the atmosphere in the tavern remained tense. Adrian and his friends continued to cast jealous glances towards Yuan and his wives, their expressions filled with a hint of seriousness over the rejection they had faced.

With the meal coming to an end, Yuan decided to take care of the bill. He made his way to the counter, where the attendant greeted him with a polite smile. 

"Sir, your bill comes to one gold and fifty silver coins," the attendant informed him.

Yuan realized he didn\'t have the exact change, so he retrieved two gold coins from the system storage, placing them on the counter. 

"Here you go," he said, offering the payment.

The attendant nodded and began to count the change. 

"Thank you, sir. Here is your change, fifty silver coins," the attendant replied, handing over the silver coins.

Without hesitation, Yuan swiftly transferred the silver coins into his system storage, causing them to vanish into thin air. The attendant\'s eyes widened in surprise, observing the coins disappear before their very eyes.

Yuan turned and made his way back to the table, joining his two beautiful mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his two lovely beloveds, Emma and Xi Meili. 

The group then stepped out of the Silver Dine tavern, their satisfied stomachs and paid bill putting them in good spirits, they set their sights on the northern city gate. It was in the same direction as the ancient ruin they had heard about.

Adrian had observed their departure from the tavern. A cunning smile formed on his face as he turned to his friends, sharing his devious plan. 

"Let\'s follow them," he suggested, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Are you sure about this, Adrien? They seemed like an extraordinary group." One of his friends, named Thomas, asked in concern. 

"I\'m a hundred percent sure. When I approached them earlier, I sensed no trace of mana in their bodies. They may be beautiful and handsome, but they\'re weak." said Adrien. 

His friends exchanged glances, contemplating Adrien\'s words. It was true that the group appeared physically stunning but lacked the presence of mana, a vital source of power for mages. 

His friends, equally captivated by the beauty of Yuan\'s wives, nodded in agreement. 

"You\'re right," another friend, named Lucas, chimed in. "If they truly lack power, then we cannot afford to let go of such beauties. Let\'s go and see what fate has in store for us."

With their decision made, Adrien and his companions discreetly trailed behind Yuan and his wives, ensuring they remained undetected. 

The streets were crowded with people going about their daily activities, providing the perfect cover for their pursuit.

Meanwhile, as Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili made their way toward the city gate, their minds filled with anticipation and curiosity. Lily, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, looked at Yuan with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"Are we really going to the ancient ruin mentioned by that greedy stall owner?" she asked, her voice tinged with eagerness.

Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, that\'s the plan. I have a strange feeling deep within me that tells me we will find something incredibly useful there. I can\'t explain it, but I trust my instincts."

"If there\'s even a chance that we\'ll find something useful for our cultivation, it\'s worth exploring." Anna added.

Lily listened intently, her own curiosity piqued. She could sense Yuan\'s sincerity and believed in his intuition.

As they continued their journey, Yuan pondered the strange connection he felt towards the ancient ruin. It was as if an invisible force was pulling him towards it, urging him to uncover its secrets. He couldn\'t shake off the feeling that this was more than just a mere coincidence.

Suddenly Nora spoke, [In the Nine Heavens, many ruins are designated as inheritance sites created by immortals and gods. These places are intended to seek out potential successors who can carry on their legacies after their passing.] 

[These ruins are often fraught with danger, filled with traps and trials. However, the rewards they hold can be monumental. Precious materials, rare herbs, spiritual treasures, and other invaluable resources for cultivation can be found within.]

"So, you believe this ancient ruin could be one of those inheritance sites?" he asked, his voice filled with awe and excitement.

[It\'s highly possible, Host. The signs align, and your intuition seems to be pointing in that direction. If it is indeed an inheritance site, the potential rewards could be extraordinary.] Nora said. 

"We will find out once we get there," he reassured them. "As for what awaits us, it\'s a mystery. Our destiny will unfold according to fate."

As they reached the city gate, they noticed a line of people waiting to pass through. Yuan and his wives joined the queue, blending in with the crowd. 

Meanwhile, Adrien and his friends, who had been discreetly following them, stopped at a safe distance to avoid arousing suspicion.

Thomas, one of Adrien\'s companions, glanced at him with a hint of uncertainty. 

"Brother Adrien, they seem to be leaving the city. What should we do now?" he asked, seeking guidance.

Adrien\'s eyes sparkled with mischief, his smile widening. 

"Why, of course, we will follow them," he replied confidently. His determination to be near the enchanting beauties remained unwavering.

Lucas, another member of their group, pointed towards Yuan and his wives as they made their way through the city gate. 

"Look, brothers! They are leaving. Let\'s go and follow them," he suggested eagerly.

Adrien and his friends, Thomas and Lucas, approached the city gate.

Adrien confidently presented a silver badge to the guards, a symbol of his status or authority. 

"This... Young Master Adrien you may pass!" The guards, recognizing the significance of the badge, respectfully allowed them to pass through the gate unhindered. 

"Um" With a nod of gratitude, Adrien led his companions onward.

On the other side of the city gate, Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili found themselves in a new landscape.

Lily\'s eyes lit up with excitement as she pointed towards a forest located approximately two kilometers north of their current position. 

"That\'s the forest the greedy stall owner mentioned earlier," she exclaimed. 

"Although the Treldrassil Forest may not be as vast as the previous forest we crossed, it is known to be more dangerous and filled with peril. We must remain cautious and alert at all times."

Yuan nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of Lily\'s words. 

"You\'re right, Lily. We cannot underestimate the dangers that lie ahead," he replied. "We must stay vigilant and be prepared for anything that may come our way."

Anna, Grace, Emma, and Xi Meili all nodded their head in agreement, their expressions displaying a mixture of excitement and determination. 

They understood the importance of staying vigilant and relying on one another on this treacherous journey.

As Yuan and his group ventured closer to the dense forest, Thomas couldn\'t help but observe their determined stride. 

He turned to Adrien, a tinge of worry in his voice, and remarked, "Brother Adrien, it seems like we won\'t have a chance to pursue those beauties. They\'re headed towards the Teldrassil Forest."

"What are you saying, Thomas? Are you not a man? It\'s just a small forest. What could we possibly be afraid of?" Adrien scoffed dismissively, as he said. 

"Brother Adrien, it\'s not the forest itself that concerns us. It\'s the monsters that reside within. I\'ve heard reports from skilled hunters at the association. B-rank monsters have been spotted in the vicinity, as the hunters gathered materials for their potions." said Lucas, wearing a wry smile on his face. 

"Yes, Brother Adrien, what Lucas said is true. The rumors have spread among the hunters in town. It would be incredibly dangerous for us to venture into the forest without the protection of soldiers." Thomas added. 

Adrien fell silent, his mind conflicted. The image of the five goddess-like beauties lingered in his thoughts, and he couldn\'t bear to let go of the opportunity. 

As a top student at the magic academy, retreating now would be a blow to his pride. He pondered for a moment, contemplating the risks and rewards that lay before them.

Adrien spoke up, his voice filled with resolution. "I understand your concerns, but I can\'t back down now. Those beauties are too alluring to let slip away. Besides, I am a top student at the magic academy, and it would be a shame for me to cower away from a mere forest." 

"We will proceed, but we must be cautious and prepare ourselves for any encounters. We won\'t let a few monsters stand in our way." he said. 

Thomas and Lucas exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of concern and admiration for Adrien\'s unwavering determination. They understood that Adrien\'s pursuit was driven by more than just shallow desires. 

With a shared nod, they prepared themselves mentally for the dangers that awaited them in the Teldrassil Forest, steeling their resolve to face the unknown together.

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