
Chapter 97 Roth City— The City Of Business

Today, I regretfully inform you that due to my declining health since yesterday evening, I will be able to upload only one chapter. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this unforeseen circumstance. Rest assured, I am committed to delivering the best possible content and will strive to resume my regular schedule as soon as I have fully recovered. Your understanding and continued support are greatly appreciated.


After the final bandit fell, Yuan\'s gaze shifted to the lifeless bodies strewn across the ground. His eyes narrowed with a calculating gleam as he picked up the head of the bandit leader. Holding it firmly in his grasp, he turned to face his wives.

"We should collect their heads," Yuan suggested, his voice steady. "There may be a bounty reward for their capture or demise."

Anna nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "Yes, it would be wise to gather evidence of their defeat. We can present it to the local authorities and claim the reward."

Grace stepped forward, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of potential witnesses. "Let\'s make sure to take the heads discreetly. We don\'t want to attract unnecessary attention."

Lily, always practical, added, "We should also search their belongings for any valuable items or information that could be useful."

Xi Meili immediately rummaged through the bandits\' belongings, her hands sifting through the meager possessions they carried. Her disappointment was evident as she let out a frustrated sigh.

"They were really poor," she muttered, her voice tinged with annoyance. "There is nothing of value here except for a few gold and silver coins."

Grace, who had been observing from a distance, couldn\'t help but chuckle. "What did you expect, Meili? These were just a group of lowly bandits. It\'s unlikely they would have amassed any significant wealth."

Xi Meili pouted, slightly deflated by the reality of the situation. "I suppose you\'re right. It was foolish of me to expect anything more."

Anna joined the conversation, her tone sympathetic. "Don\'t be disheartened, Meili. The true value lies in the safety we\'ve ensured for others. Material possessions can be replaced, but the lives we\'ve protected cannot."

At that moment, the small group of travelers, still in awe of the recent events, approached Yuan and his group with gratitude written all over their faces. They expressed their heartfelt thanks for the timely intervention that had saved their lives.

One of the travelers, a middle-aged man with a grateful smile, spoke up. "We cannot thank you enough for coming to our rescue. Our group was outnumbered and overwhelmed by those bandits. We thought our fate was sealed until you arrived as our saviors."

Anna, always empathetic, nodded and replied, "It was our duty to help those in need. We couldn\'t stand by and watch innocent lives be taken."

Another traveler, a young woman with tear-filled eyes, chimed in. "We lost many of our companions in the attack. It was a terrifying experience, but your arrival gave us hope and a chance to fight back."

Yuan, his expression serious yet comforting, responded, "We are glad that we could make a difference and bring hope to your lives. No one should have to endure such hardships alone."

One of the travelers, a burly man with a rugged appearance, extended his hand to Yuan. "I am forever indebted to you. If there is anything we can do to repay this debt, please don\'t hesitate to ask."

Grace, with her calm demeanor, added, "In times of trouble, it is important for us to support one another. We are glad we could be there when you needed us."

The travelers nodded, their expressions filled with appreciation. "We will forever remember your kindness and bravery. You are true heroes to us."

While the others expressed their gratitude, Xi Meili observed the travelers with an indifferent gaze, as if they were mere ants in her eyes. Her expression remained unchanged, a testament to her stoic demeanor.

Yuan, noticing Xi Meili\'s detached stance, cleared his throat and spoke to the travelers. "We are glad that we were able to assist you. However, we must continue on our journey. Stay safe and be cautious as you travel."

The leader of the travelers nodded, understanding the urgency of Yuan\'s words. "Thank you once again. We will heed your advice and take extra precautions."

With a final round of thanks and well wishes, the small group of travelers bid farewell and continued on their way, their spirits uplifted by the hope of a brighter future. 

They knew that without the timely intervention of Yuan and his group, their lives would have been tragically cut short.

As Yuan\'s group watched the travelers fade into the distance, Anna approached Xi Meili, a hint of concern in her eyes. 

"Meili, I understand that you may find it difficult to connect with strangers, but it\'s important to show gratitude and compassion. We are all in this together."

Xi Meili\'s expression softened slightly, a brief flicker of understanding crossing her features. She nodded, acknowledging Anna\'s words.

Yuan gathered his group, his eyes scanning each member with determination. "Now that we\'re done here, it\'s time to move. We\'ve wasted enough time on these bandits."

Anna and Grace nodded in agreement, their resolve unwavering. "You\'re right, Yuan. We must stay focused and continue our journey."

Emma turned to Lily and whispered, "Lead the way, Lily. You have a keen sense of direction."

Lily, filled with determination, nodded and took the lead. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll guide us through the safest and fastest route."

Xi Meili, sitting behind Yuan on his horse, hugged him tightly, her grip speaking volumes of her affection and trust. She held onto him, finding solace in his presence.

With a unified sense of purpose, they set off, their horses moving swiftly beneath them. The wind carried their determination, pushing them forward toward the unknown.

After traveling for almost two hours, Yuan and his group emerged from the mountain range, they were greeted by a breathtaking sight. 

The vast open valley stretched before them, with the magnificent white walls of Roth City standing tall in the distance. 

Excitement filled the air as they realized they were finally approaching their destination.

Anna\'s eyes widened with wonder as she took in the view. "Look at the size of that city! It\'s incredible!"

Grace nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across her face. "Indeed, Roth City truly lives up to its reputation as the city of business."

Lily, who had been leading the way, turned to the others with excitement in her voice. "We\'re almost there, everyone! Just a little further and we\'ll be within the city walls."

Emma\'s eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I can\'t wait to explore the bustling streets and markets. There\'s bound to be so much to see and experience."

Xi Meili, still tightly clinging to Yuan, looked at him with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yuan, what do you think we\'ll find in Roth City? Will it be different from the places we\'ve been to before?"

Yuan smiled reassuringly at her. "Roth City is known for its diverse cultures, vibrant trade, and opportunities."

"We\'ll encounter people from all walks of life and witness the bustling energy of commerce. It\'ll be an adventure unlike any other."

As they continued their journey towards Roth City, their hearts filled with anticipation. The group rode on, their spirits high, eager to immerse themselves in the vibrant city that lay ahead.

The walls of Roth City grew larger and more imposing with each passing minute. The bustling sounds and vibrant colors of the city drew them in, promising a world of possibilities.

As Yuan and his group approached the city gates, they noticed a long line of merchants with carriages loaded with goods, hunters displaying their trophies, and a diverse array of people eagerly waiting to enter the city. 

It was a testament to Roth City\'s reputation as a hub of commerce and opportunity.

After patiently waiting in line for about 20 minutes, the gates finally opened, and they entered the city of business. 

The moment they stepped inside, their senses were overwhelmed by the vibrant atmosphere. The streets were filled with a multitude of people, each engaged in their own pursuits. 

The sound of merchants hawking their wares, the enticing aromas wafting from food stalls, and the colorful sights of various stalls and shops captivated their attention.

Anna looked around, her eyes wide with awe. "So many people! Look at all the different stalls and shops. This city truly is a center of trade."

Grace nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the air is filled with the energy of commerce. It\'s exhilarating to be amidst such bustling activity."

Lily admired the architecture of the city buildings. "The craftsmanship here is remarkable. Each structure seems to have a story to tell."

Emma chimed in, her gaze fixed on the lively streets. "I can\'t wait to explore and see what treasures we might find. There\'s bound to be something for everyone."

Xi Meili clung to Yuan\'s arm, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hubby, where should we go first? There\'s so much to see and do."

Yuan looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. "First, let\'s find an inn where we can rest and make plans for our stay. We\'ll need a place to settle in and explore the city from."

They navigated through the bustling streets, passing by various merchants, street performers, and locals going about their daily lives. The city was alive with a fusion of cultures, languages, and exotic goods.

As Yuan and his group wandered through the bustling streets of Roth City, they came across a large inn with a sign that read "The Whispering Wind Inn." Intrigued by the name and the inviting atmosphere, they decided to step inside.

As they entered the inn, the air was filled with a warm ambiance. Soft music played in the background, creating a soothing atmosphere. The receptionist, Amelia, greeted them with a pleasant voice and a warm smile.

"Welcome to The Whispering Wind Inn, esteemed guests. I\'m Amelia. How may I assist you today?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of melodic sweetness.

Yuan stepped forward, taking charge of the conversation. "We are in need of the best room you have available for six people. We plan to stay for the night."

Amelia nodded, understanding their request. "Of course, sir. We have a luxurious suite that would be perfect for your party. It offers spacious accommodation and exclusive amenities. However, I must inform you that the cost for one night in our best room is 30 gold coins."

Yuan glanced at his wives, silently confirming their agreement. He then turned back to Amelia with a determined expression. "Very well, we will take the best room for the night. Here are the 30 gold coins."

He handed over the payment as Amelia gracefully accepted it. "Thank you, sir. I assure you that you won\'t be disappointed with our finest accommodations. Allow me to guide you to your room."

Amelia led them through the inn\'s elegant corridors, their footsteps barely making a sound on the plush carpets. The suite was beautifully decorated, with comfortable furnishings and a breathtaking view of the city.

As they settled into their room, Amelia bid them a pleasant evening. "Should you need anything during your stay, please don\'t hesitate to reach out. Enjoy your time at The Whispering Wind Inn."

Yuan thanked her, appreciating her hospitality. "We appreciate your assistance, Amelia. We look forward to a peaceful and comfortable stay."

With that, Amelia left them to enjoy their luxurious surroundings. The group took a moment to appreciate the exquisite room, each member finding a place to rest and relax.

As they gazed out the window, they could see the bustling streets below, now illuminated by the evening lights. 

The city\'s energy flowed around them, but within the sanctuary of The Whispering Wind Inn, they could find solace and respite.

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