
Chapter 95 Scattered Bodies

After an intensive four-hour practice session on their flying swords, Yuan, Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili returned to their camp, gracefully descending from the skies. 

Yuan skillfully stored his sword within his system storage, while Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili placed theirs inside their storage rings.

As they approached the campfire, they noticed Lily and Emma fully immersed in their cultivation. 

The energy emanating from them indicated that they were on the verge of breaking through their bottlenecks, just a few more hours away.

Anna\'s eyes softened with pride as she observed her daughter and daughter-in-law. 

She remarked with a smile, "It seems they can\'t contain their eagerness to experience the joy of flying on a sword."

Grace chimed in, a playful chuckle escaping her lips. 

"Indeed," she agreed. "Who could resist the temptation of such a transcendent ability, defying the limits of the heavens itself?"

Yuan smiled knowingly, adding, "We all know Lily\'s insatiable curiosity. Seeing that only she and Emma lack the cultivation realm to fly, she must be driven to reach the Spirit Master realm."

Anna and Grace nodded in agreement, acknowledging Lily\'s occasional bouts of jealousy. 

Yuan then suggested, "Let\'s also continue our cultivation until sunrise. The stronger we become, the safer our journey will be."

Anna nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Grace\'s concern. "You\'re right, dear. We can\'t underestimate the potential dangers that await us in the kingdom."

Grace\'s determination shone through as she nodded in response. "Let\'s not waste any more time. We should commence our cultivation immediately."

Yuan, Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili found their places in a lotus position near the campfire, positioning themselves close to Emma and Lily, who were immersed in deep concentration during their cultivation.

Taking a moment to steady himself, Yuan inhaled deeply, preparing for the next phase. With a calm and focused expression, he gently closed his eyes, and activate his skill. 

«Skill Empyreal Consumption has been activated!»







After several hours of intense cultivation, Lily slowly opened her eyes, her voice barely a whisper. 

"I\'m very close to making a breakthrough," she murmured, a mixture of excitement and determination evident in her words.

Emma, sensing her own progress, also opened her eyes and shared in Lily\'s anticipation. "I\'m on the verge of a breakthrough too," she revealed, a spark of newfound power gleaming in her gaze.

Moments ticked by, each passing second charged with anticipation. And then, it happened. Lily\'s perseverance paid off as she broke through to the first level of the Spirit Master realm. 

A surge of energy coursed through her, validating her unwavering dedication and unlocking a new realm of possibilities.

Simultaneously, Emma\'s efforts bore fruit as well. She ascended to the ninth level of the Spirit Warrior realm, on the cusp of reaching her own milestone.

3 or 4 hours later, as the sun slowly ascended, casting its gentle rays across the horizon, morning arrived. Despite the dawn\'s arrival, the group remained steadfast in their cultivation, still immersed in their deep trances.

Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili were lost in a realm of their own, their minds and bodies attuned to the energies coursing through them.






Yuan gradually opened his eyes, basking in the gentle warmth of the sunlight kissing his face. 

A sigh escaped his lips as he muttered to himself, "After cultivating for over six hours, I\'ve come close to reaching the peak of the second level of the Spirit Master realm. The progress has significantly slowed down."

Nora replied, [Indeed, as you ascend to higher realms, the path becomes increasingly arduous. Some individuals even spend years attempting to break through to a minor realm within the Master realm. If they were to learn of your cultivation speed, they would surely be astonished.]

Yuan remained silent, absorbing Nora\'s words. His gaze then shifted towards his two mothers, Anna and Grace, and his elder sister, Lily, along with his beloved companions, Emma and Xi Meili. 

Anna and Grace, with their remarkable cultivation speed, had now reached the pinnacle of the first level of the Spirit Master realm.

Turning his attention to Lily and Emma, Yuan reflected quietly. He acknowledged their achievements, a mixture of pride and admiration welling up within him. 

Lily, finally breaking through, had stepped into the realm of Spirit Masters, while Emma had reached the peak of the ninth level of the Spirit Warrior realm.

Sensing Yuan\'s movement, the two girls opened their eyes, their gazes meeting his. A silent understanding passed between them, a connection forged through shared determination and the pursuit of power.

Yuan\'s eyes held a blend of affection and reassurance as he addressed them, breaking the stillness that enveloped the camp. 

"Lily, Emma, your breakthroughs are remarkable. I have no doubt that you will continue to rise in strength and prowess."

Lily\'s face lit up with a mix of joy and determination. "Thank you, Yuan. I will work hard to refine my abilities and contribute to our collective journey."

Emma\'s expression mirrored Lily\'s resolve. "Likewise, Yuan. I won\'t settle until I\'ve reached the pinnacle of the Spirit Warrior realm and beyond."

As the chattering filled the air, Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili slowly opened their eyes, rising from their meditative postures. 

Greeting the morning with smiles, they joined Yuan, Lily, and Emma, congratulating them on their breakthroughs in cultivation.

After that, Anna and Emma took charge of preparing breakfast for the group. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, invigorating their spirits as they sat down to enjoy the meal. 

Once breakfast was finished, they swiftly packed their belongings, storing them within their trusty storage rings, ready to resume their journey towards the capital of the kingdom.

Mounted on their horses, the group set off, the rhythmic sounds of hooves echoing through the countryside. Lily rode closer to Yuan, her eyes scanning the surrounding landscape. 

With a note of excitement in her voice, she shared her observation, "The closest city, the city of Roth, lies just beyond that mountain range. If we maintain this speed, we should reach there before dawn."

Grace furrowed her brows, deep in thought. "The City of Roth... Isn\'t that within Marquis Rothsey\'s territory?"

Anna, recalling snippets of information, nodded. "Yes, I\'ve heard that Marquis Rothsey\'s domain is renowned for its thriving business activities. It\'s often referred to as the city of business."

Yuan\'s curiosity was piqued as he chimed in, "A city of business, you say? That sounds intriguing."

As the horses carried them forward, the group continued their journey, their destination—the capital of the kingdom—still a few cities away. 

The City of Roth stood as the next milestone, a prominent location well-known not only within the Windfall Kingdom but also in neighboring realms.

As Yuan and his group traversed the winding mountain range, their journey took an unexpected turn. Yuan\'s keen eyes spotted signs of a recent battle along the side of the road. 

Fresh blood stained the earth, and scattered limbs bore witness to the violence that had transpired.

Observing the grim scene, Yuan voiced his thoughts, "There has been a battle here, and it seems to have occurred only a few hours ago. The blood on the ground is still fresh."

Emma, ever perceptive, offered a possible explanation. "It could be the work of a magical beast, attacking unsuspecting merchants or hunters passing through."

Yuan shook his head in disagreement. "No, from the evidence, it appears to be the result of human conflict. There are no traces of any monster present."

Anna nodded in agreement, her mind focused on unraveling the truth. "You\'re right, Yuan. There is no sign of a monster. It is likely that someone has ambushed the travelers passing through."

Lily chimed in, her voice solemn. "This must be the work of a group of bandits. This area is known for its frequent robberies and senseless violence."

Grace nodded in affirmation, acknowledging Lily\'s astute observation. "Indeed, dear Lily, it seems highly likely that bandits are responsible for this act of brutality."

Meanwhile, Xi Meili, riding alongside Yuan, seemed unfazed by the conversation. Her attention was solely on Yuan as she lovingly embraced him, resting her head upon his back.

Grace, known for her icy demeanor, broke the somber silence. "Let us continue on our journey. Lingering here will not serve our purpose. We must reach the city before nightfall, securing accommodations in an inn along the way."

Yuan acknowledged Grace\'s words, nodding in agreement. "You\'re right, Mom Grace. We must reach the town before nightfall if we want to secure a vacant room in an inn."

Anna, sharing the sentiment, affirmed Yuan\'s decision. "Indeed, it is a prudent choice. Let us continue our journey without delay."

With that, the group picked up their pace, their horses galloping swiftly along the road. The rhythmic sound of hooves echoed through the air as they pressed onward, determined to reach their destination before darkness blanketed the land.

As they traveled, Emma\'s voice rang out with surprise. "Look up there! I see scattered bodies along the road."

The group\'s attention turned to the grim sight ahead. Seven lifeless forms lay strewn about, a chilling testament to the violence that had transpired. Yuan, utilizing his heightened senses, scanned the scene with his divine sense. 

"These bodies bear signs of torture. Their deaths were undoubtedly brutal."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon the girls, their expressions mirroring a mix of shock and sorrow.

Yuan\'s voice resonated with determination. "Let us not be deterred by such ants on our path. We will continue moving forward, and should we encounter them, it will be their final day."

With resolve in his words, the group pushed aside the grim scene, their determination unwavering. They rode on, the horses carrying them swiftly through the treacherous road. 

The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and purple, casting long shadows over the land.

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