
Chapter 62 Empyreal Severing Sword Strike

Before delving into the forthcoming chapter, I would like to apprise you all of a modification I have made regarding the nomenclature of Yuan\'s cultivation techniques.

[Cultivation methods—

Transcendent Heavenly Scripture —Empyreal Consumption —Empyreal Severing Sword Strike—Heavenly Sanctuary]


I extend my sincere gratitude to the generous individuals who have bestowed upon me their thoughtful gifts. To "Mark_Henry_3150," thank you for the "Inspiration Capsule." To "Wbug," thank you for the refreshing "Ice Cola." "oddie23," your gift of the savory "Pizza" is deeply appreciated. Lastly, to "Joseph_Firth," thank you for the ultimate luxury of the "Massage Chair." Words fail to capture the immense joy I feel upon receiving these valuable tokens. Please accept my humble thanks for your kindness and generosity.


As the Orc Lord closed in on Yuan, the concern of his wives echoed through the air. 

"Yuan!" Grace, Lily, and Emma shouted in unison, their voices laced with worry and fear for his safety. The sight of their beloved husband and companion facing such a formidable foe sent a chill down their spines.

In an instant, the Orc Lord reached Yuan with astonishing speed. His eyes burned with anger as he directed his fury towards the young hunter. 

He snarled, his voice dripping with malice and contempt. "Accept your fate, human! Die for daring to kill my brothers!" With a powerful swing of his massive battle axe, he aimed to cleave Yuan in two with a single strike.

Yuan, realizing the gravity of the situation, swiftly positioned his sword in a defensive stance. The Orc Lord\'s attack crashed against Yuan\'s blade with thunderous force. The impact was tremendous, pushing Yuan back several meters and carving a deep, four-foot pit into the ground. 

The battleground shook under the force of the collision, sending ripples through the air. Luckily, Yuan\'s heightened senses through his \'Divine Sense\' allowed him to navigate the chaotic battlefield amidst the monsters.

The murmurs of disbelief and astonishment rippled through the onlookers as they witnessed Yuan emerge unscathed from the powerful blow of the Orc Lord. Their voices mingled, expressing their shock and doubt.

"Did you see that? He blocked the Orc Lord\'s attack as if it was nothing!" exclaimed one bewildered spectator.

"I\'ve never seen a human withstand such a devastating blow," said another, their voice filled with amazement.

"He must be more than just a human. No ordinary mortal could possess such strength," speculated a curious onlooker.

Robert, the association head, exchanged a bewildered glance with Mireya, the receptionist. Their eyes mirrored the astonishment felt by the crowd. 

Robert\'s voice filled with awe as he tried to make sense of the spectacle before him. "This is beyond anything I could have imagined. How is it possible for someone so young and seemingly ordinary to possess such power?"

Mireya, her usually composed demeanor faltering for a moment, added, "Indeed, this is unprecedented. Yuan\'s resilience and skill surpass anything I have ever witnessed. There must be more to him than meets the eye."

Amidst the commotion, Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma rushed towards Yuan, their concern evident in their voices. 

"Yuan, are you alright?" Anna asked, her voice laced with worry. "That was an incredibly powerful attack. Do you need our assistance against the Orc Lord?"

Yuan\'s confident smile graced his face as he reassured his wives. "I\'m fine," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering assurance. 

"I can handle this ugly bastard of a pig on my own. Focus on eliminating the remaining orcs on the battlefield. Leave none alive."

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma exchanged glances, their trust in Yuan unwavering. They understood the strength and determination that burned within him. With a nod, they acknowledged his words and turned their attention back to the battle, renewed determination etched on their faces.

The four women swiftly rejoined the fray, their swords glinting in the sunlight as they resumed their elegant and deadly dance. With each strike, more orcs fell beneath their swift and precise movements, their sword techniques reaching newfound heights of mastery. 

Their efforts were focused on eradicating the remaining threat, ensuring that no orc would escape their righteous fury.

Surprised by Yuan\'s resilience in withstanding his powerful blow, the Orc Lord\'s expression shifted. Where he had anticipated an easy victory against a mere human, he now found himself facing unexpected resistance. A sense of respect flickered in the Orc Lord\'s eyes as he observed Yuan. 

With a wicked smile curving his ugly face, he spoke in a tone laced with both surprise and cunning. "I must say, human, I\'m impressed. Few have ever withstood my attack. I respect your determination."

The Orc Lord\'s twisted smile widened, revealing sharp, yellowed teeth. His respect quickly transformed into a twisted pleasure at the prospect of a more challenging opponent. 

His bloodlust intensified as he relished the opportunity to face someone who dared to defy his power.

The Orc Lord\'s sinister laughter reverberated through the battlefield as he responded to Yuan\'s defiant words. "Bold words coming from a puny human without a trace of mana in his body," he sneered. "You may have defended yourself once, but your fate is sealed. You will die by my hand."

His gaze shifted towards Yuan\'s wives, and his eyes glinted with malice. With a wicked smirk, he taunted Yuan further. "Ah, those beautiful females are yours, aren\'t they? I\'ll make sure to use them well for the breeding process," he jeered, his laughter echoing in the air.

Yuan\'s wives felt a surge of disgust at the Orc Lord\'s vulgar remarks. Their expressions hardened, their resolve strengthening. The people defending the town, too, were angered by the Orc Lord\'s demeaning words.

Suddenly, Norah\'s voice broke through Yuan\'s thoughts, [Host, don\'t lose your cool; he is trying to provoke you with his words.] 

Yuan nodded inwardly, acknowledging the Norah\'s advice. He knew that the Orc Lord was merely trying to incite him.

Firmly gripping his sword, Yuan cast a cold gaze upon the Orc Lord. His voice dripped with confidence and provocation as he retorted, "Are you done speaking your last words before you meet your end?"

Enraged by Yuan\'s audacity, the Orc Lord bellowed in fury. "How dare a mere human underestimate the might of the \'Lord\'!" he roared. "I will torture you until you beg for death!"

Closing the distance between them in a furious charge, the Orc Lord swung his massive battle axe at Yuan. With lightning-fast reflexes, Yuan evaded the attack, relying on his agility to outmaneuver his foe. In an instant, he channeled his Qi and executed his signature sword technique, the "One Sword One Strike."

<Your understanding of the sword has increased significantly!>

The clash between the Orc Lord\'s axe and Yuan\'s sword sent shockwaves through the air, shattering the tranquility of the battlefield. The ground quivered beneath them as the two forces collided, capturing the attention of everyone around.

Yuan\'s speed outmatched the lumbering Orc Lord, allowing him to evade each attack with precision. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, utilizing his sword technique to land hits on the Orc Lord. Although the Orc Lord\'s defense was formidable, Yuan\'s relentless assault managed to inflict some damage.

<Your understanding of the sword has increased significantly!>

The battle raged on, the clash between their weapons intensifying with each exchange. The spectators held their breath, their eyes locked on the titanic struggle. Yuan remained resolute, his movements graceful yet lethal. He pressed on, striking blow after blow, determined to bring down the Orc Lord.

The Orc Lord\'s fury grew as Yuan\'s attacks found their mark, but his defenses held strong. The Orc Lord\'s roars echoed across the battlefield, his rage fueling his every strike. The clash between the human and the monster became a spectacle of power and determination, a clash that would decide the fate of the town and all its inhabitants.

As Yuan\'s attacks proved futile against the Orc Lord\'s formidable defense, he realized that he needed to resort to his trump card. 

With a determined expression, he thought to himself, "His defense is too high, and my attacks aren\'t doing enough damage. It seems I have no choice but to use it, though I can\'t be sure if it will work since I\'ve never tried it before."

The Orc Lord, sensing an opportunity, gathered mana into his axe and launched a devastating attack. "Take this, pathetic human! This is the end for you!" he bellowed, his voice laced with malice.

Yuan\'s instincts kicked in, and he exclaimed, "Oh, shit!" In a split second, he managed to dodge the attack, narrowly escaping the destructive power. The ground behind him crumbled and shattered, bearing the brunt of the Orc Lord\'s assault.

Breathing heavily from exhaustion, the Orc Lord paused his movements, temporarily unable to continue his assault. 

Yuan\'s lips curled into a small smirk as he looked at the depleted monster. With a mocking tone, he said, "Now that you\'ve shown me your most powerful attack, it\'s only fair that I show you mine, isn\'t it?"

The Orc Lord growled in frustration, unable to comprehend the level of resistance he faced from a mere human. He had never experienced such difficulty in dealing with humans before.

With both hands firmly gripping his sword, Yuan raised it upward, pouring his Qi into the weapon. The townsfolk defending their home watched Yuan with confusion, unable to sense even a trace of mana from him, much less any indication of what he was about to do. 

Association head Robert turned to Mireya, seeking answers. "Do you have any idea what this newcomer is planning?" he asked, perplexed.

Mireya shook her head, her gaze fixed on Yuan. "I have no clue, but whatever it is, it seems to be something grand and devastating," she replied, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Yuan\'s wives—Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma—had dispatched the last of the orcs and turned their attention to Yuan. They observed him pouring an immense amount of Qi into his attack, their eyes widening in astonishment. They felt a surge of pride seeing him in such a state.

Almost all of his Qi except for a reserve of 10 percent surged through Yuan\'s body, suffusing his sword with a radiant golden light. 

The sight of the glowing sword sent a chill down the Orc Lord\'s spine, as if the harbinger of his impending demise had arrived. For the first time in his life, fear gripped his heart.

The defenders of the town also felt a shiver run down their spines, even though they couldn\'t sense any fluctuations of mana. Despite the absence of visible magic, they couldn\'t shake off the overwhelming sense of impending doom.

With a wide smile across his face, Yuan declared, "Behold the magnificence of my devastating technique, the \'Empyreal Severing Sword Strike\'!" With those words, he swung his sword vertically, unleashing a blinding pillar of golden light that soared into the heavens. 

The pillar swept through the Orc Lord, erasing him from existence with a power that defied comprehension.

Silence fell upon the battlefield as the remnants of the Orc Lord dissipated into nothingness. The onlookers stood in awe and disbelief, witnessing the might of Yuan\'s unparalleled technique. 

The air carried a lingering sense of reverence, for in that moment, Yuan had transcended the boundaries of mere mortals and become a force to be reckoned with.


<Mission "Defend the Town" has been completed.>


Greetings, my esteemed and, dare I say, lasciviously inclined followers. I trust that your respective partners, paramours, or mistresses are tending to your needs in ways both nourishing and fulfilling. Ahem, now, I am well aware that your perverse souls may be yearning for certain, ahem, "activities," but let us not utter such sinful words. Let us redirect our focus, shall we? Ah, where were we? Ah, yes, I implore you to continue your unwavering support for this literary endeavor. Shower this book with your undivided attention, akin to a tsunami of devotion. Even if said tsunami were to sweep away my undergarments, fear not, I shall refrain from placing blame upon any one of you. So, by all means, unleash the floodgates of your affection upon this book, my dear perverted disciples.

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