
Chapter 47 Divine Sense

Yuan and Emma embarked on a subjugation mission and departed from the Hunter\'s Association, their resolve set.

As they walked towards the town gate situated in the north, they couldn\'t help but feel excited for the adventure that lay ahead.

The wind blew gently, carrying the sound of the bustling town to their ears.

As they made their way toward the gate of the town on the North, Yuan turned to Emma and asked, "Have you ever been outside the city?"

Emma looked at him curiously and shook her head. "No, I haven\'t," she replied. "Ever since your mother took me in, I\'ve never had the opportunity to venture beyond these walls."

Yuan nodded in understanding. "I see. Well, today you\'ll see what lies beyond the town gates."

Emma expressed agreement by nodding her head and delivering the following statement with a gentle smile, "Undoubtedly, during my childhood days, I had an unquenchable yearning to explore beyond the confines of the town and behold the wonders of the external world. During that time, a group of hooligans in the slum almost sold me into slavery, but your mother intervened and rescued me, providing me with shelter. I often ponder about the appearance of the outside world."

Yuan smiled at her enthusiasm. "There\'s a whole world waiting for us outside these walls, with different cultures, landscapes, and creatures. We\'ll have to be careful, though, as not everything out there is friendly."

Emma nodded, her excitement now mixed with a hint of apprehension. "I understand. But I\'m ready for whatever comes our way."

Yuan nodded in approval. "Good. Let\'s go then, and see what this world has in store for us."

Emma\'s eagerness to explore the outside world was matched by Yuan\'s own excitement. He was thrilled to embark on an adventure in a world filled with magic, wonder, and danger, a world that he had only read about in fantasy literature known as \'novels\'.

The prospect of encountering dangerous monsters and witnessing fantastical landscapes stirred his imagination. He had always longed to experience the thrill of adventure in his past life on Earth.

As Yuan and Emma approached the town gate with a sense of trepidation, taking in the sight before them. The line of people and merchants waiting to pass through the gate was a testament to the importance of the town\'s security.

As they drew nearer, the guards\' scrutiny intensified, their sharp eyes scanning every inch of those who sought entry or exit. The air was tense, charged with an undercurrent of danger and the promise of adventure.

Yuan couldn\'t help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of what lay beyond the town\'s walls, while Emma\'s nerves were on edge.

They knew that once they passed through that gate, there was no turning back.

As Yuan and Emma approached the town gate, they were stopped by one of the town\'s guards, who inquired about their purpose for leaving the town.

"What is your business outside the town?" asked the guard with a stern tone.

"We are on a mission in the forest of spirit," replied Yuan, his voice steady and firm.

"Very well," said the guard. "May I see your Hunter licenses to confirm your identity?"

Yuan and Emma presented their licenses to the guard, who scrutinized them carefully before nodding in approval.

After a moment of scrutiny, the guard nodded in acknowledgement and stepped aside. "You may pass," he said, opening the path for them. "But be cautious in the forest, and return before dark."

"Thank you," Yuan said, his expression grateful as he and Emma passed through the gate.

As Yuan and Emma crossed the threshold of the town gate, a panoramic view of a vast, open field with scattered bushes greeted their eyes. A small river flowed along the left side of the field while a dense forest loomed on the right. The thick trees of the forest were visible from where they stood.

Yuan turned to Emma and gestured towards the forest, his voice carrying a hint of excitement tinged with caution. "That must be the forest of spirits, right?" he asked, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

Emma nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the looming forest. "Yes, it is," she replied softly, her voice conveying a sense of awe and wonder.

Yuan then turned to Emma and spoke with resolve, "Let us make our way to the forest and complete this mission as swiftly as possible."

With that, the two companions set off towards the forest, their footsteps echoing in the vastness of the open field. As they drew closer to the edge of the forest, the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds filled the air, adding to the sense of adventure and danger that lay ahead.

As Yuan and Emma ventured deeper into the forest, their senses heightened as they searched for the wolves they had been tasked to subjugate. They scoured the surrounding area, their eyes scanning every nook and cranny of the forest, their ears alert for any sound that might give away the wolves\' location.

After nearly two hours of searching, they were left empty-handed, their quarry eluding them despite their advanced cultivator senses.

"It\'s strange that we can\'t sense their presence," Yuan muttered, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Emma nodded in agreement. "The thick trees are blocking our senses, making it difficult to pinpoint their location," she said, her voice tinged with frustration.

Yuan sighed heavily, his eyes scanning the surrounding area once more. "We must continue our search," he said resolutely. "We cannot afford to return empty-handed."

Emma nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "Let\'s keep going," she said, a steely resolve in her voice.

With that, they plunged deeper into the forest, determined to find their quarry no matter what obstacles lay in their path.

As Yuan and Emma continued their search for the elusive wolves, Yuan\'s mind raced with thoughts of how to overcome the obstacle of the thick trees that blocked their senses.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him, inspired by the novels and manga he had read about cultivators with advanced abilities to sense their surroundings without needing to rely on their physical senses.

\'If our advanced senses aren\'t working in this dense forest, then perhaps I should try to use my cultivation to search for their whereabouts,\' he thought to himself. \'It\'s worth a try.\'

With that, Yuan closed his eyes and focused his energy inward, expanding his own aura until he could sense things within a few meters of his position.

As Yuan continued to use his cultivation to sense his surroundings, he was amazed by the level of detail he could perceive. He could see the forest with a clarity that surpassed his physical vision, and he could even observe his surroundings from a third-person perspective.

The trees around him seemed to come alive, their leaves rustling in the wind as if dancing to an invisible tune. The small animals scurrying around in the underbrush were no longer just blurs of motion, but distinct creatures with their own unique shapes and patterns.

Yuan felt a sense of exhilaration at this newfound ability, and he couldn\'t help but marvel at the world he saw through his cultivation.

Yuan was in a state of astonishment as he ruminated to himself, \'Remarkably, I can perceive the world around me even with my eyes shut, and to my surprise, the images are even more vivid than when I use my eyes...\'

<You have learned Divine Sense>

<Divine Sense>

<Rank: Unknown>

<Mastery Level: 1>

<Description: A mystical ability that heightens one\'s perception beyond the limitations of the physical senses.>

Suddenly Nora spoke, [Congratulations, Yuan. Your attainment of the Divine Sense is a remarkable feat for a Spirit Warrior Realm cultivator.]

Nora conveyed her felicitations to Yuan for mastering the Divine Sense, despite being a Spirit Warrior Realm cultivator, expressing admiration for his impressive accomplishment in cultivating such a rare ability.

"Emma, I think I\'ve found a way to locate the wolves!" Yuan exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Emma looked at him with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Really? How?" she asked.

"I\'m using my cultivation to sense their presence, and I think I can feel them nearby, and it\'s called \'Divine Sense\'," Yuan explained, his voice tinged with excitement.

Emma\'s eyes widened with amazement. "That\'s incredible! I had no idea that our cultivation could be used in that way," she said, her voice filled with wonder.

Due to Emma\'s recent initiation into the field of cultivation, coupled with her prior lack of knowledge in the subject matter, her amazement is unsurprising.

With his newfound ability to sense his surroundings using his cultivation, Yuan continued to expand his divine sense to locate the group of wolves. As he focused his mind, he felt his consciousness expand, reaching out across the forest to locate the elusive creatures.

Using his divine sense, Yuan could see the wolves in intricate detail, their movements and behaviors laid bare before his eyes. He could see the way they moved in their pack, their hunting strategies and their territorial boundaries.

"Emma, I found them!" Yuan exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "They\'re just ahead, in a clearing up ahead."

Emma looked at him with amazement, her eyes wide with wonder. "That\'s incredible," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

"Let\'s go and finish the mission!" Yuan said.

As they made their way through the forest, Yuan used his divine sense to track the movements of the wolves, making sure they were on the right path. The forest was quiet, save for the occasional chirping of the birds and the rustling of leaves underfoot.

As they approached the clearing, they could hear the faint howling of the wolves in the distance. Yuan motioned for Emma to stay back as he crept closer to the pack, his senses on high alert.


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