
Chapter 41 Enlightenment

In the backyard belonging to the Blank Family, four individuals assumed the lotus position and directed their gaze towards the martial arts techniques they endeavored to comprehend.

"how long do you suppose it will take for them to learn the skills, Nora?" Yuan inquired of Nora while observing his family members with great concentration as they sat in the lotus pose and dedicated themselves to learning the technique.

[Due to individual variations in talents and abilities, I cannot make a definitive judgment; however, I will duly consider their respective talents. Based on my estimation, the assimilation of techniques may require approximately 7 to 8 hours.] Nora responded to him.

"It will soon be dark, and that is a lot of time. I\'m hoping they get through learning the procedures by dinnertime."

[Mastering a skill takes time and patience, so don\'t expect instant gratification. Only time can reveal how long it will take for one to grasp the technique!] Nora spoke.

Yuan nodded understandingly to Nora as he sat on the grass and waited for them to finish.

Grace and Anna were attempting to understand the intricate "Lotus Blossom Sword Dance" technique, studying its movements and trying to comprehend its graceful execution.

They were determined to learn it in one go and had been sitting there for hours, their bodies remaining still except for the occasional twitch or adjustment of their posture.

Lily was studying the "Frozen Moon Blade," a technique that required swift and deadly sword movements. Her body was shrouded by a chilling, icy aura that made the ground beneath her freeze over.

[You are an extremely fortunate host. Your sister has an extremely rare talent; I wasn\'t expecting her to comprehend 70 percent of the "Frozen Moon Blade" technique in just three hours... I\'m genuinely surprised!] In a voice of amazement, Nora spoke.

"Even I didn\'t anticipate this! Color me surprised!" Yuan exclaimed.

[Your sister aside, the others are also extremely talented and advancing at an astounding rate!]

"Indeed!" Yuan exclaimed.

And with that, he turns his attention back to them.

Emma, on the other hand, was engrossed in comprehending the formidable "Iron Palm Technique," a potent martial arts maneuver that demanded unwavering concentration and tremendous physical power.

This technique aligned seamlessly with her robust physique, making it a perfect fit for her.

Emma was fervently striving to live up to the expectations of her beloved Yuan, who had imparted to her a highly valuable technique, and furthermore, had graciously accepted her as his lover, despite her being a mere handmaid to his two mothers.

With her eyes firmly shut and her body motionless, she was intently absorbing and comprehending the intricacies of the technique.

Yuan watched from a distance, amazed at the determination and concentration of his two mothers, Anna and Grace, his big sister, Lily, and last but not least, his lover, Emma.

With the intention of empowering them to safeguard against potential perils, he imparted these techniques to them. However, the rapid progress they made surpassed his expectations, and their cultivation grew to be formidable.

As time ticked by, an inexplicable energy enveloped the quartet of women, as though they were privy to a realm beyond mortal comprehension. The air was thick with mystery, leaving Yuan entranced.

Enveloped in a veil of mystery, their Qi circulation flowed with newfound fluidity and precision, while their grasp of the techniques deepened to a profound level.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the garden, stirring up the fallen leaves and causing the trees to rustle. The four of them opened their eyes simultaneously, their gazes meeting as they realized they had all experienced the same thing.

A surge of energy had coursed through their bodies, filling them with renewed strength and determination.

"It seems that a momentous occurrence has transpired, as they have just experienced their inaugural moment of enlightenment."

As Yuan bore witness to the profound moment of collective enlightenment experienced by his two mothers, big sister, and beloved Emma, he was overcome with a sense of astonishment and pride.

[Undoubtedly, all four of them possess a rare and exceptional talent, thereby rendering their attainment of enlightenment a natural consequence. Even in the exalted realm of the Nine Heavens, the vast majority of cultivators traverse their entire journey without a single instance of enlightenment, ultimately meeting their demise without ever experiencing its profound benefits.] Nora said.

Having delved into numerous cultivation mangas and light novels in his past existence, Yuan is well-versed in the concept of enlightenment, a phenomenon that is exceedingly scarce and attainable only by an elite cohort.

The individuals who have had the privilege of attaining enlightenment are regarded as prodigious beings that manifest themselves once in several million years.

With a smile of satisfaction, Yuan observed that his companions had attained a profound understanding of the techniques they were studying.

And he was confident that they would emerge as formidable cultivators, ready to confront any obstacle that lay ahead.

As the sun sank below the horizon, the four of them rose in unison, their bodies pulsing with the residual energy from the martial arts techniques they had just comprehended.

Upon opening their eyes following the reception of a mysterious enlightenment through the comprehension of the martial arts techniques provided by Yuan, Lily expressed her discontent with a hint of displeasure, as she spoke with a snort, "Humph! I am surprised to find that you both have caught up to our peace... Color me surprised!"

Upon hearing Lily\'s statement, Anna and Grace displayed a disapproving expression and their countenances stiffened, leading to a cold and tense atmosphere as their eyes met. Yuan and Emma, observing their reaction, simply shook their heads.

Lily thought she and Emma would be the first ones to finish comprehending the martial arts technique before her two mothers, but the result appeared to be totally different than she anticipated resulting in the current situation.

Grace emitted a cunning smile on her visage that naturally appeared frigid as she cast a glance at her daughter, discovering her conduct to be comical.

Subsequently, she redirected her attention toward Anna and spoke, "My, oh my, It appears that our silly daughter is experiencing feelings of jealousy towards the progress of her two beloved mothers. As the two of us gave birth to both her and her brother, it is not reasonable to expect us to fall behind. It is imperative that she recognize our talents and accept the current situation."

"Absolutely! I couldn\'t agree with you more, Grace," Anna exclaimed with a gentle smile, her eyes fixed on Lily\'s adorable little pout. "Jealousy is a natural emotion, and look at her, isn\'t she just too cute for words?" Anna nodded approvingly, admiring Lily\'s charming jealous expression.

"Indeed! Anna, she is way too cute!" Grace responded with a grin. "I think Lily\'s jealous streak just adds to her overall charm."

Lily huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I\'m not jealous," she protested, her pout becoming more pronounced.

"Mothers, I implore you to refrain from any further teasing as it is quite embarrassing for me!" Lily uttered with a deep flush on her face, her demeanor expressing acute mortification.



As Yuan and Emma observed the charming demeanor of Lily, they were unable to contain their amusement and broke into a fit of giggles from their vantage point.

Even Anna and Grace were unable to resist the infectious laughter. The adorable display was simply too captivating to ignore.

"Cough! Cough!" Anna cleared her throat delicately and donned a gentle smile as she spoke, "We should stop here before taking things too far."

"Mm!" Grace responded with a small nod while maintaining her typical chilly appearance.

Yuan approached them with a beaming smile of pride and spoke," Wow, congratulations! You guys have exceeded all expectations by comprehending the martial arts technique in just four short hours! What\'s even more remarkable is that each of you experienced the mysterious moment of enlightenment, all at the same time!... I must say, I\'m completely taken aback by your incredible progress!"

"We greatly appreciate your gracious words, Dear. Your expression of gratitude holds immense value for us," said Anna, beaming with pride.

Grace nodded in agreement, and spoke, "Indeed! We exerted considerable effort to comprehend the technique and are delighted to have achieved a favorable outcome. "

Emma chimed in, "And the fact that we all experienced that moment of enlightenment at the same time was truly incredible!"

Lily, who had been listening intently, couldn\'t contain her curiosity any longer. "Wait, what do you mean by \'enlightenment\'? Is it the feeling I had earlier when I was comprehending the technique?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Yuan smiled and replied, "Yes, Lily, that\'s exactly what I\'m talking about! It\'s a moment of clarity, a sudden realization that brings us closer to understanding the essence of the technique. You\'re a natural at this, Lily!"

"I was particularly surprised by Emma\'s attainment of enlightenment. I had never previously considered the possibility of her achieving this state, particularly given that she lacks any exceptional physical attributes unlike you three."

Yuan continued, "Additionally, she has yet to unlock her bloodline, leaving me curious as to what rank it may be. Given these circumstances, her achievement of enlightenment is truly remarkable and can be considered nothing short of a miracle."

"So, Emma hasn\'t unlocked her bloodline yet, huh?" Lily inquired.

"Alas, I stepped into the "Warrior Realm," I held on to the hope that my bloodline would awaken, but to my dismay, the result was far from what I had imagined." Emma\'s heavy sigh was quickly replaced by her usual cheery expression, as if a switch had been flipped.

"Given Emma\'s receipt of enlightenment, it is plausible to hypothesize that her lineage may hold a position of considerably high rank," said Anna.

Grace nodded her head at Anna\'s statement and said, "A plausible explanation, indeed!"

Everyone else nodded their head.

"Although I am curious to witness the application of the techniques you have learned, it seems that we will have to postpone it for another day due to the current time being after sunset, and we still need to take a bath and prepare dinner," Yuan stated as he gazed up at the night sky.

Everyone agrees with Yuan and places their technique book and wooden dummy sword in their "storage rings". Everyone then entered the house.


(I hope you guys like my new way of writing.)

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