
Chapter 302: The Gold Room (2)

Chapter 302: The Gold Room (2)

I, who had been kneeling down, slowly raised my head as I was called by Emperor Pupun III of the Bakius Empire.

The Chancellor, standing beside the Emperor on his throne, became defensive.

I didn\'t have a particular glare on his face.

"Isn\'t he still a child?"

\'\'No, I\'m told that he is already an adult. But is he really an S-rank adventurer?"

"You guys saw the Guild Master\'s notice. You are talking too loud. You never know what he\'ll react to."

"Silence. You are in the presence of the Emperor."

The Emperor hadn\'t even said anything to me, but the place started to buzz, so the Chancellor calmed the place down.

However, I felt that the Chancellor\'s statement was also somewhat reserved to me who was kneeling before him.

(I think Guild Master McCarran has gone too far. Is this better?)

I sighed inside at the situation.

On the day I became an S-rank Adventurer, a notice was sent to all Adventurers Guild headquarters and branches using magic tools.

It stated that I was now an S-rank adventurer, and they had to deal with me appropriately if I ever showed up there.

I had the authority equaling that of a Vice-Guild Master after all.

It seemed that many Managers and Branch Managers were brainy adventurers, so it was a measure to prevent any needless trouble.

It also stated that I was just a 15 year old young man who was still in the middle of his growth spurt.

However, the notification of me being an S-rank adventurer was not limited to the Adventurer\'s Guild.

All the Kingdoms and Empires that the Adventurer\'s Guild could notify were notified that I had become an S-rank adventurer.

The world\'s reaction to the news of the opening of the war with the Demon King\'s army was great, because it was a simultaneous worldwide notification using magic tools, which would not be done without a great deal of trouble.

And the only other time the Adventurers\' Guild had ever sent out a worldwide notification was when an S-rank magical beast appeared on the Central Continent.

The simultaneous worldwide notification had shaken the world even more than that.

Apparently, the Adventurers\' Guild had done a lot of research on me based on the contents of the notice.

Not only did they know about the achievements of the S-class Dungeon, but they also knew that I had defeated over a million magical beasts during the Rosenheim War last year.

The notice stated "Allen has become an S-rank adventurer for his S-class dungeon exploits and for his significant contributions in the Adventurers\' Guild."

However, the notification didn\'t end just there.

"The title of S-rank Adventurer is only granted to those of overwhelming ability. Allen\'s strength surpasses the combined strength of medium-sized nations. The party led by Allen would rival the combined strength of the major powers. The Adventurer\'s Guild will not be involved in any way if you get into a dispute with S-rank Adventurer Allen. You will deal with it at your own risk."

The notification concluded thus.

It meant that even if the dispute grew to the point where a country were to be destroyed, the Adventurers\' Guild, which had adventurers from all over the world, would not cooperate or help.

And the fact that there was no word about cooperating with the Adventurer\'s Guild meant that cooperation from the Adventurer\'s Guild was unnecessary for me.

(It\'s what extended my audience by days.)

The day after the notification, I heard from Viscount Granvelle that the Latash Kingdom, my home country, received a lot of calls through the magic tools and the foreign affairs officer stationed in the Royal Capital.

Similar questions came from all over the world about who I was, why the Latash had kept me hidden, and how the Latash Kingdom would deal with me in the future.

I was Rosenheim\'s Chief of Staff, and the Latash Kingdom\'s King said that the Latash Kingdom was not involved.

In fact, I was not a Noble of Latash Kingdom.

However, the answer strongly aroused the suspicion of many countries.

The situation was also exacerbated by rumors against the King of the Latash Kingdom that mention that he was uncooperative with the Five Continents Alliance.

The world strongly condemned that as a response that was out of the spirit of the Five Continents Alliance, which was to cooperate and fight against the Demon King\'s army.

The King of the Latash Kingdom was under heavy fire from the world.

The Latash Kingdom\'s King had canceled all events for the past few days and were busy dealing with the situation.

The Bakius Empire was particularly upset by that notice.

Because the Emperor had invited me to the Royal Castle.

The Bakius Empire quickly grasped the relationship between Viscount Granvelle and me and used all their diplomatic privileges to ask him questions at the diplomatic residence near the Royal Castle in the Latash Kingdom.

He was asked many times about stories from my childhood when we first met.

In addition, the Bakius Empire also checked the situation with Rosenheim, which had diplomatic relations with other major powers.

They received an even more astonishing answer from Rosenheim.

"Rosenheim is frankly speaking about the late appointment of our country\'s Chief of Staff \'Allen\' as an S-rank adventurer by the Adventurer\'s Guild this time around.

And underestimating Allen\'s ability and saying that he is only as strong as combined forces of middle-sized nations is wrong.

We are formally requesting the Adventurer\'s Guild to correct the notice on this one.

Rosenheim is with Allen."

They didn\'t get any more answers from Rosenheim.

That should be enough was what Rosenheim was implying.

"They call you the Summoner of the Beginning?"

The Emperor asked me.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Guild Master McCarran wanted something like an epithet to call me.

S-rank adventurers basically had \'two names\'.

When I said, "How about \'Summoner of the Beginning\'?", which was the name I used to call myself when I fought Helmios at the Academy before, Guild Master McCarran immediately agreed.

The world had been notified about my epithet as well.

The conversation between the Emperor and me continued with the nervous Nobles and Ministers onlooking.

The main reason why everyone was nervous about me was not because I was capable, but because no one had seen me fight and were worried about my behavior.

Helmios was trusted because of his mild-mannered demeanor and his fight against the Demon King\'s army.

Though Prince Zew was not as well-known as Helmios, he was still a Royalty of a great nation.

They could have the peace of mind that they wouldn\'t do anything outrageous in the Audience Room.

But not me.

Was it safe to continue the conversation?

I wonder if he\'ll attack us out of the blue, were thoughts running in the head of the Nobles and Ministers.

(No, I think the reason you\'re freaked out is because that S-rank adventurer called Basque was pretty rough around the edges. Seriously, it\'s the "Shura King\'s" fault.)

Basque, who had become an S-rank adventurer 20 years ago, had the epithet "Shura King".

Basque had saved many people from magical beasts and had been an adventurer, but he did not want to be controlled by the Five Continents Alliance or the Nobles who led the army.

He later had a big trouble with the Five Continents Alliance army and disappeared somewhere.

They probably thought that I was similar to him.

In the world, there was nothing scarier than a strong person with unclear motives.

The Manager of the Bakius Empire\'s Adventurers\' Guild, which has its headquarters in the Imperial Capital, also attended the audience, accompanied by his deputy.

He was peeking to see what kind of person the new S-rank adventurer was.

Being weak-kneed would hurt their relationship with the Adventurer\'s Guild.

In order to show the dignity of a great power, the Bakius Empire had gathered as many Nobles as they could in the Audience Room.

The ratio of commission income paid by the Adventurers\' Guild to the Bakius Empire, for example, was determined by negotiation.

The Bakius Empire, which believed in Digragni and had an S-class dungeon in its territory, was quite dependent on the Adventurers\' Guild.

Adventurer\'s Guild had quite a strong impact on them.

The Bakius Empire had invited many Nobles to attend the audience in order to show their might.

It is also meant to show they were not afraid of anyone.

"I want you to show me what this summon thing is."

The Emperor was also interested in me.

He asked me to show him a summon.

"Gladly. Here."

Thinking for a moment, I summoned a F-rank Bird that looked like a Pigeon in front of the Emperor.

"Great! Come closer! Oh!"

He wanted F-rank Bird to be closer to him so I let it stay on his shoulder. The little fat old Emperor looked very happy because of it.

He was even flapping his legs on the throne.

"This bird is a symbol of peace in my homeland. I would love to have a peaceful relationship with the Bakius Empire that owns such a wonderful dungeon."

(Pigeon is a symbol of peace, but from my previous life.)

"Oh, yeah, yeah!"

"Thank you for granting me this audience. But, I have one more thing to thank you for, Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Yes? Thank me? For what?"

The Emperor nodded his head.

He didn\'t seem to know what I wanted to thank him for.

The Chancellor, Nobles and Ministers beside him didn\'t understand as well.

"Thank you for letting Merle attend the Academy in the Latash Kingdom. Thanks to you, I was able to have a wonderful person as my comrade."

The Bakius Empire placed their best Talents in Academies in other countries.

It was the same for other countries like Rosenheim.

The Bakius Empire, I believed, was worried that if Merle was admitted to the Giamut Empire\'s Academy, it might create a bad relationship with the Giamut Empire\'s Nobles, so they admitted her to the small Latash Kingdom.

In fact, it was rare for Talented people from other countries to go to the Giamut Empire to study abroad.

"Oh, yeah, yeah!"

The Emperor was in a good mood with the F-rank Bird on his shoulder as I bowed deeply.


A little later than the Emperor\'s reply, the Prime Minister realized the true meaning of my words.

I wanted the Emperor to allow Merle to accompany me in the future..

"I wish you allow me the gratitude to be comrade with her in the future too."

I asked the Emperor to agree with my words and let Merle accompany me in my future activities.

Behind me, Cecile sighed, kneeling and saying, "Here we go again."

"Your Majesty..."

"As expected of the Summoner of Beginnings, you seem to know who to thank!"

"Of course, Your Majesty. Who else but you to thank..."

"Your! Your Majesty..."

(Hey, get out of my way.)

The Chancellor decided that the conversation was not going in a good direction and tried to interrupt the conversation.

"Excuse me!"

That\'s when it happened.

While the Chancellor was racking his brains for the future of the Bakius Empire, a dwarf dressed as an officer entered the Audience Room, sweating.

An officer was equivalent to a low-ranking Knight in other small countries, such as the Latash Kingdom.

"What? What the hell is this? Do you know where we are?"

The Chancellor rebuked the officer who entered, trembling with anger.

"I\'m sorry to interrupt, my Lord. But I have something urgent to report..."

"Mm? What is it?"

The Emperor didn\'t blame the officer for abruptly entering the Audience Room and asked why he had done so.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have received a distress signal from the Elmea Church. The capital of the Holy Land, Theomenia, is on fire..."

The Nobles didn\'t understand what he was talking about for a moment, but the hall started to buzz at once.

A new war was about to begin.

End of the Volume

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