
Chapter 930 V3 Ch164 University Prep HS (End)

The pitcher shut down our offensive after Garret\'s two RBI single, striking Sean and Jason out. He stormed back to his dugout, ignoring his catcher that was trying to catch up to him. I jogged back to my dugout, feeling like I was floating. Three more outs and we beat University Preparatory.

"There\'s the man!" Jason pulled Garret in the dugout and shook him, still excited despite striking out himself.

Garret laughed and grinned. "What did you expect? I\'m a senior. I\'m the captain. If you can\'t count on me, who can you count on?"

"Hey, hey, I\'m the one who got the first single." Brian jumped about, holding his glove.

"Okay, let\'s worry about how to distribute credit after the game." Coach spoke above everyone else. He looked at Garret. "Great job. Do you think you can take the mound with a short warmup?"

"Of course!" Garret quickly broke away from the group and hurried to his bag. "Mitch, meet me at the mound!"

"Sure!" Mitchell was finishing strapping his gear on.

Coach looked to Brian. "You move to left field and Jesse will shift to center."

Brian was surprised. "I\'m staying in?"

"Do you not want to?" Coach squinted.

"I\'m going!" Brian was the first to leave the dugout. Most of the others trailed after him.

I was the slowest, changing my helmet for my hat. It took an extra minute to get the batting gloves off, then I grabbed my glove.

"How\'s the chin?" Coach checked on me before I left the dugout.

​ I touched the bumpy bandage on my face. "It\'s fine. Doesn\'t hurt and I\'m definitely not bleeding through."

He nodded. "Alright. Get out there with the others."

"Yes, sir!" I ran out onto the field.

Garret was already throwing with Mitchell. To me, it was clear that it was a standard warmup. He didn\'t throw his best or hardest. No cutters.

We weren\'t the only ones to make adjustments for the bottom of the eighth. The University Prep coach had come out to talk to the umpire. Seeing two new faces on deck, they must be pinch hitters. They\'re in a tough spot. Do or die. Two runs or they go home early.

The new hitter was announced, replacing the eighth spot. Garret got set on the mound. Since he\'s a lefty, I had a better view of his face. His confidence was overflowing and it translated well into his first pitcher, throwing a cutter for a called strike. The batter swung and fouled back a fastball. Then he swung and missed the third pitch, another cutter.

"That\'s the way!" Noah clapped with his glove.

Garret smirked before getting back on the rubber. The nine spot was announced as another pinch hitter. It didn\'t scare Garret off even a little. It also didn\'t worry me. My anxiety stayed calm with Garret on the mound, looking like he was in his best form. It took a couple extra pitches outside the zone, but he got the second guy to strike out too.

"Yea!" Garret let out a small roar before getting the ball back. He strutted around the mound, absorbing the cheers raining down. It didn\'t sound like University had any fans left. It was all for Garret.

Back to the lead off spot, University used a third pinch hitter. Previously that lead off spot was occupied by a guy who was 0-3. Seems like University was grasping at straws to come up with something offensively. Thankfully this wasn\'t the right answer for them. Garret struck the guy out, swinging, and missing all three cutters.

Noah rushed the mound and jumped on Garret. Garret caught him as they both smiled and laughed. Garret put him down and was soon surrounded by Mitchell, Jason, and Sean. I came in close, but didn\'t join the dog pile. Our teammates from the dugout joined in next. Then the three from the outfield, along with the bullpen.

Noah threw his arm around my shoulders, still grinning. "We did it, Jake." He laughed. "We really did it."

The atmosphere made it seem like we won the whole tournament. The whole team celebrated until the umpires and coaches rushed us. Another game still had to be held on this field this morning.

"Pack up and head out." Coach instructed. "We\'ll talk outside of the fields."

"Can we see our parents first?" Noah asked. "Zeke is here, but he\'ll have to leave soon for his own game."

"Okay." Coach smiled and looked around. "Take it in boys. Be happy, but don\'t get too arrogant. This is only the beginning. We have three more games to win."

"YEA!" A lot of the guys echoed.

I bagged up my stuff with Noah. We met the twins just outside the dugout.

"That guy really had your number." Dave shook his head at Kyle.

Kyle sighed and looked up at the sky. "No kidding. It was a bit of a tease, doing so well against those guys. Then get smashed by him. It was like playing against Jake."

Dave spotted us. He reached out to push my hat down. "Yea, Jake is pretty hard to beat."

I smiled and fixed my hat.

"Um, excuse me, but Jake went 2-3 today whereas I went 2-2." Noah stood tall with his chest puffed out.

Dave pulled him into a headlock. "You better be just as good for the game when I\'m on the mound." He jokingly dragged Noah for the gate to leave the field.

Kyle and I followed. "You we\'re pretty great the plate today, Noah. What made you think to do the fake bunt against that beast on the mound?"

Noah struggled out of Dave\'s grasp. "They knew I was fast with that last bunt single. I was definitely lucky that the first baseman didn\'t have any hops. Or it would have ended in a double play."

"You\'re gambling during our game?!?" Dave got a better hold of him and practically dragged him out. "Wait until Zeke and Mom hear. You\'ll be done for."

"It was a calculated risk." Noah laughed-coughed.

Kyle shook his head as we trailed behind them. "That brat."

I shrugged. "It worked, didn\'t it?"

Kyle looked up at the sky again and sighed just as he did previously. "We were pretty darn lucky today."

"You pitched really well on the mound." I told him. "That\'s not luck. And it had nothing to do with Noah\'s...\'calculated risk\'."

Kyle chuckled. "Thanks."

As soon as we left the field, a team brushed past us, making me take cover behind Kyle. He was taller and bigger than me so less likely I\'d be bumped.

This must be one of the teams that played next. They didn\'t say anything to us specifically, but I instinctively turned to look at them when I heard my name.

"That\'s Jake Atkins."

"He\'s smaller than I thought."

"Can he really hit a homer with that small frame?"

"Shut it."

I tripped over my own feet, bumping into Kyle\'s backside. My chin hit into his back and I hissed, trying to stay on my feet.

Kyle turned around. "Bro, you good?"

I rubbed the bandage edges into my chin, glancing back at the team that went by. "I-"

"You nervous that they knew your name?" Kyle laughed.

I shook my head. My mouth felt dry. I licked my lips trying to moisten them. "I-I saw-"

"Saw someone you know?" He stepped closer to me, trying to look at the team that was waiting to get in the third base dugout.

I nodded slowly, then shook my head. I didn\'t really know him. I had only seen him once or twice in person. Maybe heard him talk at Jeremy\'s celebration party at the stadium? Yea, I must have. That\'s why he sounded familiar when he told his teammates to \'shut it\'. One look at him and I was freezing up.

"Jake? Jake?" Kyle was shaking my shoulder.

"Yo! You guys coming or what?" Dave hollered from further away. He and Noah must not have noticed that we weren\'t following until now.

Kyle put his arm around my shoulders and forcibly turned me towards them. "Come on. It\'s okay. Let\'s join the others."

I put my hand on my chest. "I think I\'m going to have a panic attack."

"What? Now?" Kyle stopped and froze.

My heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, and I felt confused. How could he be here? Did Jeremy know that the both of us were going to play in the same tournament? Me and his cousin? Why didn\'t he say anything if he did?

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