
Chapter 530 V2 ch2

Chapter 530 V2 ch2

His parents calmly sat down in their chairs and let Kyle continue. Kyle opened his book and placed it on the table for them to see. Noah and I both took a peek, unable to read the writing, but could tell it was a calendar with notes on it.

Kyle started to flip the pages. "For the month of June, Dave and I want to visit these two colleges which will still be in session and their baseball team might even still be playing in the College World Series. That would be best case scenario. If not, we’ll still be abled to do tryouts with their teams." He flipped the page again. "July will be about the camps. We’ll go to the same two as we always do, but I’m adding the Texas one. Dave doesn’t want to."

All eyes went to Dave. He swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking up. "What? I already said I don’t see the need to go."

"He rather go to this camp instead." Kyle pointed at his planner. It must have had all the information written down, because his parents were studying it closely. "Slightly cheaper which can balance out my more expensive camp. Then in August, we’ll meet up for another college visit which is also an ID camp for notable prospects. Mid-August is the high school camp so we’ll come back for that. The last couple of weeks will be spent here preparing for senior year."

Mr. and Mrs. Atkins didn’t say anything right away. They looked over the planner, flipping back and forth between the pages.

Mrs. Atkins was the first to sigh. "You wrote out a budget, and I’m happy about that, but you can obviously tell that you and Dave are going over your given amount for the summer. Even if we add extra for your college visits...this is a bit too much."

"I’ve thought about that." Kyle glanced at me and Noah. "Noah isn’t going to be allowed on the travel team. So that should save a little more money."

"So you’re dipping into my summer money?" Noah asked, bewildered.

"Technically it’s not yours. It’s Mom’s and Dad’s." Kyle shot back. He beamed at his parents. "So what do you think?"

"I think it would be perfect if you sacrifice this Texas camp." Mr. Atkins tapped the book. "That’s what making you go over the budget we had set. Do you really need this particular camp? You and Dave like the other one last year."

"I need something different, Dad!" Kyle said, exasperated.

He sounded desperate. I cleared my throat. "I don’t really need summer camp money, do I?"

"You don’t want to go to any baseball camps with Noah?" Mrs. Atkins asked.

I glanced at Noah. "I...I actually don’t want to leave. Or go anywhere too far."

Noah sighed. "I guess we’ll stay home for the summer, Mom. Jake probably isn’t ready for any sleepaway camp. But! We’re definitely going to do the high school camp! Coach will definitely get mad at us if we don’t go."

Kyle was excited. "See?! Consent! They can share a their budget money."

"I don’t know." Mrs. Atkins hesitated. "Noah and Jake can’t just stay home all summer."

"Why not?" Kyle asked. "Zeke will be here. He doesn’t have to report to college until early September. He’s practically a live-in babysitter. Which will allow you two to come to these colleges with us."

"I don’t mind." Zeke surprised the room by speaking up. He looked at me and Noah. "Stanford is having a summer camp for high schoolers if you guys want to do that. It’s the last week of July."

"During my birthday..?" Noah didn’t look excited about baseball for once.

"What else would you do for your birthday?" Dave asked. "Your only friend right now is Jake."

"I have other friends." He pouted. He looked at me. "Do you want to go?"

"Will you be there?" I asked.

Noah sighed. "Of course we’ll go together!" He looked back at Zeke. "What kind of camp is this? Are we going to stay at the dorms in school? Will you be going too?"

"Yes, you’ll have to stay in dorms, but I can tell Coach Leroy that you two need to be in the same room." Zeke gave a small smile. "I’ll actually be one of the counselors. Some of the local guys on the team help the coaches run it. Counts as community service."

"How much is this going to cost?" Kyle asked. "Will I still be able to do my trips?"

Zeke lost his smile. "I can talk to Coach Leroy. Maybe get it discounted. Maybe free. Not sure yet."

"Can you call him today?"

"On a Sunday?" Zeke frowned. "You’ll have to wait until tomorrow."

Kyle was about to object, but Mr. Atkins cut him off. "Okay then. So most of your summer is planned out. We can start booking the flights and paying for the other camps besides the Texas one." Kyle opened his mouth. "We’re not saying no. Let Zeke speak to his new coach tomorrow."

Mrs. Atkins looked at me and Noah again. "Are you two sure you don’t want to do anything else? There might be some local camps we can do."

Noah glanced at me before replying. "I think the Stanford camp is good enough for us for now. Maybe next year, we’ll do more."

"You can’t just laze around all summer." Mr. Atkins frowned.

"We won’t! We’ll play baseball with Zeke. Go to The Cages. Maybe get some of the guys from the team to play too. We can do beach days! We can..." He trailed off, unable to name another summer activity.

"Maybe we should sign you two up for some summer classes?" Mrs. Atkins suggested.

"Nooo." Noah wailed. The twins started to laugh. "That’s not fair. Dave and Kyle get to travel all over the country all summer while you want us to do extra schooling? The injustice!"

"It’s just an idea." Mrs. Atkins laughed. "So far all you two have is a summer camp at the end of July and then your high school camp right before school starts. Your whole first month is empty. Either find something to do or I’ll find something for you."

Noah pouted.

I was fine with it though. I never liked breaks from school to begin with. Spring break was the first time I had any fun. Before....

I looked at Mrs. Atkins. "I don’t mind taking a summer class."

The boys stopped their jeering and laughing. Mrs. Atkins was surprised, but still smiled. "Oh? Do you have anything in mind?"

I shrugged. "I’m good with whatever."

"Don’t pick math!" The twins said simultaneously.

Mrs. Atkins was thrown off by their yelling. "Why can’t he take a math?"

"Because..." Kyle frowned.

"He’ll get too far ahead!" Dave exclaimed. "We won’t be in the same class next year, and instead he’ll have to try some college math at the local community college. It would really mess up everything."

"Yea...mess up their cheating..." Noah said under his breath.

I held back a smile as I watched the twins convinced Mrs. Atkins that no matter what, I shouldn’t get too far ahead in math. Mr. Atkins got up and returned his chair to his spot while Zeke stood up from the table, done with brunch.

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