
Chapter 522 New Phone

Chapter 522 New Phone

I want to say that things were smooth-sailing after Kyle’s apology, but that’d make me a liar. I didn’t have a problem with Kyle being upset with me, but it felt like his brothers did. They may have defended him when he wasn’t present at the kitchen table, but it was still a relatively cold atmosphere while shopping.

Noah and I paired together like always, while Dave had bugged Zeke about baseball stuff. I felt uncomfortable pushing Kyle out of his own family, and was afraid that he would think the same. Luckily, Mr. Atkins was there to talk to him. Though, most of it sounded like a lecture on his attitude.

We had a somewhat early lunch before heading home. Mrs. Atkins came out of the office room once she heard us making a racket as we came in the house.

\\"Looks like you all had a successful trip.\\" She smiled happily at the bags in our hands. \\"Jake, did you get a phone?\\"

I nodded.

\\"He did!\\" Noah replied for me. \\"He got the same kind as mine so I can help him work it. On the ride home, I already put in all of our contact information. I listed dad as his emergency contact.\\" He looked a little sheepish as he shrugged. \\"You’re number two though.\\"

\\"That’s fine.\\" She smiled warmly. \\"As long as it’s properly set.\\" She held out her hand. \\"Let me add a few more contacts for you, Jake.\\"

I obediently handed over my new phone. She took out hers and started transferring some information over without saying anything. The rest of the boys went to put away their purchases after Mr. Atkins commanded them to do so.

Mrs. Atkins handed me the phone back with a light smile. \\"You should also put your shoes up. Make sure to hang up the clothes you’re going to wear tonight. Make sure Noah and the others do the same.\\"

I nodded and jogged up the stairs, phone in one hand and a box of shoes in the other. I stopped in the doorway of the big room that Zeke shared with the twins. I found them already hanging up their clothes for tonight.

\\"It’s not our first time going to the banquet.\\" Dave smirked when he caught me staring. \\"It isn’t just for varsity players. All three levels are invited to the banquet so we have experience getting ready for it.\\" He grinned. \\"Do you think you’ll get an award tonight?\\"

\\"For what?\\" I asked, clueless.

\\"The banquet is like an award assembly. But for baseball.\\" He explained. He nodded towards Zeke. \\"Zeke will probably rake in the most, but I’m sure you’ll be a close second.\\"

Kyle sighed. \\"It must be nice to be a hitter. You get all the glory.\\"

I stiffened up.

\\"Stop making him so anxious.\\" Zeke told the pair. He glanced at me. \\"You’ll be with Noah and us the whole time. What are you so afraid of?\\"

I gave a small nod and went to the room I shared with Noah, thinking his question over. What was I so afraid of?

\\"Who did Mom add to your contacts?\\" Noah asked as I walked in.

I looked down at the phone. \\"I didn’t check. She said we should hang up the clothes we’re going to wear tonight.\\"

\\"Yea, yea, sure.\\" He got up from the seat at the desk and came over to take the phone out of my hands. He opened the contacts app and looked over the limited names. I peeked over his shoulder to see too. \\"Dr. Moore. That makes sense. Wait. Jeremy? Jeremy Patterson?\\" He was stunned.

So was I.

He looked up from the phone and made eye contact with me. \\"Are you going to call him? Maybe send a text?\\"

\\"Like what?\\" I asked, unsure.

\\"Like an intro text. To let him know that this is your number.\\" Noah said. \\"You should probably do the same to Dr. Moore. Just a simple, ’this is Jake, here’s my number’ kind of thing.\\" He handed me my phone back.

\\"Do you really think I should?\\" I asked.

Noah shrugged. \\"Mom gave you those numbers for a reason. You should definitely text Dr. Moore. Maybe even give him a call. As for Jeremy...it’d be weird if he finds out that you got a phone and didn’t send a text, right?\\"

\\"If he knows I have a phone, shouldn’t he be the one to text me?\\"

Noah made a face. \\"No. That would be so awkward. Just to randomly text a new number and be like, ’hey, heard this is your new number.’ Who would do that?\\"

Almost as if, on cue, my phone buzzed. It was a simple vibration to let me know that I have a text. I glanced at it. \\"Jeremy.\\"

Noah started to laugh. \\"Oh my gosh, really?? Let me see!!\\" He grabbed the phone and opened the text, reading it out loud. \\"Hey Jake, it’s Jeremy. Mary and Wayne told me you got a new phone today so I thought I would send you a short message so you have my number. Don’t feel the need to respond if you don’t want to. Bye.\\" He laughed even louder. \\"How is that short? He practically wrote a paragraph.\\"

Seeing Noah lose it, made me loosen up. I started to laugh a little too. Then we got louder. Loud enough to draw attention from his brothers. The twins showed up in our doorway, peering in, gawking at the two of us stuck in a laughing fit.

\\"Hey...you guys should really hang up your clothes. What if they get wrinkled?\\" Dave said.

\\"Mom will get mad if you make her break out the ironing board. You know how much she hates to do that, Noah.\\" Kyle added.

We stopped laughing and calmed down.

\\"So what are you going to reply with?\\" Noah asked, wiping the corner of his eye.

I shrugged. \\"He said I didn’t have to.\\"

\\"Who?\\" Dave asked.

\\"What?\\" Kyle said at the same time.

Noah picked my phone up and showed them Jeremy’s text.

Kyle blinked in surprise. Maybe shocked that I had someone other than them to talk to.

Dave was more calm. \\"You should at least say okay or something. Let him know you got it.\\" He nudged Kyle. \\"Let’s go see if there are any games on tv. We’ve got a few hours.\\"

Kyle followed him out silently.

Noah handed me my phone. \\"Here.\\"

I accepted the phone. \\"Are you okay with this? I thought you didn’t like him?\\"

Noah rested his hands on the back of his head. \\"I’m okay if you’re okay.\\" He walked to the door. \\"I’ll be downstairs.\\" He left me alone in the room.

I looked down at the phone. Things were still awkward between me and Jeremy, but that didn’t mean I should be rude. I replied. ’Okay.’ And then set the phone down.

I took a glance around the room and realized Noah forgot to hang up his clothes for tonight. I did it for him and then did the same for mine. The suits were super nice and clean. I don’t think I’ve ever worn something so expensive. Even if it was a hand-me-down.

After making sure they were hung up, I hurried to join the others downstairs.

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