
Chapter 111: Hero's Companion (2)

Chapter 111: Hero\'s Companion (2)

Although we feel the need to have a calm conversation just the two of us, this is not the right time to do so here.

"I\'m sorry. Among the rumors circulating these days, the one about the hero and the Dragon\'s Priestess seems to be the most talked about."

"Rumors about the hero and me...hmm...."

Well, it\'s not strange that rumors would spread if a man in his 30s is going on an adventure with a young girl.

However, no matter what, being referred to as the hero\'s companion... being the companion of a child I\'ve raised like my own. Despite the rumors being nothing but baseless gossip! It\'s a bit too much!

Moreover, my mind is still that of a man, even though I\'ve lived in this body for tens of thousands of years! Many call me "Mom", and I\'ve lived as a woman for a long time, but I haven\'t lost my male identity!!

Hmm. Wait a minute. Something seems strange. I\'ve lived in this body for tens of thousands of years, but why is my modern human identity still intact?

Was my original identity really that strong to maintain itself over all those years? No, that can\'t be. It was just a regular human identity, nothing special. Yet it\'s still preserved, which is strange.

Or is there some external factor maintaining my identity? Hmm... I\'m not sure!!!

Well, the fact that [my] identity as [me] can exist is a good thing. Let\'s not delve too deep into it and just move on. What\'s good is good, after all.

There\'s no problem for now, so I\'ll worry about it if any issues arise later.

Anyway, let\'s move on from the topic of my identity.

"I\'d like to uproot those baseless rumors, but let\'s just move on for now. What are you all doing here?"

"Ah, us? We\'re patrolling this accursed land."


"Yes. This desolate land is currently uninhabited, but it was originally our homeland. We\'re patrolling to ensure there are no other issues."

Homeland, huh.

"Are you the people of Arcad?"

"Arcad. It brings back some nostalgia. It\'s a name that disappeared decades ago..."

The cavalrymen looked at the desolate land with a slightly wistful expression.

"The land has been transformed by the god\'s curse, but it remains our homeland."

"This barren land is inhospitable even for bandits, but we continue our patrols, believing that one day we will be able to return."

A slightly withered smile formed on their faces.

"This land is our homeland, after all."

Hmm. I feel a pang of conscience. In a way, their being forced to leave their homeland may be my fault.

Should I... lift the curse?

No, no. That fellow hasn\'t come to seek forgiveness yet. I can\'t go back on my words.

Instead... I could try to make the lives of those who left their homeland a little better, and help them prosper when they eventually return.

Ah, would that be favoritism? Hmm...

Well, they can be considered victims of my actions, so helping them wouldn\'t really be favoritism, would it?

While I\'m at it, I should also give that lingering second prince a harder time, since he still hasn\'t come to apologize as I expected.

If he had come to apologize right away as I had predicted, we wouldn\'t have had this problem in the first place!

It\'s a slightly forced argument, but oh well.

"Ahem. Then, hero and Dragon\'s Priestess, could you tell us where you are headed?"

"We don\'t have a specific destination in mind. We\'re just wandering around, defeating the monsters that harm people."

In the past, we used to chase after monsters based on various rumors, but lately, the strong monsters seem to have disappeared, and we don\'t hear much about them anymore.

It seems even minor monsters can be handled by the soldiers or the village self-defense forces.

"So for the past few months, we\'ve been traveling leisurely."

Monsters do show up occasionally, causing the hero\'s sword to be broken, but it\'s a rare occurrence.

"Hmm... If you don\'t have a clear destination, would you consider traveling with us?"

"With you all?"

The cavalrymen nodded.

"If it\'s the famous hero and Dragon\'s Priestess, everyone will welcome you. Even our king will welcome you."

Hmm. Since we don\'t have a specific destination and are just wandering around, it doesn\'t matter if we travel together with them.

I looked at the hero who was still unable to raise his head properly and said,

"What do you think?"

"Huh? Uh, yes?"

"Since we don\'t have a clear destination, I thought we could move together with them. What do you think?"

"Ah, well, I\'m fine with that."

The hero didn\'t seem to have any particular thoughts.

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Well, if the hero is okay with it, then I don\'t have any specific purpose for this trip either.

I nodded and said to the cavalrymen,

"I\'ll move together with you all. Since I don\'t have a clear destination anyway."

It would be much better to travel with a clear destination than to wander aimlessly.

And it\'s not bad to follow them either.

"Understood. Then we will guide the hero and Dragon\'s Priestess to our country, Arcadia."

And so we started moving, leaving the barren wasteland, together with the cavalrymen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"So, can you explain to me why I am being referred to as your companion?"

I stood in front of the hero with my arms crossed and spoke in a stern voice.

"I-I don\'t know anything about that..."

"If you don\'t know, then who does?!"

The cavalrymen had set up a temporary base in the tents and left to explore the surroundings.

Now is the time to grill... ahem, to find out the truth from the hero!

"I don\'t know the details either. I don\'t know who spread those rumors..."

"If you actively deny it, the rumors won\'t go away, will they!?"

"I\'ve tried! It\'s not like I\'ve only denied it once or twice! But people keep asking, and even though I say no, I feel embarrassed, like \'How\'s us?\' or \'when are you going to have a child!\' People just don\'t listen to what I say!"

Ah, a child? A child?! What is this person saying?!

I gave a resounding slap to the top of the hero\'s head and said,

"A child?! That\'s hundreds of years too early!!"

"Ugh... I\'m already in my 30s, you know! Normally people would already be married and have of children by this age! If I had married early and had a child, that child would be old enough to get married by now!!! And humans can\'t live for hundreds of years, you know!!!"

Ah, that\'s right. I see.

"Anyway, we have to get rid of those ridiculous rumors as soon as possible. You should also actively deny the rumors."

"What, deny the rumors...? Am I supposed to brag to the whole town that I\'m still unmarried at this age...?"

Ah, that\'s right. Hmm.

"I-I\'m sorry."

In this era, even teenagers in their mid-teens get married.

For a 30-year-old hero to be unmarried and boasting about it is a very harsh thing.

"Ah, that\'s it! You should find a partner! We\'re recruiting the hero\'s companion!!! While we\'re at it, let\'s spread the word all over the world and gather a partner for you..."

"Are you suggesting that I should spread the fact that I\'m still single throughout the world?"

"Uh, well..."

Ugh... This is neither good nor bad.

That\'s it. Let\'s just bring a partner for the hero. Starting with that girl who used to live in the village near the Temple of Life...

"Can\'t you just be my partner, sis?"


For a moment, my mind went blank.

Did the hero just say what I think he said?

"I mean, if the rumors become true, then there won\'t be any problem, right? The rumors have already spread anyway, and we can\'t take back the scattered words..."

The hero hesitated a bit, but continued speaking.

"To be honest, the reason I couldn\'t completely deny the rumors... Well, it\'s because, you see... Ugh. It\'s embarrassing to say it directly..."

The hero rubbed his face and then spoke with determination.

"I love you. Sis."

Uh, no, that, that is, what the, really, what is this?

"I loved you since the moment we first met."

No, that, really, that\'s just...

"You, who completely changed the life of this orphan on the street and made me be called the hero, receiving the praise of many people. I love you."

Ah, damn, no, that\'s not it, uh, uh, uh, uh.

"To be honest, I was planning to bury this feeling in my heart forever. I know you have your own circumstances. While hiding behind the mask of the goddess\'s representative and working so hard for the world... I tried to suppress these feelings for you."

T/N: S-So he knew...?


"So I love you. You, The goddess of life who strives within you for the sake of life itself."

Uh, uh... Uh, uh, uh, huh?!?!?!

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