
Chapter 397 To save the Southern Wall

Chapter 397 To save the Southern Wall

[You have Attained a new Tale! Scribe of the Stars]


\'Another Tale?\'

After hearing them so many times, these notifications didn\'t surprise Dale as they once did, however, it was still something he should pay attention to and understand.

The more he knew about their nuances, the better.

\'It seems I did something quite important… Somehow.\'

Dale closed his notifications after looking at his Stats, stretching his arms as he tried to fight off the soreness.

Meanwhile, he opened his System Menu, thinking it was a good moment to check the time and plan his future steps.

He spent four days inside the Memory, he was surprised no one was beside him, given it would\'ve looked like he was in a coma.

\'In my past \'life\', I spent three days sleeping throughout the events of the memory, causing Illia to find me still in bed, unconscious.\'

\'This led to a heap of trouble as I tried to explain or give excuses for why that happened. In the end, I was still forced to drink a dozen different potions and go through a dozen other medical analyses until everyone was satisfied that I was okay.\'

\'Of course, aside from my body being sore, there was no problem with me at the time, however, what changed this time?\'

Dale checked the time, his eyes opening wide as he realized only a few hours had passed.

It was currently the middle of the night, with the moon still high in the sky.


\'How\'s this possible?\'

He thought deeply, thinking about every possibility, until his mind connected the dots.

\'The time… It\'s exactly the same time I spent in the memory until I changed it.\'

\'I think I spent about half a day in the memory before I altered its course, and it\'s been exactly that… Then, this means that everything that happened after… Was distorted.\'

\'Did I spend three and a half days within a few minutes?\'

\'It\'s not like I\'m unaware of all the mystical things within Azimuth, it\'s just that… I thought the memories wouldn\'t possess such hidden, time-altering properties. They\'ve essentially slowed down time… Or heightened my perception to make me experience so much in so little time.\'

"There\'s nothing to complain about at the end of the day, aside from my headache, this only means I\'m free of trouble… For now." He said with a small nod to himself as he closed the System\'s window

"Before diving into another memory… I need to hit the pot." He said with a somewhat pale expression as he began his march towards the bathroom

Twelve hours in bed was still twelve hours without doing his necessities.

Not exactly Hero-like, but there was little he could do as a Human.

Once he was ready, well fed, cleaned, and relaxed Dale returned to his room, activating his next memory…



[Entering the Memories of an Ancient Warrior]





After a bloody march atop the cadavers of thousands of Devils, Testros and the ever-growing army of stray soldiers finally arrived at the center of the Wall where the Commander\'s Office and many other important stations were located.

There, an extremely fierce battle was ongoing, monsters he had never seen before were prowling the skies, ground, and the Wall itself, making it seem they were the original inhabitants of these lands while the soldiers were the invaders.

Like ants swarming out of a hill, the soldiers were the poor creatures that stood on their path.

Even so, the Elites and remnants of the soldiers fought tooth and nail to the bitter end, defending the land to the best of their abilities as they lost their conrads and limbs at every pacing moment.


"Don\'t falter! We are the shield that holds the world, the Wall that protects the people! We are the Southern Corps!" Someone exclaimed as they decapitated a Devil


Testros soon realized who it was, how could he not, he had nightmares of his face for decades…

The Commander of the Southern Wall Corps!

Wearing his iconic armor and sword, now covered in gore and blood, he led the soldiers in resistance against the endless horde of beasts charging from all directions.

And despite the difference in numbers, they resisted, however, it was true their hands were tied.

If a Commander cannot lead, how can an army win a war?

It was almost as if the Devils knew exactly where to strike and who to go for… And Testros wasn\'t the only one thinking about that.


The Commander\'s expression was grim underneath his helmet. He looked at the battlefield beyond the wall as they fought at its edge, as if fearing what hid in the endless hordes.

It seemed that regardless of everything that happened around him, there was something that kept attracting his attention, something he had to keep an eye on…

And it certainly wasn\'t for the Vanguard who fought deep within the frontlines, trying their best to cut the enemy\'s reinforcements.

Neither was it for the Naval force, who by know, who knew where they had gone...


Testros did not waste his time, running to meet with the Commander, eager for many things, and fearful for others, but in the end, he faced his fears and regrets, facing the man once more.

Right now, he was ahead of his past self by hours, the War had barely just started, despite the terrific outlook of the Wall.

He knew there may be a chance to act if he warned the Commander and helped the soldiers regroup on time.

Even if the Devil that slew him… Or best said… Demon…

Even if it was stronger than the Commander, if they managed to gather half of the Division Commanders and their elite troops, would it truly be impossible to bring the creature down?

Especially if they made use of their siege weapons? Was there truly no light at the end of the tunnel for the Corps?

Testros didn\'t know, but he would keep fighting. Slash his sword until his hands fall.


Eventually, after swimming through a river of blood, he arrived before the Commander, who had just currently finished another Demon on his own.

Testros could see the state of his armor and blade by now, and although it was dirty, it was surprisingly intact aside from a few instances of damage… Some he recognized.

\'So that was how those came to be…\' Testros thought as he realized the future was slowly beginning to unravel

Thinking of that made his blood boil in anger, he wouldn\'t let it happen.

"REPORT!" Testros exclaimed, his voice booming with energy as he saluted the Commander

"Speak soldier." The Commander replied in a low, raspy tone, his voice carried a deep sense of authority and power, intimidating even Testros with the many years of experience he had in his belt

"The J sector has fallen! We\'ve gathered here to continue to fight!" He said deeply bloody tears fell from his eyes

"REPORT! The O sector has fallen!" Another soldier added as he saluted beside Testros

"REPORT! The SA sector has fallen!"


A dozen soldiers voiced out their reports one after the other, a grim yet comforting sight on this horrific battlefield.

For the Commander, even if the surface of the Wall had fallen, there was still hope as its defenses would hold the Devils from infiltrating its structure, though it would compromise their movement on its surface.

Not that there was any given how broken down they were.

"I see… Excellent job on returning alive." The Commander replied with a smile as he looked at the smoke rising from the now-

empty sectors

He quickly calculated the movements of the enemy, forming a counter plan at the back of his head.

He looked at the sky above, and then, a plan formed in his mind.

Or best said… This was something he had been wanting to do for a long time...

"I want the highest rank representants for every sector before me, NOW!" He exclaimed loudly across the battlefield

Immediately, everyone began moving, and a group of soldiers with decorated helmets and armor saluted the Commander, with Testros taking a few steps back to watch from afar.

This somewhat surprised the Commander, who expected Testros to be of a higher rank given his abilities, however, he had no time to think it through as he said:

"Communications are down and we can\'t issue appropriate orders to the Divisions, I need you all to reinstate Coms!"

"If it\'s not possible, relay my orders!..."

The Commander began narrating a series of protocols that had to be performed, they were numerous but the soldiers nodded without hesitation, knowing full well that if they didn\'t, they wouldn\'t see the light of tomorrow\'s day.

Following that, the Commander parted the soldiers into three groups.

One part would remain and help the current soldiers fight, another would turn around from where they came and execute the Commander\'s orders, clearing out any Devils on their path as they rescued more soldiers and personnel.

They would carve through the Devils all the way to the end of the Wall before returning.

As for the other group, they would do the same for the other end of the Wall.

This was something Testros hadn\'t seen in the past, this was an entirely new development brought forth by his actions!

This was the first step to recovering order within the Wall.

"You, the recruit over there." The Commander said deeply after he had the soldiers disperse


Testros saluted once more, his body was tired, but his mind was on fire.

He felt as if he was about to explode...

"First, drink this." He said as he gave Testros a strange drink sealed within a glass bottle

"Thank you sir!" He replied, unsealing it before drinking the potion without even suspecting a thing


The Commander didn\'t seem to mind Testros\' extreme formalities, but even if he did, he had no time to tell him to stop.

Above all, he seemed to notice something different was happening with the boy, something he was aware of, something he didn\'t expect to see here in this bloody world...

"I\'ll be brief, I\'ve heard of your accomplishments, rallying the soldiers, gathering them, and leading them here… Excellent work, you\'ve permitted me to reinstate order, even if a feeble one."


Testros did not reply, focusing on listening instead.

"But for us to win this War, we\'ll need much more than that."

The Commander turned to the battlefield, saying:

"There are still soldiers down there, they won\'t resist for long without orders from me, and I can\'t spare the Elites, they must remain here and protect the center."

"However, this means I have none to send… This is where you come in."

"While the soldiers clear the Wall and reactivate its systems, I need you to go down there and issue an all-out retreat!"


\'This is it.\' Testros thought for a moment as he held his blade

In the past, he was sent to the forest behind the wall… This time, he would be sent to the front lines!

His dream, his ever-growing regret… It was time to wash it all away!

"I\'m not sending you to your death, what I need of you is for you to sound the War Horn!"

The War Horn… Testros knew what it was, despite the name being so foreign to him it felt as if he was hearing about a relic of an ancient civilization.

The War Horn was a tool meant to relay orders over long distance during a War, it was an emergency and moral-boosting item to be used when everything else fails.

If the War Horn was to sound now, the Soldiers would know what to do.

"Take my sigil, if anyone stops you, show it to them."

"The soldiers must return, I can feel the energy coursing through your veins, you can do it, we all count on you." The Commander said with a somewhat reassuring voice as he tapped his soldiers

Even though Testros was an old man, right now, he was nothing but a young teen holding a bloodstained sword.

For the Commander, the sight of such a boy trying so hard was definitely motivating and harrowing, it was everything he wished to protect and avoid seeing…

But right now, he had no resources to spare.

Meanwhile, Testros thought something similar, though he was more interested in how the Commander would react if he saw Dale…

Dale was about the same age he was now, but much, much stronger, maybe as capable if not more then the successors for each Division Commander.

He is a monster that has been chosen by the Sword that cleaves starlight, a monster with an affinity for Witchcraft so high he absorbed the Tripodal Mark instead.

However, as quickly as those words came, Testros slammed his fist in his chest, recovering his focus as he exclaimed:



The Commander, nodded, turning around and returning to the fight.

He had rested enough, it was time to fight with his soldiers.

Meanwhile, Testros walked to the edge of the Wall, looking down, he saw a sea of Devils with the occasional group of soldiers trying to stop them from advancing with everything at their disposal.

It wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say 30% of their forces were down there…

He knew that he had no time to waste, those monsters would soon arrive…

The beings who brought the end to the Southern Corps!



Without hesitation, Testros jumped from the edge of the wall.


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