
Chapter 1200: Did you say 'lick his thing'?

Chapter 1200: Did you say \'lick his thing\'?

Bronze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, A1, Angel Beltran, Volare007, Leif, Cocobig, SingCheck, Nizar Alkhalil, Carlos Heredia and Juanma VK

Suzanne tried to get the conversation back on track. "But not only that, he NEEDS you, desperately, as a friend! That\'s why I\'m here." She lied once more, "Not to restart your sexual relationship with him, but so you can transition into being a platonic friend with him."

The wily redhead added, "He\'s going through a difficult time. We\'ve been over this before. The very fact that he has so many lovers, and all of them such amazingly talented and beautiful sexy vixens no less, is messing with his mind! We\'re in danger of losing the kind and gentle Alan we all know and love, and seeing him replaced by an arrogant, self-centered ass. He needs help and soon, to stop that from happening! I\'m convinced that YOU hold the key to saving him!"

"Me?! Why me?"

"You know as well as I do that you were far more than just another one of his teachers before you two became intimate. He considers you his mentor, his guide to life. You know this already." She exaggerated, "He\'ll listen to what you say and follow your advice more than just about anybody!" Then she added more honestly, "I know that you care about him deeply as a person, all sexual feelings aside."

"That may be," Glory admitted, "but I don\'t even think that\'s an appropriate relationship for a teacher and student to have, never mind the sexual aspect. We\'re just too close." Her gaze strayed to Suzanne\'s deep cleavage again, before she jerked her head away.

Suzanne put down the cup of coffee she\'d been holding. "But that\'s the reality. You can\'t deny that, just because some people might frown upon it. Are you willing to just stand there and watch this dreadful transformation take place in him without doing something about it? And don\'t tell me you need time to adjust. He doesn\'t have time. He needs to get his head screwed on straight now, right now, or it\'ll be too late. He\'s in the middle of a pivotal transformative period as he comes to grips with his new life. These weeks he\'s going through right now are the most important ones of his life as all his key relationships become settled. The pattern he sets now is the pattern that will guide him for the rest of his life. YOU are the key to his happiness and sanity."

Glory felt a tightness in her chest, as the conversation was making her increasingly stressed. "Suzanne, I think it\'s unfair of you to put all of this burden on my shoulders. I do appreciate what you\'re saying, really I do, but I DO need time. I just broke it off with him a few days ago! You know what he\'s like, his sexual magnetic pull. I need to wash those feelings out of my system at least somewhat before I see him again. I need this long weekend to get my head screwed on straight too. Maybe, just maybe, I need to find a new boyfriend and fast. Then I\'ll feel safe around him. Hopefully."

"Come on. You make it sound like he\'s some kind of ruthless sexual predator. Isn\'t he kind and understanding and sensitive to your needs? At least for now, as he hasn\'t turned into what we who frequent the Plummer house call the \'Bad Alan.\' He\'s still basically the \'Good Alan.\' Do you really think he\'d push you into doing something you didn\'t want to do?"

"No," Glory reluctantly admitted. "But he doesn\'t have to push! Oh God, this is so embarrassing to admit, especially about one of my students, but whenever I see him I get giddy and weak in the knees! I\'m worried that I won\'t be able to control myself!"

Suzanne replied, "That\'s why you have to come to this meal with us. You\'ll be seeing him in school on Monday and every school day after that, will you not? Are you afraid of throwing yourself at him right in the middle of class?"

Glory suddenly envisioned herself stopping a lecture at the chalkboard in mid-sentence, confidently walking between desks to Alan\'s desk, wordlessly unzipping his pants zipper, and start sucking on his big shaft. She imagined all the befuddled stares and gasps from her students. She pictured reaching a hand between her legs to flip them the bird without even pausing from her licking and sucking. She imagined Heather in particular standing up aghast and insulted, but also burning with jealousy.

Glory shivered with excitement and practically slobbered in anticipation as she started thinking about exactly how she\'d deep throat him.

But she looked at Suzanne a bit startled and said, "Just about! It\'s practically that bad! Come on, you\'re one of his lovers; don\'t look at me that way. You know how it is with him! He didn\'t used to, even a month ago, but now he has this way about him. He\'s so full of confidence. It\'s like he can mentally undress you with his eyes."

"I do, I do," Suzanne nodded. "I know just what you\'re talking about. But I think you\'re still exaggerating terribly." She said in a very friendly and jokey style, "Come on, it\'s not THAT bad, is it? I mean, yes, he\'s a great lover, but he\'s just a kid. He\'s flesh and blood just like everyone else."

Suzanne found herself in a bit of an awkward position. She had gotten so used to pumping up Alan\'s reputation around Susan that it was second nature for her to start raving about how big his dick was, how tasty his cum was, and so on. She knew that kind of talk would just scare Glory off at this point, so not only did she have to refrain from doing that, she actually had to try to downplay his attributes. She found it a constant mental challenge not to slip up.

"Well, I suppose," Glory admitted. "But there\'s something about him that\'s just so irresistible."

Suzanne sat forward in her chair dramatically. "But you MUST resist! If you\'re going to get over him, you must!" she lied again, "I\'m rooting for you because I need you to help him as a friend. A platonic friend and advisor. That\'s why this meal is so important. Right now you\'re afraid to be alone with him outside the classroom, right?"

Glory glumly nodded.

"So, you have to walk before you can run. You should start out being with him in groups of people in completely non-sexual situations. Then, if that works out, you can be with him in smaller and smaller groups until you\'re finally comfortable with being with him alone. And what could be a safer and less sexual situation than a Thanksgiving meal with family?"

She lied still more, "Not only that, but I\'ll be right there to make sure that nothing sexual happens. I can steer the conversation to safe grounds if need be and generally be your guardian angel. If you find his pull too strong despite all that, just make a signal and I\'ll find an excuse to take you home early. It\'s a can\'t lose situation!"

"Well, I don\'t know... It\'s just... odd. The whole thing is so damnably odd. I mean, how can I even look him in the eye, with my feelings all a jumble? And I can\'t look his sister or mother in the eye, either, knowing what they\'ve done. It would be awkward all around. I don\'t like it. I\'m sorry, but I have to say no."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll smooth it all over. Do you think Susan and Katherine have fangs and horns? They\'re the kindest, nicest people you could ever meet."

"No, I don\'t mean to insult them. I know they\'re both very nice people. That\'s not the main problem, anyway."

Suzanne pressed, "Besides, what else are you going to do, sit at home alone, feeling sorry for yourself while stuffing unhealthy snacks in your mouth and watching parades on TV?"

Glory, in fact, was anticipating doing something just like that. Increasingly frustrated, she blurted out, "It\'s just that... I\'m so tempted! Suzanne, please don\'t make me do this!" She was practically begging now.

Suzanne stated calmly, "Don\'t do it for me. Do it for him. If you have any feelings for him at all, help him. Now is his time of need. Next month will be too late. Heck, maybe even next week. You\'re his mentor, his guide, his good friend. Without your advice, he\'s lost. You and I, we\'re the only ones with the inner strength and wisdom to tell him no when he needs someone to tell him no. I can\'t do it all by myself. The others are well meaning, but are too immature or weak."

"I don\'t feel strong," Glory sadly admitted, as she snuck a peek at Suzanne\'s pale cleavage


Suzanne leaned forward again and took Glory\'s hands in hers.

That started Glory blushing again, and her heart resumed racing. The touch of Suzanne\'s fingers sent shivers of excitement up and down her spine. What is it with this woman?! As if I don\'t have enough problems already, and enough reasons not to go. I need to steer clear of her. Big time! Why does she have to have so much of her ivory orbs hanging out? I\'m not even attracted to women in the slightest! This shouldn\'t be bothering me!

Suzanne looked Glory dead in the eye and said, "I need you. I have a good feeling about you. I know then when it comes down to it, you\'ll do the right thing for Alan and for all of his loved ones. You\'ll transition quickly to a platonic relationship with him instead of running away. I hardly know you, but I feel like I know you well already. I can tell that you\'re not a quitter; I can tell that you\'re strong. If you do start feeling weak, I\'ll be there to hold you up. Together, you and I can make it! We\'ll lick his thing together!"

Glory was startled. She couldn\'t believe what she thought she\'d just heard. "Uh, did you say \'lick his thing\'? You mean lick THIS thing, right?"

Suzanne froze for a long moment and then burst into laughter. She withdrew and doubled over as she had a great big belly laugh. "\'Lick his thing\'? That\'s a good one!" Glory found herself laughing too, a little bit at first, but then it was like an unstoppable flood. Not only did she laugh uproariously, but all her tensions and worries seemed to flow out of her as she did it. She found herself wiping tears of laughter from her eyes as she pondered the absurdity of the misunderstanding.

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