
Chapter 847 Toying With Glory

Glory was very irritated at herself, and irritated at Alan. She sat at her desk towards the end of her first-period class and had a brief chance to think about her situation as the class was winding down. I don\'t know which is more aggravating: the fact that Alan is making me wear this stupid Televibe thing, or the fact that I agreed to wear it! What the hell was I thinking? That young man has some serious hold over me. It\'s almost disturbing. He even got me to stick something up my butt! I\'m sorry, but I do not put ANYTHING up my butt. Well, until now, I guess.

I\'m Alan\'s teacher! I should be the one telling him what to do. I\'m older and wiser. Even in our sexual relationship, I should be calling the shots. He has the gall to threaten me with a spanking if I pull these damn things out of me. I should tell him to go to hell, that\'s what I should do!

She wiggled her ass in her chair and felt the dildo in her butt. She was annoyed at how distracting it felt. Crap. Every time I walk a step I can feel those two toys shift and grind against each other inside of me! I\'m just going to have to find him during the break and tell him that these things are coming out!

She shifted her ass cheeks back and forth several times. I\'ll admit that the technology is clever, and I certainly wouldn\'t be averse to trying this out some other time, but not while I\'m teaching! It is MOST distracting, even at the lowest setting. I mean, I taught my class okay, but this stupid Televibe thing was always on my mind.

Not to mention, it made me constantly think about him and his god-damned fucking delicious cock. Those thoughts are the real reason my panties are getting wet. How am I supposed to teach with all these fantasies going through my head? Two minutes ago, I was explaining the causes of World War I while imagining him pumping away at my pussy with us both naked in the middle of a busy beach! It\'s a sheer miracle my mouth could keep moving and say something vaguely coherent. No, these cursed things are coming out. Period!

She shifted her ass cheeks back and forth some more. Dammit! Why do I keep doing that?! I can\'t afford to get all squishy and juicy now!

Glory dismissed her class a minute later, and then got up to find Alan. She felt obliged to tell him she was taking the Televibe out, since she\'d promised him otherwise. Just walking to the door was incredibly arousing, as Alan\'s toys rolled around and against each other inside of her.

But as soon as she made it out the door of her class, she felt the pussy vibrator suddenly increase in intensity. Both vibrators had ten settings which varied not only by intensity, but also by the type and pattern of pulses.

Alan had switched her vaginal vibrator from "heart beat," which was nothing but very brief and soft twitches, to "throb," which was a rapid and strong pulse. He\'d only had a few minutes for Xania to teach him how to use the device before school, so he didn\'t really know what all the settings were. He assumed that the zero setting was the lowest and nine was the highest, but that wasn\'t so. That was the general trend, but, for instance, four was one of the strongest settings.

Glory wobbled in her walk, and nearly fell over with surprise as her knees came close to buckling out from under her. Holy shit! She paused in the hallway and struggled to remain standing. She looked around to see if anyone had been watching her.

Luckily, it seemed that her near stumble hadn\'t been noticed by anyone. The vibrator continued its "throb."

Glory was hit by a stunning realization. I\'m completely helpless. Helpless! This is a disaster! He could turn the vibrator up to a very high level, making it impossible for me to do anything. Unless I\'m in a bathroom stall, there\'s no way I can take these out or otherwise stop them in any way. I don\'t think this thing even HAS an on/off switch! I didn\'t see one, at least. Even the damn anal egg keeps buzzing at a low level.

I\'m completely at his mercy! Unfortunately, I\'ve got to admit that turns me on. I mean, it\'s not like I\'m a submissive, not really, but one couldn\'t be human and not get aroused in this situation!

Dammit! She stumbled and nearly fell as she continued to walk down the hallway.

Stupid high heels. As if I don\'t have enough problems. Grrr!

But the danger is that he might not even know when I\'ve got a problem! For instance, I could be in the middle of class when there\'s a sudden silence, and everyone could hear this thing buzzing away, and I wouldn\'t be able to do a thing to stop it! To think that I\'ve been annoyed at those branches scraping against the windows lately; now they might be my salvation.

But even worse, this thing doesn\'t even fit completely inside my hole, thanks to that slightly widened circular base on the bottom end allowing it to rest up against the outside of my labia. Luckily, that ridge isn\'t very thick, so it\'s not noticeable if I\'m wearing panties, but otherwise it could be bad. Really bad. What would happen if it suddenly fell out of me altogether and clattered to the floor right in the middle of one of my lectures?

Holy shit, again! That\'s a scary thought! I have to find him immediately, or a bathroom if I can make it all the way to the end of the hall without turning into a puddle of cum. I\'m taking both of these out, NOW! Where is he? She wandered further down the hall, even as the intense "throb" setting made it difficult to walk.

Then the vibrator\'s setting changed again. Alan had hit the seven button, which was "Ramp Down Waves," a gradual decrease down to nearly nothing, and then a sudden increase to full, repeating over and over. This made it even more difficult for her to walk, especially as the throbbing of the vaginal vibrator caused sympathetic reverberations with the inactive vibrator just a thin membrane away in her butt. She would be fine, briefly, and then hit hard.

She placed a hand against the wall and stood in one position until she could recover, except that she couldn\'t recover. The vibrator was relentless. She waited for the setting to change again, but it didn\'t. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief because she didn\'t see anyone staring at her. Realizing the situation wasn\'t likely to get any better, she attempted to continue down the hall on her unsteady legs.

The bathroom was getting in sight, but then he changed the setting again. He\'d pressed six, called "Rhythmic Pulse."

She quite liked that one. She could walk a little better with it because it wasn\'t jerky like the others.

But just as it changed, she saw Alan farther down the hall. He was looking directly at her, and she realized that he\'d been watching her from a distance for some time. She walked forwards to him, supremely aware of the plastic toys filling both her holes and in particular the insistent throbbing of the vaginal vibrator.

But he walked away from her at the same pace, while keeping an eye on her.

She thought, You little shit! I\'ll get you for this! Crap! He\'s toying with me, stringing me along like a human yo-yo. Bastard! You damn well better fuck the shit out of me, and right now! Wait. Why am I thinking about getting fucked doggy-style? That\'s not right! Where would he even fuck me? Oh dear God, what am I going to do?! The bathroom! I need to get to the bathroom!

So she headed to the bathroom to take the vibrators out, even as she was enjoying them more and more. Her panties were truly soaked now, and she was continually aroused no matter what the setting was. That was the problem. She was so aroused now that she could hardly think.

Alan could see that she was heading to the ladies\' room, so he closed the distance to cut her off. (He didn\'t have much trouble catching up to her, since she was walking slowly and carefully.)

He walked right up to her, and said, "How are you doing, Ms. Rhymer? Did you stub your toe or something?" He was aware that they could be seen and observed by other students standing just a few feet away, so his joke was as subtle and veiled as he could make it.

She was having a hard time keeping up a public front, because she wanted to cry out something like, "You fucking bastard! Stop this insanity this minute and take these fucking things out of me!"

But she couldn\'t say or do anything unusual with other students around. Merely talking to Alan outside of class like this could be eyebrow raising in and of itself.

She quickly looked around. Seeing that no one was looking right at her face, she gave him the evil eye. There were a million things she wanted to say, but she was so flummoxed, as well as uncertain if she was being overheard, that she didn\'t say anything. What annoyed her most of all was that she couldn\'t get the image of him fucking her doggy-style out of her head.

He said to her rather quietly, "I remembered that math sequence that you\'d been asking about, teacher. Zero, four, seven, six. Then I think the next number is a two." Right as he said "two," he switched the pussy vibrator to the two setting, which was "Medium Gear," an insistent, constant vibration of middling strength.

(He hadn\'t even touched the anal vibrator controls yet, and didn\'t plan to, as he\'d promised not to. However, there was no real off setting, so that vibrator buzzed at a low level no matter what.)

Glory grimaced and tensed up a little. This setting was more intense than the pleasant rhythm of six. She said quietly but forcefully, "No, I think it ends with six. Six, not two."

So he dialed a six instead.

A big smile returned to Glory\'s face as she relaxed into her "Rhythmic Pulse" again.

He grinned too. He was amazed at what he could do just by hitting a button on his phone.

However, thanks to his misunderstanding of the settings, he thought that meant that she wanted something stronger and therefore closer to the top nine setting, and not something down near the low zero. "I think you\'re right. Six. Although, are you sure it wasn\'t an eight?" He switched the controls to an eight as he said that - "Techno" - causing an intense series of throbs and pulses to rumble like thunder through her.

Her eyes went wide as her knees threatened to buckle out from under her again. "No! No! Definitely six! Not eight. Eight\'s bad!"

So he returned the vibrator to the six setting. He looked around and noticed that most of the other students were filing into their classes as the break was coming to an end. No one was paying any attention to their conversation.

He said, "A most fascinating discussion, Ms. Rhymer. We\'ll have to do this again sometime." Then he started to walk off.

Glory was at a loss for words, as the break time between classes was now almost over and she hadn\'t made it to the bathroom or been able to speak to him about anything. NoooOOOOoooo! He needs to fuck me right now! Enough with this stupid dildo crap! Bend me over and fuckin\' bone me, you big-cocked bastard! Where are you going?!

She looked at the bathroom, which seemed so close, yet so impossibly far away, and then at Alan walking away. She grimaced. "Alan! Wait!"

He paused and fiddled with his hand in his pocket, feeling for the right button to press. "Oh. Right. All number sequences end in zero. Sorry." He returned the vibrator to its lowest setting, and continued on to his class.

Glory felt greatly relieved. After all the other settings, the zero setting seemed like heaven. She looked around to make sure no one was looking. Then she patted the middle of her ass to see if there was a wet spot there. It felt dry, so she ran her hands over her upper thighs to make sure there weren\'t any rivulets dripping down to her knees.

Phew! I\'m okay for now. But I feel like my pussy is gushing like Niagara Falls. I hope I can make it through the day. I have so many more classes to endure!

She walked back to her classroom with a spring in her step, amazed at how good it felt to merely have a light buzz. Even the inactive anal vibrator felt good as it shifted around inside her with every swing of her hips.

She thought, That didn\'t go as I expected, to say the least. But I\'ll have to admit he makes me so fucking horny! I didn\'t make it to the bathroom to take this damn contraption out of me, which is unfortunate, but it\'s too late to go back now with the bell about to ring. Maybe I\'ll just keep this in for another hour and see what happens. I hope he caught that I liked the six setting. That\'s a good one!

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