
Chapter 788 Waitress Ginger ! ['Someone' Sponsored]

Much Thanks to \'Someone\' for your generous sponsorship. Best wishes for all your future endeavors.

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Just then, the waitress Ginger came back. She stood by the table and asked, "Are you two ready to order?"

Xania leaned forward and grabbed the menu with the hand not holding the dildo. Then she looked up at the waitress and saw Ginger\'s wide eyes. Xania realized that Ginger was clearly staring down her cleavage, and, just as clearly, was getting quite an eyeful. About the only thing Xania\'s top covered was her nipples, but that hardly mattered because they were so erect that their shape was clearly outlined through the loosely-hanging fabric.

Xania leaned back in an attempt to reduce her show of deep cleavage, but that just exposed her pussy all the more. There was no fabric anywhere below her belt. That embarrassed her even more than displaying her cleavage and nipples, so she leaned forward again, going so far forward that the fabric of her top came away, exposing her down to her belly button, nipples and all. Blushing more furiously than ever, she leaned back a bit, trying to find an unhappy medium between the two positions of exposure, but that only left her almost naked at both ends.

At that point Suzanne leaned forward, saying with an unabashed straight face to the waitress, "Nice view here today, isn\'t it?"

Ginger smiled and replied, "Nice view." Ginger was like a kid in a candy store - she wished she had more eyes so she could fully examine both of the incredibly voluptuous women at the same time. She had no shame in blatantly staring as she waited.

Suzanne reveled in the fact that miles and miles of her cleavage was on display. She found herself thinking, This is SOO much fun! The only thing that would be better is if Sweetie was here to watch and Alan Junior was sliding through all this sweaty tit-flesh! ... Hmmm. I wonder why I\'m not more nervous, though. I\'d never have the guts to do this on my own. Even though I\'m psyching out Xania, at the same time I\'m psyching out myself. By taunting her to go further, I go even further than I want to! It IS a bit scary, but it\'s too much fun to stop now.

One unstated reason Suzanne wasn\'t so nervous was because she knew Ginger was serving as their protector, by prearranged plan.

Xania didn\'t know that for sure, but she strongly suspected it because of Ginger\'s lack of surprise and easy-going manner (not to mention Suzanne\'s history of scheming). But suspecting that Ginger was involved somehow didn\'t help her nervousness much. Even if Ginger was in on it, there were a lot of ways they could get in trouble with so many strangers in the room. Anyone could call the police and get them arrested for public exposure.

Xania looked around and realized, with relief, that at least there weren\'t any windows. After all, they were in part of a large day care complex. She\'d half-expected to see crowds forming and noses pressed up against the glass with the kind of show she and Suzanne were putting on. She noticed how brazenly Ginger stared down Suzanne\'s chest, not to mention her own, even with many of the other patrons continuing to stare at their table. She decided that Ginger had to be at least bisexual, if not completely lesbian.

Ginger indeed was brazen. Breaking a long silence, she asked, "So. Are you here for something to eat, or just social intercourse?"

Suzanne smiled with amusement. "Both, actually." Leering at Xania\'s exposed crotch, she said, "But what I want to eat isn\'t on the menu." Then she said to Ginger, "We haven\'t looked at the menu yet because my friend Xania here hasn\'t put her vibrator in yet. At least I don\'t think she has. Can you check?"

Ginger smiled back with an ordinary smile and said, "Certainly." She put down the tray she was holding on the table.

Then she bent down a bit and reached into Xania\'s lap. She looked at one of Xania\'s hands resting between her thighs and tightly clutching the vibrator. But acting as if she could only discover things through touch instead of sight, she felt all over Xania\'s hand and the vibrator. She was careful not to touch Xania\'s thighs or pussy - for now.

Pulling her hand back, she said to Suzanne, "Unfortunately, it\'s still not in." She said this with the same neutral tone as if she\'d said, "Unfortunately, we\'re all out of ketchup."

Suzanne replied with equal aplomb, "I think it must be because she\'s dry. Can you check?"

Xania was already quite shocked, but she was doubly shocked when Ginger bent even lower and reached under the table again, this time aiming directly for Xania\'s pussy.

Xania had been so taken aback by recent events that she\'d forgotten to keep her legs tightly closed, so two of Ginger\'s fingers easily found their way directly inside her soaking slit.

Ginger frowned and said as her fingers pumped, "Hmmm. No, it seems she\'s quite wet. Very wet indeed."

Xania couldn\'t take it anymore. She looked around at the couple dozen surprised faces looking back at her, and then tightly shut her eyes as if she could will herself away from the scene. She was so freaked out that she was practically having an out of body experience. She simply couldn\'t believe in the reality of what was happening. But at the same time she was so aroused that she could feel her heart pounding like a hammer, even down in her pussy.

Suddenly, she nearly jumped out of her chair, because through a thick erotic fog it finally dawned on her that Ginger hadn\'t pulled her fingers away and in fact she was actually stroking them in and out. Even if Ginger is in on some kind of scheme, we\'re still in a very public place!

She hissed, "This is unreal! I mean, I consider myself a very experienced woman of the world, but, but..." Her voice trailed off as she was at a loss for words.

With her eyes closed, her mind focused on the intense pleasure of Ginger\'s fingerfucking all the more. She was so aroused that she feared she\'d pass out altogether. Though she couldn\'t see, she could clearly picture all the sexy MILFs in the room staring at her pussy being fondled. She felt she still needed to hold back from cumming, because she worried that if she came she\'d scream in ecstasy at the top of her lungs.

She needed to do something and fast. She exclaimed in a frantic but quiet voice, "What\'s going on here?! Who are you, Ginger, and what are you and Suzanne up to?!"

Suzanne laughed while she watched the finger bang. "I guess I couldn\'t keep it a secret forever. I met Ginger a couple of weeks ago at a sex shop. She works there. We had a bit of fun after the shop closed. Last time I went back, Ginger told me that she works here too. She\'s bi, and finds it a good place to pick up hot, lonely, neglected housewives. And, as you can see, she\'s in with the owners and so doesn\'t have to worry about getting fired. On top of that, with two jobs she\'s paying off those student loans faster than you can say \'spread your legs.\'"

Xania heard the command and inadvertently spread her legs wider again. But then she recalled all the strangers staring, and closed them up again, or at least tried to. She couldn\'t close all the way because Ginger was now on one knee between Xania\'s knees, and still had three fingers busily working up inside Xania\'s pussy.

Xania\'s face was very red and her eyes were shut tight, but she was a daring woman and a hard one to shock. Relieved that at least they weren\'t going to be thrown out, she let out a good laugh.

Ginger and Suzanne laughed too. It greatly eased the tension. For some reason, that caused some of the strangers staring to lose interest, as if it had been announced the show was over. Also, with Ginger between Xania\'s knees the view was blocked, though there was absolutely no doubt in anyone\'s minds what she was doing there. However, while some of the crowd turned away, at least half did not.

Xania immediately fought back. Even though she was shaking like a leaf, she was determined not to be outdone. She opened her eyes and, staring intently into Suzanne\'s green eyes, she said to Ginger, "Waitress, I\'m not sure if Suzanne\'s vibrator is properly inserted. And without it in, how can we order anything? Can you check? Thoroughly? ... And you, Suzanne. Spread your Thunder Thighs so this woman can make a proper inspection."

Suzanne accepted the challenge and spread her legs. All the while, she returned Xania\'s challenging stare with one of her own. Ironically, while Xania was coming to grips with the situation, Suzanne was getting more nervous, uncertain of what Xania would now try to make her do in revenge.

Now it was her turn to look around the room nervously at all the people staring. One way she\'d been so calm before was because she didn\'t allow herself to do that. As soon as she did she regretted it, because there were plenty of women still interested. But she was a good judge of character and she could quickly discern at least that there wasn\'t an angry face in the crowd. In fact, most all of the ladies were tremendously turned on by their blatant display. There was no shortage of fidgety legs, nipples poking through fabric, and cheeks glowing crimson from blushes and arousal. It seemed like a giant lesbian orgy was about to break out at any second, especially in the circle of tables immediately around their own.

Ginger now got down on both knees and inserted the fingers of one hand into Suzanne\'s groin while keeping the fingers of the other hand in Xania\'s pussy. She encountered a large vibrator blocking access to Suzanne\'s pussy, so she couldn\'t put her fingers in. But she grabbed hold of the vibrator and pushed it in and out.

Ginger said, "Xania, looks like the vibrator is very much in. Though I\'m taking my time to handle it to be absolutely sure. That\'s more than I can say for your vibrator."

Xania would not be outdone. She pulled Ginger\'s fingers away and put her vibrator deep inside her. It felt so good that she nearly screamed. As it was, the situation was driving her to a climax to end all climaxes. With the big vibrator filling her all the way up, she finally let herself go and was hit with a powerful orgasm.

She slumped down in her seat and inadvertently spread her legs wide yet again. She was amazed at how sweaty and out of breath she was, especially considering it was an air-conditioned room. She was so emotionally and physically drained that she could barely lift a finger.

Ginger took advantage and brought her hand back to Xania\'s defenseless pussy. She worked on Xania\'s clit.

That caused Xania to only spread her legs even further, as wide as they could go. She gave up all attempts to be discreet and sat back in her chair, moaning in extreme lust. At this point, she wouldn\'t have minded in the least to tear off whatever few clothes that still barely covered parts of her. As it was, her loose and flimsy top did nothing to support her big breasts and they bounced around wildly just as if she was bare breasted anyway.

Finally, after a minute or two of sitting in a very exposed position, Xania came to her senses enough to look around and see that there were still at least two dozen mothers staring intently at their table. She was too frazzled to realize just how many of them were panting.

She adjusted her top because one of her shoulder straps had slid down, causing a boob to spring completely free during her orgasmic overload. But now she felt too good to stop the fun altogether. And seeing Suzanne\'s knees still wide, she realized that the two of them were filling up the room with the smell of pussy, but she refused to even close her legs up and lose the game of face Suzanne was playing.

Xania was barely holding on. Between looking at Suzanne\'s wet inner thighs, all the women staring at them, and Ginger panting between her legs, not to mention feeling what Ginger was doing to her clit, she felt like she was completely losing her free will to uncontrollable lust.

But she couldn\'t take it anymore - she needed more contact, more arousal. She suddenly hissed, "Suzanne, if this was your idea of getting me warmed up, it worked! Good GOD did it ever work! Let\'s go fuck! Take me somewhere and do me with a strap-on. Now!"

Suzanne didn\'t really have a private place away from home, but she hoped Ginger would provide one. She stood up and asked, "Ginger, do you have like a storage closet or something we can use?"

Suzanne was so excited she couldn\'t even keep her hands off of herself as she impatiently waited for a place to go. She found herself sensually caressing her buxom chest.

Ginger pulled her fingers away from Xania\'s crotch and pointed with a juiced up index finger towards a door. "We certainly have just the thing. A storage closet. I\'ll lead the way."

Xania suggested, "Great! You should join us!"

Suzanne gave Xania a disapproving look.

Ginger didn\'t see that, and replied, "I\'d love to join you! But unfortunately I can\'t partake, because I am at my job after all, and all these people want to eat. I can\'t just leave the register and everything unattended. Next time let\'s do this when I\'m at the end of my shift. Okay?"

Suzanne said guardedly, "Perhaps. To be honest, we\'re not usually this bold." She was wary about Ginger because she knew so little about her. She didn\'t want to make rash promises.

Ginger nodded. She was disappointed, but still hopeful that something might happen with them in the future.

Xania and Suzanne didn\'t stick around to chat. Both were so worked up that they practically flew to the private room Ginger pointed out. However, when they got to the door, they stopped because the rest of the women in the room started clapping.

The two of them turned around to see that they were now being given a standing ovation by nearly everyone in the room.

One woman who was close to them walked even closer. As the clapping died down, she said, "Wow. I\'m not a lesbian, but wow. As just a sheer display of sexually brazen, lusty... Wow. I\'m speechless. Bravo." She clapped, and the others started clapping again.

Blushing still more, and with a mixture of pride and shame, the two of them opened the closet door, took a slight bow, rushed inside, and closed it behind them. They were instantly plunged into complete darkness, but they didn\'t care. They both burst into hysterical laughter.

As they frantically undressed, Xania deadpanned, "You think anyone out there doesn\'t know what we\'re about to do?"

"What\'s that, Hippo Hips?"

"Shut up, Thunder Thighs!"

They shut each other up with an electrifying mouth to mouth kiss.

Then they fucked each other absolutely silly in the complete darkness of the small closet. The vibrators came in handy. They tried to keep their voices down so the mothers outside wouldn\'t pay them any mind anymore, but that only added to the intensity of their illicit fuck. Both of them half expected the police to come and open the door at any moment, but it never happened.

When they were all done, they waited a very long time in the darkness. They just talked, hoping most of the customers who\'d seen them run off together would be gone. They were mostly successful, but not everyone had left.

In fact, one attractive woman had apparently waited for their return. She walked up to them and handed them a piece of paper with a name and phone number on it, and then walked off without saying anything.

Suzanne walked out of the restaurant and into the parking lot. She examined the piece of paper and tried to remember the face and body of the woman who handed it to her.

Xania asked her, "So, you think we should introduce her to Alan?"

Suzanne replied, "What you mean in the lingo of our little group is, is she Alan-worthy? I say... nah. Technically, yes she\'d qualify except maybe a bit lacking in the breast department, but he\'s got his hands full enough now. And anyway, you can\'t just say yes. One has to look into her background first. We don\'t want any problems. I have a whole system for checking people out."

Xania belatedly remembered some of their earlier conversation, when she\'d invited Ginger to join them and Suzanne showed more reluctance. "Sorry for jumping the gun back there, by the way. I guess that\'s that with her, then."

"Not necessarily. It\'s just that I have to check her out first. It\'s different than you being a solo flyer in L.A. If there\'s a screw-up and, say, a disease gets passed on, that could adversely affect a whole bunch of people."

"I see what you mean. Maybe later then," Xania suggested, "when things calm down and, most importantly, when I\'m back in town, we could revisit such opportunities. Nudge, nudge."

"Maybe. I\'ll keep her number." That resolved, Suzanne said to Xania, "So, welcome to my world. This is a fairly typical event since things began with Alan. Now can you see why I\'m slowly losing my self-control?"

"You come to this restaurant often?"

"No. It was a bit of a trial run to see if I could bring Alan, Katherine, or Susan here. I don\'t really know Ginger that well, as I\'ve only seen her at the other store a few times, and I don\'t think we\'d get along that great sexually since she\'s a dom and I\'m a dom. Unlike me though, she\'s way into S and M. She uses this job and her other job to find subs she can use. She\'s a great multitasker in that respect. It\'s not really a job for employment\'s sake so much as a way for her to prowl."

Suzanne added, "By the way, that\'s why we didn\'t have to worry about being caught. The owner of this whole complex is a woman about our age who\'s one of her subs. Ginger told me all this so I could take advantage of this spot sometime. Ginger\'s really the one in charge despite her low position, in the same way that Alan is in charge of his entire family now despite just being the son."

"I wish you would have told me earlier! I wouldn\'t have been so nervous."

"But the nervousness is part of the fun. By the way, you notice how wholesome she looks? All Miss America Midwestern coffee-shop waitress?"


"Don\'t believe it. From the very limited experience I\'ve had with her, I\'d say she\'s about the wildest and most insatiable sexaholic I\'ve ever seen. I could hardly recognize her today. You should see her over at the sex shop, all dressed up like a dominatrix. Alan still doesn\'t know about her. I\'m afraid to get her near him for fear that she\'ll whip him black and blue or something. And she can go the other way and beg to be whipped and spanked too. That\'s the last thing he needs right now, more weirdness and exhausting sex with someone other than me. I really need to have her investigated, but other things keep coming up."

"So, have you done this public sex kind of thing lately? Maybe with your Sweetie?"

"Oh. Sorry I didn\'t really answer your question. No, all the fun takes place at the Plummer house so far, but it\'s of that kind of intensity that we experienced today. With Alan there\'s always something new and exciting, and highly orgasmic. You\'ll find out tonight at the card game." She clutched the air in front of her, as if pretending to be Alan grabbing her breasts.

"I can\'t wait. Wow. You\'ve got an amazing thing going on down here, Suzanne. But the game isn\'t until this evening. We\'ve got hours and hours before I have to don my "professional psychologist" glasses. Why don\'t we do a little shopping and catch up on old times? I\'m so glad we\'re back in touch. It\'s been too long."

"It has. As you know, I pretty much gave up lesbian lovemaking years ago. I started working my way up the social hierarchy and I guess I was afraid of what other people would think if I got found out. Cheating on husbands was okay, in the sense that it was expected, but a lesbian relationship was somehow beyond the pale in the gossipy circles I hung out with. Mostly, I worried that word would get back to Susan, and then she\'d be appalled, and maybe even afraid that I would try to seduce her. I didn\'t want to lose that friendship for anything, and I still don\'t. Remember that this was back in her prudish days, when I was doing my best NOT to seduce her. Even though God knows how much I wanted to."

"But now, everything\'s changed," Xania noted.

"Yep. I couldn\'t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks anymore, as you can see. Besides, I lost most of my local friends over the years anyway. It\'s just all out sex and fun every single day of the week, and I\'m loving it."

"Damn." Xania pondered the situation in silence while they walked across the parking lot together. The sky was sunny and cars honked in busy traffic somewhere in the distance. She could still barely comprehend what they just did in front of dozens of witnesses at the restaurant. She had a feeling that as intense as that experience was, the card game would be even better.

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