
Chapter 780 Alan And His Mom [DD SPONSORED]

I know that I am late. Its been a hectic week with the monsoon hitting earlier than expected and I was in the volunteer service during this small flood and Food donation in my area. Thanks for understanding.

Drunk Dargon Special [ 8 / 15 ] 5K words


Alan had only been working on his homework for about ten minutes when Suzanne came in.

Before he could even get a good look at her, she held up her hands defensively. "Don\'t worry, Sweetie. I\'m totally fucked out and I\'ve just had a shower. This is purely a short and wholly platonic visit before I go home."

He swiveled his desk chair around. Sure enough, her clothes showed she wasn\'t there to titillate. He was secretly relieved, because his body was literally fucked out. "Oh, hey. What\'s up?"

"I just want to chat with you for a minute. About Heather."

"Sure." He pulled up his other chair for her, then waited until she was seated.

She said, "I heard all about your famous exploit today. One guy, four girls. Including Heather."

He smiled in fond memory. "How\'d you hear about that already?"

Suzanne grinned. "You told Susan, and she can\'t stop talking about it." Her grin faded. "But that\'s not the point. Sure, that\'s a nice feather in your cap, and a boost to your ego, I\'m sure. But I\'m concerned. You\'re spreading your seed around too much. I told you recently I\'d be patient regarding your relationship with Heather, due to the psychological benefit you say you get. Stress relief and all that. But I\'m already beginning to doubt the wisdom of that."

She continued, "My main concern is sexual diseases. Heather is bad enough as a threat. But then you throw in three more girls? Including this new black girl, what\'s her name? How promiscuous is she?"

He replied, "Her name is Simone, Simone Hendrix. She\'s Heather\'s best friend. But she\'s nice, much nicer than Heather."

"I don\'t care much about that; how promiscuous is she? If she\'s Heather\'s best friend, that doesn\'t bode well."

"No, well, probably not," he admitted. "They\'re frequent lovers as well as friends, from what I understand. And Simone\'s got a boyfriend, but they\'re not going steady, so it\'s okay."

Suzanne glared at him. "No, it\'s not okay! If you\'re having sex with her, you\'re effectively having sex with all her sexual partners too. And all of THEIR sexual partners! Ditto with the two other cheerleader bimbos you were with, and whoever else they\'re having sex with, and so on. What are their names?"

"Janice and Joy. And they\'re not bimbos; they\'re nice."

"I don\'t care how nice they are. Will niceness stop you from getting mono? Or gonorrhea? Or syphilis or HIV? Did you know that about one in four teen girls has some kind of sexual disease? On average, that\'s one of the four you boinked today."

He looked down, feeling chastened. "Um, no." He didn\'t know that fact, and hearing it concerned him greatly.

"What are you doing about it? We\'ve got a great thing going here, for all of us. Please don\'t ruin it! I\'ve got a touch of Susan in me, in that I find it arousing when you bed someone new. But you can\'t just do that willy-nilly. I need to have them checked out first, especially for diseases. You need to cut back to just a few sexual partners outside of us here at home, and stick to those who aren\'t sleeping around. Try someone new only every once in a while, and only after they\'ve been properly vetted. Is that too much to ask?"

"No," he admitted.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

Over the next ten minutes or so, he and Suzanne worked on a plan to try to cut down on the risk of STDs. He wasn\'t happy about it, but he knew he had to do his best. The last thing he wanted to do was infect his loved ones. He would start tomorrow by having a discussion with Heather. Also, he told Suzanne everything he knew about all the girls he was having sex with so she could discreetly investigate them (or, in Heather\'s case, investigate some more).

With that issue taken care of, at least for the moment, Alan went back to working on his homework.

Susan came in almost immediately after Suzanne left. In fact, she\'d waited impatiently for Suzanne to leave. After her talk with Katherine, not to mention their frisky shower, she was raring for some oral action.

One glance her way let Alan know what she was up to, since she was dressed in a light maroon see-through nightie and high heels. She walked into the room and gave him her best sultry look. "Son, I\'m glad to see you\'re studying. But don\'t you think you could concentrate better if your mommy is sucking on your cock?" Worried that she was coming on too strong, she added, "In kind of a stealthy way?"

He chuckled. "Concentrate better?! How is that possible?"

Susan had said that without thinking, and now she tried to justify it. "Well, you know, if it\'s nice and stiff and throbbing with pleasure inside my mouth, you don\'t have to worry about will it get hard, or maybe it won\'t, and if it does should I get help, or what about committing the sin of Onan, and so many other issues. Instead, you know it\'s being properly taken care of by my swirling tongue and tightly sliding lips, so you don\'t have to think about it at all. Just enjoy!"

He chuckled some more. "You actually make that sound semi-plausible. But it\'s a moot point because my dick is totally dead to the world. Remember what happened downstairs just a short while ago?"

Susan spoke as she seductively ran her hands over her semi-nude body. "Yes, of course I do. But I have great confidence in you. You have an endless ability to make more cum. And of course that all needs to be sucked and stroked and even fucked out of you, also nearly endlessly! So why not start now?"

He laughed. "As if! There\'s no way I\'m up for that. My dick is totally dead at the moment."

She raised her nightie to bring a hand near her pussy. She whispered in an extra sultry voice, "I have to admit, my pussy is kind of hot and throbbing right now. Would you like to finger it, or even lick it? Would that help get you hard?"

"Unfortunately, Mom, nothing is going to get me hard right now. Nothing. I\'ve got the same limitations as every other guy. Give me at least an hour, please? More like two. And, to be honest, a blowjob or even a handjob is extremely distracting. Let me get some good studying time in while my dick is down, and then we\'ll see. Okay?"

She pouted. "Oh, poo!"

He grinned. "Mom, you\'re so adorable. I love everything about you. I love your enthusiasm, and of course I love your unbelievable body. I even love it when you say \'oh, poo.\' Most of all, I love that you\'re just so... well, lovable! But later. Please?"

She sighed. "Oh, very well. Sorry if I\'m being too pushy. It\'s just that Angel and I took a shower together a short time ago, and I got so excited."

He asked, "You took a shower together?! Oh, man!" He started to imagine how they looked, dripping wet and kissing and touching each other. He closed his eyes tightly. "Did you two rub your big tits together?"

Her eyes lit up. "Did we? Oh boy, did we! While we talked about pleasuring your cock. Let me tell you all about it."

He suddenly winced. "No! I can\'t allow myself to think about that. Too sexy! I have to focus here. Please, don\'t tempt me!"

"Sorry. I\'ll go now. But I\'ll see you later, okay? And if you need any help, any special big-titted mommy help, well, you know I\'ll be right down the hall."

He nodded. He held his breath as he watched her sexy ass sway on out of the room. Oh, mercy! I swear, she\'s gonna kill me with too much pleasure! But if I\'m gonna die, that\'s gotta be the best way to go!

Alan made good progress with his homework for the next hour and a half. It seemed completely surreal to go from such a devastating sexual experience to reading boring chapters out of a history book, but he was getting used to the surreal. He was finding that he was getting better at switching gears all the time.

It was nearly midnight when Susan came in again, dressed in just a robe and high heels this time. She\'d used a lot of willpower to hold off as long as she had. She wore the robe so she could get completely naked in a flash.

"Hi Mom, I\'m burning the midnight oil."

"Yes. I can see you are. Mommy just took another long hot bath, and she\'s feeling much better."

"That\'s good." He definitely noticed that she was calling herself "mommy." That inevitably meant that she was quite horny. "I\'m really jamming on my homework, here."

"Glad to hear it, Son. I\'m so proud of you. But you still haven\'t utilized our stealth stroking help today. Is there a reason for that?"

"Well, as you could see earlier with Aunt Suzy in the living room, sometimes when I get started on having sexy fun, I get a bit carried away."

Susan put on a very innocent and confused expression. "And this is some kind of bad thing?" Then she laughed heartily.

"Yes, Mom. A bad thing. That\'s not really good for getting work done. Frankly, I don\'t trust myself with the stealth stroking."

She walked closer and pulled on the sash of her robe, opening it completely in the front. A light tug could pull it off her shoulders, but she kept it on for the moment. "That depends on what kind of work you\'re doing though, doesn\'t it? I mean, if you\'re just doing some light reading then it\'s no big deal to have a soft female hand or two yanking on Alan Junior, is it? Or even a mouth?"

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Mom. Let\'s be realistic. I\'m not going to get anything done that way. At some point I have to do some actual homework. This is getting to be a serious problem!"

She replied, "Even so, let\'s not forget your medical needs. You have to work to keep your balls empty so you can reach your six-times-a-day goal, don\'t you? Is it not just as important to drain Alan Junior there first, so you can fully concentrate? I mean, it\'s been a few hours since you blew your load into Suzanne."

"Well, maybe nearly two," he admitted.

She slinked closer. "And by the way, I\'m very proud of you there, Son. Suzanne\'s my best friend, but she can be so stubborn. You really put her in her place tonight. And that place is on her back, naked and with her legs wrapped around your back!"

He felt his penis threatening to grow erect. He looked over to her and saw her robe opening up all the way in the front.

He gulped in anticipation. "Mom, wait! Don\'t take off that robe. I\'m cruising here on my homework. Really cruising. I want to have fun with you, but maybe you could come back when I\'m done."

"Oh, poo." She seemed to give up seducing him for the moment (although she left the robe wide open), but then she looked down and saw a bulge rising in his shorts. That inspired her to keep pressing.

She sauntered closer. "But Tiger, you\'ve been working so HARD today. Everything about you is so HARD lately."

She reached out and stroked his engorging penis through his shorts. "It was so inspirational the way you completely TAMED Suzanne\'s pussy!"

He asked with genuine curiosity, "Did my fucking her bother you at all?"

"Are you kidding me? God, it made me SO HOT! I just can\'t get over it. All I could do for the last hour is sit in my bathtub thinking about what you did to her. The way you had her squealing like a stuck pig in front of us all! The way you made the proud and mighty Suzanne crawl on her knees!"

She continued to stroke his suddenly fully-erect dick through his shorts. "Of course I played with myself some. I just love lying there naked in the tub, thinking about how you\'ve turned me into one of your many personal fuck toys. But then, the more I thought about your FAT COCK sliding deep into Suzanne\'s tight cunt, the more I thought about how you could and SHOULD be painting my face with your yummy sperm! I\'m sorry for bothering your important work, but that\'s why I finally had to come in here."

Her words aroused him so much that he felt his body tingling all over, and of course her stroking hand made his dick felt even better and more stimulated than that. Still, he was puzzled. "But don\'t you feel jealousy or something?"

"Well, sure, but the burning pain of jealousy just turns me on all the more. It reminds me of my complete helplessness and your total domination over me, and that-"

He cut in. "Wait. Let me guess: it gets you \'so hot.\'" He smiled, despite himself.

She smiled too. "You know me too well. I\'m sorry I\'m not more expressive with my words, but \'so hot\' just says it so well, don\'t you think? I get this burning sensation in my pussy and up in my nipples." She ran her hands from her pussy to her nipples as she said that, and ended by twisting her nipples a little bit. "My whole body literally heats up. It gets to the point where I have to rip my clothes off if they\'re not off me already!"

He snickered to himself, Which they usually are.

While still standing next to where he sat, she reached under the band of his loose shorts to directly grab and stroke his erection. "Son, I think we really need to seriously give this whole stealth idea another try. I\'ll admit that it\'s as much or more for me as it is for you. The thing is, I just... I love playing with your cock so very, very much! Lord, help me, but it\'s true!"

He was silent, but slowly weakening. Of course he was aware of her fingers closing around his erection inside his shorts and resuming her stroking, but he didn\'t say or do anything about it.

He thought, Oh, man! Mom is just too orgasmically arousing to resist. I swear, she has one of those classic movie-star bodies, like Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield, back when actresses had serious curves. Huh. I wonder if Marilyn Monroe had any sons. If so, how did those boys deal with their mother\'s tempting body?!

Susan stood even closer to him, so that if he were to look up his face would be just inches from her bare tits and pointy nipples. Or if he looked straight ahead, her exposed pussy would be right there. If he somehow managed to avoid looking at that tempting sight, she was also exuding a delicious aroused-pussy smell, with all the pungency of a pizza fresh from the oven.

Her hand busily jacked him off as she said, "I know I made a promise earlier that I would take it easy on you, even though it\'s a Tuesday. And I\'ve been so good most of the day, haven\'t I? But it is a Tuesday, after all. I was going to wait longer before disturbing you, I really was, but I realized it\'s minutes to midnight and I haven\'t sucked your cock AT ALL today! And that\'s just plain wrong on a Tuesday, don\'t you agree? I mean, what kind of tradition would that set?"

He pointed out, "That\'s not true. For instance, remember this afternoon, when you sucked me on your knees while wearing just an apron?"

"Oh yeah." She smiled from ear to ear as she recalled that. "Mmmm. That was fun! Especially with Angel watching and making me burn in humiliation. You really put me in my place! Another big-titted mommy in suburbia, forced to service her son! AGAIN! But still, that didn\'t last long, so it hardly counts. I say that if it\'s not at least half an hour of keeping you right on the edge of climax, it\'s not a REAL cocksucking."

He chuckled at that absurdly high standard.

She added, "Besides, do you realize I had to watch you fuck Amy and then fuck Suzanne twice? Have a little mercy on me, please!"

She thought she was done, but since he didn\'t respond to that, she went on, "I think the stealth stroking idea is good, but stealth sucking is even better. Please? Just let me suck it a little bit?"

She unzipped his fly with her free hand, so his stiffness pointed up and out. She never stopped stroking with her other hand, focusing like usual on his super sensitive sweet spot.

He still didn\'t reply. However, his failure to verbally protest was a reply in and of itself. Plus, his face showed that his resolve was weakening by the second.

She got down on her knees, causing her robe to finally slide off and fall to the floor. All the while, she never let go of his hardness or stopped stroking it. "Tiger, let\'s look at this cock of yours. It\'s so long and hard and stiff and hot! How can you concentrate on your homework when it\'s all angry and red like this?"

He laughed. "That\'s because you made it that way!"

She giggled with guilty glee. "Maybe so. Then isn\'t it my responsibility to suck it back to normal?"

He groaned in frustration. "I don\'t like that logic."

She was undeterred. "If you\'re really cruising on your work, just let me do a little bit of stealth sucking. You just keep studying. You won\'t even notice I\'m here." She pulled his shorts down his legs for better access, again without meeting any resistance. He even lifted his ass up a little bit to help her. Then she brought her hand back and resumed stroking his erect rod.

He was about to agree, when it fully dawned on him that she was talking about "stealth sucking" and not "stealth stroking." He complained, "Mom, there may be stealth stroking, but you know there\'s no such thing as stealth sucking. Especially considering the way you suck my dick. You\'re getting so dang good at it! It takes all my willpower and focus just to squeeze my PC muscle constantly to keep from cumming. There\'s no way I can work on anything else through that! Anyhow, I thought you were all tired and sore."

"Son, your mommy\'s cunt is very sore, mostly thanks to Suzanne and her dildos. Plus a couple hours of diddling myself as you had your way with my best friend\'s pussy, and then Angel fingering me in the shower, and more fingering of myself in the bathtub. Not to mention the fact that my period has started and the cramps are killing me. And Mommy\'s asshole is very sore, thanks to your wonderful, glorious assfuck this morning. But Mommy\'s mouth is never too sore for her son\'s big cock. I\'ve been practicing, so very, very much! Working on my endurance with phallic objects. I think I could suck non-stop for hours. I\'d like to try right now on you."

He was about to suggest that she just stick with the stealth stroking.

But she could read his face, and as her hand slid up and down his shaft, she added even more urgently, "Please, Son. Please don\'t make me beg!" Her words were ironic because she was already begging. "A handjob is nice, but you know what I really want."

She licked all the way around her lips, slowly and seductively.

He was fairly helpless to resist, but he still kept his legs closed enough that she wouldn\'t be able to get her head in between them. He thought, The irony! Mom\'s begging me to suck my cock and I\'m actually resisting? Who\'da ever thunk it?

She continued to talk and stroke while she wore down his resolve, while slowing drawing her face ever closer to his cockhead. "I must say, Tiger, I can\'t get over how turned I got watching you fuck Suzanne right in front of everyone. It wasn\'t enough for you to fuck her, but you did it in public, in front of all of us, making an example of her!"

She stroked faster as her excitement grew. "I can\'t wait until you do that to me! Total mommy domination! Show the whole family that you\'re a real motherfucker! It was so clever for you to break the news that you two had been fucking already the way you did right then. Who could object right then? Not me, that\'s for sure."

By the time she finished saying that, she was blowing warm air on his sweet spot. "Clearly it goes to show that you\'re much too clever for me, and resistance is futile! It\'s probably not right for you to fuck your own mother, but you\'re going to do it anyway, aren\'t you? You\'re just too clever and well-hung, and I\'m far too busty to resist. Look at me!"

She pulled back some, so he could get a good look at her, but she kept on stroking his boner with one hand. She arched her back and put her free arm under her massive rack, trying to emphasize the size of her breasts even more than usual. "Look at how you made me kneel before you in just my high heels! If it weren\'t for my period and my soreness, I might just give up and spread my legs to officially make you a motherfucker right now!"

He groaned. Mentally, he snapped. Her comment "I\'m far too busty to resist" particularly got to him. Fuuucck! I don\'t care how much sex I\'ve had already, there\'s no man on Earth who can turn down this woman! And she talks about making me a motherfucker... Fuck homework! I got a couple of good hours in, and that\'s better than usual these days. I was going to finish soon anyway. Close enough for horseshoes!

But Susan didn\'t realize his change in attitude yet. She began to nibble and lick the tip of his boner, while still breathing on it. She cooed, "I especially loved to see you play with Suzanne\'s big hooters. Us big-titted women, we need our tits groped every day, just like you need your cock sucked or fucked all day long. Thankfully you know my daily tit milking needs now, but you should understand Suzanne\'s tits are just as needy. She hides her tit-need well, but in fact I\'m learning firsthand that her tits are quite sensitive, nearly as much as mine."

She alternately breathed heavily on his cockhead and licked it while stroking the rest of his shaft. "Do you understand what I\'m trying to say? You should fuck her tits a lot! Fondle them! Knead them, vigorously! And suck on her nipples!"

He groaned with lusty need. He was getting close to cumming already.

She started licking his sweet spot nearly non-stop, while still managing to talk. "I\'m so glad that you\'ve put her and me in our proper place, because that\'s what should happen to all us big-titted women. We\'re not like other women. Oh no! We need to be controlled by naturally superior men such as yourself! Milk our big tits every day, Tiger, just like you\'d drain a cow! It doesn\'t matter if there\'s milk in them or not; they need your hands and lips!"

She suddenly pulled back, sat up, and thrust out her chest. "Here, play with mine right now. Please!"

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