
Chapter 735 Naughty Time With Nurse Akami ['Someone' Sponsored]

\'Someone\' Special [ 14 / 15 ] 4.5K words


Susan showed up at Doctor Fredrickson\'s office right at 9 a.m. She dressed very conservatively, underwear and all, the way she still dressed whenever outside the house.

Akami greeted her, and told her that the receptionist was sick.

Susan thought everything was normal, as she had no way of knowing that there weren\'t any patients in any of the other rooms.

Dr. Fredrickson passed by the waiting room and said hello, which also assured Susan that the situation wasn\'t unusual.

Akami led her into the same room Alan had been examined in, and had her sit on the examination table where Susan had stared at Alan\'s penis so intently only a few weeks previously.

Susan\'s mind boggled as she recalled what happened then, and how much had changed since.

Akami looked at her medical chart intently. "I see here that we have a request from a psychologist in Los Angeles that we check to see if your sexual reactions are normal. How curious. Apparently there is some concern that you may be becoming a nymphomaniac. Is that true?"

Susan closed her eyes and recalled the fashion show the night before. She shamefacedly whispered, "Yes." Having to dress up in "normal" clothing and leave the house had put her in a bit of a prudish mood.

"Could this be related to the medical treatment of your son? His need for stimulation six times a day?"

Susan grew a bit peeved. "You know it is! Don\'t blame me, you of all people. This crazy scheme was all your idea, you and Dr. Fredrickson!"

"Now, now, don\'t worry," Akami soothed. "We\'re not here to pass any judgments. Anyway, can you honestly tell me that if you had to do it all over again, you wouldn\'t have agreed to the treatment regimen, just the same? Honestly?"

Even as Akami said this, she took her stethoscope out and began probing Susan\'s body with it through her clothes, as if she could test truthfulness with it. She did place it on a few of the usual spots, but she curiously seemed mostly interested in placing them on and around Susan\'s nipples.

Susan\'s nipples poked up to full erection in a matter of seconds.

Susan was silent, but under Akami\'s withering stare and probing, she finally and meekly answered, "Yes. Yes, I would gladly do it all over again. You know that already." She added in her mind, How could I live without pleasuring my son\'s cock? I get shivers of fear just thinking about a bleak future like that!

Akami was reassuring. "Like I said, no judgments here. To be honest, if I were in your shoes, I think I\'d do the same. That Alan is such a hunk, and he sure knows how to please a woman. You have to admit that he has a pretty big and tasty cock." She was working on getting Susan aroused, and kept rocking the stethoscope back and forth over Susan\'s stiff right nipple.

"Erm, well, I suppose, um, there\'s no denying that."

"No there isn\'t."

"Excuse me, nurse, but you just called his member a \'cock.\' Isn\'t the medically correct term a \'penis?\'"

"Sure... for most people. But in his case, don\'t you think \'cock\' is much more fitting? Normal guys have a penis, but some special, extra-virile guys have a cock. Such as Alan, of course."

"That\'s true," Susan agreed.

Akami smiled, secretly please at how easy it was to manipulate Susan\'s submissiveness. "I have to admit that I can\'t believe my luck with Alan\'s case. I mean, that I\'ve been able to repeatedly suck him off and even fuck him, and all as part of his medical treatment-"

Susan interrupted. "You mean \'fuck you.\'"

"Excuse me?!"

"Alan doesn\'t get fucked; he\'s the fucker. He fucks you. And it\'s not just a grammatical thing; he takes charge! My Tiger takes complete control! Resistance is useless!"

Akami grinned. She could see Susan was getting quite worked up already. "Quite right. My mistake. He definitely fucked me deep and long while I just hung on for dear life! Now let\'s get started on your examination. Please unbutton your blouse and remove your skirt and underwear."

Susan did so without thinking. Taking off her clothes came to her easily now, especially when she was ordered to do so. In fact, she found it a great relief to shed what she felt was the unnecessarily heavy and constraining clothing that she wore in the outside world. The only reason she wore such unrevealing clothes was because Alan was the only man she wanted to see her looking sexy.

Susan\'s mood changed as she shed her clothes. When she\'d first started coming to see Akami with Alan, she was extremely flustered to have to take any clothes off in what she considered a semi-public place. But now her prudish ways literally came off along with her clothing. The idea of being naked away from home greatly excited her, if it was with someone safe like Akami.

But Susan was nonetheless nervous at how far things would go. She knew the "testing for nymphomania" purpose meant the appointment would get sexual, and she expected that. But she was shy to do any more than grope and kiss with another female. She asked while she finished undressing, "Nurse, what will this examination entail, exactly?"

"We are going to subject you to an exam called the Tompkins-Burnstein Battery. You are subjected to a series of stimulations and give a response from one to ten on how stimulated you feel. One is no stimulation, and ten is the greatest sexual stimulation you\'ve ever felt. Try to think back on an event that would rate a ten right now to get a sense of the scale. Then we\'ll compare your responses to the national average."

Akami was more or less making this up as she went along, including the name of the test. She knew Susan was normally fairly smart (at least when not in her now typical senselessly horny state), but also extremely naïve and gullible on sexual matters. This no doubt was a lingering effect of the extreme prudishness Susan had exhibited most of her life. Years of conditioning couldn\'t be completely eradicated in a matter of weeks.

Akami aggressively probed her bare nipples with the stethoscope.

Chills ran up and down Susan\'s spine, because the cold metal rocking all over her nipple felt so electrifying and arousing.

Akami was impatient to replace the implement with her own hands, but realized she still needed a thin veneer of decorum while warming Susan up.

Susan gasped, "Nurse, when you do that, it feels really, really... good! I think my nipples are super sensitive, because if they\'re touched at all, or even rubbed by my clothes, I get extremely horny. And if Tiger, er, I mean Alan, looks at them, they seem to heat up and tingle, and that makes my pussy tingle, and then I need to suck his cock so badly that I can hardly stand it!"

Akami knew that Susan did have unusually sensitive nipples, which was unusual for someone with such large breasts. But she pretended uncertainty. "Hmmm." She reached out and pinched both of Susan\'s nipples at once.

"Aaaah!" Susan squealed. "Please don\'t! If you keep doing that, I\'m gonna, gonna cum!"

"What, you mean you find this arousing?" She rolled Susan\'s nipples between her fingers, and then pinched them some more.

Susan squirmed and writhed as her chest heaved. "Ah! Oh! MMMM! Please! No!"

As Akami continued to play with Susan\'s nipples, she asked, "Now, what if you close your eyes and imagine I\'m Alan?"

As soon as Susan closed her eyes, she shrieked. She wiggled so vigorously that Akami had a hard time just holding on to her nipples.

Realizing that Susan had just climaxed from nothing but nipple play, Akami had mercy and let go. She said, "Yes, it seems like you do have unusually sensitive nipples."

"Can anything be done about that?"

"Yes. Let Alan play with them to his heart\'s content. Orgasms are healthy for the body, so it\'s good if you cum a lot. And seeing you cum will help arouse him, leading to more prolonged orgasms for him too. It\'s win-win."

Susan bit her lip, trying hard to control her raging lust as she thought about that suggestion. My goodness! To have Tiger play with my nipples... and then fuck my tits... and fuck my mouth too... MMMM! Oh my! When will it end?! It may never end! I could be his big-titted sex pet mommy for LIFE!

Now that there was a pause, Susan thought more about her upcoming testing, and fretted. "Akami, am I going to have to do ... naughty things ... as part of this test? Is this completely proper?" She more or less knew an honest answer would be yes to the first and no to the second, but she nonetheless felt obliged to ask the questions.

"Of course it\'s proper!" Akami said with pretend indignation. "You know, there\'s been a lot of research into sexuality, so this test derives from that. It\'s admittedly unusual to perform such a test in a general practitioner\'s office, but the case of you and your son is a very unusual one to begin with. And yes, you\'re probably going to get quite aroused. Are you prepared for that?"

Susan bit her lip. "I suppose." I\'m so horny already!

"Now, let\'s hurry this up, as we have other patients waiting. First, I want you to run your hands over your skin as you think of the most intense sexual experience you\'ve ever had. Don\'t touch yourself down below."

Susan closed her eyes, and at first seemed to only move her hands a little bit, as if doing the bare minimum to obey Akami\'s request. But soon she began roaming her hands all over her legs and chest. Since Akami hadn\'t prohibited the touching of her sensitive nipples, she concentrated on them, and that drove her wild.

Within a minute or two, she was deeply into it, kicking her feet out of the stirrups and thrashing her legs around in the air. "Nurse Akami, may I stop please! I\'m getting too horny!"

"No, you may not. The test has hardly started." Akami knew Alan\'s mother was hot to trot, but Susan\'s eagerness surprised even her. "What are you thinking about? Explain in detail what you\'re thinking out loud."

Susan\'s voice was growing ragged as she answered, "I dunno. There\'s not just one most intense experience. There are so many! I have to confess, all of them involve ... my son. My hunky, handsome, well-hung son! For instance, I\'m thinking right now about our very first Tuesday, when I gave him the abnormality check for the first time. I gave him so many handjobs and blowjobs that day. That was such a pivotal day in my life. It seems it was one big happy blur of sucking and stroking! Mmmm..."

Susan\'s eyes glazed over as she vividly recalled the very first time she\'d sucked her son\'s cock on that day. MMMM! Tiger! Let Mommy choke and gag on your fat knob! Mmmm... Let me show you how much I love you with my tongue! And my lips! And my fingers! So much COCK! All for me!

Akami asked, "What are you thinking about now?"

"Sucking Alan\'s little friend... Alan Junior... It makes me so hot! Oh, I can\'t help it, nurse! I\'m so bad! Can I just touch myself down there, just a little?"

Akami shook her head discouragingly. "Okay, Susan, that\'s enough of that. Please stop."

Susan reluctantly stopped her hands, but she still panted and her chest kept on heaving.

The sight of a gorgeous woman so easily aroused made Akami extremely horny as well. She was confident Susan would be helping her out directly soon enough, but she had to go ahead with the "test" in any case. Dr. Fredrickson wanted to see certain things happen (literally, as he watched it all on a video screen in the next room), and this was a good way to make sure they would.

The nurse continued authoritatively, "All right. Very good. Now tell me, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate that experience?"

"Let\'s see. About a two. Maybe a three."

"That\'s it?!" Akami asked in disbelief. "Are you sure you understand the scale I\'ve given you?"

"Yes, but I\'ve had so very many extremely erotic experiences lately. I\'m practically that horny all the time, just as a baseline. You can see why I\'ve been seeking psychological help. If I\'m shopping at a grocery store and see something long and hard like a loaf of French bread, it makes me think of my son\'s penis, and then I get all tingly and can barely control myself! It\'s a big problem, and it\'s just getting worse all the time. Frankly, just about everything makes me think of my son and his penis. I\'m always sucking on things. Lollipops, bananas, carrots, asparagus, ice cream bars... Sometimes I have to go to a restroom and bring myself off, \'cos I can\'t hold out until I get back home. At least it increases my stamina so I can suck on the real thing for hours at a stretch. Well, that\'s my dream, at any rate. And that doesn\'t even count all my formal practice time with my vibrator."

"You practice cocksucking?" Akami asked incredulously.

Susan proudly replied, "Oh yes. It\'s part of my daily workout regimen now. He\'s got such incredible stamina that our mouths and jaws tend to tire out before his cock does. It\'s a long story, but I recently got this GREAT custom-made gift. It\'s an exact copy of my son\'s cock, down to every last vein, but it\'s also a fully functional vibrator. It makes practicing so much fun!"

Akami gave her a look that was a mix of chagrin and amusement. "Why does that not surprise me?"

Susan continued, undeterred, "All the practice is paying off. At first, way back on that first Tuesday, my tongue would start to lag after only five minutes. But now I can actively suck him for a good half-hour without getting tired, and I\'m getting better day by day."

She was actively salivating and licking her lips as she thought, Someday, I will be able to do it for hours at a time, non-stop! The future is almost unbelievably promising! I probably don\'t want to go on and on about it with the good nurse, though, or she\'ll think I\'m weird.

"I see." Akami still had the clipboard with Susan\'s medical chart in her hand, and pretended to make extensive notes. "Okay then. Let\'s move on to the second test. This time, stimulate yourself anywhere while you think of another erotic memory."

Almost as soon as Akami said "stimulate yourself anywhere," Susan\'s hands flew to her pussy and she began frigging herself. Her other hand worked on her clit. OH! YESSSS! I really need this!

"What are you thinking of this time?" the nurse asked.

Susan could feel a big orgasm coming on. She had to force herself to calm down so she could respond coherently. She closed her eyes as she blissfully recalled, "Just the other day, Alan needed help getting hard, so he had me kiss Katherine to help him with visual stimulation. It was weird at first, but then I got into it, kissing my own daughter! Then we did it again two days later, and she put her fingers in my pussy as we kissed, just like I\'m doing now. But then she wouldn\'t let me suck on Tiger\'s cock, \'cos she was sucking it instead. Oh, and now we\'re sucking him off together! Aren\'t I bad? I\'m so bad! But it\'s so good. Mmmm... Yes!"

Akami thought, Interesting! Very interesting! I love that she\'s bisexual. How could I not take advantage of that fact, since I am too!

"Okay, you can stop now," Akami said. She had expected these tests to take longer, but Susan was getting off very quickly. The bombshell mother was already leaking cum after only a minute or so of touching her pussy.

Susan asked plaintively, "Akami, is there something wrong with me, letting my daughter kiss me like that? With Tiger, er, I mean, Alan, it\'s a medical need, but with her..."

"Don\'t worry, it\'s perfectly normal," Akami said reassuringly. "Most women have lesbian experiences at one time or another, and those who don\'t probably would love it if they just let themselves go. New studies suggest that all women are naturally bisexual." She was making this up too.

That was just what Susan wanted to hear. "Really? Oh, that makes me feel so much better! My psychologist said that too, so it must be true." She failed to think about or mention the additional problem of incest. "That\'s good to hear, because we\'ve been kissing each other so much lately. In fact, I\'ve been kissing everybody in sight! It\'s so embarrassing. You should have seen what I did last night at the fashion show we had in our living room."

Akami could only imagine what a fashion show at the Plummer house would be like. Her pussy twitched and pulsed with arousal, but she maintained an outward professional calm. "Yes. Furthermore, your getting into kissing and fondling other women will greatly help arouse Alan, and that\'s the whole point. His medical recovery and all that. Men get extremely aroused watching two women get it on with each other."

Susan\'s eyes lit up. "You\'re so right! I keep telling myself that. I must OBEY my son in every way, even if it means I have to lick pussy every single day!"

Akami found herself increasingly aroused, both by visions of Susan muff diving and by the woman\'s extreme subservience to her son. She coughed to help clear her head. "Moving on, how would you rate that on a scale of one to ten?"

"About a four. I can\'t imagine getting much above that without Alan being directly involved."

"Interesting," Akami said plainly as if she was bored, though she was anything but. "Now for this next test, we\'re going to rate outside stimulation. I\'m going to test the sensitivity of your breasts. Are you ready for that?"

"I suppose," Susan said doubtfully. Again she wondered about how far this would go and what Akami\'s motivations were.

"Now lie back." Akami adjusted the examination chair and then put her hands on Susan\'s breasts. She explored her patient\'s big tits for a minute or two.

Akami commented casually, as if making light conversation to pass the time, "I\'ll bet Alan has a lot of fun with these."

That cheered Susan right up. "Oh boy! Does he ever! It\'s like his hands just live on my chest! Well, if not mine then Suzanne\'s, or somebody\'s. He really loves a nice pair of tits."

"That\'s good." Then she asked, "Have you been conducting regular breast exams like I showed you how to do?"

Susan blushed again, as that brought back fond memories. "Um, not too many, per se. But lately, I uh, have been masturbating so much, that I think I\'m very familiar with my breasts and I would know right away if there was anything unusual about them. In fact, I fondle them daily. A lot. And if I don\'t, Alan or someone else does."

"Very good. That\'s healthy. Have you had him conduct an oral exam of your nipples, like this?"

Akami knelt down and began sucking on those very nipples. She\'d had a few lesbian experiences before, but she\'d never gotten her mouth on such massive mounds. She even felt like her own head was small compared to Susan\'s twin globes.

For a minute or so, Susan was lost in pleasure.

However, while Akami continued to suckle, she made a noise indicating she was still waiting for an answer.

That prodded Susan to finally rouse herself enough to answer the question. "Oh! Uh, what? No! I didn\'t even know I could do that. Do you mean to suggest I should suck on my own nipples?"

Akami stopped sucking long enough to ask, "Of course. It\'s very healthy. You should make it a regular part of your masturbation sessions. By the way, right now you should stop stroking yourself down there. You\'ll corrupt the data."

"Oh. Sorry." Susan tried to keep her hands still while Akami sucked on, poked at, and twisted her nipples. The sexually-tortured mother put her hands high in the air as if that could help hold back her feelings, but it was no use. She soon began shuddering in an intense orgasm, strictly from Akami\'s nipple sucking. As the first wave hit her, she cried out, "Sorry! I\'ve gotta... gotta... CUM!"

However, Akami didn\'t stop, or even slow down. She continued to do things to her breasts that no other woman had yet done there, mostly due to the aggressiveness of her sucking and twisting.

Susan\'s orgasm ended about a minute later. Even so, she was still so excited and aroused that she had to yell, "Stop! Please stop!"

Akami stopped, mostly. She left one finger tracing circles around the nipple she hadn\'t been sucking. "What is it?"

"Well, it\'s just that my breasts are so sensitive. You said so yourself. I just climaxed, if you didn\'t notice. Is that bad?"

"Of course not."

"Phew! But anyway, when I think about all the things that must be wrong with me, I think about that one too. Akami, you\'re a medical professional. Do you think it\'s possible for a pair of tits to control a woman?"

"What do you mean?" Akami was slightly cruel, as she began to lightly pull on both of Susan\'s nipples. She just couldn\'t help drive Susan mad with arousal.

"I mean, my tits are so sensitive that I think they control my brain, instead of the other way around. Sometimes I think I\'m just a pair of big tits, and the rest of me is just a necessary support network. I mean, now that I don\'t wear clothes most of the time... UGH! Oh God, keep doing that! ... Uh, anyway, now that my tits are almost always bared, when I wear a blouse I... mmmm! I, uh... I feel it rub against my nipples and it makes so aroused that I can\'t even think! HNNG! I just want Tiger to throw me down on the floor and fuck me silly!"

She paused, realizing that it might be unseemly to be so horny for her son. "Um, I mean, it gets me very aroused. I\'m not sure if I\'ll be able to wear clothing over my chest anymore. But then, when I go around topless, I get even MORE aroused! I want him to throw me on the floor and fuck me silly even more! And then when he touches my nipples, which he does every day... Oh! I can\'t even tell you!"

Akami chuckled. "I can see that. Let me guess: does it make you want him to throw you on the floor and fuck you silly?"

"YES! You may think that\'s funny, but it\'s true! Thank the Lord for handjobs, titfucks, and especially blowjobs. If it wasn\'t for those, well... that\'s too bleak of a world for me to even imagine!" She shuddered in horror.

Akami said as she twisted Susan\'s nipples, "Don\'t worry about it. Consider yourself blessed. Women with large breasts like yours rarely have super sensitive nipples. You give so many others so much pleasure with your busty, gorgeous body, and you yourself are nearly drowning in constant erotic joy. Everybody in your home loves you best naked, with your huge breasts bouncing and jiggling. So what\'s to worry?"

Susan grumbled, "I suppose. But my brain isn\'t happy about the tit takeover... AAARGH!" She cried out because Akami started sucking on her nipples again.

Akami kept at it until Susan came again, having an orgasm that was even louder and lasted longer than her previous one.

Akami pulled back after Susan\'s orgasm subsided, then asked, "How was that on the scale?"

"Mmmm, maybe a five. But it was a good five."

Akami was a bit chagrined that her ministrations rated so low, but she went to the chart and pretended to mark it. She thought to herself, A mere five? When I got her off again? Unbelievable. Now the fun really begins. I can\'t wait to see what an eight or nine does to this woman.

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