
Chapter 297 Alan's And Kath's Fun Time [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon [ 3 / 5 ]


Katherine had already been making disapproving faces to Alan behind Amy\'s back. With Amy gone, she quietly hissed to him, "What the hell are you thinking?! Don\'t tell me you\'re still trying to protect her innocence. We\'re soooo beyond that now! You need to fuck her!"

He asked with genuine surprise, "You would be okay with that?!"

"Sure. Someone else, probably not. But Aims? She\'s my B.F.F."

"What\'s that?"

"My bestest friend forever!" She stepped forward and grasped his dick. As she began to stroke it, she added, "You should make her into your fuck toy too! Then the two of us could pleasure and serve you all the time, at least when Mom and Aunt Suzy aren\'t busy with you. Would that be perfect or what?"

Alan was utterly amazed. His jaw hung open and he just stared into space as he pictured the possibilities.

Katherine was so turned on by her own words that she dropped to her knees and engulfed Alan\'s stiff cock in her mouth.

He grabbed her head and held on tight, because he hadn\'t been expecting that at all and had to fight not to cum on the spot.

Within seconds, he was winded and panting hard. "Wha... what are you doing?!"

She didn\'t answer, but somehow managed to giggle as she bobbed.

In truth, she hadn\'t made up her mind about how she wanted things to work out with Amy. She\'d been torn between love, lust and jealousy. But the very pleasurable kisses that she\'d just shared with Amy had tipped the balance for her. Amy seemed just as open and keen on having sexual fun with Katherine as she was with Alan. Katherine absolutely loved that, so it made her new stance a no-brainer.

Alan, though, knew that he\'d sent Amy off to get a towel, which would take less than a minute. He whispered, "What about... what about Aims?!"

Katherine was well aware that Amy was about to come back at any moment, but she didn\'t worry about getting caught. in fact, she welcomed it as an opportunity. Good! Let her come back in and find us! I\'ll show her what I\'m doing and teach her to do it too. I\'m sure she\'ll love it, because she\'s nothing if not open minded, and she loves Brother, maybe even as much as I do. In a matter of minutes, we\'ll be licking and sucking his cock together!

But that\'s just the start. I\'ll teach her how to be a good, obedient fuck toy. We can be a threesome team, with everybody fucking everybody. Oh boy, I can\'t wait! Imagine getting to lick Brother\'s sweet cum out of Amy\'s sweet cunt?! Holy hell! Mmmm, YES!

Inspired, she went at his erection with renewed fervor. She bobbed back and forth so quickly her head was practically a blur.

Unfortunately for Alan, it felt too good. He was still very cognizant of Susan waiting downstairs, and he also knew that if he climaxed again he wouldn\'t be able to recharge for a while. He loved his mother dearly, and if she was dying to suck him off, as he expected, he didn\'t want to disappoint her.

So, feeling he had no choice, he pushed Katherine\'s head back until she was forced to disengage. It wasn\'t easy to do, because her suction was so tight and strong and she was unwilling to stop.

But she finally conceded defeat and sat back on her heels. As she wiped her chin of pre-cum and saliva she asked, "What was that about?"

"Shhhh! Aims is coming back!"

"So what? Let her see-"

He cut in. "No! Please, not yet. Don\'t clue her in just yet, okay?"

"Why not?"

"No time to explain! Please, just don\'t! Please?!"

She smiled and moved forward. Holding his boner with both hands, she resumed licking and stroking it. "Okay, if you insist. But only if you let me suck on you for a good long while."

He groaned in both frustration and lust at what she was doing to his hard-on. He couldn\'t believe he was somehow in the position of trying to talk her into sucking on him for a shorter time than she wanted.

Just then, Amy re-entered the room. She took a look at what Katherine was doing as she closed the door behind her.

Alan thought they\'d been busted. He chided himself because, even though Amy had seemingly taken an extra long time to get a towel, he\'d still allowed Katherine to be caught in a compromising position.

But Amy seemed not to care; she didn\'t even lose her smile. She asked Katherine brightly, "What\'cha doin\'?"

Mindful of Alan\'s plea, Katherine pulled back. "Oh, not much. I was just checking Brother for bumps. You know, guys can get them too."

"Oh. Cool beans. Can I help? I wanna help!"

Katherine looked at Alan beseechingly. Not knowing how keen he was to get back to Susan, she didn\'t understand how or why he would turn down this golden opportunity.

But he just shook his head.

Katherine let out a frustrated sigh. She said, "Maybe later." She reluctantly stood up. "Bro apparently has something very important to do right now."

"Oh..." Amy looked sad and disappointed.

Alan tried to act casual, even though his dick was jutting out as stiff and hard as ever. He didn\'t try to hide it; he knew that with both girls present and Katherine buck naked he wouldn\'t be able to will himself back to a flaccid state.

Amy handed the towels to them both.

"Thanks a lot, Aims," he said. He was feeling relentlessly horny, so he didn\'t want Amy to get the impression that he was rejecting her. But he also didn\'t want to shoot his load, and he had reached such a peak of stimulation that he wasn\'t sure how much longer he could last. Then an idea came to him. He said to Amy, "You know, though, there\'s one more thing before you go. Let me do just another quick bump check. You never know... sometimes they don\'t appear until a while after the shaving\'s done."

"Oh. M\'kay. If you insist..." She giggled gaily.

He made her get down on her knees and sit on her heels. He pulled up the dress she\'d just put back on, probing her vagina with his fingers.

Meanwhile, Katherine was trying to be good. She assumed that he still had issues about "corrupting innocent Amy," so she figured he needed some time to adjust to the new reality. She really did try to clean the carpet with a towel, knowing it had to be done sooner or later.

In fact, he didn\'t worry much about Amy\'s innocence anymore. She\'d proven herself to be a woman, not just a girl, and one who was definitely ready for sexual exploration. It made perfect sense that she should do that with him and Katherine, and in fact he would have seen red if she\'d gotten involved with anyone else at school. It was true that he was still reluctant to fuck Amy, but mainly because he didn\'t want to get Suzanne too upset if she were to find out about that.

In reality, the only reason he was trying to wrap things up now was because he needed to be with Susan. He kept thinking about her being sad, moping around the kitchen, listlessly loading the dishwasher. Still, he couldn\'t resist playing with Amy\'s body a little more before they were done.

"Gosh, it seems that there\'s a lot of different reasons you two have to put things in my pussy lately," Amy said, as if thinking aloud.

"Yeah... Funny coincidence, that," he replied, smiling wolfishly as he continued to finger her slit.

After some brief chitchat, Amy stood up and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Alan had figured that would be the end of it once Amy was gone. But it didn\'t work out that way, because he and Katherine were still far too worked up. As soon as the door was closed behind Amy, he and Katherine pulled together and kissed. It didn\'t matter who started it, because both of them wanted it.

Katherine grabbed his dick. It had gotten something of a break while he was fingering Amy, but everything was so arousing that he was still close to a hair trigger.

She noted wryly, using Amy\'s lingo, "I\'m not sure if your \'thingy\' is sufficiently \'happy.\'" She stroked it as they kissed some more.

Between kisses, she said, "Okay, spill the beans, buster. What the hell is wrong with you? If you\'d played your cards right, you could have had both of us sucking you off together!"

He didn\'t want to tell Katherine that truth, that he was holding out for a blowjob from Susan, because he knew she would turn green with jealousy. He decided it was harmless enough to play up the idea that he was still reluctant to go further with Amy, even though that wasn\'t really true.

"Sis, you\'re too naughty for words. God knows we want that, but we need to be prudent. What about Aunt Suzy? That\'s probably not a concern for you, but you know she\'ll go postal if she catches me getting it on with Aims, and..."

Katherine said as she stroked, "And you\'re addicted to our busty auntie\'s daily blowjobs. I get it. Okay. But you know you\'re just delaying the inevitable, don\'t you? I want you to have TWO teen fuck toys to play with! Aunt Suzy seems to have some kind of weird blind spot when it comes to Amy. But she\'ll come around before too long. It\'s inevitable that Aims is gonna have a big part to play in this. Aunt Suzy may gnash her teeth for a while about her \'cute little Honey Pie\' not being ready, but eventually she\'ll see the light. I\'m gonna help convince her."

"Good. And by the way, at least for now, even though Ron is gone I\'m still gonna leave it mostly to you to do Amy\'s daily shaving. Sound good? Can you handle that?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

He went on, "By the way, what time do you think it is? We don\'t want Mom to come looking for us."

"It\'s the same time it always is, Big Pussy-punishing Brother," she answered. "Time to suck your cock!"

"Oh man! I wish you could, but we can\'t."

Even as he said that, she dropped to her knees in front of him again. She kept ahold of his dick and resumed stroking him down there. "Why the hell not?"

"I know this sounds bad, and it\'s not that I prefer one person over another, but I\'m thinking about Mom. Did you see how raring to go she was on the ride home? Did you see the way she kept looking at me and licking her lips suggestively?"

Katherine didn\'t reply, but she had seen that, and more. Susan was terrible at hiding her desire. Luckily, fear had kept her from being so blatantly lustful on the ride to the airport, with Ron still in the car. Petulantly, Katherine refused to answer, instead just blowing air on her stroking fingers from a distance of just an inch or so.

He shivered all over from her heavenly blowing. When he recovered, he said, "Please have mercy on me. I don\'t know how to handle being sexually involved with more than one woman at a time. You\'ve seen how Mom is lately. Can\'t you just picture how bummed she probably is right now, thanks to Amy\'s unexpected arrival? You know she was totally planning on giving me a nice, long blowjob as soon as we got home, now that Ron is gone. I just had a lot of fun time with you and Aims, but if I cum again I won\'t be able to do anything with Mom. You understand that, don\'t you?"

She asked as she kept on blowing and fondling, "Is that why you rushed Aims out of here so fast?"

"Truth be told, partly. But what I said about Aunt Suzy is also true, and that\'s on my mind big time. We need to take things one step at a time."

Katherine sighed. "Very well." That settled, she started licking his sweet spot as well as blowing on it. "It kinda pisses me off, but I understand. And I do love how hot Mom gets for your cock."

She paused just to lick him for a while. She had his dick pushed up towards his tummy, so while she licked it near the crown she slowly pumped up and down the shaft. Sometimes, she licked all the way down and around his balls before heading back to his more sensitive areas.

Finally, she said, "I\'ll make you a deal. I\'ll let you go to Mom before she dies of sheer horniness, and I understand that you\'ve gotta save yourself, so you can\'t cum before you go. But in return, I need AT LEAST fifteen minutes of non-stop cocksucking. That way I can cum a couple of times and everyone will be happy."

He looked down at her. Although he couldn\'t directly see her pussy, he could see that her hand was active down there, obviously fingering herself. He said, "No can do. For one thing, how am I supposed to hold out that long?! You\'re really good! And I\'ll be so worked up, I\'ll blow my load as soon as Mom touches me. Five minutes, tops."

"Grrr. Ten."

He sighed. "Okay. Deal." Again, he couldn\'t believe he was actually negotiating to make his blowjob end more rapidly, but not only did he want to be considerate of his mother, he knew that she would be so intense that she\'d provide him even greater pleasure.

"Woo-hoo!" Katherine giggled with glee. Pausing while licking him, she said, "Truth be told, I find it really HOT that you\'re gonna go from your sister\'s hot tongue to your busty mommy\'s. She\'s well on her way to becoming one of your sex toys too. Pretty soon you\'re gonna have quite a collection of beautiful women fighting for the right just to bob on your cock! Yum! Speaking of which..."

She\'d just finished slathering her tongue down to his balls and back. Opening her mouth wide, she swallowed his entire cockhead with a happy moan.

Alan still had his hands in her long, dark brown hair. Shit! Too fuckin\' good! How am I gonna last an entire ten minutes?! My dick has been insanely pleasured pretty much constantly since we came upstairs. She\'d better slow down, or else I\'m gonna be in big trouble!

Katherine was busy making long lunges as far down his shaft as she could, given that she didn\'t know how to deep throat him. But Alan realized that he could do more with his hands than just keep them on her head. Applying gentle yet steady, firm force, he managed to bring her head movements to a halt.

She got the idea, so she changed her approach. She considered it a challenge to get him to cum before her time was up (never mind her promise not to!), and now she had the added difficulty of doing that while keeping her head relatively still. She compensated by focusing on more varied tongue work over his most sensitive spots, while keeping her lips sliding up and down with tremendous suction. She knew it was all about stimulating his sweet spot; she didn\'t need big herky-jerky movements to do that.

Time passed. He soon realized that keeping her head still with his hands wasn\'t working; her licking wasn\'t any less arousing than before. He hissed from time to time for her to slow down and take it easy, but it seemed that no matter what she did, it drove him wild.

After about five minutes he said, "Okay. That\'s enough."

She pulled off. "Hey! We had a deal. No WAY is that ten minutes."

He panted, trying to recover. "I know, I know. But if you keep going, I\'m gonna cum for sure. Let me take a short break, at least!"

"Okay. Just because I\'m your obedient fuck toy. But the break doesn\'t count against the time."

He pointed out, "If you\'re really an obedient fuck toy, you\'ll agree to being happy after just five minutes."

She responded indignantly, "I\'m obedient, but not THAT obedient!"

That made them both laugh.

He shook his head in disbelief. What a crazy situation! God, I love Sis so much. I love her enthusiasm, her love, her sense of humor, her "uppityness," her devotion... Hell, everything! To think: I used to think she was just about as prudish as Mom. But now I know that was just a pose, whereas Mom really meant it, and still fights her old ways.

Katherine was merciful, so she just held his boner in her hands for the moment. Out of the blue, she said, "Cumming all over her was soooo good."

He realized she was talking about what he\'d done with Amy. "Hey, that\'s my line."

"I know, but I got such a kick out of it. Do you think I can find some more of that \'secret cream\' around here somewhere?"

He laughed. "That could be arranged, but not right now!"

"Soooo... Big Bro, what do you think about having Amy as your second teen fuck toy?"

He grimaced. "Can we not talk about that? It\'s not that I don\'t like that idea; it\'s that I like it too much. I\'ll never get a real strategic break here if you keep saying things like that."

She smirked, satisfied that he approved and that she was getting to him. She stayed quiet for a while, fantasizing about all the things she could do in a threesome with him and Amy.

Finally, he indicated that he was ready for more stimulation.

Katherine had been getting tired from all the stroking and sucking. But she\'d used his break to rest too, which enabled her to start again with a renewed burst of energy. She began sucking even more strongly and vigorously than before, while also jacking off the parts of his dick that weren\'t in her mouth.

His pre-cum and her saliva soon had him awash with lubrication. She made loud, slurpy sucking noises as she gobbled greedily at his dick.

He was grateful that Led Zeppelin was still playing loudly, masking her audible cocksucking noises. He\'d hardly paid any attention to the music, but he noted that "Kashmir," one of his favorite songs, was playing. He knew it was a long song, so he decided that he\'d call time as soon as it ended.

A minute or two later, Katherine was still naked between Alan\'s knees and going at it with all she had when the door to his room opened unexpectedly.


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