
Chapter 279 Flirting With Christine [DM SPONSORED]



When Alan got to his first-period physics class, he was feeling on top of the world. Even though nothing special had happened at home before going to school, he\'d had such great sexual success in general lately that he felt like he was flying instead of walking. His joy made him playful, so when he saw that he was a couple of minutes early, he decided to play a little trick on Christine. Instead of entering the classroom through the usual door at the front of the room, he entered through a second door at the back of the room. Then he snuck up from behind to where Christine was sitting.

He was in luck, because Christine had gotten there just before he did, and she was bending over to put her backpack on the ground. Unusually, she was wearing a skirt. True, the skirt went all the way down to her knees, but by her standards that was quite revealing.

Feigning a different, gruff voice, Alan spoke to her while standing just behind her, out of her sight, so she wouldn\'t be able to see who was speaking. "Hey, babe, nice ass! You look as good from behind as you do from the front!"

Christine straightened up and turned around slowly, prepared to blast whoever it was with a withering look of total disdain. She started to say, "I wonder how much trouble I\'m gonna get into when I rip your eyeballs from your face!" But just as she finished saying that, her eyes made contact and she realized who she was speaking to.

She immediately broke into a big smile. "Oh, hi, Alan! I didn\'t see you come in." But then she frowned and followed up with, "What\'s this B.S. about \'nice ass\'? When I heard that I thought you were just some asshole."

He joked, "No, I\'m an asshole with a name. And this is a building of facts, and learning, and truth."

"So?" Her eyes narrowed, because she suspected another joke was coming.

"So... I cannot tell a lie. And the shocking truth is that you do have a very nice ass."

Christine immediately blushed, and quickly sat down in her seat, seemingly to better hide her rear from wandering eyes. Yet she sat facing toward the back of the class so she could keep talking to him face to face. She shot him an evil look, hissing, "Hush!"

He hadn\'t planned on saying anything more about her ass, other than his initial surprise comment. The truth was, he really hadn\'t been able to see much of her ass while she was bending over, due to her long skirt. But he felt that he was on a roll. He could tell somehow that, even though on the surface Christine seemed bothered by his comment, on a deeper level she actually enjoyed it. So he quieted his voice so the other students wandering into class wouldn\'t overhear him, then said, "How can I be quiet when I\'m in the presence of such posterial greatness?"

She couldn\'t help but grin a little at that, despite her great discomfort at being complimented about her body. "Posterial is not a word."

"Good point. How \'bout \'patootie beauty\' instead?"

She rolled her eyes. "No."

"Okay. Number one bum?"

"No, and that doesn\'t even quite rhyme." She looked around nervously, double checking that no one else was paying attention.

"Hey, cut me some slack. I\'m thinking off the top of my, well... you know what."

She still couldn\'t help but smile, even as her face reddened some more with all the continued ass talk. "Change the topic already, please!"

"Okay, fine." He leaned in and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. "Did you hear the big news? It\'s all over school already!"

Christine leaned towards him eagerly. She was always keen to hear the latest gossip.

He looked all around like a nervous spy before continuing, "The word is, this really sexy fox named Christine was caught bending over in a skirt just before school, and it turns out she gets an A plus in the Mighty Fine Behind class. She\'s in the ADVANCED track on that too!"

Christine was fit to be tied. She shook a fist at him and growled. "GRRR! Stop it, already! You\'re embarrassing me!" She added with amused chagrin, "I think my first instinct, which was to poke your eyes out, was the right one. What am I going to do with you? Or should that be to you?"

"I can think of some fun things." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, clearly still joking.

She turned around in her chair and looked pointedly at the clock on the wall, hoping for class to start already. She muttered at him, "Take a chill pill. Geez! Do I have to blast you with a fire hose?"

He considered making a joke about blasting her with his fire hose, but with Christine he knew not to take his sexual comments too far. So instead he just said, "Hmmm. Sounds kinky!"


He was rolling with the punches, sensing that Christine was actually greatly enjoying the compliments and sexy joking, even if she didn\'t fully realize it herself. But he wanted to be sure he wasn\'t offending her in some way. So he put a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to turn back to him. He said in a friendly voice, "Hey, we\'re just having fun, right? Back when I wanted to date you, we couldn\'t talk like this. But now that we\'re just friends, we can tease more freely, right?"

"I guess." She honestly didn\'t know what to say. She didn\'t like his sexual jokes, but at the same time she didn\'t want him to stop. It also frustrated her that she seemed incapable of joking back when the subject was sexual.

He withdrew his hand, but continued talking while staring intently into her eyes, "You need to loosen up. Fight fire with fire. When I talk like that, you should get all sassy and say something like, \'Damn straight I\'ve got a fine ass! Too bad you\'re never gonna get to touch it!\'"

Christine raised her hands and waved them in frustration. "Come on; that\'s not me. I\'m not good at that kind of thing." She looked around again nervously, feeling relieved when she saw that other students entering the classroom were ignoring them. After all, it was very common for the two of them to talk before and after class.

Alan said with a sly grin, "Hey, it\'s not like you\'re a shrinking violet. I feel lucky I still have both my eyes. And that\'s a good thing, because otherwise I wouldn\'t get to admire your prize-winning rear end. It\'s so great, it ought to win the Nobel \'Piece\' Prize." He made air quotes as he said "Piece" to make sure she caught the play on words.

She snorted with amusement at the absurdity of all that, then quickly covered her mouth with embarrassment at being outed for laughing when she was supposedly disapproving of his comments. She growled menacingly, "Alan, you\'re soooo dead! I swear, you better enjoy this class because it\'ll be your last!"

Just then the bell rang, marking the beginning of their class. Christine turned away from him, toward their teacher, indicating that the conversation was over.

Alan sat back in his seat, still pleased with himself. He wasn\'t worried about her threats, since that was just one part of their special way of communicating with each other. Geez, man! What\'s gotten into me? I\'m acting so aggressive towards her. I never used to talk to her like that. Or anybody else, for that matter. I guess I\'ve had so much sexual success lately that my confidence is sky high. I\'m also a much more sexual guy these days. When I see a nice ass, I\'m gonna revel in appreciating it, darn it. And even though I couldn\'t see more than the outline through her long skirt, I know she\'s got a really nice one.

But what I really like is that she complains about it but obviously loves it! She knows I\'m a horn dog, but she also knows I\'m sincere. And even though it makes her squirm and blush, the fact that she couldn\'t stop smiling shows that she likes hearing that she\'s beautiful. Heck, what woman doesn\'t?

In fact, now that I think about it, it\'s pretty dang cool what happened when I got here. I pretended to be someone else making a crude comment, and she got all pissed, but as soon as she realized that it was me her attitude changed in an instant. The fact is, nobody else could talk to her like that without her getting all pissed off. We\'ve got a special thing going on, which is really great. Besides, teasing her about her ass today was soooooo much fun! I love that I\'m not letting my shyness stop me anymore.

As Alan was thinking that, Christine was busy thinking too. That Alan! Jesus, he really knows how to piss me off! I swear, I should just smack him upside the head one of these days. Although... how could I not laugh at some of those names? "Posterial greatness." "Mighty Fine Behind class." And it looks like I\'m going to win the Nobel \'Piece\' Prize in "assiness," or something. She chuckled inwardly.

She smiled widely, already fondly recalling the conversation even as her embarrassed blush was still fading. But then her smile turned to a frown as her self-consciousness about her looks came to the fore. I wish I was half as sexy as he seems to think I am. Just because I have these oversized bags on my chest, he gets all moony and loses his mind, just like all the other guys.

And this all happened because I decided to wear a skirt for a change. If he\'s gonna carry on like this, I\'m not gonna wear a skirt like that again! It\'s back to pants for me. Although...

A wicked grin covered her face as she considered possibilities. I wonder how he\'d react if I show up in an actual miniskirt? He\'d probably really blow a gasket. I\'d love to see the expression on his face if I were to come to class in a shockingly revealing miniskirt and then bend over with him standing right behind me! What clever quip would he come up with if I bent over enough for him to see the color of my panties? I\'ll bet he\'d be truly speechless for once! Ha ha ha!

But her grin disappeared as she realized, Not like I would ever do that. But still, it\'s fun to imagine. I should do something to shock him at least a little bit. Look at what I\'m wearing now. it\'s ridiculous! This shirt covers me to my neck, like I\'m trying to be Amish. He\'s right: I do need to loosen up, and maybe fight fire with fire. In fact, I wonder if I should wear my red shirt to school tomorrow, the one that\'s really tight and shows off more than a little cleavage. He\'s never seen that one before. Or I could wear that brown skirt that shows off more of my legs...

Christine had never cared much for fashion. Even though class had started and the teacher was speaking, for once Christine wasn\'t paying attention. She didn\'t consciously realize it, but Alan\'s ribald joking around plus his bold looks of lusty appreciation had put her in a horny mood, and she found it fun thinking about all the sexy clothes she could wear, and the reactions from him they would elicit.

Eventually though, her unusual, slightly naughty mood subsided and she focused on the teacher\'s words with her usual laser-like intensity.


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