
Chapter 5 P Examination (3)

The doctor said, "That completes the examination of his penis. Naturally, Alan felt some arousal, but that can\'t be helped since the penis is such a sexually sensitive organ. However, it\'s also important to periodically check the scrotum. Men should be particularly watchful for testicular cancer, but there\'s a way to check for that."

Before too long, Akami\'s hands were on Alan again, this time focusing on his balls.

Alan\'s dick had been growing flaccid upon seeing all the people around him, but Akami\'s renewed attentions soon took care of that. In all the times he\'d masturbated, he\'d never played with his balls, but now he found that having them handled could be powerfully arousing. He closed his eyes in embarrassment and again found his mind overwhelmed by sheer pleasure.

The doctor asked Alan to cough a few times. He was trying to keep up at least a vague pretense that a scrotum check was being conducted.

However, Akami had other ideas. She used one hand to massage his balls while the other again began stroking his thick erection.

Neither Alan nor his mother stopped to consider why she was doing this, since there was no real need to maintain his hard-on at this point, but both of them were having an incredibly difficult time thinking straight about anything.

Again, Akami took many times longer than such a check would normally take. She still didn\'t understand why the doctor wanted her to do this, but now that she\'d started, she wanted to have some fun with it. Several times the doctor coughed or gave her sharp looks to try to get her to stop, since he worried she was taking things too far and would make Alan and Susan too suspicious. But she pretended not to notice his subtle signals.

Alan and Susan were lost in their own worlds and completely oblivious about the non-verbal battle going on between doctor and nurse.

Finally, just as Alan felt he couldn\'t take any more and would shoot his jism all over the room, the doctor announced that the testicular check was complete.

There was no way Akami could ignore that, so her hands reluctantly brought their rubbing to a halt.

Soon the situation was back to normal. The mood of forbidden sexual excitement in the room faded slowly, while Alan\'s penis went flaccid in a matter of seconds.

Alan was incredibly relieved when the doctor asked him to put his underwear back on.

Dr. Fredrickson had let all the stroking and fondling go on so long mostly to test Susan\'s reaction. He could tell she was aroused, but just how much? He couldn\'t help but notice the great curves under all her clothes and wondered if it might be possible to somehow have sex with her too. Hot damn! Between Suzanne and Alan\'s mother here, I don\'t know if I\'ve ever seen two sexier women in my life. And that\'s with all these layers of clothes still on. What would she look like naked? I shudder to think. But unfortunately Susan is married and I don\'t know how to deal with these prudish and faithful types. If only I could take advantage of her obvious intense lust right now, but how?

The doctor lectured Alan and Susan while Alan finished dressing. He told them that they needed to look for warning signs that Alan\'s hypothyroidism was worsening, such as problems with memory. He also gave Susan a list of foods that Alan should reduce or eliminate from his diet, such as soy, corn, cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables.

She reviewed the list with intense interest. She loved cooking a wide variety of dishes for her family, even what some might call "exotic foods." It was one of the very few outlets she had to express herself creatively, so she immediately started to plan for ways she could integrate these new rules into her cooking.

The doctor explained, "Alan will need monthly checkups to monitor his progress and hormone levels. The receptionist will have gone home by now, but you can make an appointment by phone. I will have Nurse Akami call you with each set of test results when they come in."

He didn\'t mention anything more about the need for penis abnormality checks at home, to the great relief of Susan in particular. The doctor continued, "Alan\'s penis appears perfectly normal and healthy, including its length. For now, everything seems fine."

But then, in saying that, he realized that they had forgotten to measure it.

He thought to himself, I have to admit, this is all really getting me going. I guess I\'m just a randy goat, like everyone says. I especially liked seeing the looks on the faces of Akami and Alan\'s mother. Susan is so gorgeous, and the way she looks so painfully tortured but secretly aroused by her own son is such a turn-on. I wish I had a picture of how she looked when I asked her to touch her son\'s penis. I must be a twisted fuck, but why don\'t I just drag this out a little more? I\'ll say we have to measure the penis, and hey, we can even ask for a sperm sample. And who knows, if I keep stoking Susan\'s fire through her son, maybe I\'ll eventually get a piece of her myself.

In an authoritative doctor\'s voice, he said, "Sorry, Alan, I just realized that we forgot to measure your penis. Could you please take off your pants again?"

To his horror, Alan realized he would need to get hard again. As he took off his pants and shorts for the second time and exposed his flaccidness, he glanced at Akami.

She smiled at him and winked. "Would you like me to help you with that?" she asked seductively. "We have to measure its full length. Correct, doctor?"

"Correct," Dr. Fredrickson said in a neutral tone. "Oh, and I\'m being so forgetful today. Naturally, we\'ll need a sperm sample as well."

Alan was half hard by the time Akami put her hands back on his dick. It grew completely hard not long after.

He was puzzled. He thought the point was to measure his erection, but now that he was fully erect, Akami just continued stroking and stroking.

Dr. Fredrickson, trying to draw things out some more, said to Akami, "Nurse, please make sure he\'s at his maximum length." He turned to Susan. "A lot of people assume that a male reaches the same length with each erection. Not true. One erection can be significantly longer and harder than another, depending on how aroused the male is. We need the absolute maximum for our records."

"I see," Susan said, her voice quivering with excitement. She was completely transfixed by the sight of Akami\'s hands sliding up and down, up and down. It was as if she were hypnotized. She no longer paid any attention to who might notice her staring. Her nipples were so erect that they hurt.

Akami\'s face drew so close to Alan\'s erection that he could feel her increasingly ragged breath on it.----**Image in the Paragraph Comments**----

The doctor said, "Nurse, why don\'t you, uh, say some suggestive things to make sure we get the best measurement. We need him to be extremely aroused."

"Yes, doctor," she replied clinically. Then her voice turned to complete lust as she said to Alan, "Kiddo, you\'ve got a really nice dick here. I just love to stroke it. It looks tasty, too. Phew" - she exhaled loudly and strongly, making sure the air blew right onto the sensitive skin at the top of his erection. "I wonder what it would be like to put it in my mouth. What if I sucked on it like a lollipop? Would you like that? Would you shoot a big load down my-"

"THANK you!" Dr. Fredrickson interrupted rudely, shutting Akami up. He\'d been closely watching Susan\'s reaction, and it looked like she was so shocked by Akami\'s words that she was about to pass out. He knew things had gone too far too fast, so he tried to tone it down. He added in a more normal voice, "I think we can definitely say it\'s at maximum length, or close to it. Time to measure, but damn! Where\'s my ruler? Just a second; I think it\'s in the other room. Please keep him like that till I get back. I\'m so forgetful today."

After the doctor left, Akami gave Alan a sexy wink. She kept on stroking with one hand while fondling his balls with the other. She kept on lightly blowing on it too, usually aiming at his sweet spot under the cockhead.

Alan hadn\'t been thinking about Akami\'s feelings; he\'d just cluelessly assumed she was a nurse doing her job. But between the wink and her arousing words, it suddenly occurred to him that the whole procedure might in some way be more than a little exciting for her as well. For a complete virgin like Alan, this was easily the most sexually exciting experience he\'d ever had. He was staggered by the realization that he was somehow giving someone else sexual pleasure as well.

Susan\'s breath had become ragged. She was fascinated at the way pre-cum was now dribbling out of the tip of Alan\'s hard-on - so much that it seemed to her like he\'d already climaxed. The only times she\'d ever made love to her husband were in the dark in the missionary position, mostly because she\'d been raised to believe that the only permissible sex act was one that could potentially lead to procreation. She\'d never given her husband a single hand job or blowjob, so she was unfamiliar with - and completely fascinated by - such sights.

The doctor returned quickly, to everyone\'s disappointment. (He was worried that Alan would climax before the measurement could be taken.) He took out a ruler and gave it to Akami.

Akami had devilish timing. It seemed to Alan that if she had stroked him another second or two, he would have completely emptied his balls of all their cum. But for long moments she merely held his boner lightly at the tip while she measured his stiffness.

She finally announced, "Seven and three-fourths inches, doctor. Maybe seven and seven-eighths."

"Let\'s call it eight," the doctor said generously.

Alan himself didn\'t know until that moment how long it was. I guess that\'s bigger than normal, he thought to himself, not really sure what normal was. He had some vague notion that six was average, but on the other hand, all the boys in the porn stories he read on the Internet seemed to have nine- or ten-inch ones, and even though he figured there was some exaggeration there, the stories had left him with the impression that penises that long were a lot more common than they actually were.

Susan decided that Alan\'s penis was about three inches longer than her husband\'s, which was the only other penis she\'d ever seen. But she noticed Alan\'s erection was not just longer, it was a lot thicker as well.

She still looked (and felt) like she was on the verge of a complete freak-out. So, as much as Dr. Fredrickson got his jollies from sexually teasing her by proxy, he realized he couldn\'t push his luck too far. He told Alan to put his pants back on. Then he gave him a cup and told him that he could use the bathroom to produce a sperm sample. The doctor figured that to have Akami help create the sperm sample right in front of Susan would definitely be way over the line of decorum.

Alan waddled off to the bathroom, where he was able to cum literally in seconds. Just a few minutes earlier he\'d said he couldn\'t masturbate in a strange place, but he was so worked up by now that he didn\'t even stop to think about that issue. All he had to do was think about Akami\'s fingers around his penis and the way she stared at him while blowing air on the tip of his dick, and he began shooting his cum into the cup.

He gave little or no thought to his mother as he came. He\'d always known that she was an extremely beautiful woman, and his penis often grew stiff in her presence. But for years now he\'d considered her off limits as an object of masturbatory fantasy. She was just too moral and pure. He might have felt differently if he\'d had some glimmer of how intensely she\'d been staring at his erection, but his eyes had been closed throughout most of his \'examination\' and he\'d been staring at Akami and her hands the rest of the time.

He did think of his mother after he was done, but only in terms of guilt. She was so prudish and religiously conservative that he had a strong feeling that he\'d have to suffer through a long lecture about the evils of sex in general, and masturbation in particular, for the entire drive home.

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