
Chapter 236 Transcendent Gods' Bane: Fourth Stage

The current surge of energy emanating from both Zamira and me is so overwhelming that even I can sense its impact. Unleashing the full extent of my Ki is not the challenge at hand; rather, my physical vessel itself poses a significant problem. The strain I am putting on my body is causing my muscle fibers to feel as though they may tear apart under the immense power I am wielding. My physical form is ill-equipped to endure such intensity.

Continuing down this path will inevitably result in the crippling of my body within just a few moves. For the first time in a considerable while, I have made a miscalculation and misjudged my opponent. However, my primary concern presently lies with my body, which serves as a conduit for my extraordinary abilities.

There is only one viable course of action...

"Zamira!" I exclaim, summoning her attention as she grips her sword tightly. Simultaneously, her eyes appear to radiate as if beams of light are about to burst forth. Yet, as she hears her name, the luminous glow in her eyes subsides, though she remains steadfastly clutching her sword.

"Do you comprehend the potential loss of countless lives if we engage in combat? How about we approach this situation differently?" I propose, consciously reducing my Ki to alleviate the strain on my body.

"What alternative method do you suggest? You need to be reminded of your place. Your upbringing evidently lacked proper manners," Zamira retorts, her tone dripping with disdain, as she prepares to launch an attack against me.

"Wait! Ponder the consequences for the people. Consider the outcry that would arise should lives be lost due to our selfish interests," I assert loudly, attempting to persuade her. Fortunately, this time, Zamira appears to recognize some truth in my words.

"What do you propose we do, then?" Zamira inquires, her impatience evident in her demeanor.

"Unleash your most formidable attack upon me. Should I endure it unscathed, you shall become my partner. Does this agreement suit you?" I ask, a smile gracing my countenance.

Upon hearing my proposition, Zamira seems less than pleased, her face contorting into a frown.

Ah, she is gradually taking the bait...

"That would be excessive. Instead, subject me to your most potent assault. If I emerge from it unharmed, I shall grant you another opportunity to withstand my own attack. Should you succeed, I will become your partner. Thus, I offer you two chances to prove yourself. Do we have a deal?" Zamira declares, her expression exuding confidence.

Excellent! She has taken the bait... It appears she is not as astute as I initially thought. Perhaps I am simply too crafty.

"Very well, we have a deal! Nevertheless, we cannot merely rely on verbal agreements. We must formalize our commitment with a blood oath," I assert.

"How shall we proceed with that?" Zamira inquires, wearing a perplexed expression.

"I possess the power to perform a blood oath effortlessly, given my absolute control over blood. Anyone who fails to honor their promise will face a self-destructive demise within twenty-four hours," I inform her sternly.

Zamira pauses momentarily, seemingly contemplating the proposition.

"Fine, but don't attempt anything foolish," she concedes.

"Remain still," I reply, pointing my index finger toward her. Suddenly, a surge of aura emanates from the tip of my finger, streaking toward Zamira and penetrating her forehead.

Simultaneously, our bodies convulse in unison, as if possessed. The blood oath has been sealed. The process of a blood oath is rather straightforward, involving the temporary summoning of a blood fairy to seal the agreement.

"Prepare yourself for my assault," I declare, tightly gripping my sword.

Without delay, I begin infusing my vampire aura into the blade. My hair starts to float in undulating waves, while my eyes assume a vivid crimson hue. Furthermore, the once dark sky and moons gradually shift to a striking shade of red, as a colossal crimson cloud materializes overhead.


An eruption of vampire aura surges forth from within me, causing blood to trickle from my ears and nose. Has my vampire aura just intensified? Pushing aside such thoughts, I raise my sword aloft, its glow intensifying to a bright crimson. Simultaneously, the cloud above us morphs into a massive vortex.

"Transcendent gods' bane – Fourth stage!" I proclaim.

In an instant, a torrent of aura shoots forth from my blade, piercing through the vortex. The sword continues to draw in my aura at an astounding rate, eliciting a grunt of strain from my lips.

Sensing that the vortex can no longer siphon my dwindling aura, of which only around five percent remains, I tightly grasp the hilt and swiftly swing the sword downward in Zamira's direction.


A burst of crimson light detonates from the vortex, resembling a myriad of fireworks, as an immensely magnified sword slash hurtles towards Zamira. Unlike the blood palm strike I employed against Alphonso, this time I opted for a blood slash.

In an instant, my body is propelled backward, while the sword in my hand shatters into minuscule fragments upon impact. It is at this moment that worry begins to seep into my thoughts, contemplating Zamira's ability to withstand the attack.

During my confrontation with Alphonso within the virtual reality console, I had only utilized the second stage. Even with his Ki, Alphonso struggled to neutralize the blood palm strike. However, Zamira lacks Ki and relies solely on that yellow energy renowned for its destructive nature, which cannot be employed for defense.

The sole means to halt my assault is by generating an attack of equal or greater magnitude, thus canceling out the devastation. However, I doubt if Zamira possesses the capability to entirely nullify my strike.




Multiple explosions reverberate in the distance as I am violently propelled backward. I can sense profound tremors emanating from the planet's core, while the sky radiates with blinding luminosity. To withstand the impact of the explosion, I must shield myself with Ki, as my body jolts erratically.

The ground trembles beneath the force of the explosions, and I am propelled backward with great intensity. The vibrations seem to originate from the very core of the planet, while the sky illuminates with a blinding brilliance. I hastily erect a shield of Ki to protect myself as my body is jostled by the sheer impact of the detonations.

Amidst the chaos, I strain my senses to ascertain Zamira's fate. Did she manage to withstand the tremendous onslaught? I can't help but worry, knowing that I utilized the second stage during my encounter with Alphonso within the virtual reality console. Alphonso, with his Ki, struggled to obliterate the blood palm strike. Yet, Zamira lacks Ki and relies solely on her formidable, yet destructively natured, yellow energy—an energy unsuited for defensive purposes.

The only conceivable way to counter my assault would be for Zamira to unleash an attack of equal or superior magnitude, thereby nullifying the destructive force. However, I harbor doubts about Zamira's ability to completely negate my strike.

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