Chapter 1193 A Troublesome Request

Lory took a deep breath and then removed the earpiece, He turned his gaze towards the blazing blue flames while the perpetrator responsible for this murder walked gracefully with his back straight like a pine tree, his demeanor was calm and cool like jade and he looked at Lory tenderly without a hint of cruelty towards someone who had just burned someone alive

[It's done] Zhao Li Xin lightly said with his usual dazzling smile.

Lory was fascinated by Zhao Li Xin for a moment before she averted her gaze and nodded without looking at him. [Let's go home, then...] Lory cannot let Zhao Li Xin find out that she is still captivated by his simple smile knowing for sure he would use it against her.

Lory and Zhao Li Xin left the blazing blue flame that continued to burn as if it would never end. While in the car, Lory turned on the speakerphone and called Garrof, after two ringtones Garrof answered the phone.

"How is your situation, your highness?"

"No problem, I have the recorder with me, How about you?" Lory asked.

"Uhm, I accidentally crushed the recording device together with one of the spies, that's a good thing right?" Garrof's voice sounded a little embarrassed "It's their fault to be slow…"

"Yes, just make sure it completely destroyed, in fact, take it with you and make sure nothing can detract from it. We don't want anyone to be able to salvage whatever data is left, as it was done with Ethan's phone back then." Lory warns Garrof.

"Don't worry princess, I'll be careful. Oh yeah, Jack and Lloyd have gotten rid of them all, and guess who they are. Turns out they're agents from Argus, Ha! What do you know, we might actually be right about Luxemborough's involvement in all this" Garrof didn't know whether he should be happy or worried about this.

"Yeah, I know, I interrogated one of them, It seems you and Lloyd got some attention from Luxemborough" Lory teased.

Garrof laughed dryly, "Yeah, lucky us...but, fortunately, they don't know about your involvement with the Hamilton and us, Well, that's to be expected since you just called in at the last minute and any traces left in the Beast Slayers guild have already been wiped out by Jack so no one knows except us and very few the Hamilton family"

"Yes, luckily Jack moved quickly and I feel sure the Hamilton family will cover this up too and I think you and Lloyd should hide for the time being," said Lory.

"Well, of course, this isn't a problem for us," Garrof said confidently without sounding worried at all.

Lory was glad to hear how assured Garrof was so Lory didn't need to worry about their safety but something else crossed her mind and bothered her very much.

"Yeah I'm sure you're fine but what about Maddy and Jack, I don't know how much Argus knows about Jack's involvement" Lory wasn't worried about Jack because he can take care of himself but the same can't be said about Maddy, she's just a regular sweet girl.

"Don't worry, Jack won't let anything happen to Maddy. Moreover, there is no definite evidence of Jack and Maddy's involvement with me. As far as the public knows, my relationship with Jack is only a professional relationship between the hunter and the Guild Master, and after we get rid of these agents and their evidence, no one will know about Jack's involvement. Moreover, Jack has a wide information network so I guessed he would be more careful now," said Garrof, he knew for sure Jack's abilities so he felt there was nothing to worry about.

"Another reason we can't let these agents live" Lory sighed.

"Please, they are agents of Argus, they know what risks they face. Besides, when it comes to Argus, we can't say they are innocent." Garrof didn't feel sorry at all after knowing who they were, Even though it was only a rumor, he knew Argus was involved in a lot of suspicious things. happening both outside and within their own country.

"Yes, you're right" Lory hardened her heart again, she knew she could not be weak in this situation or innocent people would become victims, one of which was probably Madeline.

"Oh yes, when you go underground, can you find a way to contact one of the Archknights like Justin or Clifford?" Compared to Garrof and Fred, they have more contact with underground informants because of their scope of work.

Garrof was stunned for a moment then scratched his head "I can try but what should I tell them, I don't think they will believe me..."

Lory bit her lower lip while contemplating then her eyes lit up "Oh tell them to call Fargo and ask him if he still has the Poko-Poko panties I gave him for his sixteenth birthday."


"Why are you doing that...?" Garrof asked incredulously, he couldn't imagine that the famous Archknights who was also called the strongest Sword King would be wearing Poko-Poko underwear even when he was sixteen, it was simply inconceivable and almost terrifying.

"Because it's fun," Lory answered bluntly.

Garrof rubs his forehead and lets out a heavy sigh "With all due respect Your Highness, I'm afraid I would be killed right here – right the by General Elkhandt." Garrof helplessly said.

"No way! Fargy might look scary because of his big body and all, but he's a total sweetheart he won't hurt you!" Lory brushed it off with a laugh.

Lory is not worried at all cause for all she remembers Fargo is like an older brother who always tries to be strict but in the end, loses to the whining of his younger siblings as a result he ends up supporting Lory and Lucas' mischief instead.

But Lory doesn't know, Even though Fargo is a loving brother to Lucas and Lory, in the eyes of other people he is known as an invincible knight who could topple a powerful Mech with a single punch, and to his subordinates Fargo is known to be very strict and disciplined in training his soldiers.

Fargo is famous for having high expectations not only for himself but also for his subordinates, therefore the training under Fargo's command was notoriously harsh and it only got worse after the war ended, but no one can't complained cause Fargo himself continued to train himself very hard without ever missing a day almost as if he was possessed.

"No, Your Majesty, I was afraid because I saw him destroying a fighter plane with his bare hands," Garrof remembered when he was still an Ultima soldier and accidentally ran into Lucas and his friends, It was then he witnessed with his own eyes how powerful the Archknight was and he felt rumors about the Archknight's power was completely underrated.

If this was someone else's request, Garrof would have refused it, but since it was a direct request from Lory, he couldn't refuse it, so what should he do? Garrof then asked, "Can I ask Jack for a favor?"

"Of course?" Lory didn't want to make things difficult for Garrof, he himself knew that his request was unnecessary, especially in the current conditions.

Garrof felt relieved, "Thank you, I will try to cover your identity, princess."

"Do what you need to do Garrof and thank you in advance, I owe you one" Lory said gratefully.

Garrof was silent for a moment then the smile on his face grew "We should know that it would be very beneficial to make the Lucient family owe you, it would be like having an extra life card in your possession." Suddenly Garrof didn't hesitate anymore, "I will contact you later, princess, See you later"

"Watch your back, soldier" Lory then hung up the phone.

Just as Lory hung up the phone, Lory's cell phone suddenly rang again, but this time it was from an unknown number so it couldn't be that this call was from Garrof again, yet, Lory still picked it up.


"Ah, Miss Jane, this is Hugo," the old man's voice from behind the phone was warm and friendly.

"Oh mister Hugo, sorry I don't know your number, How can I help you?" Lory answered.

"It's fine Miss Jane, instead I want to thank you for you helping Lilly from the influence of that Dam* - lecherous - Human wasted, from the Augburn family." Hugo spat his anger freely.

"Well said" Lory chuckles "No problem Mr. Hugo, I already consider Lilly as my friend"

"Yeah, I know" Hugo's voice softened when he heard Lory's sincerity "Actually there are some things I want to talk to you and Mr. Zhao about, I'm sure you've heard it from Mr. Zhao but I just got a new information so I would like to discuss it with you and please invite Mr. Zhao too, so can you spend some time with this old man?"

"Of course, I'm on my way and will be there in fifteen to twenty-five minutes max!" Lory laughs.

"No problem, I'll be waiting" Hugo replied happily.

"Okay, see you later Master Hugo," said Lory then hung up the phone then conveyed what Master Hugo said to Zhao Li Xin.

[The plot just got thicker and thicker] There's a wild dangerous glint in Zhao Li Xin's eyes.

[I'm glad you enjoyed it] Lory could see Zhao Li Xin's dark eyes sparkle like a marble under the sunlight.

Zhao Li Xin turned his head to the scenery outside the window and one of the corners of his lips slightly lifted [I guessed I have a problem...] yet, he didn't sound troubled at all.

[I think we both are] Lory chuckles then she hits the pedals and the car glides faster on the road.


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