Chapter 984 Visiting The Princess

Somewhere in a small mansion Tao Ji Feng held a discussion with some of his subordinates including Yang Zhou whose health was starting to improve even though his face was still a little pale.

In the main hall, the six chairs were lined up facing each other while Tao Ji Feng sat on the main seat at the far end.

"So, what the heaven's Gate sect want to allow us to enter Yi Shan mountain?" Tao Ji Feng snorted in annoyance, they'd been stuck in Yu Jin city for a week.

One of Tao Ji Fang's subordinates replied in a steady voice "They want more money before they let us investigate Yi Shan Mountain"

"We have given fifty million gold taels! does The heaven's gate sect want to rob us?" another Tao Ji Fang subordinated pound the table beside him furiously.

"I heard that instead of money, Wei Zu Tian is more inclined towards an inter-sect cooperation agreement for the next five to ten years." Another subordinate answered.

"What does that mean? do they want us to submit to the Heaven's Gate sect instead?" said one of the subordinates who pounded the table earlier.

Tao Ji Fang's brows furrowed as he contemplated it seemed like the Heaven's Gate Sect was not only aiming for money but something more daring than that, tao Ji Fang then turned his gaze to Yang Zhou "What do you think?"

Yang Zhou cupped his fists before he replied politely, "We couldn't trust the Heaven Gate sect let alone Wei Zu Tian as we all know what kind of reputation Wei Zu Tian has and how messy the sect's own internal affairs have been, inevitably if we get involved with them we will definitely be dragged into their internal war which is not good for us at all" Yang Zhou said frankly.

Tao Ji Feng stroked his beard and nodded deeply, "I agree with you"

"Then what about the treasures in Yi Shan Mountain, people say this is the first time Yi Shan Mountain has reacted this way, some say heaven-defying treasures must be there if we get our hands on those heavenly treasures our sect will thrive beyond our dreams" Tao Ji Fang's subordinate spoke excitedly even though deep down he felt reluctant to get involved with Wei Zu Tian and the Heaven's Gate sect mess but the temptation of great power was hard to resist.

"There is no evidence of the existence of heavenly treasures on Yi Shan Mountain even if it is true then we have to fight hundreds of small and large sects coming to Yi Shan Mountain other than the Heaven Gate Sect will not allow us to obtain whatever power resides there, it has been clearly demonstrated by their tyrannical behavior today," Yang Zhou thought it was unworthy to place the safety of the sect on baseless rumors.

The discussion was divided and stuck in a stalemate which prompted Tao Ji Fang to stay for three more days to see how things were going, he wasn't sure the sect would stand idly by when the Heaven's Gate sect was clearly taking advantage of them, therefore, Tao Ji Fang guessed some sects will start collaborating to take on the Heaven's Gate Sect.

After a long meeting, Tao Ji Fang was walking back to his room accompanied by Yang Zhou when he saw Tao Bing Wen in the garden training his horse stance in the hot sun with his face drenched with sweat, obviously, he had been there for a long time.

"How long has he been training like that?" Tao Ji Fang asked Yang Zhou with an amazed expression.

Yang Zhou's face beamed with joy, "It's been almost three hours and it's already the second day since young master trained"

Tao Jing Fang stroked his beard with a satisfied face, he knew very well that his son could not bear to suffer because of his mother's excessive indulgence therefore Tao Bing Wen refused to do the tiring exercise so when Tao Ji Fang saw Tao Bing Wen training seriously in the middle of the day Tao Ji Fang couldn't lie he felt a little proud.

But Tao Ji Fang didn't want to be happy right away because no one knew how long his son's spirit could last before he dropped everything and said he couldn't take it anymore and then blamed everything around him as usual, therefore Tao Ji Fang could only pray that this time it will be different "I hope his motivation lasts"

"Looks like Young Master is serious this time, normally his spirits wouldn't last more than two hours so two days is still a big accomplishment" Yang Zhou sincerely praised.

Tao Ji Fang took a deep breath, he was embarrassed by the lack of expectations of people towards his son compared to him who was raised with a strict education, His son was too soft and weak therefore sometimes Tao Ji Fang couldn't help feeling that he had disappointed his ancestors.

But what can he do? before getting Tao Bing Wen, his wife had two miscarriages, so it was only natural that his wife spoiled Tao Bing Wen like crazy, and because of the difficulty of Tao Bing Wen's birth, he didn't let his wife get pregnant again in fear of endangering his wife's health that had been worsened after giving birth to Tao Bing Wen.

"Oh, do you know the woman who helped my Son?" Tao Bing Wen was still curious about the woman who could change her stupid son with a few words, it was a shame that she was already married.

"I don't know the name, but if I'm not mistaken, the brother-in-law's name is Li Jin and they stay here to cure husband and wife's illness it wouldn't be hard to find them," Yang Zhou said, the truth is he didn't have a clear recollection about the lady that his master asked about other than being...ordinary.

"Poor girl, she is still very young but her husband is seriously ill" Tao Ji Fang's mouth curled in concern but then he stopped then leaned his head tightly against Yang Zhou, and spoke in a low tone, "Hey, do you think if her husband doesn't have much time to his life she might want to..?"

Yang Zhou quickly interrupted, "Master, if Madam hears what you have to say, she will leave you" he reminded his master.

Because Tao Ji Fang's wife's health got worsened after she get birth and she could only give one child to him many people tried to push their daughter to become his second wife even though he had firmly refused the offer still it became a thorn in his wife's heart so if his wife found out he wanted to push his son to replace someone husband because the man gravely ill it would be like a slap on his wife's face, it's no question his wife will divorce him on the spot.

Tao Ji Fang realized his mistake and hurriedly explained himself "Hey - hey - hey, I was just kidding don't take it seriously, it was just a joke! Tch, you're no fun at all!" he flicked his sleeves pretending to be offended.

Yang Zhou secretly rolled his eyes, "My mistake, I don't understand Master joke, please forgive this stupid subordinate" he perfunctorily said while bowing his head.

Tao Ji Fang snorted loudly but then briskly give him a reminder "Don't tell my wife!"

Yang Zhou looks at him with a meaningful flat look "Say what?"

Tao Ji Fang thought no wonder Yang Zhou became his right-hand man he was so smart "Good" he nodded with a smile of satisfaction.

[Are You Worried?] Girsha flapped her wings as she landed on the table while Lory opened the window to let the breeze in.

Lory leaned against the window sill watching red and pink clouds paint the sky as a sign that night was coming.

[It'd be weird if I wasn't worried, right?] Lory closed her eyes feeling the cold breeze against her cheeks.

[I don't know what worries you more, whether Lazarus uses him as a vessel or not, he is still the biggest threat to Lazarus that's why Lazarus will never let him]

Lory shove her long wavy hair to the side before she shifted her gaze to Girsha [Being killed and possessed are two different things, if you get killed from that, that's it, you are done but if you are possessed it means endless torment for good. like what will happen to me when Lazarus gets my soul…]

[And Lazarus likes to torture..] Girsha sneered disdainfully.

[That's why I'd rather destroy my soul than be tortured forever by Lazarus] Lory sighed then pulled a chair to sit down.

Girsha's expression turned gravely sour [The forbidden spell you cast yourself when you fell into a frenzy, is it still there?]

Lory glanced at the bird and smiled [Don't worry the spell is inactive, it was compromised at the last moment that's why am I still here...we are still here] Lory open her arm as if it was nothing.

[What is Lorenna doing?] Girsha guessed.

[Most likely] Lory smiled lightly.

Girsha snorted loudly [Only a madman would engrave his own heart with runes, the process itself is so excruciating that only the most condemned criminals are still for being too barbaric even this punishment was eventually abolished, but who would have thought that Princess Lorient could find a record of this practice even insane enough to did it to herself] Girsha's eyes lit up with fury if at that time his consciousness hadn't been lost due to blocking Lazarus' influence she wouldn't have let Lory use that sadistic spell on herself.

[Well in my defense, I'm mad at that time...] Lory agree with him however she was desperate and desperate people will do crazy things.

How crazy is that spell? Lory doesn't remember clearly but he remembers she carved the runes on his arms and chest with a knife into his body, blood mixed with sweat and tears dripped down his feet after he finished carving himself, he cast the spell and engraved it on his body instantly disappeared but the pain didn't it gather in her heart and multiply by thousands of folds and suddenly everything turns black, probably she fainted.

There are three powerful spells that live inside her, the cursed from Lazarus, the Druid Insignia from her mother, and the ancient spell she carved for herself so how is she a mere mortal still alive and kicking there's only one explanation, she was lucky.

[Lory, if the spell is now inactive is that mean it can be activated again] Girsha narrows his eyes.

Lory yawned then got up from her seat [I promise I won't hurt myself right, you're too worried old bird] Lory waved her hand casually as she walked to her bed.

Grisha watched Lory leave and then scoffed inwardly, 'Well, you're not good at keeping promises'

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