Chapter 503 - Faraway Dream

The news of the ruin of Sacred mountain peak society become the talk of the country and Hei Shen Sect name raised to the sky. Then come more shocking news that the powerful and elusive shadow tiger tribes are in debt with Long Ming and they even willing to serve him earnestly. There also rumor about the sighting of a mysterious beast who resides on the top of the mountain.

More rumors circulated among the people, no one know which one is real or is fake but one thing is certain that no one should mess with Hei Shen sect ever again. some conceited people still not satisfied with the increasing glory of Hei Shen Sect some people still have guts to conspire against the Long Ming but more sane people become quiet, whether the rumor is true or not still it didn't change the fact that Sacred Mountain peak is ruined under the hands of Long Ming so why must they courting death.


Against so many people warning a few conceited people had no choice but to revised their plans and after all even if they have enough power to fight against Hei Shen could they find Hei Shen sect headquarter? For a long time, it has become a mystery for everyone.

Despite all Glory that Hei Shen received, Hei Shen peoples don't feel good at all, why? Because their Lord is in a horrible mood, it's already two weeks but there's no sign of their young madam. They knew their young madam rest inside their Lord spatial ring but it only makes them more worried. Is common knowledge that the Mystique realm inside the spatial ring time frame is different from the outside. 

A few days inside the Mystique realm could only a day at the outside. If young madam still rests for two weeks then how long she actually rest inside the mystique realm. Jin Hao was also worried about Lory's health but he knows when it comes to Lory Jin Hao has no power to help, so he can only hide his worry as he fears it would make Zhao Li Xin feel worst.

Today Zhao Li Xin has finished his cultivation, because he already in sage Level the time he breakthrough is get longer than he used too, he was exasperated but Huo Long remind him that what he does in a day it would take fifty years for normal people so he must not discourage.

Normally Zhao Li Xin will not bother with the time of his breakthrough since he is already stronger than most people in the world so why haste but after he knew what happens with Lory he feel like a racehorse, he can't stop even if he wants to whenever he failed to achieve the progress he wants he becomes frustrated. He would become furious and vent his anger to everything in sight.

Luckily the Mystique realm would automatically fix any damage he created weather to the tree, grass, or building everything will return to normal as if nothing happens. Huo Long can only sigh while Zhao Li Xin vents his stress like a madman. After he feel slightly better he would visit lory who still sleep inside the golden Pagoda.

Zhao Li Xin leans his shoulder on a bed column, he watches Lory sleeping face. lory use to have a bad sleeping habit, she would kick her blanket or moves exaggeratedly, is more than once that Lory hit Zhao Li Xin's face with her hands while she was sleeping and sometimes she also gracefully snores although she refuses to admit when Zhao Li Xin and Girsha told her.

But the same woman who sleeps right now is not moving, not even an inch if not because the slight moves on her chest he would thought she was dead. He listened to the rhythm of her breathing with gloomy eyes. he pinch the bridge between his eyebrows to calm his tense nerves then slowly take a deep breath, he slowly lay down next to her, he shifts his head to the side then he whispers "Wake up sleepy head, both of you had been sleeping for too long"

Not just Lory even Girsha still sleeping, Huo Long said Girsha only awaked when Lory's condition gets better because Huo Long thoughtful sharing Zhao Li Xin becomes more stressful. He took a deep breath then he burry his head on her neck while wrapped his hand on her waist.




Lory eyes fluttering she wants to open her eyelids but her eyes feel heavy.


Her eyes suddenly open, in front of her thousands of black dots march towards her, the Kingsmen soldier run in haste "Your highness, they are coming!!" he screams.

Lory feel disoriented, she doesn't know what had happened, then thunderous sounds from thousands of beast from the distance awaked her from her stupor, Lory realizes she's still wearing an armor and trinity staff lay on his hand, Lory shakes her head.

"Add more people on the garrison, prepare the artillery!" she swiftly order her troops "How many aircraft we had?" she ask one of the soldiers next to her.

"We got five thunderbirds and two eagle claw aircraft on the way!" the soldier said.

"How long until they got here?" Lory eyebrows furrows.

"Ten Minute…" said the soldier with a worried look.

Lory gazes into the black dot that covers the horizon, after two years without a sun food become scarce, gradually the human and the beast population decreased because of lack of food, just like human hunting Beast for food now beast also hunting human for the same reason, today there's no camp or shelter who had not been strike by a horde of hungry Beast, and L'Markieth becomes one of the last heavens for a human to survive but now they are under attack again.

"Your highness….can we make it?" the soldier asks nervously. The young soldier is only seventeen years old, so it's expected for the young man to be nervous.

"We have to…" Lory solemnly said. Using her earpiece she sends a command to her subordinated "Lockdown every entrance even the wellspring"

"Yes, your highness!" the woman behind the earpiece answer firmly.

"The Horde will come in three waves, tell everyone to saves the artillery"

"Understood, your highness!"

Lory let out a long sigh, she takes off her raincoat then white wings appear behind her back. Lory transforms the trinity into a silver bow. Every Kingsmen soldier stares at her with admiration and expectant look. Lory calmy draw her bow, her purple eyes glistening then an arrow made from wind emerged on her fingertips. They could feel the pressures that came from the arrow everyone takes a few steps back.

The black dots are getting closer as the dots figures become more apparent, the roar and shrieks are echoed on the air, the soldier's heart shuddered but no one back down, they raised their Gun and aimed to the beast hordes. They all waiting for their Princess to gives them the order.

The first wave came, Lory's eyes squint and the winds arrow in her finger start to twitch. She let out a long exhale then she release her arrow. The arrows run like a bullet it leaves marks on the ground and split the air as it flies through. The arrow pierces the hordes of the beast and the gust of wind from the arrow creates a shock wave that blows the entire beast near it.


The Beast shriek as they blow in pieces, they soldiers cheers but lory remain calms, she knew it's only the beginning. Then the ground shook violently, more Beast come toward them, this time the beast is bigger and more ferocious than before.

"Prepare your weapon!" the commander shouted and the soldiers immediately calm themselves and prepare their weapon.

"AIMED!" the commander shouts again.

Lory changed the trinity into a long sword like 'Katana' she watches the Bast dash in full speed, they barring their fangs and claw but Lory unperturbed her gaze remains placid, she slowly raised her hand while the beast is getting closer.

'1…..2...3….' she counting inwardly as she holds her breath and then "SHOOT!"

The sounds of riffles, laser, and machine guns are overlapped with the beast roar, the night become lively is like endless fireworks. Lory didn't even flinch, for two years she has countless battles, big or smalls and she had lost so many subordinated she embarrassed to admit she can't remember their face anymore. She stands among the soldiers like a valiant general no one doubt her ability to command not even the veteran general even though she's not even twenty-one years old.

For her Brother, she has to ensure their people safe. She needs to make sure they all safe before she left in her personal quest. 

"It seems we need to take this matter in our own hands" a calm voice came from behind her,

"General Leon" Lory greets politely.

General Leon is a fifty years old man with long silver hair, he has muscular and upright body beyond his age, he is one of the stronger generals Harland ever had, he took over general Zargan position after he passes away with King Marcus. General Leon put his right fist on his chest to saluted her.

"It seems we will have another exciting fight, your highness, I hope you don't get bored to compete with an old general like me" he humbly said.

Lory smiles "It's always been a pleasure general"

General Leon's eyes brimmed with pride for the young princess, he dares to swear to the whole world that there's no princess in the whole kingdom in the world who is stronger and more courageous than his beloved her highness Princess Lorient.

"So, what we bet now your highness" he make cheeky smiles, it was a game between them that who kill the more beast would become the winner. It's just something they do to relieve the tension.

The corner of her mouth lift slightly "Well…how about the loser should clean up the whole rifles on the armory room?" Lory raised her eyebrows.

"Ugh, you sure it would take the whole day…" General Leon stroke his mustache.

"Only if you lose" Lory make cheeky smiles. Then fly to the sea of Beast without hesitation.

General Leon guffawed, he used rocket boots then chassed lory with his giant machine guns.

"Follow her highness and general Leon!" 

The hot-blooded soldiers using the same rocket boots chassed their leader in a heartbeat, they are eager to fight side by side with the legendary Lucient, is a chance of a lifetime and they will not waste it. 

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