Chapter 457 - The Beast

[Lory what are you thinking?] Girsha still can't comprehend the situation but from his experience is nothing good happened when Lory overwrought. 

Lory massaged her temples then she takes a deep breath [I think I know what Mo Ning Yuan wants to do but what I don't understand is…the one who is behind Mo Ning Yuan, what are their goals?"


[Lazarus?] Girsha squints his eyes dangerously, that name is like a thorn in his flesh.

[Do you think Lazarus has the freedom to approach whoever he likes and if he does why he is hiding….no something is off...] Lory shakes her head, she didn't know how she returns to he room.

[He like grand appearance, he want human trembles on his feet, Lazarus is a cold-blooded tyrant, someone like him will not hiding unless something obstructs him…] Lory mutters to herself as she contemplating.

[Then he need a vassal, someone who can be his ears, hand, and feet….but who is stupid enough] Lory clasped her hand on the table he was immersed in her thought

[Lao Min Na] Girsha abruptly said.

Lory frown in disbelieve [how can you be sure, did you check on her before…?]

[I hated to admit it….but I think I'm wrong] he also disappointed with his carelessness his little beak press on his chest.

Lory was stunned, is rare for Girsha make mistake [Wait, why don't you tell me?]

[Because I don't have proof and you stress enough!] The truth is Girsha doesn't want to add more pressure to her, at least not now, or perhaps he wishes Zhao Li Xin killed Lao Min Na before she hurt Lory.

Lory scratches her head exasperatedly [how could you, ugh fine….then what Lao Min Na want from Mo Ning Yuan, and why Mo Ning Yuan willing to cooperated with Lao Min Na, and what benefit she got from using the beast?] Lory didn't have time questioning Girsha because there's another urgent question need to answer.

[Can't be good..] Girsha lightly comment.

[Obviously..] Lory tilted her head.

Lory gathers the information in her head, there is Lazarus who used Lao Min Na, and then Lao Min Na used Mo Ning Yuan and Mo Ning yuan used the Beast…then what, havoc? What benefit they could get? It makes sense if Mo Ning Yuan wants to kill the Xie clan and take over the mountain for herself but what benefit she could give to Lao Min Na? Perhaps Lao Min Na wants to subdue Sacred Mountain peak society under her rule. But then what Lazarus get from this? Lory feel frustrated.

For all she knows Lazarus never helps without benefit that just how he is, everything has it cost especially when dealing with Demon like him, If Lao Min Na colluded with Lazarus she must be paid the high price for it, just like her once...

The sudden knocked on the door awaked Lory from her stupor "Come in" lory said.

The door is open and a familiar figure appears, Lory recognizes the man as Mong Liu one of the people who are responsible to protect her. the man cupped his fist courteously, he still remembers his life is safe by lory letter from His Lord wrath after he failed to protect her. Since then he always feel in debt by the kind Young madam.

"Greetings young madam, Brother Mo, and the other already went to do the Lord order it would take some time for them to return, if Young Madam didn't mind this servant will replace them to help Young madam" he politely bows his head.

"You are…Mong...Mong Liu right" Lory clapped her hands, she already calm after gathering her thought and now she feel more relaxed.

Mong Liu's heart leaps in joy for Lory still remember him "Yes, Young madam, this servant name is Mong Liu" he bows his head deeper.

"It's been a while isn't it Mong Liu, how are you?" Lory kindly smiles.

"This servant is doing well, thank you for the attention Young Madam" Mong Liu was embarrassed and happy at the same time because Lory asking his well being. No master ever asked their servant about their condition they just give them order and nothing more, Mong Liu fondness for his young madam just got deeper.

Lory doesn't realize her simple pleasantries were highly regards, she thought is a normal greeting between people, in Harland, it is a common thing to ask how are they doing when they meet even between superior and subordinate.

"I need your help then, gather all information about the beast that dwelled in this mountain, it can be just folklore, myths or stories, I don't care just gather everything that mentions about the old beast who reside in this place"

"That's all young madam?" Mong Liu thought is a simple order.

Lory nods "Yeah, make sure you don't lose anything…" for Lory is a troublesome job, she remembers she used to run from the old library to another old library to gather information about Djevelskrin, she becomes sick from the smell of old papers.

"Understood madam, right away madam!" Mong Liu cupped his fist firmly, he is overly eager to do the task, then he left the room with determination on his eyes. 

'He must do well!'

Lory watches the man left with awed 'What a good employee' she thought while praising Mong Liu's determination.

[I like him] she said to Girsha while raising her thumb.

[Uh-huh] he perfunctorily replies.

Lory who is much calmer sip her tea, being anxious only make her reckless is better to work her problem one by one, first she needs to handle Mo Ning Yuan and that mysterious beast. She leans her head on her palms then she shifts her glance to girsha who is now pecking grape on the small plate in front of her.

[Birdie, could be the thing you feel inside the Library is the Beast?] Lory ask.

[Probably..] The bird little tilt slightly.

[Can you make sure, if we know how strong the Beast is perhaps we can have better deduction what kinda Beast reside there] 

Girsha hit the half-eaten grape with his little feet [Why not….] he speaks as if he was complaining but then he flew out of the window without farther ado. Lory lifts her tea who is slightly cold, Lory brows twitch slightly after she takes a small sip. She blew the tea slowly then white smoke appears from the tea surfaces the water becomes hot again. she takes another sip then she smacked her lips in satisfaction.

Girsha flew higher, his figure hiding behind the fluffy white cloud, he deliberately flies higher to avoid attracting unwanted attention. He glides between the cloud the bird long tails glimmering under the sunlight, he slowly dive when he got close to the forbidden library but he can't get close because the transparent array that protects the whole building, although he can break the array forcefully, but he would alert dozens of guard who have surrounded the area.

He flaps his wings as he maintains his position, he still flies slightly above the cloud he needs to conceal himself from prying eyes. The library unexpectedly small, it's only a medium-size wooden building it didn't look special at all but Girsha could feel faint energy exuded from the building, something seem buried underneath. Girsha closed his eyes as he concentrated to read the energy around the building but suddenly the energy from the building synchronizes with his energy and the bird startled.

'What the hell!' 

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