Chapter 351 - Persuade The Demon Lord

'PAAKK!' another sound of slapping heard from the empress courtyard.

The Empress stumble on the floor with tears and swollen cheeks "You're majesty, please forgive me, I don't know Nan yu Wei would bring Lo tie in the palace, she said she only want to subdue that bird than return it back at Luo RI Yi to humiliated her but who knows Nan Yu Wei would…." ​​

"Are you stupid, you are an Empress, not a stupid young woman who knew nothing! how could you not predict nan yu Wei intention?" The emperor hits the table until it brokes and startles all the maids and eunuch on the corner of the room. Qian Mu Ting also jolted but not dare to say anything she minimizes her presence by not move an inch, she doesn't want her father Emperor to lash out his anger towards her.

"This happened in you're courtyard and in you're gathering, how can you don't know what happened? Do you want to humiliate me even more!" this time the emperor is so angry he hit the stool near him. The empress got scared and she cries harder.

"Stop crying! Is crying is all you can do! You even make the soldiers assault Empress Ming and Luo Ri Yi, how bold you can't be!" The emperor clenches his chest he feel his heart is burst with anxiety, Empress Ming is not someone he can underestimate, for a young woman to uphold the throned and ruled the Kingdom cannot be a simple woman.

Even with Hei Shen help if she does not have discerning eyes and great talent she could never rule her Kingdom, with her own hand she removes the corrupt official who plagues her kingdom, she fixed the economy and increased the life quality of her citizen, That empress has outshined her predecessor and become the pride of her Kingdom.

And not just all, the military under Empress Ming has been strengthened and there navy become the most powerful among other kingdoms, that's why the Emperor avoid any conflict with the Liang Zu Kingdom and yet his Empress strikes that great Empress heads on like a mule and if Empress Ming didn't give him enough headaches they're's still Long Ming…

The emperor suddenly has an urge to lay down on his bed and never wake up again, he feel very tired.

The empress crawl and hold the emperor leg "You're majesty please, believe me, I don't know if Luo Ri Yi maid is empress Ming, That woman, Luo RI Yi want to harm me, she never told me about Empress ming identity, how could an empress pretend to be someone else maid this is absurd they must try to humiliate me! Yes. That must be it!"

"Are you out of you're mind!" he kicked the empress chest away from him "Its you who want to humiliate Luo Ri Yi in the first place, Empress Ming and Luo Ri Yi have a close relationship, she came with Luo Ri Yi to protect her because she already predicts you're petty schemes, if only you stop teasing them after you failed to subdue her pets, everything will not escalate this far!"

The Empress still refuses to admit her mistakes she insisted its Nan Yu Wei's mistakes, the emperor loses his patient. He points his finger at the Empress "You have jeopardized this Kingdom safety and humiliated me, as the emperor I will demote you from you're position as an empress of this Kingdom!"

It feels she was struck by lightning the empress feel her heart stop beating "NO! please, you're majesty, don't do this to me, I've been you're wife for decades and I never failed yo before. Please forgive me this one last time, PLEASE!" she begged desperately.

The emperor sigh tiredly "You have offended two most powerful figure in this continent, they demand me to take responsibility for what happened if I don't demote you this Kingdom will fall in ruined"

The empress still not consent, as selfish as she is how could she let go the empress position she's been working on her entire life if she loses this tittle even her family will never accept her again and she will lose all her power in the palace when that happened all concubines who had been oppressed by her will go against her, she will not survives and her daughter future will ruin like her.

Suddenly a bizarre idea strikes her, she raised from the floor and grab Qian Mu Ting hands "My good daughter, why don't you begged Long Ming to forgive my mistake, tell him I don't know what happened, this is all Nan Yu Wei fault, they try to frame me, please tell Long Ming about that, he will listen to you, isn't he care for you? You are so beautiful how could he ignore you're pleaded, please help you're mother this once"

The Emperor hears the empress nonstop rumbling suddenly feel elated "Is that true Mu Ting? Are you close with Long Ming?"

Qian Mu Tin feel the air sucked from her lungs, what relationship they barely speak to each other even if she wants to lie to herself she still needs a reason to do so but Zhao Li Xin never gives her a chance to even dream about it, but when she sees hope in her parent's eyes the words she almost blurts out was swallowed back.

"We….we just talk a little" she nervously said, it's hard to ignore the rare joy in her imperial father.

The emperor rubs his beard while contemplating than he shifts his gaze to Qian Mu Ting " If you able make Long Ming forgive you're mother stupidity I will let you're mother keep her title as Empress but if you failed….you know what happens" The emperor raised from his seat and flick his golden robes as he left the room.

The empress face lit up in joy she grabs her daughter hand once again "Mu Ting just talk with Long Ming, I believe he will listen to you, man have soft spot for a beautiful woman even if he doesn't love you yet, he wouldn't ignore you're request"

Qian Mu Ting smiles become stiffed, Is Long Ming has 'soft spot'?

"I…I will try my best…" she said timidly in scruples feeling.


"How is she?" Ming Yue Yin asked wit quietly.

"She's still sleeping" Zhao Li Xin sits on the bedside watching his Princess sleeping soundly.

"Should we call Jin Hao to check her condition"

Zhao Li Xin sigh "Is no used, Jin Hao expertise can heal her….no one can"

Ming Yue Yin kneeled on the bedside, she crosses her arms on the bed while watching Lorys sleeping face she smiles "She's so beautiful isn't she, that Lao Min Na who is said to be the most beautiful woman in the continent is pale compared to Lory"

"He has always been the most beautiful woman in the world for me" Zhao Li Xin. whatever appearance she choose if its her, she will always be beautiful in his eyes.

"She is…but this foolish aunty never realizes it, she thought her real appearance will scared other people so she hides it thoroughly" Ming Yue Yin chuckles lightly "But thankfully she hides her real face if not, who knows how many men will fight to covet her"

"Let's see if anyone has the ability…" she sneer wickedly.


"Milord, the second princess pleads for meeting" Mong Yi speak from outside the door.

"Shameless b*stard, I will handle this!" Ming Yue Yin raised from the floor. she wants to know what else the imperial family would say to them before she reaches the door suddenly Zhao Li Xin reminds her with a low voice.

"Give her small lessons…." He said coldly.

"Small lesson it is…" and she walks out of the door with devilish smiles plastered on her face.

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