Chapter 275 - Cover Up

The story continues until they finish there meal and yang Xi Yin orders a few desserts just like her promises, she orders sweet red bean soup and water chestnut cake for the three of them and then Ming Yue Yin continue with her story.

"And so you undercover as a slave, how you get in?" Lory ask while scooping up the soup. ​​

"I have this…criminal that I was caught on the previous days and…. just say I persuade him to get me inside," she said it mildly but Lory knew Ming Yue Yin she might violently push that man to cooperate with her.

"I become one of the helpless young ladies from a fifth rank official who was sold by her stepmother, with my good looks and that assho*e guarantee my virginity I was accepted with wide arms" Ming Yue Yin make sarcastic smiles.

"Than I was transferred from one slave trader to another than transport to another place, all I know they never stay in one place more than a day no wonder we got so hard to track them down" Ming Yue Yin sighs tiredly when she remembers she's move around like livestock.

"When General Yuan Shao came in the picture" Lory become more interested.

Ming Yue Yin faces suddenly turn sour "Just when we almost get in the lair of the leader of the trader that stupid general blocked our shipping! Can't you believe that! After weeks treated like a d*mn livestock and withstand myself from not killing that piece of s*it human trader, when I just this close to success, that man should come and ruined my great elaborated plan!" Ming Yue Yin's face turns red and her chest goes up and down while holding her anger.

Lory scratches her nose, this is not the romantic story she hopes to hear, Yang Xi Yin also sips her soup quietly. Ming Yue Yin becomes furious when she reminiscence what happened that day.

"Than you're plan is ruined?" Lory make her continue the story.

"Almost…" Ming Yue Yin pour herself a warm tea, she take another sip before she continue again "At least he didn't kill all the slave guards but unfortunately a lot of them died on the hand that barbaric and stupid General….don't forget stupid" she emphasized the last word "And the ladies who are rescued will refuse to go back to that situation again, I don't blame them though…."

The General must be a worry for his younger sister" Yang Xi Yin finish her desert and wipe her mouth gently.

"I understand that but stopping the slave shipping is not solve the problem if the slave trader feel there's something wrong with their sipping they would run away and disappear immediately, they would bring all their slaves and lay low for god's know for how long, by that time we wouldn't know what had happened to all the slave, are they live, die or torture and we wouldn't have a clue how to find them again and the work we have done will be in vain"

"So you have to make sure everything should be normal and right on the schedule before the criminal sniffed anything unordinary, but the women slave will not cooperate with your plan, wouldn't they? they've been rescued afterall" Lory tilted her head she's immersed in deep thought with her arms crossed on her chest.

"We replace the woman slave with the general female retainer, some are maids and some is his bodyguard who knew he had many women work on his side" she make a cynical comment.

"Oh well, the slave replacement problem is solved but then we also need to replace the dead guards but then it becomes a good opportunity where I can put my people and Brother Fu Ying to replace some of the dead slave guards, he can't intimidate the guards who still alive at the same time keep me save"

"So it's okay then" Yang Xi Yin comment.

"More or less, I hope they don't realizes the guard was changed and I pray the guards who remains alive didn't have a gut to notify his crew, if that happened….everything would turn to chaos"

"So how is it, is your plan worked?" Lory ask.

"Thankfully yes, we found where they stocked the slave and I found the book ledger contain all the name who involved in this schemed including where they transfer the money and who receives it, they even write where they sold the noble ladies are also the General found his Sister, thankfully she's not harassed too much and her chastity remains so overall my plan succeeds" Ming Yue Yin sigh in relief.

"So, which official involved in this ?" Lory said with a low voice.

Ming Yue Yin glance at yang Xi Yin, what she's about to say is classified so she is a little bit hesitant.

"I will never tell this story to anyone, not even my father and fiancée" Yang Xi Ying reassured Ming Yue Yin with determined looks.

Ming Yue Yin waved her hand "I think you're father and a few officials could guess this, this scandal cannot be told in public after the last emperor overthrow the citizen has lost their trust to the government and they also have little confidence at me to replace the Emperor because I'm woman and young so if they know what our official had done we afraid there would be a riot on the street and my enemy may use this to press on me so I have no choice but to hide this matter from the citizen"

"You let them go?" Yang Xi Yin can't believe it, people like that should not be forgive!

"Of course not…" Ming Yue Yin munch the water chestnut cake "Don't you notice there's lot of unfortunate situation happened lately in our Kingdom and there's a lot of officials resign and some are died because of accident or heavily ill, some got killed during the robbery, and some….some just gone missing" Ming Yue Yin than wiped her hand with cloth than she sip her tea calmly.

Yang Xi Yin stunned, her mouth is open and closed from shocked she heard the rumor about that some official in her city also died suddenly, that official and his son is in hunting trip but something happened they were killed by a beast but it's weird because no one ever see beast in that jungle and no one had died before inside that jungle, it was quite suspicious but her father didn't conduct too much investigation and only conclude this as an accident, could it be her father knew about this?

Lory stifles she sips her tea then takes a deep breath while muttering "Karma is a b*tch isn't it?" she make meaningful smiles.

Ming Yue Yin smirked cunningly "Yes it is…"

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