Chapter 177 - The Gathering Souls

"So that's how it is" Lory mutter.

"What's wrong? Zhao Li Xin came from behind her. ​​

"You see this" she pointing at the writing on the painting.

Zhao Li Xin also lean closer to read it, he didn't make expression only stare at Lory with meaningful eyes "Do you know about this? He asked.

Lory shakes her head slowly "No, how could I….I think no one knows about this, obviously this kind of tragedy who wants to talk about it?"

he didn't make another comment "Hm…Let's go" he stroke Lory back.

Both of them leave the small room, Lory look up the bright moonlight shined with dimmed light "It is a perfect time" she said quietly then shift her gaze at Zhao Li Xin "What I'm about to do will drain my power, so I would sleep for a few days, two or three days is the maximum so don't make a fuss" she warned him.

Zhao Li Xin didn't like what he heard but he also helpless to stop her "It's your life in danger? tell me the truth!" he stares deeply at her, his little princess used to do dangerous things without telling him so he got anxious when she started to give him a heads up.

Lory grinned "No, I'm just tired, you don't need to be worried" she patted his chest playfully.

"I would still be worry" Zhao Li Xin insist.

"Yeah, I know you do…" Lory pursed her lips.

Lory make Mong Ki and Mong Yi arrange the coffin in the middle of the dilapidated courtyard then she make everyone take a few steps back away from her, no one understands what she about to do but still they do whatever she told them to do without question.

Lory take another look on the man inside the coffin "It's time to go home" she said softly.

[Girsha, I need your help!] she called.

The white bird flapping his wing above her [You always need my help don't you?] he mocked her but his eyes gaze gently at her, everyone said human is a fickle creature they would change depending on time and situation but how come this little girl didn't change since the first time they met.

Lory pursed her lips [You know I'm a handful…]

Girsha stifles, his beak scratch his wing and a drop of blood flowing down where lory catch it with her palm when a drop of blood fall on his hand Lory clench her palms, she pulled her palm on her chest then she begins chanting in a foreign language, everyone is cultivator so their hearing is exceptional Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying stunned knowing possibility Luo Ri Yi is not from this country but from where they never hear that kind of language before.

Suddenly a white orbs emerge from beneath the ground, is like white fireflies floating in the air illuminated the once dark courtyard, everyone startles the all unconsciously become vigilant, Yang Xi Ying also scared but she feel drawn by the white light she was stunned when she reaches the light she feel warm, the white orb play on her hand for a second before it flew away, she doesn't know why but she feel very sad.

"Xi Ying, what happened, are you hurt?" Li Mo Zhen grabs her shoulder anxiously.

Yang Xi Ying tears roll on her delicate face she didn't know why she feel so sad "I'm not…." she begins to weep uncontrollably on his chest, Li Mo Zhen didn't know what to do, he can only embrace her to comforted her.

The white orbs change their shape to a human they all look like a thin white fog, Jin Hao and the others can see their face only by their shape they can differentiate between male, female and children, the white shadow looks confused then the walk aimlessly as if they search for something.

The white orbs who play with Yang Xi Ying transform to a shape of a little child, the child looks around confusedly as if she desperately looking for someone, Yang Xi Ying heart aching for the child she wants to run to that child and hug him but she knew she couldn't help him no one can't but perhaps she can….

Yang Xi Yin's eyes shift on Lory who seems like praying with folded hand on her chest with her eyes closed while Girsha float above her. Slowly she opens her hands and the glowing purple butterfly emerged from her hands, Lory blow softly and the butterfly wing fluttering, she flew across the white fog then suddenly the white human fog awaken then they look each other in surprise.

The white human fog then cry and hug each other as if they just met after a very long time, Yang Xi Ying then saw a woman shape figure run toward the little child white fogs, the child looks elated she also run towards the woman and they hug each other then another man come and joined them, Yang Xi Ying smile happily the three families finally find each other, Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen watch them in relief.

Eventhough theirs is no sound but they can imagine in their head how happy they are, the whole family finaly reunited. Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan and the Mong's brother look dumbfounded there's no words to describe how they feel right now.

The purple butterfly fly toward Lory then twirl above the coffin in slow pace, then another white orb imerge but not like the other this white orb transform into a real human shape with eyes, nose and lips even his robes can be seen clearly although he still look like a white fog, the man look at Lory with gentle smile like an old friend who just reunited.

Suddenly the jade token on Li Mo Zhen waist cracked and another transparent figure appear and leap toward the white figure in front of Lory the two men look each other with tearing eyes then they hug each other, Lory smiles while watching them she opens the wooden box next to her then she takes the gold hairpin, Lory squeeze the hairpin in her palm and the hairpin crumble into golden dust, the dust twirl in the air and transform to a lovely woman.

The white fog man's eyes bulged his mouth slightly open with disbelieved expression, the woman smiles widely at him. The other man nudged the white fog man to hold the woman, the white fog man and the golden dust woman hold each other tightly while the other man smile in content, then he approach Lory.

"Thank you.." he said with a thankful smile.

"You are Li Hui Nan?" Lory guesses.

He nod his head "I'm sorry to bother you but you are the only one who can break this long nightmare"

"Did you plan all this?" Lory asked.

Li Hui Nan shifts his gaze to Li Mo Zhen with apologetic smiles "Some of it...I do make him enchanted by the sword"

Li Mo Zhen's face frowned, no wonder even though he felt there something wrong with the sword he still takes the sword with him for a cautious person like him his behavior surely odd, turns out he was influenced by his ancestor.

"Including disturbing my dream?" Lory raised her eyebrows to pretend to be mad.

Li Hui Nan chuckles "I'm sorry about that but I need you to understand the core of this cursed and is not like you didn't gain benefit from it" he gives her a knowing smile.

"How do you know I will help Li Mo Zhen if I late your grandchild would be dead" Lory tilted her head.

Li Mo Zhen's face turns sullen what Lory said was true and this man in front of him is his ancestor, he doesn't understand why he wants to harm him.

Li Hui Nan understands Li Mo Zhen though, he slowly slides to Li Mo Zhen then he looks at Yang Xi Ying who glues herself in Li Mo Zhen arms, she look scared but curious at the same time.

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