
Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Professor Flurbans classes in monster ecology are quite popular. Not only is the content substantial, offering plenty to gain, but he is also generous with grades, which ensures his classroom is packed with students every semester.

They may act all high and mighty, pretending to be too proud for affection, but the moment youre busy and pay them no mind, they suddenly cling to you and seek attention It really baffles me how they only treat you like their owner when theyre desperate.

With his moderately long hair flowing down and his slightly unshaven chin, he presents the very picture of dandyism. No wonder hes so popular with the female students.

During class, when he senses the mood dipping, he skillfully changes the atmosphere with various anecdotes, demonstrating his seasoned teaching abilities.

Cats are all like that by nature. If you want to handle them as you wish, the best approach is to simply withdraw your attention. Im sure there are students here planning to specialize in contract summoning or handling of magical creatures When dealing with feline creatures, try it out.

Rather than forcing yourself to win their favor and befriend them, take the stance of unconcern, and surprisingly, theyll be the ones to pander to you. To be frank, dealing with this is even harder than romance.

Laughter and applause ripple through the class, signaling a successful lighten of the mood.

Well, astonishingly, the study of magical creature ecology even includes examples of feline creatures Lets see if I can pick out one such example

While student attention is high, he quickly transitions back to the main lecture content with ease. Its true that theres no match for Flurbans lecturing prowess in the field of monster ecology.

By now, Ive caught up with the entire university curriculum, and my own study progress is even ahead of the programs pace.

My once-bottom-tier grades have soared, and now, looking just at written coursework, there arent many students ahead of me. But complacency is not an option. Without a solid foundation in coursework, I wont be able to perform well in practical exams. My focus remains fixed on Professor Flurbans class.

Thats all for today. Next class, well delve into the ecological differences between gremlins and ogres. You can use volume 3 of Introduction to Magical Creature Ecology as reference material Its available at the student library, or you can obtain it through other means if you prefer.

Before ending the lecture, Professor Flurban adds one more thing as the class time flies unnoticed.

Oh, and Mr. Ed, could you come to my office after class?

Being personally called out by a professor never sounds like good news. Feeling a sense of foreboding, I considered asking for the reason, but Flurban beat me to it.

Theres been a communication from the university. Theres something Id like to discuss with you concerning the scholarship for university assistants.

A surprisingly welcome piece of news.


Do you know about the university assistant scholarship program? Aside from Anis and Leon, there are over a dozen second-year students benefiting from it.

Its the system where the students contribute to the universitys workload in exchange for a discount on tuition, right?

Yes, thats right. Youre well informed.

Despite his casual and easygoing appearance, Professor Flurban is unexpectedly polite with students, always speaking in formal language.

His surefire attitude suggests everything he does is impeccable, but one glance at his cluttered and disorganized private office begs to differ. Indeed, there seems to be no consistency to the man, neither in appearance nor in behavior. One can never tell if hes either stoic and serene, or carefree and liberal. Despite his looks, one might expect him to speak informally, yet

There has been a financial issue at the university recently, but weve managed to extinguish the immediate fire Now, we actually seem to be short-handed. Theres a proposal to recruit more university assistants, so I was considering recommending you, Mr. Ed. It appears you have the will to participate.

If it can alleviate my tuition burden, Im definitely interested.

Good. Thats also what Id recommend. Its bound to get busy with the immediate manpower shortage, but once things settle down, it will actually get easier. After all, we cant just cut loose the assistants we hire in haste; so, while you may end up dealing with some menial tasks, youd receive considerable financial benefits.

I could bridge a semesters tuition with the payment from Lortelles deal, but thats hardly a long-term solution. It sounds like the sale of The Sages Seal went according to plan. Then the question remains of what to do with the sealed book now in the hands of Elte Trading Company.

Ill need to ponder what moves to make but since Crebin wont likely sell it within a day or two, theres a bit of a breather. A visit to Lortelle does seem necessary, though.

In any case, this is an opportunity for you, Mr. Ed.

Staffing doesnt always flow with workload; even if theres an influx of workers during the busiest periods, they cant be easily dismissed once the university operations stabilize.

Thus, Professor Flurban is suggesting using this timing to secure as much of a tuition discount as possible.

He might not seem it, but hes the type of professor who pays meticulous attention to each students situation.

Is the university really that short-staffed?

Its not really something students need to worry about Nonetheless, we do have a significant gap to fill.

Interrupted by his words, I bite my tongue. The significant gap hes referring to has to be Professor Glast. Despite feeling perpetually buried in his research, he hadnt neglected his duties as a senior professor He effectively handled research work, teaching, and administrative duties all by himself.

Now, Assistant Professor Claire is handling his tasks in his stead Given her limited experience as a junior faculty member, she cant fully replace him So the university is distributing the workload among other senior professors and offering support by assigning multiple assistants.

As Professor Flurban gestures towards a corner of the classroom, a metal cage door swings open and a fawn-colored snake emerges, its tongue flicking as it slithers up his arm. I grimace but keep any complaints to myself; after all, the professor of monster ecology can surely control a snake.

Assistant Professor Claire must be struggling quite a bit. But she probably finds some comfort in the competence of the assistants she oversees.

Does that mean Ill be joining Assistant Professor Claires team?

University assistants differ slightly from general assistants. You wouldnt belong to a specific professors research lab Instead, youd be considered external support for various university activities.

What kinds of tasks will I be undertaking?

Youd deal with nearly all tasks related to university affairs. Of course, we wouldnt ask for anything too intense that it would impact your studies For instance, I sometimes need help with paperwork or assistance during field surveys.

Professor Flurban carefully examines the snakes jaw, checking if there are any health issues.

Assistant Professor Claire has taken over Professor Glasts duties So, after the end-of-semester evaluations finish, shell handle convention matters during the summer break, and towards the end, shell be responsible for the entrance exams of new students. The senior professors will help, of course.

Is that so?

Yes. So, Mr. Ed, you may end up supporting these kinds of tasks. As long as they dont interfere with your studies, youll likely engage in practical, hands-on work. And if you do encounter new students, avoid trying to assert seniority. Sensitivities are high these days. You might have to deal with quite privileged individuals.

I shake my head, indicating clearly thats not my intent. I harbor no desire to unnecessarily interact with other students beyond whats required.

I might secretly wish to make high-quality connections while at Sylvania, but I seriously doubt if I have the emotional bandwidth to focus on relationships right now.

Taely has gained adequate momentum. Initial worries notwithstanding, the characters growth is set to show an exponential surge, provided nothing extraordinary arises.

She managed to maintain the trajectory even during the tumultuous Glast skirmish, accomplishing everything despite numerous anomalies.

Now approaching the initiation of the Sword Saint Ceremony, Taely is about to make a name for herself as a true Sword Saint. Perhaps its time for me to pay attention to other matters But these thoughts are cut short by a creeping anxiety. Theres no downside to being thorough.

Especially with the new students, there are a lot of sensitive matters. Most importantly The Holy Maiden of the Telos Cult is rumored to be enrolling.

Professor Flurban sighs heavily.

Every school year has its student of interest, regardless of their prowess. For the first years, its Penny from the Clorel Empire who captures the spotlight; for next years freshmen, its Clarice from the Telos Cult.

Clarice, the heart of Telos and the final heroine of <sylvania\'s failed="" swordsman="">.</sylvania\'s>

True, the Holy Maidens enrollment is attracting all the interest, but theres also a plethora of notable figures among the new students. Now that youll be somewhat representing the university, it might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on them.

He then retrieves a document and skim-reads it. It seems the universitys faculty already share information about the key incoming students.

The university administration must feel the heat as well; an overwhelming number of prodigiously talented or well-bred students are enrolling this year, placing extra weight on the professors shoulders.

But, you know, its rare to have such an array of brilliant talents under your charge, Mr. Ed. A chance to act as senior to the likes of the only son of the Northern Border Legion Commandant, the descendant of the Catastrophe Alchemist, or a scion of the continents most powerful dynasty

Before he can finish, Professor Flurban halts, as if hes revealed too much.

Perhaps he spoke too comfortably in front of a student, a slip unbecoming of someone so shrewd. As someone disowned by my own house, this topic could be sensitive.

I glance at the report Flurban is holding. As expected, it contains exactly what I thought.

Theres no need for the professor to mind a students feelings so much But still, some things can wound a students pride.

I respond, unaffectedly:

Thats alright, Professor.

Inscribed with magic, the photograph reveals a young girl. Her luxurious golden hair embraces her upper body like folded wings.

Her keen eyes and distinct features are strikingly reminiscent of someone. Although her nobility rivals that of ducal ladies, its palpable.

It would be impossible to even call it a kind faade in jest.

Act 3, Scene 2. The student council president elections boss, known as the Lesser Evil Young Lady.

There was no need for surprise.

Tanya Rothtaylors admission was something I had been aware of from the start.


Hey. Were running low on firewood.

I doubted my ears for a moment.

Lucy, who would freely eat the jerky hung on the drying rack, lie sprawled anywhere in the camp for a nap, or occasionally stare blankly at the wind on the cabin rooftop when awake, was now suddenly making a productive comment.


Isnt it obvious that were running low on firewood?

Sitting in front of the campfire, sharpening arrows, I asked again. What was she saying?

Lucy, who had been lazily lying around as if everything in the world was bothersome, was worried about a shortage of firewood?

Winter is coming, and well run out of firewood.

Lucy sat nearby on a rock, chewing on jerky.

Well, more draped than seated based on her slouched posture.

The voice was still drowsily murmuring as usual, but the content was nothing I could ever associate with Lucy.

Well, thats true but

Lately, we hadnt been focusing as much on gathering firewood. Originally, we had planned to stockpile in preparation for winter, but I was counting on moving into Dex Hall around the winter break, so I didnt think we needed that much reserve.

Why arent you hunting these days?

Why this all of a sudden?

Youve always been so interested in my survival activities?

Managing the camp was ultimately for a long-term life in the forest. As my mind started leaning toward joining Dex Hall, I became more negligent in maintaining the camp and establishing a long-term living base than I thought.

While my decision wasnt fully made, entering Dex Hall seemed more and more appealing especially since being closer to the faculty buildings would be advantageous for a scholar student.

I considered explaining the situation in detail but doubted Lucy, who had consistently shown disinterest in me, would bother to listen.

Her consistent indifference was met with my own; nothing else seemed like a viable response.

After all, Lucy was a main character in the scenario. I had simply left her be as a natural disaster-level unpredictable variable.

If I were to join Dex Hall, my contact with Lucy, a resident of Ophelius Hall, would lessen, potentially stabilizing the scenario. That was mere speculation, of course.

Despite the puzzlement sparked by Lucys sudden question It seemed like I ought to respond somehow.

As I was choosing my words suddenly, the brush across the way rustled and a girl popped out.

Hello, Ed!

Shaking off leaves stuck to her skirt and smiling brightly, her uniform neatly arranged, and a cosmos-patterned embroidered shawl wrapped around her.

I waved my hand in response, feeling glad to see Yenika, who rarely visited the camp.

Are classes over for the day?

Yeah, yeah. The late afternoon class with Professor Mary was canceled. So, I came to take a break!

She hopped over to the campfire and put away her oak staff with its neat twirl.

Once winter break starts, I wont be able to stay in the camp either. I should come as much as I can!

As she spoke these words, Yenika looked out over the camps vista with a bittersweet smile.

Ive really enjoyed and loved my time here in this camp, knowing that its coming to an end It feels somewhat lonely.

The residence at Dex Hall isnt fully decided yet, you know? We might not even get in.

But Im using Dex Hall already. There are surprisingly many vacancies, and Im sure youll be able to move in too, Ed.

Yenika wrapped the edge of her shawl and chuckled.

I may not be able to come play at the camp much longer, but your environment is important too, Ed. If you decide to move to Dex Hall, let me know! Ill help if theres anything I can do!

I dont have much to move, really. Most of my belongings are already there.

True. The facilities will certainly be better than this shack. And since most of our classmates are at Dex Hall passing by each other, well surely see each other far more often.

Yeah, yeah. If we bump into each other at the student cafeteria, lets eat together. I tend to eat early, but if Claire cant make it, there are days when I eat alone Anyway, Ill show you around the first day. Lets meet for breakfast for sure, and the study rooms require at least two people, so if you need more people, call me, ugh, yuck. Yuck. Sorry, ugh.

As excited as she was, Yenika suddenly bit her tongue and wilted.

Realizing her own excessive enthusiasm, she shrank in embarrassment, apologizing out of context like someone remorseful the morning after a drunken rant.

Today has been full of good things for me! So I got a bit chatty, yeah! Ahaha. Ill lower the tension a bit. Mmm. Sad thoughts, sad thoughts.

End-of-semester evaluations are coming up and theres the student council elections during the break I need to train more for the high spirit contract ceremony Yep. Busy, so busy really busy

Pinching the corners of her mouth, Yenikas charming murmurs continued. I had nothing to add, so I just waited. Then, suddenly, she straightened up with an Ah, right!


She produced a crisp document from her chest.

A Dex Hall application form?

Yeah. During the application season, late submissions often get overlooked. So, its best to fill this out in advance and ponder over it.

Oh, you even took care of this for me. Thanks a lot, Yenika.

Ive filled one out before when resigning from Ophelius Hall. Its somewhat tricky to complete and the standards vary, so its a hassle to do on your own. Ive done it once, so lets fill it out together while Im here. You can keep it, and submit it whenever youre ready.

Given how stressful it could be to fill this out later, I truly appreciated her consideration. As I reached to take the form she offered


Someone suddenly interjected between Yenika and me, unanticipated.

The view was blocked by a gigantic witchs hat, but it was easy to know who it was.

Lu Lucy?

Even Yenika stuttered in surprise.

With arms outstretched, blocking the way unexpectedly, Lucy was inexplicably wide-eyed, drenched in cold sweat. Seeing this expression for the first time, I was momentarily taken aback.

Lucy had shown no interest in Yenika at all.

For the first few days, Yenika had been mindful of Lucy, but after several days of no reaction and just lying around sleeping or doing her own thing, Lucy had long become just part of the background.

Having Yenika engage in a conversation with Lucy was a rare occurrence.

Lucy, with eyes spinning dizzily, glanced back and forth between Yenika and me, the camp, the drying racks, and the campfire, then turned her gaze to the document Yenika was offering.

She reached out as if to obstruct but refrained from unleashing any magic.

Due to her contract with Glast, Lucy didnt usually misuse her powers against the members of the Sylvania Academy unless it was absolutely necessary or in an emergency. Thus, it was hard to expect magic to come from her now.

Neither did she hide her grudge against Yenika.

But without using magic recklessly and with the application form approaching as if it were a talisman to ward off evil spirits, Lucy just trembled and sweated profusely.

She backed away, bumping her head on my chest, then flung her arms towards Yenika, shouting,


She looked up at me briefly, expression mixed with confusion. She glanced back and forth between us and the camp again, her face flushed with turmoil, unable to hide it,

Do-dont take that!

Her unexpected behavior left us momentarily frozen.


Winter special lessons? Who would hold the classes since Professor Glast is absent?

Leaning over the office desk, Lortelle tilted her head as she took in the academic correspondence.

Surely someone would replace A-class lessons, I hadnt expected things to progress this swiftly.

Well, I suppose there will be some free time around the holidays So, it shouldnt matter too much.

She brushed her tied-up auburn hair and sighed deeply. The end of the academic term would be busy for both Yenika and Ed, not just for her.

As for Lucy Its likely there wouldnt be any noticeable changes.


A peculiar sensation brushed over her back.

Lortelle adjusted the knitted overcoat she wore casually and stood up from her seat to open the office window, letting the crisp air cleanse away her fatigue.

But that strange feeling persisted.

What is this? Why does it feel so ominous?

She pondered thoughtfully as she took in the late-fall panorama of Sylvania.

Winter was coming.

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