
Chapter 184 - The End and The Beginning (6)


‘Wisdom’ was a quicker way of referring to the World’s Wisdom, and it was also a kind of nickname that Henry had given it. The World’s Wisdom was one of the things he cherished the most in his life.

As Henry called the World’s Wisdom by its nickname, the staff made out of elven wood started vibrating. Then, two green stems grew from the bottom of the staff and gradually wrapped around the Wisdom like a snake. This was Wisdom\'s way of expressing how glad it was to see Henry.

Wisdom was about a head taller than Henry, which was why he liked the staff even more. Henry felt like his staff was as reliable as a Yggdrasil, a tree of wisdom that only existed in myths.

“Oh my…!”

Lore admired in disbelief as Henry skillfully handled the Wisdom.

Shortly after Henry had been executed in his previous life, all the wizards in the Magical Spire had devoted their time and effort into looking for Henry’s legacies. In particular, Wisdom was one of the greatest legacies that Henry had left behind.

However, they hadn’t been able to find any valuable objects that Henry had left behind. Therefore, the fact that the Wisdom had just appeared before their eyes was basically a miracle in itself.

Henry felt his rich mana flowing out of the Wisdom. The mana was powerful and massive, like a warm ocean.

Soon, he placed the Wisdom against his forehead and he began to slowly absorb the blue mana. Warm energy dispersed during the transfer of mana.

All the spectating wizards felt envious of Henry because it had been said at one point that the wizard who found the Wisdom would become the new head of the Magical Spire.

‘That’s right, this is what it felt like!’

Henry didn’t need to forcefully increase his amount of mana by using things like the Miracle Blue or Black Tear.

The mana stored within the Wisdom was already Henry’s to begin with, so he was just reclaiming the power he had left behind. However, this process felt so pleasant and comfortable that Henry didn’t even realize he was smiling.

As the mana from the Wisdom was absorbed into Henry’s body, it naturally passed through both of his Cores. Therefore, the mana turned from blue to an emerald color, ultimately transforming into a new, stronger type of mana.

As time passed, Henry gradually absorbed the mana faster until he finally reached the maximum amount he could have as an archmage…

‘Here it comes.’

Henry’s whole body radiated a bright light. He felt himself naturally being reborn as a 7th-Circle mage without having to be enlightened.


The bright light filled the top floor of the spire.

As the light slowly dimmed, Henry removed the Wisdom from his forehead. He then opened his eyes and he could clearly feel the newly attained seventh circle on top of the six circles that were already on his heart.

“...It worked.”

After so much time, Henry had finally achieved what he had desperately wanted ever since he had been reincarnated: to reach the 7th-Circle.

Henry shifted his gaze toward Lore Gillian, who was looking at him with a stunned expression. The former smiled and lightly shrugged.

Lore quickly closed his mouth, which had been wide open on account of his shock, and hurriedly bowed.

“...I apologize, Archmage! I acted too carelessly.”

Lore Gillian got on one knee, and as soon as he took the initiative, all the wizards behind him also knelt and apologized for their previous impudence.

Watching this, McDowell quietly asked, “Von, are wizards always this quick to admit their wrongdoings?”

"It\'s because they\'re pragmatic. Moreover, they\'re magic supremacists, so they don\'t harbor foolish egos, especially in matters related to magic."

“...Wow, I really can’t understand them. Are they not prideful at all?”

The wizards had quickly changed their attitude in such a way that most people couldn’t understand.

However, there was a reason the wizards acted in such a way. Just as Von had explained, their attitude was mostly explained by their being pragmatic.

For example, if there was a wizard that was better than themselves, they considered the possibility of that wizard helping them with their incomplete research.

Of course, Henry had been a great influence for these wizards before he had died, so their attitude didn’t stem solely from their pragmatism.

For these wizards, Henry was almost at the level of a god.

“Everyone, raise your heads,” said Henry.

Everyone had acknowledged the birth of a new archmage, and they had apologized for their insolence. Thus, Henry had no intention of reprimanding them for their past behaviors.

However, there was no longer a need to address everyone formally as he had become an archmage who reigned over all the wizards.

At Henry’s order, everyone stopped bowing and raised their heads.

Henry then called out Lore’s name, “Lore Gillian.”

“Yes, Archmage.”

“From this point on, I will continue to fulfill my master’s wishes and become the new head of the Magical Spire.”

“Of course. It’s your right.”

Lore had naturally become more polite.

Henry spoke to the wizards who were kneeling behind Lore, “If anyone is dissatisfied with my choices, now’s the time to speak up. However, just know that if any of you unreasonably disrupt the law and order of the Magical Spire, you will be severely punished.”

Upon assuming leadership of the spire once again, Henry displayed the charisma he had always possessed in his previous life.

Was it because of his charisma?

It wouldn’t have been unusual for at least one of the wizards to oppose him, but none of them objected to Henry’s decisions.

‘As all of you should.’

Henry felt very satisfied because even after a long time, he still felt powerful even though he had returned under a completely different appearance.

McDowell quietly spoke to Von again, “He really is the Grand Duke’s disciple. With just one sentence, he took control over them.”

“He’s the Grand Duke’s one and only disciple, so of course he would be able to do that!” hissed Von.

“Does this mean that the Magical Spire is on our side now?”

“Henry’s now the head, so I guess so?”

“I\'m already getting excited just imagining Arthus’ revolted face.”

“Me too.”

McDowell and Von were now delighted that they had gained unexpected power. Having a group of wizards as allies made for the most convenient advantage in warfare.

“It seems like things have roughly been sorted out.”

Henry put the Wisdom in the subspace.

“Lore, you will help me in every possible way as the deputy of the Magical Spire,” Henry commanded.

“Of course, Archmage.”

“Good, then as the head of the Magical Spire, I will assign you your first duty. From this moment, you are responsible for clearing out the entire spire.”

“What? What do you mean…?”

“It’s just as I’ve said. As of today, the Magical Spire in the imperial palace will no longer be used as the Magical Spire. So, all the wizards of the spire should prepare to move to the new Magical Spire.”


Everyone was taken aback by Henry’s shocking remark.

“Archmage, are you being serious?” asked Lore in a restless manner.

“Don’t make me repeat myself. I’m not going to change my mind.”

“B-but, Archmage, Sir Henry Morris, the first head of the spire, created this Magical Spire when he founded the empire to symbolize his ideology. It has a long, rich history…!”

“History? What kind of history does this Magical Spire have when the empire has only lasted twenty years at most?”


“Lore, this is my last time saying this. Don’t make me repeat myself. The empire no longer exists, and I intend to destroy all its remnants.”


Lore was a passionate follower of Henry Morris and he had been there when the Magical Spire had been founded. Therefore, even though he could rationally understand Henry’s decision, he still struggled to accept it with his heart.

Nevertheless, Henry’s order was firm.

“Two hours. I’ll give you exactly two hours. After that, I will blast the entire palace with magic, so if you don’t finish by then, just know that you’ll turn into ashes along with the palace.”

After reinforcing his order, Henry turned and left the spire. He had a lot to pack from the palace while the wizards prepared to move to the new Magical Spire.

* * *


“Y-yes! Duke!”

“Why haven’t we received any news yet?”

“I-I’m not sure…”

Half a day had passed, and the Imperial Ten Swords, who should’ve already come back with news of victory, still hadn’t appeared, so Arthus was naturally unsettled.

Kington Foram broke into sweat.

‘What the hell are they doing?’

At this point, they would’ve had enough time to return with the emperor’s severed head at least fifteen times.

The imperial bodyguards had transitioned into Arthus\' personal protectors, and the majority of the royal guards had also aligned themselves with him, leaving only a minimal number of guards behind to avoid suspicion.

In addition, the four knights that had advanced to the palace were from the Imperial Ten Swords, the best armed group in the empire.

‘Did something happen?’

Arthus couldn’t think of anything that might’ve gone wrong, and yet he couldn’t explain why the knights still hadn’t returned. Thus, as time went on, a sense of foreboding gradually ate away at Arthus.


“Yes, Sir.”

“Go to the palace and check what’s going on.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Kington ordered the adjutant under his command to go and find out what the situation was at the palace.

Bayron immediately took out a teleportation scroll, and as soon as he tore it, he disappeared with a flash of light.

All the nobles were waiting for victory to be announced.

Everything was ready for the coronation, including a new crown for the new emperor. However, in order to do so, they needed the severed head of Silver Jackon, a symbol that the old era was officially over.

Not long after, there was another flash of light in front of the nobles. It was Bayron with an extremely baffled look on his face.

Kington Foram was the first one to notice Bayron’s expression.

‘It can’t be!’

Kington suddenly felt that something was wrong, and this kind of hunch was always right.

Having finished his mission, Bayron got on one knee in front of Arthus and explained the situation with a grim look.

“Lord Arthus! T-the palace is gone!”


Kington raised his voice instead of Arthus.

“What do you mean?! How can the palace be gone?!”

“It’s true! By the time I got there, the imperial palace was already burnt to ashes, as if it had been bombed.”

“What did you just say?!”

At Bayron’s report, several nobles jumped out of their seats in disbelief. They all suggested that they go to the palace right away and check it with their own two eyes.

Arthus granted them permission to do so.

Everyone in the room then took out their teleportation scrolls and tore them on the spot, heading to the imperial palace.

Numerous flashes of light filled the room.

* * *

When everyone arrived at the designated coordinates, they felt like they were in a terrible nightmare.

“Oh my…!”

“How can this be…!”

What they saw were the ruins of the imperial palace, burnt to ashes.

Nobody could believe their eyes. As they stared at the remains of the palace, they could hear a shout coming from somewhere.

“O-over there!”

All the nobles looked in the direction of the shout. It seemed to have come from what used to be the Blessing Chapel. There, they found the thing they had been waiting for this whole time.

There it was, the head of Silver Jackson Edward II, the second emperor of the Eurasian Empire, who was supposed to be a symbol of the old era.

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