
Chapter 115: The Second Coming (1)

Chapter 115: The Second Coming (1)

Argh, it looks like I’ve really run out of mana now.”

Henry was used to Teleporting instead of riding a horse, and he used Teleportation to go to Shahatra as usual. Using his depleted mana gave him a severe headache.

Henry arrived at the foot of the staircase to the sun. Normally, the illusion barrier would have prevented him from Teleporting into Shahatra, but after the subjugation, Henry had received the blessing of La from the high priest Viram, which meant that he was the only wizard in the empire who was not affected by the illusion barrier.

As soon as Henry arrived, he started to absorb the mana in the sand with his luminol anklet.

‘As expected, it’s a different quality.’ The mana in the empire’s land wasn’t bad, but it couldn’t compare to the Shahatra’s soil, which had been blessed by La for a long time. ‘That feels much better.’

Henry’s headache subsided and he slowly made his way up the staircase toward Khan’s palace.

“Welcome, Lord Henry.”

It had been a couple of days since the subjugation had ended, and Herarion was busy restoring the throne and reorganizing the system.

Henry sat across from Herarion. He smiled and greeted him, “As expected, Your Majesty looks best in a Kamatra.”

“Haha, thank you. If it weren’t for you, Lord Henry, I wouldn’t have the chance to wear this Kamatra again.”

Kamatra was a robe worn by the king of Shahatra, similar to a Sutra. However, a Kamatra had a more important religious symbolism because it was the robe of a divine king.

“Have you finished the purge?” said Henry.

“I’m still punishing everyone that’s being captured.”

“Good job. In times like this, we have to set an example so that it doesn’t happen again.”

“Haha… You make me feel like a tyrant, but I still have to do what has to be done. Anyway, are you here because of what you said the other day?”

“Yes. I’m not sure if you’ve heard yet, but Count Eisen has become a marquis thanks to Your Majesty’s letter of recommendation. I have also incorporated my small merchant company into the Shonan family, so now the trade between us is official.”

“That’s good news. Have you thought about the items you wish to trade?”

“Of course. We, the Million Merchant, plan on importing the items that Shahatra sends as tributes.”


“That’s right. I plan on purchasing things like perfumes, spices, desert salt, desert ores and carpets.”

“But Lord Henry… These are all meant for the imperial family. Once the tributes are sent, there aren’t many items left to trade.”

“I see. You can only produce just enough to send as tribute and have a little extra, right?”

“...That’s right.”

“I’ll make it worth your while to give me those extras. I’ll pay three times the price of the items. Wouldn\'t that increase your profit little by little?”

“What? Three times as much?”

“Yes. The luxury goods can only be obtained from Shahatra anyway. The imperial family uses them personally, but they also give some as gifts, which are quite popular among noblewomen and girls.”

“Are our items really that popular?”

“Yes, so don’t worry about the price and if you could just focus on producing the goods using your extra profits, I will make sure to improve Shahatra’s financial situation.”

Since Henry was planning to pay three times as much to purchase the items, their retail value would increase, too. However, there was no need to tell Herarion what the profit margin would be.

Herarion laughed dispiritedly. “This… The conditions of this deal seem too good.”

“Even though this is a deal to hide our real purpose, shouldn’t we make the most out of it since we’ve already decided to trade?”

“Lord Henry, you’re incredible.”

“Not at all. How could I not repay the kindness Your Majesty has shown me?”

The trade in luxury goods would hide Henry’s true purpose: to gain power.

‘There are many types of power, and the first kind is…’

The transfer of magic.

There were two kinds of power in Shahatra. The power of gaining Aura by training in swordsmanship like the swordsmen of the empire and the power of illusion, which came from a religious source based on the belief in La. They were the only two powers used in Shahatra that precluded physical skills like archery or spearmanship.

‘Not learning magic in this age is basically a sin.’

Magic could also be said to be the only divine power bestowed by gods to humans. The wizard’s level of mastery would make a difference, but not learning magic in these developing times was a total waste of national efforts.

This was why Henry was planning to establish a second magical civilization in a place like Shahatra, where magic had not yet been developed. He would spread magic as a former archmage.

‘Shahatra is lacking compared to the Magical Spire, but since the Original Miracle Blue is in my hands and I will lead them, they will catch up to the empire in no time.’

The Magical Spire focused on daily-use magic due to past imperial policies. However, Henry wanted magic for killing to deal with wizards when he battled the imperial army in the future.

‘It’s definitely worth a try. Daily-use magic requires creating magic from scratch, but killing magic only requires learning how to use it. Besides, there’s no better place than Shahatra to secretly develop a magic organization.’

Shahatra was cut off from the outside world as much as Salgaera. As the only merchant who could enter Shahatra, Henry could organize his own magic corps while avoiding the empire’s surveillance.

“We are constantly looking for talented people to train as wizards.”

“Thank you, but that’s not urgent. You can do it while performing your official duties.”

“I will slowly fulfill the promise we made to each other.”

“Thank you.”

They got up from their seats.

“Follow me.” Herarion led the way and as he walked, the attendants and servants waiting outside followed after him.

‘I guess a king is a king.’

A king never moved on his own. Most powerful people didn’t either.

Henry was more comfortable being alone. He could solve most troublesome things with magic and he didn’t want to reveal his private life to others. It was why in his previous life, he’d refused a title.

‘I want to go back to those times.’ Henry had given up his preference in exchange for revenge, but he was waiting for the time when he could solely focus on magic research again after solving everything.

‘This time, I will make sure to reach the 9th Circle.’

Herarion arrived at a massive gate with magnificent decorations and said to the servants, “From here on, leave me and Lord Henry alone.”

“Alright, Your Majesty.”

The servants backed away. Although Henry didn’t know where he was, he was certain that it was a place that even the servants couldn’t enter. However, the servants did not show any objection to a stranger like Henry entering. This was proof that Herarion had fully taken control of the throne.

“Let’s go.”

The door opened and as they entered, another door appeared. After going through three more doors, Henry reached the entrance to the basement. There was a steep staircase, but fortunately, it was brightly lit. Hundreds of flames glowed like torches on the walls of the basement.

‘Is this kerosene?’ By the time Henry reached the bottom of the stairs, he could finally understand why this place was completely isolated from the outside. ‘This is the temple of Janus.’

His descent had revealed that he was in a temple that wasn’t the same as La’s familiar one. This place had chains and various sharp weapons hung up on the walls. It was the one and only temple of Janus, whom it was taboo to worship.

“Your Majesty, is this Janus’ temple?” asked Henry.

“Yes. All the preparations are complete. When Lord Henry is ready, we can start the ritual at any time.”

“I’m always ready. What should I do?”

“Did you bring the possession of the deceased as I asked you before?”

“Of course.”

“Please give it to me.”

Henry handed Hector’s engagement ring to Herarion.

Herarion placed the ring on the temple’s central altar and took two steps back.

“I will start the ritual now.”

Henry had required Herarion to resurrect Sword King Hector as a token of their alliance.

‘Janus controls death, so it’ll be possible to revive the dead without using black magic.’ Henry had made this guess and the hard expressions on Herarion’s and Janus’ faces when he broached the possibility made it clear that he was right.

Resurrection of the dead was taboo according to the rules of life and death. This was unethical, but it was also something that Janus’ daughter, Herarion, could overturn as much as he wanted.

Henry had to persuade Herarion to resurrect Hector because it was his only chance. However, Henry was troubled for some time even after finally getting the opportunity.

‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to resurrect Golden Jackson either.’

He was Henry’s old friend and the first emperor. He had died from the demon king’s curse. He also thought of resurrecting all of his old comrades who had died unfairly.

Henry thought of the many faces he wanted to see, but he couldn’t bring himself to face them. He also had no intentions of being disloyal to Hector just to satisfy his emotions.

‘I won’t regret my decision.’

No matter what, he wanted to take revenge on the emperor and the Three Great Families with his own hands. By this point, Herarion was performing the ritual.

“Before resurrecting the dead, I will call on the moon first. Wlrma tlrkrdms duejfq tl tktlqdh qns. rPthr dnjsrhfmf wlqvlf wnddlqslek. dmddnjsgo wntpdy!”


When Herarion cast the spell, the ceiling of the dark temple shook. It changed like a night sky with a full moon.

‘I heard he can control night and death, but I didn’t know it would be to this extent!’

A full moon appeared; it was something that even magic couldn’t conjure.

The ritual to summon the dead from the underworld, also known as the afterlife, was almost over. Herarion spread his arms under the bright moonlight and started to cast a series of spells.

“ak! dnflrk skadlrk! qufwja gka tlq wja Wlrdj ekffk dks zksk!”


There was a massive tremor that made the entire temple tremble.


Dust fell, flames swayed, and…


There was a huge gap in the moonlit sky and Henry saw a gigantic and mysterious presence emerging. He didn’t dare say a word.


It was Janus. His presence was so intimidating that even Henry was frozen in the face of that transcendent and overwhelming power. Henry stared silently at Janus, whose red eyes were shining.

Herarion presented Hector’s engagement right to Janus and the ring floated in the air, disappearing inside Janus.


A huge gust of wind blew through the entire temple and all the flames went out.

“Don’t move,” Herarion warned Henry in a sharp voice.


Tension gripped his entire body and soon…


The wind blew slowly and the breezes joined to form gray gusts that gathered to form a human figure.


A being with glowing red eyes.

It was Sword King Hector Meyer.

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