
Chapter 935 - Request

Chapter 935: Request

The Potionmaster’s Encampment was a spot that was set up outside Bay Law City by elves who were in the same industry. It wasn’t as extravagant or resourceful as Baw Law City. However, since it still accounted as the largest supplier of various ingredients throughout the whole Central Continent, the amount traded here was still quite impressive.

Other than that, some of the larger organizations also had their elven representatives here coming every day. The potion masters mainly resided in the camps already attracted elves everywhere to set up businesses in the nearby area. This way, it created an entire supply chain of potions that accounted for many potions that were needed on the Holy Continent. For the east, south, and west, three large buildings were built for the three potion masters to live inside. Now that Master Bennett was here, there would also be a new mansion situated in the northern area.

Abel came to the entrance under the help of Master Muir. White fences surrounded the entire building. On the walls of the fences, there were multiple very well-drawn runes. They were all circle runes, actually. Starting from the fences, they were protected by a larger circle originally designed to be used on intermediate circles. For Abel’s, after he added some more gemstones for mana supply. He essentially made his into a large-sized defensive circle. He wanted the most out of it, mainly because he was planning on living here for a long period of time. Apart from the parts he had already made improved, he also added another teleportation circle that he could use to connect to the Wizard Union teleportation network system on his own. Normally, the restrictions would be quite strict for the elven ones, but his application managed to go through quite easily as the circle was all built for free by the circle masters of the Wizard Union.

Why? The reason was quite simple. Since he was a potions master, he would need to teleport to enter the Wizard Union’s trading system. Neither the royal palace and the Wizard Union were going to stop him from doing that. Whatever the case was, the Wizard Union welcomed any who was a valuable member. Apart from the ones here, there would be more close-range teleportation circles nearby across each part of this building. It would help move much faster.

Master Muir asked after having taken Abel around, “Do you find this place to your liking, Master Bennett?

Abel smiled in satisfaction, “It’s great, Maser Muir!”

Abel was glad with what he was offered. Apart from the fact that there was enough space for his two followers to own their own yard, an independent building was designated for the place’s owner. Inside this particular structure, there would be a defensive circle that more of the followers would use on their own. Underneath the main building, there was an underground room that, under his personal request, was made to be as furnished as it could be. The room was made for all sorts of utility. There would be a room for brewing potions, a room for training, a room for doing experiments, and so on. There were multiple concerns about having this underground. For starters, it was better to be secretive since he had to enter the dark world every night. He was also doing this for some other purposes, which he was going to fulfill later.

“Um, Mister Bennett,” Master Muir said in a somewhat shameful manner.

Abel gave a very polite smile, “What’s wrong, Master Muir? Don’t worry. I won’t judge you for whatever it is you’re asking.”

Master Muir decided to be straightforward about it, “You’ve come to the Potionmaster’s Guild for some time already, Master Bennett, and I was wondering, well, as there’s always the need to help training more potion masters, we of the official association has always looked for masters willing to do group teachings with us....”

It was no surprise that Master Muir would be so hesitant to bring this up. Since Master Bennett was already above the other three potion masters’ ranks, many were already waiting in line for opportunities that he would give his personal guidance. That being said, it was always tough to get into contact with Master Bennett. He’d always have two of his followers wherever he went, and they would always prevent anyone from trying to interfere. For Abel, he just wanted not to give any lecturing to any fellow potion masters because, well, he didn’t really know how to teach his skills despite being so proficient at it.

Master Muir caught on quite quickly, “The group teaching happened voluntarily, Master Bennett! It’s alright if you don’t agree to it.”

Abel tried to be honest as he would, “It’s not like I don’t want to teach, Master Muir, but I’ve got to say, as someone who’s not having spent a lot of time learning the theories, I’m probably less acknowledged than most in the field in terms of the foundations. I don’t think I’d qualify much as a teacher or anything of that sort, really.”

Master Muir almost laughed at that remark, “You’re too honest, Master Bennett! Don’t worry about the content. Whatever you say, really. Many of our colleagues and people in the field would look very forward to listening to what you may have to say.”

“Huh,” Abel thought for a bit more, “How about this, Master Muir? Is it alright if you set up a spot for me tomorrow? I guess I can do a public demonstration on how to use the “natural breathing” technique. I’ll do it only for one time without any verbal explanation. Pardon me since I’m not that good at explaining things with my mouth.”

“What?” Master Muir was more than surprised, “Master Bennett! Thank you so much! I’ll be off to inform my colleagues right away!”

Given where Abel’s current potion craftsmanship level, even the three master potion masters would be here to see whatever techniques he’d offer. Everyone would take the chance if they could come here to see, actually.

Abel was still more concerned about his new residence, though, “Would the guild be offering some men available for hire by any chance, Master Muir? I do need some servant and assistants to help me with the place.”

Master Muir nodded, “Of course! Right now, we have a big group of half-elves ready to take jobs at any time. They’re totally loyal to us, by the way. You won’t have to worry about them breaking any contract.”

Most large organizations trained their own employees so that they would become trusted members of the community. For example, the wizard organization of the Wizard Union had wizard apprentices as servants. The potion master guild would adopt many abandoned half-elves from a young age to do any chore work. Most of the time, the half-elves would gladly take the jobs since they were already at the bottom of society. They were not humans, and they were not recognized as elves. On top of that, their extraordinary beauty left them subjects of all sorts of unwanted situations. This way, most of them would choose to become the elves’ servants, mainly because that was where they would be treated in a better manner.

Abel smiled and spoke, “Master Muir. Don’t worry about it. I’ll leave it to Butler Meyer and the Potionmaster Guild.”

Master Muir seemed like he couldn’t wait any longer, “Great! Great, Master Bennett! if there’s nothing else, I’ll be off to the potion master guild from here.”

Abel bowed and said goodbye, “Take care, Master Muir.”

Once Master Muir was gone, Abel decided to let Druid Gunter and Loka take Meyer to the new place. He believed that Meyer would be the perfect man to help take care of his new home. For the yard, he decided to let Bonnie be the one in charge. As for himself, he arrived at the owner’s building towards the third floor, where the entire structure was a lavish elven-style room. The main part of the building was made of stones, whereas the decorations were made of precious woods. Whether it was the stones or the woods, all sorts of plants and animals would be engraved onto them to depict the stories of ancient times. The guild did spend quite a lot of effort into making these, but Abel thought that he was going to leave it at a later time. For now, he was mainly interested in the underground basement.

The underground basement was the most important place of the entire residence. Whether it was the large-sized defensive circle base or everything else inside, it’s all set up here to ensure that they didn’t get stolen or misused by anyone else.

Anyways, he walked into the room which he asked to refurnish. He could see that the sizes of everything he asked for were made according to his own request. It was just like what he had asked the circle masters when these were made. Everything was made in a way to prepare for enhancing spirit later. These spirits’ values were obviously quite high, and they would take time to be cultivated into maturity. However, once they were fully installed, it’d be very easy for him to access all the system control-related devices that belonged to this residence. Before that, he opened the defensive circle that the owner had. Then, he searched inside Valaya’s ring with his power of the Will. He was searching for the stone house he’s got from where Wizard Malon used to live.

Having found the stone house inside Valaya’s ring, he realized that the stone house was placed fully inside the underground room.

Abel spoke to the research spirit, “Connect to all the spell circles.”

“Yes, Master. Reconnection is being built,” the research spirit responded, and after about a minute later, it continued to speak again.

“The residence’s large-sized defensive circle has been connected.

The owner building’s intermediate defensive circle has been connected.

The owner building’s seclusion circle has been connected.

All the light circles have been connected.

All the teleportation circles have been connected.

All the close-range teleportation circles have been connected.

All the sound-relaying circles have been connected!”

Followed by the series of mechanical voices saying out what’s been newly installed, the entire residence was now with a new ruler. Of course, this wasn’t the main reason that Abel had the research spirit installed in the first place. He was now reaching his full rank twenty state. If he were to make it to the next level by becoming a law-defying wizard, he would need all the information he could get to help make that process easier. A very significant premise for that to happen was that he needed to install the research spirit properly.

The research spirit originally belonged to Wizard Malon and the blizzard clan. If his understanding were correct, he would directly access all the knowledge needed to become a law-defying wizard.

Abel’s power of the Will was connected right onto the research spirit, “I would need any information you can give to me regarding promoting to become a law-defying wizard.”

The research spirit responded as it looked up the most relevant search results, “You would need the freezing bed to increase your understanding of the freezing element first, Master. Here, I have five different accounts from five different ice element law-defying wizards regarding their experience about promoting to become law-defying wizards. Please take them and read at your own discretion.”

Abel never thought that the ice bed was the key item to understanding the freezing element. He became hesitant because, honestly, he would prefer becoming a lightning element law-defying wizard over becoming a freezing element law-defying wizard. He was truly privileged, whichever he chose, really. Most rank twenty wizards struggled to make the right effort to become law-defying wizards, and it was the same even if they worked directly for the Wizard Union.

For the blizzard clan, too. To have access to using the freezing bed, they had to contribute greatly even to touch it. Why else would Wizard Malon let someone other than himself use it in the first place? It was the same for just any other wizard organization, really. The Land of Lightning Fall was a special area reserved for only the top members of the lightning clan. Abel didn’t really have to concern himself with that, however. He was a prodigy, and it was only a matter of time before he could gain special access to reaching the Land of Lightning fall to attempt promotion.

Nevertheless, he was blessed with the blue dragon’s body to harness the freezing element. It would be perfectly fine if he would choose to become a freezing element law-defying wizard. He also had the freezing bed right beside him. He did have all the conditions required to attempt becoming a freezing element law-defying wizard. Still, it just seemed like a much more attractive idea to become a lightning element wizard because the lightning element was the truly notorious one that was feared throughout the entire central continent.

“Whatever,” he thought to himself, “For now, I’ll just read them and see if I get to return to the Land of Lightning Fall.”

It was the logical thing to do. He could only choose if he could choose either. To make sure that becoming a freezing element law-defying wizard was possible, he started reading the five accounts that the other law-defying wizards wrote before him. From what he could gather, personal accounts were much more valuable than some of the promotion guidelines that were on the market. Unlike the very vague guidelines, these actually helped wizards in similar conditions understand some of the specific errors that would occur.

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