
Chapter 685 - Commander Spiri

Chapter 685 Commander Spiri

Abel soon realized maybe he could use magic again in this place. A magic pattern flashed on his palm, and a little firebolt emerged, illuminating his surroundings.As soon as he saw what was in his surroundings, his previous thoughts had been confirmed. He really was in some kind of dumping ground, and he had been thrown here just like rubbish.

Abel tried to recall how this happened. He had just struck the energy wall a few times before a massive force suppressed him. Afterwards, he ended up here. It seemed like that energy wall could not be struck for fun.

However, the main thing he needed to do now was to find a way out. He looked around. There was no exit. The entire place, including the ceiling, was stacked with rocks.

All the rubbish was directly teleported here, but what would happen if this place was full?

A chilly breeze suddenly swept against Abel’s heart. There were many methods to take care of rubbish: burning, decomposing, but nothing single gentle method.

“White Snow!” Abel suddenly remembered so he quickly connected with it through the soul chain. Afterwards, he got the message that White Snow was still in the orc god ceremony dimension.

After Abel calmed White Snow down and told it not to worry; he began to find a way out.

Abel was not worried about getting hungry. Other than the food in his portal objects, he could also enter the Dark World. There would be more than enough blue howling rabbits to provide food for him there. If that didn’t work, he could also plant some crops with the seeds in his portal bag.

However, dwelling here was not a solution; he had to find a way out.

“Anyone?” Abel yelled.

Just as expected. No one.

However, Abel knew that there had to be something governing this place. Maybe it was the orc god those orcs were talking about, or maybe..

An idea suddenly struck Abel. He always had that ancient headmaster identity card in his portal bracelet, he just never had the chance to take it out since the orc god ceremony dimension was magic forbidden.

A while ago, battle fort 03 spirit realized he had the headmaster identity card after taking it out of his portal bracelet.

This meant that an ancient sight’s spirit could not spot an identity card when it was in portal objects. His intuition told him that the power of orcs alone could not control this mysterious place.

All he needed to do was to take out that headmaster identity card. If the orc god governed this place, then he had come to the wrong place.

As soon as Abel took that ordinary looking headmaster identity card, it began to glow and soon began flashing.

After 2 seconds, a massive force gently grabbed his body and he vanished from the dumping ground in a flash of white light.

This teleportation was night and day compared to the previous one. This massive force had treated him so gently, it was almost like it was horrified at the idea of hurting Abel. There was not a single sense of suppression like the previous one.

Abel landed once again. He was in an office, an extremely strange looking office. It’s style was completely different from anything in the Holy Continent. It had a touch of primitive simplicity to it.

“The prestigious head master. Please forgive me. I had almost killed you, your majesty!” A crispy female voice emerged, but Abel could not tell where it was coming from as it was coming from all directions at once.

The voice had just spoken in an ancient elite elven language. Abel was one of the very few who could understand this language.

Abel knew he had won the gamble as soon as he heard the voice call him head master. This was the ancient sight, and the spirit had recognised his identity.

“It’s ok, I know you didn’t mean it. What’s your name?” Abel felt his heart lifted and casually replied in the ancient elite elf language.

“I am the battle fort commander spirit. This is alternate base no.7!” The crispy female voice replied.

The battle fort commander spirit. The commander of all ancient spirits. It was Abel’s target all along.

“Is the orc god here?” Abel suddenly remembered that he was still in the orc god’s place. How come it had become an ancient sight?

“The orc god is only a powerful orc. It injured itself badly while trying to break through to a higher level. It was in base no.7. A long time ago, the energy in the base was about to be used up, so I took the opportunity and captured it to provide energy for the base. Due to that capture, the base had used up most of the puppets and all other remaining ones had stopped working due to the lack of resources.”

Abel didn’t expect the orc god to be actually real. But that thing was quite an embarrassment as a god. It had been captured as an energy source; it seemed like a powerful being like that should be quite a good battery.

“Is the orc god still alive?” Abel continued.

“The orc god had provided energy for the base for 1200 years and died!” The commander spirit replied.

“What about the orc god blood?” Abel asked again.

“Even though the energy of the orc god’s body had disintegrated, it’s life force still remained in it’s blood. Therefore, I distributed it in the challenger ground and used the name of the orc god to lure energy for the base.” The commander spirit replied again.

Things became clear to Abel. This base no.7 was running out of energy, so it had captured the orc god. After it had used up all of its energy, it had used its remains as bait.

It had used the orc god name to create the orc god ceremony. Every 10 years it could give out some useless condensed death qi, the so-called perfect gem, for bait to attract the orc to sacrifice.

Abel had a feeling that this battle fort commander spirit was a lot more intelligent than those so-called intelligent beings such as humans. It had set up such an immaculate show, tricking the orcs to sacrifice for thousands of years.

“My contracted beast is still in the challenge ground. Bring it back to me!” Abel suddenly remembered White Snow.

“Yes, head master!” The battle fort spirit replied.

White light then flashed next to Abel. As the light faded, White Snow emerged. Luckily this office was quite big, it could contain it.

White Snow rubbed its head against Abel in excitement and began chirping to express its worry.

Abel gently patted its neck to comfort it.

“Commander Spirit, is there any useful stuff in this base?” Abel asked, this was the reason he wanted to find the ancient sight in the first place.

“Head Master Majesty, this is an alternate base. All the usable puppets had been damaged. There are 21 drops of orc god blood, and the death qi operating challenge ground could form 50 top level death qi crystals every 10 years!” Commander Spirit told Abel the condition of base no.7.

Abel was disappointed. He thought this place would at least have some gears for the battle fort, so he could be fully equipped. But it seemed like his dream had been broken.

Still, he had now connected with the commander spirit. Finding more ancient sights should be a lot easier from now on.

“Head master majesty. The most valuable thing is this base itself. Although it is an alternate base, it was the newest one. Also it had never stopped operation, so it might be the most well preserved base out there!” The commander spirit sensed Abel’s disappointment, so it replied.

“What would happen if the energy stopped? The base will disappear?” Abel asked in confusion.

“Headmaster majesty. All base are made by grasping the fragments of dimension. Once it loses its energy, the magic circle in the base will stop working. Then, the base will be swallow up by a chaotic dimensional force!” Commander spirit explained.

Abel could basically understand what it was saying. However it was stunned by how powerful the ancient people were. They could control the fragments of dimension to make a base, and the wizard nowadays couldn’t even grasp a dimensional force, let alone control a fragment of it.

“Can this base move?” Abel asked in excitement.

“Head master majesty. That is unnecessary; all you need to do is to use a portal and you can directly teleport here.”

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