
Chapter 640 - Identity Card

Chapter 640 Identity Card

As Abel moved his fingers, a strange pattern emerged from the little box. As his finger kept moving, more and more patterns appeared.When the entire pattern emerged, Abel lifted his finger from the box. The pattern began to glow and then disappeared. After, the box automatically opened.

“Finally!” Abel shook his head. The function of things passed down from ancient times was totally different. Abel had to spend time to figure it out by himself.

Luckily his processing ability had been enchanted by the piece of world stone. After half a day, he had managed to open the box.

He curiously gazed turned towards it. What could it be? What could possibly need such a complicated pattern to protect?

There was a strange sign inside. He could not tell what that sign was made out of, at least at that moment.

At first sight, that sign looked very simple, but upon closer inspection, it was actually filled with countless tightly drawn little patterns. Among these patterns, there was an eye-catching embossment on a hammer.

No matter which century, a hammer had always signified power. Looking at that embossment and those patterns, the owner of this sign must be extremely prestigious.

“Ah!” Abel suddenly discovered a tiny pattern that he knew quite well. It was the owner recognition pattern on the battle fort. The information the battle fort no.3 had given him had something to say about this.

He placed his hand on the owner recognition pattern and shifted his power of the will into it. A flash of white light emerged from that sight, and a message emerged.

He immediately knew what this sign was. It was an identity card. It was an identity card passed down from ancient times. Because of the pattern on that little box, this identity card was not corroded by the passing of time. It was still in good condition.

This identity card belonged to the guardian of an ancient domain. In the message, there was a rough map of that ancient domain and its location.

Abel stared at the map, but he felt his brain hurt. Time had changed; the land of today was completely different from the ancient time.

Still, Abel believed it was probably located in the deep center of the orc empire. Abel had not closely examined the map of the orc empire yet, but he roughly knew the terrain.

In order to pinpoint exactly where this domain was in the Orc Empire, Abel had to examine the map of the orc empire in detail.

Since this ancient identity card had now recognized Abel as its owner, he put it away along with the portal finger joint. He did not have too much interest in those bone made portal objects, but the space inside was way too big to let it go to waste. He had to give it to his spirit guardian knight.

The sky was getting dark, and stars began to shine. Calmness arose within Abel’s heart.

Who knew, a person could peacefully enjoy the night sky in the orc battlefield.

Suddenly, he heard the sounds of mount wolves. Although there was a thick layer of skin on their paws and their steps were extremely quiet, Abel could still recognize them after interacting with mount wolves for so long.

Afterward, the footsteps of large creatures and sounds of skeletons moving followed.

This reminded Abel of the team of 10 orcs guarding the battle drum. From the sounds, Abel could tell it was exactly 10 mounts, 2 of them were grey bears,and all the other ones were mount wolves. Also, there were skeletons summoned by the 4 intermediate priests.

It seemed like that team of 10 orcs was catching up to Abel.

Afterward, he saw a few pairs of eyes shining like crystals in the dark. It was the special glow of the eyes of mount wolves.

“Careful, I smell something powerful!” A head wolf rider captain lowered his voice. But in the quietness of the night, Abel could hear his words very clearly.

They had found him through smell. But Abel did not leave anything on the battlefield, how could those wolf riders know his smell and track him down?

“Search carefully. This place has the smell of the orc battle drum. See if there are any traces or items leftover. If there is, there is no way that wizard can escape from us!” A head wolf rider captain said to his other 3 teammates.

Abel did some quick math in his heart. He should be able to win if he directly unleashed an attack on 4 head wolf rider captains and 2 bearmans, which specialized in defense.

However, he was not too sure with 4 intermediate priests together. The scariest thing about priests was their curses and enchantments. Although their skeletons’ spell attacks were quite powerful too, those single attribute attacks couldn’t do much to Abel.

Their double layer of defense was created by their bone armor, and that mud monster was enough to counteract 2-3 strikes from Abel. Abel might be at a disadvantage if he was fighting those 10 orcs at once.

He would only be confident about wiping out this team of orcs if he could find a chance to kill at least 2 priests simultaneously.

Up to this point, he unleashed the ‘cape of shadow’ from his rune word helm again. A patch of black clouds emerged, blinding the sight of those 10 orcs. However, just when Abel was about to attack, those orcs made a simple move, and the black clouds faded.

As that black cloud was emerging, those orcs simultaneously threw out a bone pearl. To those extremely powerful orcs, this was like a walk in a park. After long years of experience and working together, they knew each other’s position in their formation very well.

Those bone pearls were what made the black clouds fade in a flash. This was the weakness of the “cape of shadow’, even a tiny spell could defuse it.

Normally this spell was very powerful against unintelligent creatures, it could make them lose their sight and control.

However, Abel had already used the Cape of shadow on those wolf riders before. Since Abel had used this spell when he stole the bone made drumstick from the worgen, the orcs had discovered the loophole of this spell.

“Who said the orcs were stupid!” Abel blamed his heart. He had been spotted. Luckily he was still in the barrier circle and did not get spotted directly.

“He is here, defense, defense!” A head wolf rider captain yelled, and the 2 bearmans lifted up their shields.

White light flashed in the hands of those priests at the back, and a patch of teeth made out of death qi flew out. The 4 priests cast this teeth spell towards in all directions. They weren’t trying to do damage; they just wanted to know where Abel was.

This method was extremely effective. A watery white glowing energy shield emerged 20 meters from their attack, counteracting their flying teeth.

“Hold them down!” Since Abel was by himself, he could expose some of his true power. As long as he killed all those orcs, no one would know.

Up to this point, he placed his hand in his chest and a glow emerged from his monster ring. A black portal appeared in front of him and 8 fully equipped spirit guardian knights stepped out the first time in the orc battlefield.

Abel closed the barrier circle. Although this barrier circle had a level of protection, it would be destroyed by those orcs in 1 or 2 seconds anyway, so it was better to put it away before it fought.

As soon as the barrier circle faded, those 10 attacking orcs suddenly realized they were not facing only 1 wizard, but 8 knights as well.

The scent of those 8 knights was extremely strange, and a weird look emerged on those orc priests’ faces. They were confused by those knights’ identity since their scent was way too familiar.

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