
Chapter 636 - A Temporary Farewell

Chapter 636 A Temporary Farewell

The night was very quiet. It was during Summer, so there wasn’t even the need to make camp. They didn’t even have to worry about the mosquitoes. Bugs couldn’t feel comfortable being in a place with this much death qi.Everyone got up during sunrise. It was the head knight’s commanders that were doing patrols last night, so they all felt comfortable taking their naps. Even K3308 had a good sleep.

While breakfast was getting prepared, Abel walked towards Head Commander Edi.

“I’m thinking about moving on my own,” Abel said.

“No!” Head Commander Edi said immediately, “I am not abandoning any allies!”

Abel insisted, “It is me that they are targeting. It’s very obvious now. Now that the sun has come out, they’ll be sending more scouts to come after the mount wolf king I have. We can’t be lucky every time, you know.”

Head Commander Edi did not change his mind, “Since you are in this team, K3516, you’ll have to be under my protection before you head back to Miracle City. You are a very powerful man. We all know that, but you must take some break as well. They’re still nine days before we can head back.”

Abel replied, “I’ve got plenty of ways to hide from the orcs. Besides, it’s not like you need my help that much. With so many wizards here, it’d be an ideal choice to let me elsewhere.”

Abel was now a major target of the orcs. Now, if there was the need to, Head Commander Edi could always call for reinforcements, but it’s not like reinforcement would always come in time. Head Commander Edi knew this, so he went silent for a bit.

After a bit of thought, Head Commander Edi called towards the other men.

“Hear me, men! K3516 here just proposed to move on his own. If any of you have something to say about that, please do!”

Head commander Bodley raised his sword, “Sir K3516? If that’s what you’re planning to do, take me with you!”

“Same thing here. Take me as well!” K3305 also said.

K3308 called out, but his head was pressed down by Head Commander Markham, “Yeah, yeah! Bring me, K3516! We’ll share lots of military points together!”

Head Commander Markham said apologetically, “K3308 and I will be staying. Forgive us for that.”

Abel laughed and said, “Friends, friends! Please, it’s not like I’m leaving forever, is it? I’m just going to hide for a bit until the orcs lost sight of me. I’ll be back as soon as they leave.”

As for Head Commander Markham’s, where he stood was pretty clear already. So far, K3308’s real identity had been a mystery, but it was Head Commander Markham’s role to act as his bodyguard.

Head Commander Bodley was not backing down, “Sir! You need at least one head commander with you! Who’s going to protect you in your sleep?”

Abel smiled, “Uh, you can stay here, Bodley. Just look after K3308 with Markham and K3305. It’d be really great if you can do that for me.”

K3308 was not very satisfied to hear this, “You looking down on me now, is that it? Let me remind you, K3516! I’ve got my own mount wolf. I’ve got my own portal bag rune sign. If someone wants to do something to me, they’ll always regret it the moment they did so!”

Instead of saying anything back, Abel took out a skeleton gemstone sword and a magic shield from his portal bag.

“Here, Markham,” Abel said as he passed these to Head Commander Markham, “Give them back when this mission’s done. Same for you two. K3305. K3308. Give me the passive defensive magic items back later.”

It didn’t take Head Commander Markham long to realize what these weapons were. It was the same as the ones Head Commander Bodley had. With these on, he could increase his overall ability by 30% more.

“Thank you so much, Sir Wizard K3516!”

Head Commander Bodley spoke, “As you wish, Sir K3516. I won’t stop you if you’ve already made up your mind. Please, though. If you sense any danger, remember to contact us immediately.”

Head Commander Edi finally spoke, “Take care, now, K3516.”

“I will!” Abel said. When he was about to leave, Head Commander Edi came up to him again.

Head Commander Edi said with a serious look, “There’s something I need to tell you, K3516.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“I know that you are confident in your own abilities, but please, out of the many ways you can use to fight against the orcs, do not use anything that is on the same power level as an advanced wizard!”

Abel wasn’t sure if he should listen to Edi, “Why? Is the miracle spirit going to find out if I do?”

Head Commander Edi explained, “If you want to finish your service on the battlefield, K3516, you must never do such a thing. If you do, you’ll be instantly disqualified from doing any mission.”

Abel had no choice but to obey, then. Come to think of it; he had a lot of things that were on the same power level as an advanced wizard. There was Johnson, Flying Flame, the hanging fort 03, and many, many other things.

“So, what if they send advanced priests?”

Head Commander Edi explained, “If they do, the miracle spirit will contact the advanced wizards in all human cities. It’d be really fast before they come to help. Everything will be on record, so don’t do anything that’s going to go against you.”

Instead of saying anything, Abel bowed towards Head Commander Edi. Then, after jumping on his mount wolf king’s back, he left the whole team and went on his own.

Head Commander Edi said to the rest of the men, “You are all very lucky to be his friends. It must be really nice to have him watch your backs.”

“Ha, ha! You’re right about that one!” Head Commander Bodley laughed.

Head Commander Edi was right. Almost everyone here had something good from Abel. Bodley got a magic sword and a magic shield. K3305 got two fresh spiritual beast cores. K3308 and Markham had their lives saved multiple times. And every time Abel did something to them, he never really asked for anything in return.

For Abel, he just preferred having some time to himself. It’s a way of being he’s cultivated during his time in the Dark World. Instead of fighting with others, he had been a lone wolf that faced his own challenges.

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