
Chapter 565 - Mission Hall

Chapter 565 Mission Hall

Abel teleported back to his accommodation through the teleportation station of the Miracle wall. As soon as he stepped out, he felt his military card vibrating again.“K3516, emergency mission completed. You are rewarded 2 war glory!”

Abel had gotten 17 war glory in just one short day. Getting 200 war glory was a lot easier than expected. Abel thought to himself as he took out a few gems from his portal bracelet and ignited the protection circle of his room. He then also ignited the protection circle of the yard as well.

At that moment, his military card vibrated again. He focused his power of will on it. It was a call from k3305.

“K3526, are you free? I take you for a walk!” k3305 said.

“I’m just thinking of finding someone to explain the things around to me; thank you so much!” Abel replied.

“I’m by your door–just come out!”k3305 said with a smile.

Since there was still some time till dinner, it was a perfect time for a look around. Since k3305 was happy to help, it would save Abel a lot of time.

He opened the door. k3305 was waiting for him, so he quickly stepped up and bowed, “k3305, I hope you didn’t wait too long!”

“No worries. We are basically brothers on the battlefield!” K3305 said with a big laugh.

Other than the row of 10 houses which Abel and k3305 were living in, there were also 2 types of accommodations. The two of them arrived at another row of houses, and they were clearly a lot smaller than the ones in area A.

“This is area b, it has 20 houses in total. Area a is hard to register in, so area b is the most in demand. Most people who live here are long term wizards; there are not many wizards like us that just attend a 3 years only battle of the orcs mission living here!” K3305 explained as he pointed at the houses.

Abel couldn’t really understand what was so different about area a and area b. Other than the size, they basically looked the same. However, the wizards here seemed to care about it a lot.

Abel was still confused about how he got his a09 house. Was it because of his Grandmaster Blacksmith status or because he had been innocently attacked? He had never lived in another accommodation around here, so he couldn’t compare it to anything.

Then, they walked across another street. k3305 pointed at a patch of houses not far away and said, “That’s area c; it has around 100 houses. Most wizards are living there!”

Abel could see that those houses had the same style as the ones in the training camp. Suddenly he realized.

“K3305, are these houses different because of the short distance teleportation circle?”

“You realized? Only area a and area b have short distance teleportation circle. This area can only use the public teleportation circle, and it’s often very cramped!” K3305 said with a smile.

The material to build a teleportation circle was very precious. This camp had built 30 teleportation circles just on the accommodation for wizards alone. That was quite a big budget!

But this made sense considering that the Miracle City would organize emergency missions. They needed the most powerful wizards in the camp to teleport to the Miracle wall as soon as possible, so only the most powerful wizards could live in those 30 houses.

K3305 then pointed at a stand alone building and said, “K3516, this is the inventory. If you want to exchange some training resources or magic items, you can come here. You might also want to get a servant to help you out with your day to day; they can also provide help with that!”

“I’m just in need of a servant!” Abel nodded. He didn’t want to buy groceries or take care of his backyard by himself. A servant would save him a lot of time.

“The servants here are quite good; they were specially cultivated by the Miracle City ever since they were young!” K3305 continued to smile. He then looked around and followed, “Of course you can choose a female servant as well, but you need to pay with war glory, not gems!”

Abel didn’t even have time to rest normally, so he would not have time to think about stuff like this. He guessed this service was tailored towards older wizards.

Although Wizards were known for being lonely, in a place like Miracle City, where a large number of young official wizards in their prime gathered, most of them could not tolerate this loneliness.

“I only need a male servant to help me do some housework. I need time for training. Did you get a female servant?” Abel jokingly said to k3305.

“I’m just like you. A female servant will drag down my training. I never heard of a flirty elite wizard!” k3305 replied with a laugh. From this, Abel could tell his goal was to become an elite wizard.

Abel picked out a male servant called Peman from the inventory. The gems he had used were his old spoils of war. By that point, he realized he shouldn’t take out the ones he combined with the Horadric Cube so easily.

Those gems could be used as energy, but not for trading. The things combined through his Horadric Cube were too pure. It could increase the power of a magic weapon massively.

Peman was only 20 years old, an energetic youngster. He had the skill of a level 4 knight already, which basically considered as extremely gifted for a normal person.

The gems he would get from serving Abel could help him exchange resources, which could maximize his potential as a knight in the future. It was not a bad look to become a Wizard’s servant–especially for a warrior like him. Sometimes even a rank 6 knight would become a Wizard’s servant.

Wizards had the wealthiest occupation in the Holy Continent. Other than money from the country, they also had other sources of income. Although some gems might not mean much to a Wizard, it was a lot for other occupations.

Just look at the difference between a magic staff and a Knight’s magic weapon. They were a least a few times more valuable, even if they were the same rank. Everything a wizard owned was extremely expensive.

Because of this, even the poorest wizards were a lot wealthier than any other occupations.

After Abel had told Peman what to do every day and gave him some permission to his house, he left the inventory with k3305.

K3305 led about out of the wizard camp and came across a giant structure “k3516, our next destination is the most important: Mission Hall!”

“Is it true that I can get this battle of the orcs mission done sooner if I accept more missions and get more war glory?” Said Abel looking at the giant structure.

“Yeah, all you need is 200 war glory. It’s not easy, though. You can’t do it with just your abilities!” K3305 could sense what Abel was thinking, so he said with a laugh.

There were a lot of people in the mission hall. Abel realized there were more head commanders than normal knights, and barely any intermediate wizards.

There were 2 stand alone mission boards in the center of the hall.

“The mission board on the left has missions set by the Miracle Spirit. The one of the right is set by individuals. Just take a look if you want to know. It’s so hard to get done with the battle of the orcs mission early!” K3305 said, pointing at the left mission board.

Abel focused on the content.

“Miracle Wall guarding mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 20. 10 war glory as a reward. Once a year.

Orc Empire hunting mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 20. 10 war glory as a reward.

Miracle Wall magic pattern etching mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 20. 10 war glory as a reward.

Clean up mission: orcs gathering discovered 20 miles out, city building. Slots: 100. 5 war glory as a reward; extra if an orc is killed.

Miracle City patrol mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 10. 10 war glory as a reward.

Rune card making mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 10. 10 war glory as a reward.

Potion making mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 10. 10 war glory as a reward.

Weapon repair mission. Duration: 1 month. Slots: 10. 10 war glory as a reward.”

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